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Posts posted by KLLund

  1. I am glad to hear that the All Stars is on again tonite too..it was on at 6pm here and I didn't realize it .. I will go look up the time and set the tivo right now!

    I have high hopes for this season .. there were several things I liked last night although I must say what a way to get them started .. Red Carpet ensembles the first night!!!

    And whoever said they sent the right one home was exactly right based on last nights designs.. although the nightgown for the runway designer was way off base as well.

  2. With a cruise coming up in just over a week it has been a very busy couple of days ... but I want to say


    I love the reviews you have done and the insights you give us and the secret dish . It has made PR much more interesting !!!

  3. I think all of these collections were interesting .. but there could only be one winner. I think Leanne was a fair choice .. but I agree with others that said her collection was a bit one note (in fact the two dresses of beige/tan and white that were together in order made me look twice to see what was different).

    As an older but still stylish ( I hope ) woman .. I would wear Korto's designs before the others .. BUT only the long gowns .. she didn't design a single short gown that moved me or that came even close to a knee .. the older part of me just can't do that short.

    I love the vintage look .. but I truly didn't see anything in Kenley's collection that I longed to own .. I did at moments during the show .. so I will continue to watch her.

    Now that the show is over, It will be interesting to see what our local fashion scene offers on Leanimal .. and if her line will be available anywhere locally.

  4. Leanne in Portland, Or is not as easily connected to a fashion hub, however, Portland is a pretty sophisticated city, and she's near enough to Seattle, San Francisco, and LA, so that even if she doesn't win, she can start a small business and get some clients/visability in the west coast, and as her business grows, retailers in other parts of the country will see her things. Additionally, she's single and could get a job in LA or NY if she wants.


    Color me stupid .. I thought those pleats looked familiar but I never put that together .. Leanne is Leanimal ...



    She has been featured in Portland Magazine and on Ultra which is the local fashion scene publication. Sigh .. back to my cave I guess .. LOL

  5. i didn't like what she did this week .. but I just know I would spend way more than my allowance to own this dress





    I think Korto will be commercially successful.

    I like Leanne's pleats ..and Kenley has some clever vintage updates ..

    I just think all of them will do well after this show.

  6. Hmmm .. Leanne's dress was lovely from the front .. but I just don't see somebody framing my butt in ruffles and then hanging blue toilet paper from it .. all I could think was ICK when I saw the back.

    Jerell's dress was lovely .. but it would have been lovlier if it had the more finished look as Jane pointed out.

    Kenley is Kenley and I like some of her designs 9not so much this particular one)... I mean one would wear the clothing and the possibility of having to put up with the designer is remote .. but she is like fingernails on a chalk board to watch ..

    Korto .. Again .. loved this gown. I would love to see it in a deeper shade though .. just my preference.

  7. Nothing like spending a Sunday morning with my cup of coffee and wonderful pictures of fabulous ships !!

    Our first Cruise was our honeymoon in 1999 on the American Queen from New Orleans to Natchez and back .. loved it but I wanted the ocean under our feet ...

    Next year we sailed on the lovely Crown Odyssey while she was still with Orient Lines .. from Athens through the Greek Isles to Istanbul and I was hooked!!

    Fabulous thred John!!!

  8. Nothing like spending a Sunday morning with my cup of coffee and wonderful pictures of fabulous ships !!

    Our first Cruise was our honeymoon in 1999 on the American Queen from New Orleans to Natchez and back .. loved it but I wanted the ocean under our feet ...

    Next year we sailed on the lovely Crown Odyssey while she was still with Orient Lines .. from Athens through the Greek Isles to Istanbul and I was hooked!!

    Fabulous thred John!!!

  9. I wonder if the show is partly a victim of its own success. Most of the people on the show are actual designers with aspirations of getting somewhere in the fashion industry (if they haven't already....and some of them have). They are smart enough to have watched past seasons and probably don't want to come off as the "spoiled brat" or the "temperamental diva" or whatever, because that might hurt their future chances of a job....

    I don't think Kenley got that memo !!


    A lot of these could be good for cruises...

    Does anyone see any that they might wear (minor changes allowed;)) on a cruise?

    I need to go with None of the above .. although Korto has designed some things through the season that would be Fabulous on the high seas !!

  11. I thought Jerell's design looked fabulous when she was moving in it and the total transformation was the best this week .. I think the Photo is not good .. It almost looks ill fitted.

    Korto's was amazing again .. I really loved the style of the jacket.

    I disagreed with the Judges on the jacket on leanne's design except to say that she was designing for an elementary school teacher and not for the School Board position. Lovely though.

    I love vintage as much as anyone .. and much more than some .. but I just don't get Kenleys take on it .. I didn't like her what does Tim know attitude .. but I will give her points for paying attention to the fact that she was going to be a buyer .. we will just assume not at Saks or Nieman.

    Joe's was boring ... I would have worn that to my early accounting jobs in the 70s and Suede just blew it .. either could have gone ..

  12. Thank you again Barb .. this was a fabulous review .. I do wish you were going with us 10/27 as Karen said .. and I promise there will be reviews and pictures etc from that one .. perhaps not as well done .. but there will be something.

    I like the opinion part .. so true and such good advice !!!

    And by the way .. I have one granddaughter and 9 .. yep 9 grandsons .. sigh .. god must think I have patience too ..

    again Thanks

  13. [B][I][COLOR=seagreen]Dh watched this with me tonite .. and at the final runway he said "you would wear that, wouldn't you" he was referring to Leann's dress .. and after I looked at it several times .. the man knows me ... [/COLOR][/I][/B]
    [B][I][COLOR=#2e8b57]What was Blaine thinking ??????? and How did Kenley survive this one. Ok I didn't like Terry's attitude and that may have been the biggest factor tonite because I didn't think it was that bad.[/COLOR][/I][/B]
    [B][I][COLOR=#2e8b57]Joe was a surprise .. and I still Like Korto. [/COLOR][/I][/B]
    [B][I][COLOR=#2e8b57]Very interesting challenge. [/COLOR][/I][/B]
  14. [B][I][COLOR=seagreen]Oh . ... Leannes contribution .. that dress is nice .. very like the black one in the DVF collection .. but dang I want that jacket .. I thought that was totally awesome ... [/COLOR][/I][/B]
    [B][I][COLOR=#2e8b57]Ok I am sure not given the restraints of the show she would have used a different fabric .. and I don't really like the two fabrics together .. but the compositon of that jacket .. and say put with some of those amazing DVF trousers .. NOW we are talking !!![/COLOR][/I][/B]
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