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Posts posted by JEDIKNIGHT

  1. That is basically my point and you essentially understood and agreed with what I was saying, but I was able to express that without putting down those who do economize.


    Happy Sails to You


    OOOEEE :D:D Bob and Phyl


    And those who economize didn’t NorthFace and Ugg themselves into credit-card servitude and teach their kids the same materialistic ways.


    Theres plenty of people who can outspend the double-income-whatever crowd in an instant. But they don’t have to put down those who are thrifty.


    Big difference between wealth, and income.

  2. [quote name='HickoryShampoo']Our first time, we didn't know what to do with him. He booked our specialty restaurants and served us dinner one night. Last time, she had iced tea for us every afternoon (without asking; she just knew!), handled our laundry and served our dinner the final night. We're low-maintenance I guess.[/QUOTE]

    Just curious, you said ‘he’ and then ‘she’. Does X have lady butlers?

    I know I’ll get in trouble for this because there’s no way to say it without sounding piggish….but I’d feel uber weird having a woman butler…I guess i’d just feel terrible asking her to do stuff for me and I don’t know why I’m like this. I’ve enjoyed past butlers, used their services pretty well, tipped pretty well, and all was fine. But when I see a woman having to do stuff for me…be it a waitress at a restaurant or whatever, I feel bad. LOL at the grocery store if I have heavy groceries, I purposely don’t use the line with a female cashier because I hate seeing her have to lug the gallons of milk.
  3. Hello PHX….I think I remember you here from years ago when I was active on this forum. Nice to see you and thanks for chiming in. Totally agree….PH on M class is amazing. Our last PH on Summit, I’ve got a video of DD running around the balcony and the wake behind us. I still chuckle….that’s the closest I’l come, to feeling like my surname is Kennedy or Rockefeller, lol. Also agreed…it’s tough to give up. Luckily with God’s grace and decent business life, we’re able to do it for now.


    Thus far MDR has been nice for us but if I find a decline, we’ll look into Blu for sure. Will also be nice to do a ‘sit down’ breakfast at Blu also.


    Really hoping the whole experience is equal to what I remember form a few years ago. Hoping that X continues to be “home” for us vis a vis cruising.





    The Penthouse on the M Class Ships is an incredible experience. We have done it on the Summit, the Millennium and Infinity. The only cautions is that once you have done it, it is very hard not to keep doing it. It is like staying in a grand apartment. It has a great riding room with a table that seats 8, a beautiful living room with a baby grand player piano, a bedroom with a dressing room and an incredible bathroom, a separate guest bathroom and a butlers pantr with a refrigerator and wine cooler as well as microwave and stocked with glasses, etc as well as breakfast cereals, and cold snacks in the fridge. It also has an incredible balcony which is half of the back of the ship 1500 sq feet with a hot tub (really a bathtub for two). The butlers have always been great !!

    We have traveled often with friends and the butler has served up to the eight of us breakfast in the room or balcony with tablecloth, etc, whenever we requested it. We have never requested dinner in the room, but they are more than happy to serve it course by course.

    We have always opted to eat our dinners in Blu. Blu is not to foo-foo, it is much quitter than the MDR, and the food, in our opinion, better. We greatly prefer the service and atmosphere as well as food in Blu. Again, our preference.....

    I don't think you will be disappointed. Enjoy

  4. Thus far we’ve been lucky with Butlers in 3 PH’s. Had 2 phenomenal ones. The 3rd we had read “so-so” things about here….so when he was our butler I tried to keep an open mind, thinking that it’ll be better for us. Within a day I thought “ok, the reviewers were right”…he was not bad. He as what i’d expect on say, a mini-suite on NCL.


    AIR CONDITIONING!!!!! I’ve had the SAME problem on Mercury PH….AND on Summit PH!! SAME deal….butler trying every day to help fix it. Sleepless me, and sleepless DW.


    On Mercury, one honest engineering guy told me that they “turn down the compressors downstairs, at night” and that he’d make sure it was ok. Some nights it improved. I’d hate to make my 1st impression to staff be that I’m a “hard customer”….but i’m contemplating just telling my butler that I had this A/C problem on Summit before, I know the reason, I know they can prevent it….and I do not want to spend the week with hot nights. Whether one is paying for a PH, or booked in a Leonardo-Dicaprio suite at the bottom of the ship….climate should be comfortable in a room.




    We were in 6147 last September and had Dominic as our butler. When we first met him I thought ....uh-oh he doesn't seem too "on the ball". BUT he surpassed my expectations and was EXCELLENT - probably one of the best I've ever had. He was spot on with his service and we used him plenty - breakfast and lunch every day in the PH and 2 evenings we had dinner served there.


    I have yet to encounter a really bad butler - but some are better than others.


    Staff change so often, so hopefully someone who was on Summit more recently that August 2013 will help you out.


    I will tell you that we were not at all pleased with the air conditioning in 6147. Seems like they totally shut it off during the middle of the night. It was fine during the day, but at night a few times I actually woke up and my head was sweating from the heat. They swore they never turned it down, but I'm not sure that was true.



  5. Very nice write-up Gigi, thank you. What you described seems consistent with my previous PH experiences with X, circa 2009-2011. If that’s the experience we get in May on Summit, I’ll be more than pleased.


    I consider my dining expectations realistic in that, it is a mass-market cruise and they try to keep fares reasonable and therefore, I don’t expect lobster to be the sweetest ones from Maine, or Prime steak all the time. I actually like a lot of X’s items from Braised Beef Lasagna or the NY steak…I just ask that it’s prepared well, and served hot with friendly service.


    Odd, we’ve done 3 PH’s and no invitation to Captain’s Table. There’s a guy that works with me who is my “right hand man”, I’ve sent him on 2 PH’s both times, he went to Captain’s table. My guess is because each time we cruised, we had our DD with us (age 2-3 ish). That’s gotta be the only explanation because I even take showers while cruising. Oh well. My Wife is better looking than the Captain I bet so I enjoy our table for 2:)






    Just off the Constellation on Thursday. Stayed in the Penthouse with our 2 young kids and we brought our nanny who was in a Family Balcony by herself (I was able to upgrade her 2 weeks prior when the unsold cabins were released.)


    As a PH guest there was no wait for check in. You will be greeted as you board and taken to Michaels Club for drinks/snacks as you wait for the cabin to be ready. Our room was ready at least an hour early and our butler met and escorted us there.


    Service was fantastic. Our butler and cabin steward couldn't do enough for us. As with any member of your household staff, if you are clear with regards to your expectations you are less likely to be disappointed. Was generally pleased with service throughout the ship.


    Food in MDR was generally good. I didn't have any dish that I particularly disliked. We only went there for dinners. While MDR food is good, don't expect "fine dining" quality. While you won't find a Michelin star, you will find a decent kids menu, and an accommodating staff that will bring you items not on the menu if you ask (we ordered a big bowl of grapes for the table every night).


    We didn't eat in Blu this trip. We ate there quite a bit on our last X cruise and I prefer the food in the MDR. There is no difference in quality or freshness in the two dining rooms, just in style of food and atmosphere. With 2 kids we preferred the energy of the MDR.


    We didn't try any specialty restaurants as it was a quick 5 night cruise and just never got around to it.


    Buffet was good. Much better than the NCL buffet we experienced last summer. There was always pizza, Asian lunch, an Indian offering or two, a fish item, pasta bar, salad items, desserts etc. We only went 2 or 3 times at lunchtime, but I was generally impressed. Their ice cream bar was a very nice touch that we visited at least once a day.


    There are two butlers for the two penthouse suites, one assigned to each, but they cover for each other. We were very pleased with ours. The PH has a butler's pantry with a full size fridge and he kept ours stocked and replenished daily with the cartons of milk, bottled water and diet cokes we requested. He kept pitchers of juices, drink garnishes and the heavy cream we like in our Americanos stocked as well.


    We had a white tablecloth breakfast at the dining room table in the cabin every morning which the butler brought promptly at 8:30am as requested. He would have set up on the dining table on the balcony if we asked but we just took what we wanted out there ourselves if the desire struck. He showed me how to fill the outdoor whirlpool, adjust the temperature in shower in the master bath, etc.


    We never had the butler serve dinner course by course but he would have done that as well. He brought sweets and sandwiches in the afternoon and left fruit and cheese plates (I requested these) in our refrigerator in the evenings. It was our son's birthday, and the butler brought a very nice little birthday cake with relatively short notice


    The PH itself on the M class ship is showing its age, but is still a lovely space and parts have obviously been updated recently. The balcony is outstanding. We found ourselves repeatedly retreating to the cabin and balcony during sea days rather than spending a lot of time in the public lounging areas as it is such a comfortable space.


    Penthouse guests will be invited to the captain's table for dinner on a formal night which was rather amusing and worth doing. You'll also get some useful extras such a two complimentary bags of laundry and two 90-minute internet packages, in addition to a number of other things we didn't use.


    You will have a wonderful time. Let me know if you have any specific questions.

  6. Excellent review.


    Each reader is different, but speaking for myself I’m not interested in pictures of the airport terminal, the highway leading to pre-cruise hotels, description of the weather when cruiser arrived to port city, etc. Your review was very relevant, and your descriptions were very well written.


    Your food descriptions were WONDERFUL in that you were very fair and descriptive.


    Thank you.

  7. Appreciate all the replies, keep them coming.


    Alcpa, thanks for the Blu information. I was under the possibly false perception that Blu might be a bit too “foo-foo” for me food wise, but I’ll check it out online.


    Peterwsonwith, have a safe cruise and looking forward to reading your review!

  8. Bababooey……


    I agree with you, it’s not a bribe. It’s how YOU choose to compensate someone. Thus far I’ve never tipped upfront, I do it at the end but to each his own.


    BTW happy Baba-Birthday. You are 53 this week and I listened to your party on the radio with Robin in the background ;) As an aside, I have an 18 month old boy….and my Wife is dismayed that somehow, his nickname has become “baba-booey”….so our home is a daily house of booey-bombing.

  9. Although I’ve not sailed in a few years….. until I see differently ………


    I’d say I love that X is “Mass-Market +” and I guess I can offer qualitative reasons:


    *Many staff members that are gracious, and hospitable. From Butlers to Room Stewards to Omelette chefs.


    *Decor is not “stuffy”, but it’s also not screaming “YO MTV RAPS’


    *Menu items are a nice spectrum for most palates and by that I mean it’s not all “foo-foo-gourmet”, nor is it all pigs-in-a-blanket. One can get comfort foods, but also some more elegant or modern choices without buying $300 servings of caviar and such.


    *The right butlers….are awesome. After sailing Regent, a supposed ‘lux’ line multiple times….X’s butlers are easily, easily so superior.


    I’m on a mass-market cruise, but it feels a cut above that, is how I’d summarize it.

  10. This was a concern for us, back in our early-married, always-traveiing days but my friend, you came to the right place. Step into my office and letDr Jedi solve this problem for you and don’t worry, if you like your insurance you can keep it so without adieu, here’s how to lick your problem (no pun intended):


    1.)Let your Wife talk you into having a baby together.


    2.)Kaboom! That right there will solve your problem. You’ll be totally cool with your parents in the next room cause you’ll have little to conceal. *But wait, problem not solved totally*


    3.)Things will normalize. Oh No Dr Jedi! Now I don’t want my parents in the next cabin again! Oh what oh what can I do?


    *Bracee yourself for the ultimate solution to your quandary…..the piece de resistance (that’s french)…….


    4.) Let your lovely Wife, and neandrathal in-laws tell you that your “family is not complete without a SECOND child”. And when they drop that bomb, and your lovely Wife uses her charms to disarm you…make sure you are knee-deep in work, and mentally fried where you just can’t argue, and you just go along with the program.


    5.)BAM! 9 months later be blessed with a healthy lovely little boy….who has COLIC.


    6.)For over a year, see your daily routine blown to smithereens. Your home an absolute mess. Your lovely wife not sleeping EVER, and life sort being sucky to where you are just thankful you don’t live in Afghanistan, and you gotta watch Shawshank Redemption in the middle of the night, because the story of an innocent man going to a hellish jail replete with inmate-to-inmate-forced-intimacy, and corrupt wardens….INSPIRES you that you too, can make it.


    7.)Gain a few pounds to add to your already jiggly-chubby-lifelong-BigMac eating body.



    MY FRIEND, MY SON, your problem is SOLVED! At that point…….you won’t mind if your Mom and Dad sleep next to your cabin. You won’t mind if they’re IN your cabin. Heck you’ll be fine if they are in your very bed because nothing, I repeat nothing will be going on that will make you or your parents feel awkward. You’ll be on your cruise, living cleanly in chastitty. (yeah, intentional type-o). You’ll just be laying there, wondering why oh why your teenage self didn’t go forward in time, to just slap you and give you your old Victoria’s Secret Catalog because it will cause you no problems.


    Admin, this was relevant to OP’s question. I will not even charge for my services even though this is PROVEN perfect advice.


    See the woman at the front desk on your way out of my office buddy. She’ll give you a note and say that despite all of the above, eventually it settles down and you’ll find balance, and then once again you won’t want Ma and Pa next to your cabin….well, sometimes.

  11. Thinking of bringing 2 young ladies who help watch our kids, on a cruise with us.


    Haven’t had a vacation in years, spending good money to do it hence I figured bring the nannies, and it’s kind of a nice ‘perk’ for them too as they are good girls and have been a help to us.




    Is a Concierge Class room enough space for 2 women, 20-somethings?


    Obviously yes, because most cabins contain 2 pax. But specifically, enough storage space? Bathroom space? Layout of cabin comfortable?


    I’ve never stayed in a Concierge, so just making sure. Thanks

  12. Well it’s night time. Kids asleep. Wife upstairs.


    In a quiet, darkened room……what does a married man do on his computer?


    Research food, of course.


    Curious, does Celebrity still have the Asian Stir-Fry station in the buffet?

  13. Hello Everyone………


    It’s been a few years since we’ve cruised on X or any other line for that matter.


    Thinking of doing a Bermuda cruise in May and just had general questions…..


    Overall, how is X these days in various categories?



    *Food ...MDR

    *Food ...Buffet and Alternate Restaurants.

    *Butler Quality.


    Also has anyone stayed in a Summit Penthouse or Royal Suite recently and if so any feedback?


    I know there’s some reviews and I’ve seen them but was hoping for some recent feedback.


    Thank you

  14. 1st off, do relax. We aren’t the family that brings their kids on a cruise, lets them run around and whine in the dining room or shows, and screw up serenity by the pool or whatever. Our kids are well behaved, and would be with us OR the nanny doing kid-stuff, not ruining other people’s peace on vacation.


    Our once frequent traveling has been curtailed since we had kids, only because of the inconvenience and also, because we keep being told by the powerful that it’s wrong to enjoy fruits of one’s success. (So saving more money instead of spending. )


    Anyways, thinking of a May Bermuda cruise on Summit.


    Does anyone know if the Kid’s Club is open during that time? I ask because it’s not a traditional vacation time for kids.



  15. Well good luck to them and their 30-something demographic.


    I don’t claim to know the cruising business BUT in my mind:


    *Carnival, Royal, NCL do fine with 30-somethings.


    *Celeb and Holland cater to a more seasoned crowd that doesn’t have the desire or budget to go Crystal.


    I wish Celeb well at catering to 30-somethings. This will be the crowd who more and more will have personal debt, HUGE student loans, higher health-care costs. Whereas it’s the 50 somethings that will have a nest-egg, and perhaps more discretionary income.


    For the record I’m 38 but sort of an old soul. If a cruise line starts resembling “Yo MTV Raps” and I see a bunch of young yuppies or backwards hats and baggy pants walking around, i’d find a different modicum of travel. Thus far, Celeb has been great for me.


    (Oh, beef up security if you’re going for the younger party crowd. Fighting, drugs, and stuff like that might be more of an issue. Then again, it might be a nice “ship reality show” to watch the backward hat crowd beat-up on the baggy-pants crowd. That’s actually a productive idea but I digress.)


    FWIW, one fella’s opinion.

  16. Obviously, it's nice to give gifts, and it's upto the individual what to give.


    CASH is the way to go for me. Even more than phone cards.


    Some people feel it's impersonal to give cash but I ask myself....


    On payday at work, would I rather be paid cash, phone cards, or candy?


    As a christmas bonus, would I rather get cash, phone cards, or candy?


    Cash for me.


    And I suspect, most of the crew likes cash too.

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