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Posts posted by onyourtoes

  1. When the wife and I were on our 1st cruise last month, we found that generally, most passengers were very friendly toward us, but, there were a few occassions when we were felt to feel 'lower class', for example, eating in the windjammer on Indy one night, we both decided to have something a burger.


    On a table nearby, there were a group of people, tutting, and muttering under their breath about "these young people always eating junk food!" (we're both in our 30's, and this was the only time, apart from JR's we ate burgers!)


    Another time, my wife was told to "Shut up, girl!" by a woman reading, when she was talking to someone else by the pool. Others were complaining about the amount of 'young people and families'. It seemed to me that some of these people felt that cruising was the reserve of the upper classes, and the more 'senior' folk. I even said to one that if they felt that way, don't book a cruise on a ship like Indy, which is a family-ship.


    do others experience this? Or is it a rare thing?


    I've never experienced it, and I'm sorry that you and your wife were subjected to it. It sounds to me as if someone had a healthy dose of "Titanic" before boarding. Please don't let it put you off from cruising. I'm a "senior" folk, although I don't refer to myself that way, and I'd rather hang out with a bunch of 30 somethings on my cruises than with someone who was on the other side of the Red Sea to welcome Moses over;)

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