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Posts posted by jimgev

  1. 6 minutes ago, ger_77 said:

    Our mattress was delivered within about a half hour of my post this morning, so now we're still waiting for it to "unfold".  When the fellows first put it on the box spring, it looked to me like a camping mattress, and neither DH nor I were greatly impressed.  Apparently if you live in warmer climes, the bed (which comes vacuum sealed) usually reforms to it's original size and shape within a couple of hours.  Ours came  from Regina (about 2.5 hours away) in an unheated transport truck, so we've been told it could take most of the day for it to look like a real bed.

    sounds like it might take till July. LOL


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  2. 46 minutes ago, Oceansaway17 said:

    um what is in fish balls?  

    What is in your version of classic rum punch (besides rum of course)?


    I learn so much on this site - I never even knew that fish had balls


    The kazoo was the first "instrument" I learned to play. I actually learned how to play a makeshift kazoo using a cmb and a paper towel.

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  3. Good Morning. Thanks for the daily and the care lists.

    Interesting collection of days. My parents gave me a subscription to the National Geographic magazine when I was only about 9 years old. I loved it- especiallly when it included maps. It started my curiosity about distant lands and peoples.

    The quote is so true and the meal sounds great.

    It is a pleasant 63 (F) degrees here. I hope all in the path of expected winter storms stay safe in the coming days.

    Jacqui, I am so sorry to hear about Marley's blood work. I hope the prescription works for him. I also hope you will be able to be with Jose in the near future.

    Stay safe everyone.



    • Like 35
  4. 2 hours ago, Overhead Fred said:

    I went shopping yesterday to prepare for Burns Night -



    But since it is Tuesday, our Burns Supper will be pizza instead of haggis, neeps, and tatties! 


    I will celebrate Burnes with a dram of single mault and place the hagis where it belongs (garbage disposal - LOL)

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  5. 1 minute ago, MISTER 67 said:



    I have grandchildren in Orange County California and my son told me that the three I mentioned are not being taught, classes are mainly in Math, Science and English and other languages. Maybe curriculum is based on where you live in the country.

    True. Curriculum is based primarily on State standards and to a lesser degree  on local boards of education.


    • Like 10
  6. 24 minutes ago, grapau27 said:

    I used to use a fountain pen at grammar school 50 years ago.

    Pauline bought 2 fountain pens with spare ink cartridges when we were away this week and she has been practising writing with them.

    She got interested because she has the job in church of writing names in the church's remembrance book with a fountain pen.



    I'm really dating myself here but some on this board will remember this. In elementary school, we had desks with ink wells. We learned to write with a pen by dipping the point into the ink and then writing on the paper. It was a mess!. There were big ink blotches all over the paper and our hands were stained with ink. Then they invented pens that had a snorkle kind of system to fill an internal resevoir with ink. That was mauch better and the ultimate was when they invented ink cartridges.

    • Like 30
  7. 10 minutes ago, MISTER 67 said:

    There are a lot of things they don't teach anymore like History, Geography and Social Studies, I'm not sure what they teach now in this day and age.

    I do some substitute teaching at a local High School. They have classes in all those subjects and several are requirements for graduation. 

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  8. 3 minutes ago, puppycanducruise said:

    They don't teach handwriting and hardly anyone uses cheques anymore (it's all e-transfers and the like)

    I wonder if cursive writing will become like hieroglyphics and you need a university degree to read and write that way.

    I have reviewd scholarship applications from High School students. When they get to the end and the form askes for their signature, they end up just printing thir name.

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  9. Good Morning. Thanks for the daily and the care lists.

    CC ate the post that I just wrote so I am writing it again.

    In elementary school, we had grades for "Penmanship". We did all those excercises for the "Palmer Method". My handwriting was OK but nothing great. When I went to college and had to take notes on lectures, things changed. I realized that when writing fast to keep up, I couldn't read my notes. So I changed my approach. I began to use printing rather than cursive writing and I kept with that approach my whole life. The only cursive I use is for my signature.

    I love almost all pies but rhubarb is not on my list of favorites.

    The pasta meal suggestion looks great but I will omit the peas. I like peas but not on a tomato-based pasta dish. I know that celebrity chef Goron Ramsey does this but I am not a fan of his either.

    It was a raw 50 degrees (F) here earlier this morning with a misty rain. The snow birds will be out and about today but the locals will stay bundled up at home.

    Stay safe everyone.


    • Like 33
  10. 15 minutes ago, smitty34877 said:

    Good morning to all. I  will give away my rhubarb pie and my handwriting is terrible. I share my birthday with John Hancock and intend to celebrate by NOT cooking today. We are getting restaurant takeout(as opposed to diner takeout) for dinner and I very much look forward to it. DD is baking a cake so I will be a princess for the day.

    Happy Birthday!

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  11. Good Morning. Thanks for the daily and the care lists.

    I am not very fond of squirrels. II lived in a hose that had two walnut trees in the yeard. In the 20 years I was there, we never got a single walnut. The squirrels got every last one of them year after year.

    Ilove the quote. Music is a major part of my life.Picking up a guitar and softly playing something has been my go-to relaxation method for most of my life.

    It is not cold here like it is in so many places but the drink still sounds wonderful.

    Salt water fish is just too broad a category. I love many but some (especially oily varieties, do not appeal.

    Stay safe.

    • Like 29
  12. Good Morning. Thanks for the daily and the care lists.

    Popcorn is great, especially when it is fesh and hot. I like to kick things up a bit on my popcorn. My favorite is to add better, garlic powder, a dash of cayenne pepper and parmisan cheese. YUM!

    The pasta meal suggestion looks very nice - I will have to try that one.

    Stay safe everyone.



    • Like 29
  13. 3 hours ago, Navybikermom said:

    Oh no - that’s where my dad and aunt are staying for a month! 😔

    Tornados that hit here are nothing like the monster stoms of the mid-west. Floriday actually gets lots of tornados associate with thuderstorms. They pop up quickly and last for very short times. 4 or 5 years ago here on the SW Gulf coast we had a pop up tornado in early January that took off several roofs. It dispersed quickly after that. Any time there is a strong thuderstrom there is a potential for a tornado associated with it. Florida (especially SW Florida) is the prime target for such storms. They can happen at any time of the year but summer is the most vulnerable.

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  14. 31 minutes ago, Sea Viewer said:

    Good morning everyone, 

    For a do nothing day it seems there is a lot going on in the Daily!

    As I was catching up alarms started going off around me, it seems Broward county is now under a tornado watch until 3pm. I guess I'm going to be staying in today!



    Good Morning. Yes, this is what it looked like here this morning. Earlier, we were under aseveral tornado warnings. Cell phone were going off with alarms telling us to seek shelter immediately.

    Fortunately, no tornadoes materialized (at least in our area). /we got a lot of much needed rain and a little bit of wind.


    • Like 21
  15. Good Morning.

    I guess I am a contrarian today regarding dressing up pets. It is something I really disagree with. I prefer to see the natural beauty in an animal and see"dressing them up" as disrespectful. Just my weird way of looking at the world.

    I appreciate Rich's post about today being the anniversary of the ratification of the Treaty of PAris. In many ways, that was the true birth date of the US.

    Stay safe everyone.

    • Like 35
  16. Miss:

    Yum Yum Man playing chimes to announce dinner

    Cold Fruit soups


    smaller ships

    Wide Promanade on newer ships

    dress codes at dinner

    bringing unlimited wine aboard

    Live chamber music before and after dinner


    Love new:


    Live music at BB Kings and Rolling Stone


    The constants are the wonderful crews, the beutiful ships, the art pieces, the elegance, the attention to detail and cleanliness.





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  17. Good Morning. Thanks for the daily and the care lists.

    I must say that I am happy the UGA was the victor last night. They had a great team.

    I love grilled corn and the chipotle butter on it sounds wonderful.

    Yesterday I had cateract surgery on my left eye. I thnk it went well - even thuogh I can't see very well right now. It will take a few days. Then, next week I will have the other eye done.


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  18. Ours was in 2008 on the Veendam. We sailed out of Tampa on a 7 night Western Caribbean itinery.Prior to that, I never was interested in cruising. I don't particularly like crowds and liked to "do my own thing" on vacations. But everything about the cruise was wonderful and we were hooked.

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