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Posts posted by goldsmip115

  1. Good morning from the beautiful Celebrity Constellation with another wonderful sea day.  Last evening didn’t go exactly as planned because it was yet another night of closing down Luminae with the wonderful staff and so many laughs with them.  I suspect the Captain could hear us all the way up to the bridge. Thus, we missed the show.  Well, a bit too much Caymus might have also contributed to missing the show.  Luminae had the usual night 4 dinner menu. I decided to be more traditional and go with the turkey dinner from the main dining room menu. It was quite good and oh so filling. I’m thrilled to announce that this morning the captain announced that 100% of the crew tested negative for Covid. It’s not that we were worried, but it is a welcome announcement.  We have absolutely no plans today other than Luminae. We’re boring and predictable but we’re so happy to finally be relaxing.  We lost an hour last night and will sleep fast tonight as we have a Private Journey tour in Bonaire tomorrow morning. 

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  2. I know that Anu worries that we are not eating enough. I actually think that it is a plot to have me gain so much weight that I will throw half of my baggage overboard before the end of the cruise.  I heard that the crew was starting a petition to to have me donate half of my luggage to residents of Aruba so they would not have to unload it back in Tampa.  Anyhow, every evening when we arrive back at the suite this is what is waiting for us.


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  3. Oh, a favorite story.  Our retreat host/butler Anu asked on day one if we would like anything brought to the butlers pantry every morning. We asked for 2 pots of coffee, 2 almond croissants and one slice of rye toast with blueberry or blackberry jam.  Anu apologized and said he did not have blueberry or blackberry jam.  No problem for us.  The next day a container of home made blueberry jam appeared in our refrigerator.  He had the chef make it for us.  Amazing!


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  4. Good afternoon everyone from the beautiful Celebrity Constellation. And Happy Thanksgiving to all.  I really have not abandoned you.  Yesterday was a total exercise in futility with trying to post on the Boards. I literally spent 2.5 hours trying and losing so many posts.  My hero, fellow cruiser Jim who posts often helped me figure it out via an email exchange.  You’re the best, Jim.  I lost so many detailed posts, but let me try and pick up where we left off.  The service and warmth from every crew member continues to amaze me.  I have yet to find one thing that I can criticize. The ship is immaculate and so beautifully maintained.  I will post pictures of the beautiful artwork momentarily.  Luminae is a gem under the watchful eye of Russell.  Gede is so much fun.  We have had such wonderful laughs.  Last evening as Luminae was winding down we had a lovely gathering of staff in Luminae and from the retreat.  Some staff had not seen much of the revolutionized M class ships so my iPad was busy showing and explaining all of the differences in the suite and the retreat lounge AKA Michael’s Club.  We have not been back to Michael’s Club since boarding, but have had lovely interactions or discussions with the staff.  Yesterday was an early arrival in Nassau.  Not our cup of tea.  We were joined by one large and one gigantic RCCL ship.  Interesting because our notification said mask are required in the port of Nassau, but I watched hundreds and hundreds of people spilling off the RCCL ships.  Everyone was maskless.  It was actually a cold and windy day in Nassau so my plan for enjoying the verandah was not meant to be.  A few comments about the shops which we toured extensively this morning after breakfast.  The Celebrity merchandise is much more sparse than I recall from past cruises and there is very little formal/dressy wear. We’re told that there are supply issues but we noticed a lot of boxes being unpacked this morning. Of course there is no shortage of jewelry and watches.  We went to the Apple iLounge and waited for about 20 minutes but the staff was very busy with customers who were having device and connectivity problems.  Karen is interested in an Apple Watch but I believe what they have in stock is 3 versions behind.  We’ll try to return and find out more for those that are interested. While waiting we met someone who also lives in Bucks County PA about 8 miles from us. A small world.  We went to the show last night.  Fantastic!  It was a Neil Diamond tribute with Robert Neary.  I was a bit underwhelmed for the first two songs but then it was fantastic.  We so enjoyed it!  Tonight is an achapello group that was featured on America’s Got Talent. We hope to attend.  Tonight is the first evening chic night.  Russell tells us that Luminae will be adding a special traditional turkey dinner.  We may have to try that.  I’m sure I’m missing many things since I lost some detailed posts, but I can tell you that the suite, the food, the service is outstanding.  Since it was a port day Luminae was closed for lunch so we took our first trip to the Oceanview Cafe.  I had a large salad that was made to order with lots of fresh red beets.  It was excellent. Everything looked so good.  George said the fish with dill sauce was not good but none of us left hungry.  Everyone was so friendly and attentive with many warm greeting for everyone.  Tonight at 5:45 there is a gathering with the officers at Michael’s Club. We plan on stopping by before another wonderful evening with Gede and Russell and the amazing Luminae team

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  5. Good afternoon from the beautiful Constellation. I’ve just returned from a wonderful Swedish massage so feeling gloriously relaxed.  First, I left you with the impending meeting with the lovely Hotel Diecror Srdjan Cetkovic.  He requested the meeting. He rang the bell, walked in and I invite him to sit at the dining room table.  He seemed visibly nervous.  He started out by saying that we would be having an awkward conversation, but that the Captain has noticed a distinct listing on the rear side of the ship where we are staying.  They believe that it is due to all of our luggage and wondered if they could possibly redistribute some of our personal possessions to other vacant cabins.  He indicated that we were ailing with around 1,200 passengers so there were 6 rooms available to accommodate our excess luggage. I acquiesced but insisted that we keep the 6 burner outdoor gas grill since we had to gift the convection oven and the dishwasher to the driver.  OK, folks, I’m done with the luggage jokes.  I never claimed to travel light but it’s not that bad.  We left the gas grill at home this time.  Seriously, he came to visit us to personally thank us for our loyalty to Celebrity through the pandemic and to say how happy he and all the crew were to welcome us back onboard and to thank us for our future bookings.  Once again, I became a member of the raccoon family and burst out crying. He then she’d tears with me. I will never forget this personal gesture and will be forever grateful to Celebrity for it. On to lunch in Luminae now.  My favorite frisée salad and the vegetable stir fry. And, of course, the opportunity to spend more time with Gede and the very entertaining Milo the sommelier.  Celebrity now serves an excellent true French champagne in Luminae. After popping the cork the took the basket and 2 minutes later presented us with an adorable Queen Anne chair and a cork table. I will treasure it forever.  So, two last things for now.  I promise to start posting more pictures. This gratefully is an 11 night cruise. What I will say thus far is that the ship is in pristine shape. Oh, during my 90 minute massage the therapist and I spoke the entire time. I learned so much about life on the ship in the 3 plus months leading up to the first sailing. It was fascinating and a real tribute to Celebrity.  So much to share.  Maybe tomorrow since we are in Nassau and I won’t be leaving the ship.  Now one last thing.  Happy Cruiser, you will be thrilled with the Penthouse Suite.  All the best of the best remains the same pre revolution.  The only differences are vastly improved verandah furnishings and no large area rug in the living room.  The hardwood floors are gleaming but the Hotel Director stated that the new area rugs are onboard and will be placed very soon.  I know that dressing area outside of the master bathroom was important to you.  It is still intact.  I had forgotten how much I missed it.  I promise to post pictures in the coming days as soon as the front end loaders arrive to remove the excess luggage so that it looks presentable.  LOL

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  6. Good morning from the beautiful Constellation.  I don’t have a great deal of information about the ship….yet.  After being up since 3:45am yesterday it was an early night. I will say that in my nearly 30 years of cruising I have never quite experienced the level of warmth and caring and happiness from every single crew member we encounter.  And this is on top of what I considered to be amazing service on previous Celebrity cruises.  It is truly remarkable.  So that everyone knows, while I am blessed to sail in the top suite, the best part of every Celebrity cruise that I have taken has been the wonderful crew.  While Luminae was superb last night, being with Gede and trying to catch up on where many crew members are was my favorite part of the evening.  I could never measure up to the wonderful food photos that Jim posted so you won’t see as many of those.  I will say that I was thrilled to be reunited with my favorite smoked tomato soup and the lovely Caymus. Luminae is run beautifully under the watchful eye of Russell.  She is a gem. I honestly think I had the best sleep I’ve experienced in the last 2.5 years.  Awake at my usual 5am I had no trouble being lulled back to sleep for another 2 hours. Today will include some ship exploration as well as a long massage.  The hotel manager has requested a 10am meeting with us in the suite. I suspect that this will be where we are informed of the overweight baggage charges.  He is on his way now, so more updates later.

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  7. I’m sorry that you perceive my report as being overbearing and demanding.  Please feel free to unsubscribe or just don’t read it. If it’s not of value based upon feedback that I receive I will happily save my time. I know that I have greatly appreciated many live from posts of the first sailings from the Constellation as well as many other ships.  Perhaps my attempt at humor fell flat.  

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  8. We were escorted to Luminae. As soon as we started to enter beloved Gede ran up to us as the huge hugs started.  We sailed with Gede in Luminae for 18 nights on the Summit pre Covid. That’s when the tears really started to flow. Russell the maitre’d greeted us warmly.  I think as menu’s were presented Gede mentioned that he did not remember me being a member of the raccoon family.  I cried so much all my eye makeup ran.  Seriously, it was like coming home.  Randy was so kind to tell me about Gede being onboard, about Russell the amazing maitre’d, Anu our retreat host and many other wonderful tips.  All I remember about lunch is my favorite pea soup and eating the lobster out of the roll.  It was so wonderful to be home again.  Stay tuned for the reason why we are not completely unpacked….I need to try and clean up a bit for dinner.  I look like something the cat coughed up after a long night of hunting. You have no idea what it is like unpacking over 1,000 pounds of luggage.  I may not post more until tomorrow as it’s been a long emotional day filled with such joy.  

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  9. We walked into the lounge and it was empty.  Nobody but the 3 of us.  I was reminded of how much I appreciate the lounge pre revolution.  We were greeted warmly by so many staff members and enjoyed a glass of bubbly.  Oh, I forgot to mention all of the clapping and warm welcomes and smiles over and over again.  It was amazing and a bit overwhelming in a positive way.  We were served finger sandwiches and mini desserts.  Just lovely!  Everyone was so warm and welcoming.  Alas, all we wanted was a sip of bubbly and off to Luminae we went.  I recall being escorted.  I was just euphoric.

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  10. We finally found someone who introduced us to a representative outside. As soon as we provided her with our suite number the magic was back.  She very carefully checked our Covid vaccine card and our Covid test.  She escorted us inside and to a Retreat Priority line with nobody ahead of us.  I never heard of a retreat priority line. I think there were also Retreat lines. She stayed with us while our boarding passes were checked, our covid tests checked again, our passports checked inside and we thought we would be off.  Alas, she said that my picture needed to be retaken.  She mumbled something about covid 19.  I think it related to the 19 pounds that I have gained since covid. LOL. I heard her mumble something like “gee, I hope she fits through the security screener”. We were then turned over to a retreat escort and walked up the gangway. She asked no less than 10 times if she could carry our bags.  Tears started to flow as I boarded that ship.  OMG it was wonderful. Our boarding pass was scanned and she then asked if we wanted to be escorted to Michael’s Club or Luminae.  As hungry as we were I said Michael’s Club/Retreat lounge

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  11. 3:45 day one. All unpacked. Well, sort of. I’m totally fried because for some reason I awakened at 3:45am and could not get back to sleep.  Pre cruise excitement?  No, that could not be.  Wonderful driver that we used on Saturday night from airport picked us up in his giant Escalade. The 1,113 pounds of luggage fit.  We had to tie the convection oven and the dishwasher on top of the car but soon we were off.  Only one negative with the boarding experience.  We arrived at the port at 11:18 am. Very, very unfriendly police officers had everything barricaded off.  Told us no entry. Nobody. Too bad. All these poor elderly people just dumped at the entry to the port with their bags and many with walkers. He did not care.  Our driver said he would find a place to park and go and see what was happening. He did tell us that we had to gift him the convection oven and the dishwasher in exchange. It seemed a very small price to pay because we could see the ship and we were simply drooling.  I’m not sure if it was the ship or the thought of lunch in Luminae since we had nothing other than black coffee this morning.  Finally the very surely officers started herding all the poor people in the gates.  Eventually we were waived to enter.  There were more equally surely police officers who said they don’t know anything about the retreat.  Pull over.  Pull over.  Unload here.  They made us unload by valet parking with no porters anywhere and no retreat entrance in sight.  The valet guys were not busy and took pity on us and the driver when they say the flashing lights on the Escalade saying “OVERWEIGHT/OVERWEIGHT’. Alright, alright, I know Covid has not been kind to my waist and my hips.  We tipped them nicely and dear George went and found a porter with a front end loader for all of our luggage.  Many nice tips later and the wonderful experience begins……….

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  12. After nearly 2.5 years the time is getting close. We’re sitting at PHL awaiting our flight to Tampa.  We passed the Covid tests with flying colors this morning.  It was perhaps one of the longest 15 minutes I’ve ever experienced.  Our flight is delayed by about 1:45 but at least it’s on it way here.  My cruise withdrawal has been almost unbearable over these last 2 years.  The last cruise was a Summit 10 night Bermuda and New England in June of 2019.  We love the M class ships primarily because of the Penthouse suite and that amazing verandah.

    We have been so fortunate that Randy who is currently sailing has been a wealth of information.  I feel like I already know our retreat host and some of the Luminae staff.  We’ve been on m class ships pre and post revolution. Both have their positives and negatives.  I will miss the retreat sun deck but won’t miss some of the changes in the retreat lounge.  I was very impressed with the revolution of the PS, but also enjoyed the suite pre revolution.  I am desperate for a true vacation as I’ve never in my professional life worked harder than I have in the last 2.5 years.  But, I promise to share some pictures and information.  I do believe I will be very teary when I walk onto that ship in less than 48 hours.  Oh, my first picture to kick off the trip.


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  13. Hello Randy,

    I hope you are enjoying the first of the 3 sea days in that wonderful suite.  We are finally way overpacked and ready to fly out tomorrow afternoon.  Since Anu is so wonderful I am leaving the convection oven and the cookware and the pots and pans at home.  LOL.  I always pack way too much clothing since I send laundry out each day.  I just can’t help myself.  Then there is the first aid kit and medicine cabinet on steroids.  Just remember that for our May cruise.  We will have everything.  Just holler over the verandah divider and I’m sure we will have it.  Let me know if you have a special request like a specific tool or pot or pan and I’ll be sure to pack it.  LOL.

    Again, thank you so much for all of your kind responses.  I’m so sorry that we won’t meet one another on Monday but I look forward to our cruise in May.

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