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Everything posted by lais

  1. I hope you mean the 23rd as there is no ship on the 24th. I’m also going on the 23rd.
  2. Just bypass any line if there is one and talk the lady at the front gate and let her know you are Neptune suite. She will assist you. No worries
  3. If you show up after 2 pm you will get right on the ship. It’s most people excited to get their cruise started that show up early all at once that creates the lines.
  4. I think San Diego is the best port for convenience. You can walk around and explore the waterfront or whatever you’d like to see. The hop on off bus is close by, Seaport Village, shopping, busses, trains and so close to the airport. I’ve never been in such a convenient port anywhere. And it’s a beautiful city. So what if you have to wait in line to get on the ship. Actually you don’t have to wait in line, you can go out and explore so much close by within walking distance. Waiting in line is a choice not a necessity.
  5. Ruth, When was the last time you cruised out of San Diego?
  6. Ruth, when was the last time you sailed out of San Diego?
  7. But… when there is a back up especially on double ships days if they have to use the tickets taxi drop offs will be directed to the front of the terminal.
  8. True. Neptune is included. The sign will be updated. And on your boarding pass it says “Pinnacle/Neptune” so yes Neptune as priority
  9. It’s in the plans but when is another question. They were supposed to do it this past summer and the summer before
  10. Yes just walk up to the front gate. You will be directed from there
  11. When you get to the port show your boarding pass with the 4 stars at the front gate. You can go in at 11
  12. if you have CO then you have priority. Don’t worry about the time. For everyone else; you printed it too early. Reprint a few days before and your assigned time will be there. It will also be in the navigator app. It’s important because if there are lines waiting to get in and you don’t have the time available you will then go in behind everyone else that has a time
  13. Your boarding pass is also in the navigator app. You can also take a pic of your entire boarding pass and use that but make sure the bar code shows.
  14. Your arrival time is printed on your boarding pass or in Navigator. If you want to avoid the masses then come later in the day
  15. Boarding passes are needed to get into the terminal for starters same as boarding passes for flights.
  16. Did you let them know you were Neptune?
  17. They only time *s are checked is when 1000 people show up at the same time and we need to control the crowding. At that point lines are formed according to arrival time. We really don’t want anyone to have to wait in a line but sometimes it’s unavoidable especially when there are 2 ships in port or there are delays due to ship inspections or late ship arrival. At that point 4 and 5*, orange club and Neptune suites have priority. guests who did not print out their arrival time are asked to return after all others with arrival times have entered the building
  18. 4 star is given priority. Just come up to the gate and show your boarding pass with 4 stars but remember the port does not open until around 10:30 and boarding the ship around 11:30 which boards by boarding group #
  19. The port opens at 10:30. Last year they were allowing porters to pick up luggage after 9:30 but this year could be different because it depends on Union rules. your luggage cannot be mixed up with off loading bags as offloading bags are inside the terminal. also there is still construction on the pier which could be a hold up. 10:30 is a better time to drop off your bags.
  20. There’s arrival time then boarding groups (a, b, c etc) so the time that is printed on your boarding pass is your arrival time not boarding time. priority boarding happens inside not in line outside.
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