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Posts posted by jimgev

  1. Good Morning. Thanks for the daily and the care lists.

    We've. been to Dublin but not on a cruise. It is a wonderful city. The land of my ancestors. I was very moved by the famine sculptures in the park by the river. I imagined one of them being my great grandfather.

    It's a cool but beautiful morning here.

    Stay safe everyone

    • Like 30
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  2. 7 hours ago, kazu said:

    We had a lovely evening last night with Pepe (his real name is Jose but we used the nick name to avoid confusion between the 2 Jose’s 😉) & Frances. They asked if I had any pictures so I showed them this video that my Ipad had created.:

    Wonderful photos. Thanks for sharing.

    • Like 13
  3. Good Morning. As always, thanks for the daily and the care lists.

    For all who celebrate, Happy Easter, Passover and Ramadan!

    Yeserday was a busy one. My band played at the 15th annual Carboard Boat Rgatta here. It is sucha fun event.

    Later today we will be have a bunchof friends over for a pot luck dinner.

    Stay safe everyone

    • Like 20
  4. 2 hours ago, AV8rix said:

    Lenda, if you knew Mama Lou I guess you know that she was a Texan originally.  That's how she and I became friends.  I heard the Texas in her voice.  She was sort of a neighbor of ours (you in Lake Whitney, me in Dallas), from Corsicana or Palestine or thereabouts...I forget exactly where now.  She was a fun lady, dressed in all of her crew uniforms.


    However, she was not mentioned in that article.  Was another "Mama", one who lived aboard Crystal.

    We met Mama Lou back in 2008. She was so much fun. A gereat lady.

    • Like 8
  5. Good Morning.

    It's another beautiful morning here but our continuing lack of rain is getting more serious. We are under a red flag alert for fire danger and water restrictions are underway.

    I love the quote. It is applicable for more than just young children, we all can learn something here.

    Control is a relative concept.

    Stay safe everyone.

    • Like 25
  6. Good Morning. Thanks for the daily and the care lists.

    Interesting quote but I would shorten it to simply "read to them". My Rotary Club has a project- we work with our local hospital to provide a little gift for all babies born there. We donate a bib that says: "Read To Me" along with a little book. 

    Stay safe everyone.

    • Like 33
  7. Interesting quote today. I have to say that there are many books that I have read multiple times. Often, when they make a movie of I book I have read, after seeing the movie the first thing I want to do is read the book again. (Books are always better than the movies).


    Jacqui, I am so sorry to hear about Morley. With all you are dealing with regarding Jose, this is not what you need.

    Yesterday, I related that we were expecting a rainy afternoon. Unfortunately, it never happened. We didn't get a drop. This has been the case over and over for the last five months. We really need rain but there is none in sight.

    Stay safe everyone.

    • Like 21
    • Thanks 1
  8. Good Morning. Thanks for the daily and the care lists.

    Happy St. Patrick's day! Growing up in NE New Jersey, St. Patrick's day was one of the major holidays of the year.Unfortunately, it seemed that it was always a day of miserable weather- cold, windy, rain or snow. today is going to be beatiful and warm here. what a difference!

    I enjoy corned beef and cabbage. My dad would buy a brisket and "corn" it himself in a big crock pot. But my traditional St. Paddy's day meal changed a few years ago after we visited Ireland and had Guinness Beef Stew. I fell in love with that and now make it every year.

    Whatever your meal of choice, enjoy the day and raise a glass for peace.

    Stay safe everyone

    • Like 27
  9. 2 hours ago, richwmn said:


    We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are.--Anaïs Nin

    Good Morning.

    We have a pleasant start to the day but a major cold front is expected by noon. We need the rain that is expected but it will be very unseasonably cold tonight.

    I love the quote.  It is so true. We are all the product of our experiences and we see things through the lens of those experiences. It is only the human species that puts judgements on events and we most often make those judgements through our own individual pre-judgements.

    • Like 25
  10. Good Morning. Thanks for the daily and the care lists.

    I love mole. There are probably as many versions of it as there are people in Mexico. Everyone has their own take on it. The really good ones are quite complex with more than twenty ingredients. I've also had a few versions here in the States that were not great. (Some taste lke they just poured chocolate ssuce over a piece of chicken and call it mole - yuch!)

    I love the quote.

    It looks like another beautiful day here. I will enjoy some pool time a little later.

    Stay safe everyone.


    • Like 27
  11. Reading all the stories about dentists brought back unpleasant memories. When I was growing up, I guiess dental science was nowhere near it is today. There was no floride, which is a major thing. and fillings were done using materials that just didn't last. But for the last 25 years or so I've had great expeniences with dentists and really appreciate them.


    Chicken pot pies - Humm. I have tow very different reactions. There are the mass market varieties like Swanson that are basically garbage and then there are varieties that are prepared by good chefs at restaurants that are reaaly good. The best I ever had one that you could buy at a store was from Costco.  They had one that was a 12 inche diameter pie that would feed 8-10 people. It was in their fresh section. You had to breing it home and put it in the over to cook it. It was really good and loaded with chicken and veggies. Unfortunately, at least in my area, it is no longer available.


    I found it interesting to read about the way folks are named. I was named after my father who, in turn, was named after his father. So I was a Third. I kow that some use designations like that to make them feel important. I always stayed away from that. I thought it was pretentious. I think the only person who knows that I am a "third" is my sister - LOL. I did not name my son after me, so that thing has ended.

    • Like 19
  12. Good Morning.

    I was away for a few days. My band played at an event up in Orlando. We played to a crowd of 570 +.

    We had a great time playing but the down side ws the horrible traffing coming and going. It is why we always avoid the entire Orlando area as much as we can. Mile after mile you just creep along, stop, creep along some more, It's terrible.

    Today we are looking forward to spending some time in the pool. The weather is delightful.

    Havent ried todays wine but have had many others from this winerary and they have all been good.

    The quote today is a sad truth. Once you've been lied to, it is hard to regain trust.


    Have a great day and stay safe.

    • Like 29
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