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Posts posted by burm

  1. :)To all of Egon's "followers". I was happy to report his yearly adventure week by week. I am assuming that he finished that venture yesterday in Quebec City. Wishing him the best for the future travels he plans to take.



    We will be watching for The Further Adventures of Egon. :)


    What a pleasure it was to follow Egon on his year-long cruise. Thank you!

  2. We have been having a discussion on another thread about permanent makeup because our local newspaper had an online auction and one of the items up for bid was a $360.00 eyebrown or eyeliner package. I bid up to $256.00, the reserve price was 60% of the total, but it went above that and I forgot to bid again before the time was up.



    That would be a great price if you knew that the person did excellent work. I have seen some wonderful permanent eyebrows (and eyeliner) and some really awful ones.


    The lady at the clinic where I would have had mine done does the makeup very conservatively and quite light the first time. After a month she will make it darker, if you wish, or adjust it with no charge. At one year she charges only $50 for any adjustments. This place really stands by their work. Even though it is part of a plastic surgery clinic, the cost is more reasonable than any of the spas around here that do it.


    I too would love to be the little old lady in the nursing home with the perfect makeup. :(

  3. I'm sorry to hear about your allergies :o


    The boys are quadruplets so they are 3 mins apart from the "youngest" to "oldest"!


    You must have had quite a life raising quads. Your DD does not look much older than the boys, but even a pair of tiny hands was probably a big help at times.


    Did you have family helping you or did the community provide "shifts" to help? A friend of mine used to help mothers with multiple births, and most were just amazing, but one never lifted a finger and let the volunteers do all the work. She would go to a different room and smoke. :mad:


    How old are the children now?


    The lady who does the permanent makeup told me that she had never seen an allergic reaction before, except for one lawyer who was allergic to the Polysporin. She went directly from the makeup clinic to the courtroom and her eyes were all swollen and teary. :eek:


    Did I mention that I am sooooooo disappointed?

  4. I'm sure you have already made your decision by now but there seems to be such a negative response to this question, I wanted to add my positive experience.


    ...heck I gave birth to 5 kids didn't I?? :D



    I found a lady whose work I really liked and felt good about, then had an allergy test done. (Actually, I had 3 tests done because of the strange results) It looks like permanent makeup is not possible for me.


    After the lady showed me how she wanted to do my makeup, even my DH thought it was amazing. I am so disappointed that I can't have it done. :(



    Are those children yours? :eek: They look so close in age (although all adorable).

  5. Wow. Are those extra special shoes to be willing to pay $32 in shipping or is that normal for Canadian shipping? At least you know where they are and they will eventually get to you.:)



    They are shoes that I already have in another colour, and like very much, but the company has gone out of business.


    Some sellers do overcharge to ship to Canada. It is very frustrating.

  6. Thanks Marie. :) Sometimes the wait make things that much more wonder when you receive them. :cool:



    Oceanbreezer, please let us all know when your parcel arrives.


    I ordered shoes from Washington, DC three weeks ago. Don't you love the way things can be tracked? First they sat in Washington for several days, then they went to Cami, Illinois for a week, and now they are sitting in Jamaica, NY. I paid $32 to have those shoes shipped.


    Anyway, just wanted to reassure you that the process is sometimes very slow -it doesn't mean that your parcel is lost.

  7. Today was my lucky day. I am going to buy a lottery ticket. My beautiful new Coach bag has arrived and I am absolutely thrilled with it.


    I have already written you, Marie, but thought I would post here as well so that Oceanbreezer would know that hers should be here any time now, if it has not already arrived.


    Marie, you are a sweetheart!!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you.

  8. All good things come to those who wait.:)



    Not permanent make-up though. I had another patch test done this week with the same result: negative reaction at the injection site, but symptoms in other areas, this time a rash on arm and forehead. Last time it was itchiness in hands and feet.


    I can't take the chance. Looks like permanent make-up is not for me. The girl at the clinic said that she has never before seen an allergic reaction. I am unique!!! :(


    I am so disappointed, because when she made me up with regular makeup to show me what she would do, the results were amazing. That girl is an artist! Once I saw what I could have looked like 24/7, it was an especially tough blow. :(

  9. Hmmm...I thought Canada was right next to the US. Where is the heck Canada :rolleyes:? Are you sure, your post office is not on some holiday cruise? Sue V got her package within a few days; you should have got your last week. I will wait for one more day then I will check with the post office here.



    It only takes 3 weeks to get a package from CHINA!:eek:


    I have waited for my parcel for so long that once it comes I will miss the excitement of the wait. :D

  10. Hello Ladies;


    Again, thank you for your prayers and well wishes. I took the last antibiotics yesterday. I am 90%00 better. I am not sure which is worse, nausea or pains in my foot. I will be on crutches for four for five more weeks. Hopefully I will be able to walk without pain.


    Take care ladies & have a wonderful evening.




    PS. Burm and Deb in Canada, did you receive your package? I do have a receipt for it.



    If I had to chose, I think I would prefer the pain. Nausea is terrible.

    90% puts you close to the end of your long ordeal though - hurray for that.


    No, the package has still not arrived yet. I would be even more concerned if Oceanbreezer had not said that she has not received hers either. We must live within 10 miles of each other!


    Marie, when the parcel arrives, you will know within minutes!

  11. Burm~ Mine hasn't arrived either. I think that Canada post delivers to London on the back of a snail. There are too many Tim Horton donut shops along the way and they stop at every one. :D


    You remembered that I, too, am a Londoner. It must be a couple of years since I ran into you on another thread and told you. :)


    Thank you so much for letting me know that yours has not arrived either. I was going to start checking to see if our mail lady was carrying a new Coach bag. :p

  12. LOL...I AM AN ADDICTED TO SHOPPING :D. Actually, I am a detailed organized person. I bought gowns and dresses for every theme for the 2011 WC. We had to cancel it due to my accident. The reasons I gave some of the gowns and dresses away:


    1- There will not be a Rio Ball and a South Pacific Ball on the next two world cruises.




    Marie, what is your favourite place outside the USA for buying clothes?

  13. Had a horrible, scary night last night. The chest pain wouldn't stop and so I had my hubby take me to Heart of Lancaster.


    I would never say "just stress", because that is dangerous too, but at least that problem is more easily treated that some of the scarier alternatives.


    You were wise to get yourself checked out. I hope you are feeling better soon. Sometimes a pill when you need it can do wonders.

  14. Yellow bird...Chest pains shouldn't be ignored. I hope you went for some medical treatment.


    Maybe you are stressed from worry about your dog. I do hope you feel better.


    As much publicity as Egon his giving this ship and company, they should reward him with another year of free travel.


    I think that they should officially hire Egon as a Goodwill Embassador. Aside from good publicity, he is providing free performances on a daily basis.


    They could use him in their advertisements. He is cute!


    Pat, I hope you are seeing a doctor today. You may well need a stress reliever to help you through this difficult time.

  15. I am so sad because my old dog is deteriorating quickly. He has a collapsed trachea and coughs constantly except when he finally sleeps. I know the time is coming to make a decision, but how will I know? I just don't know how to say goodbye to him.:(


    When poor Budha is in constant pain, that will be the time. We can't our beloved pets suffer.


    So very sorry. If you need a "shoulder", come over to the Animal Lover's thread. You will get a lot of sympathy there, because we have all been through it.



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