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Posts posted by Mom.to.2

  1. Based purely on watching other families at our local ice rink, I doubt a 1 or 2 year old would be able to skate their first time out. If you are seriously considering purchasing skates for your trip, I suggest taking your kiddos to your local ice rink and giving it a whirl with rental skates first.


    RCL requires skaters (of any level) to wear a helmet while the skate. I wonder whether their smallest helmet would fit a 1 or 2 year old.


    I do know know if there is a minimum age requirement to skate on RCL ships.

  2. Thanks. I was looking at Insure my trip. There seem to be so many options. I emialed them for support but I didn't hear back. I am looking for insurance like you mention above. I'm worried about weather/flight delays causing a problem in travel. I'm not worried about health issues.


    How do you even begin to shop for insurance on this site? It's overwhelming.


    I always have purchased from insuremytrip and I agree the website is overwhelming. Call the toll free number and talk to a real person, it makes the process much less daunting.

  3. Is there anything specific I should be on the look out for to make sure everything is covered?


    Get a policy with a high evacuation limit (minimum 25k, ideally 50k) as well as a high medical limit ($500,000?).


    Note that most policies require you to pay for medical expenses out of pocket and later reimburse you. If that's an issue, discuss this with the agent and ask for a direct pay policy.


    If you require 'cancel for any reason' then specify that as well. Not sure if this is available when you purchase insurance more than 2 weeks after initial payment is made on the cruise.


    Include your air fare along with your cruise.


    After you purchase, read the entire policy for exclusions and know what's covered. There's generally at least 24 hours you have after purchasing the insurance to cancel it for a full refund. Make sure you're happy with the fine print before this window is up.

  4. You can still purchase insurance, but it may not cover preexisting conditions since you didn't purchase it within 2 weeks of booking. Agree with checking out third party insurance through the independent websites listed by Coralc.



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  5. Mom.to.2 - LMaxwell is correct. If your insurance only covers the cruise portion, your trip is over at port. If your insurance covered flights and cruise - There is a good chance your flights "could" be covered. If your airline tickets are not covered in the insurance your "origination point" is the port not your home city.


    Yes, that's exactly what I was saying with different words.


    Let's hope current Anthem cruisers had their air included on their travel insurance policies, in addition to the cruise.


    And for those with upcoming cruises, add the air to your policy if you haven't already done so! (Though from what I'm reading, this may not be possible with RCL cruise care.)

  6. Mom.to.2 Here is the language from the RCL policy When Coverage Ends


    Your coverage automatically ends on the earlier of: 1) the date the


    Covered Cruise Vacation is completed; 2) the Scheduled Return


    Date; 3) your arrival at the return destination on a round-trip, or the


    destination on a one-way trip; 4) cancellation of the Cruise Vacation


    covered by the Plan.




    The language on this policy does not state city of origination of the traveler. The cruise vacation ends at the port.



    The policy I have booked for my upcoming April cruise isn't through RCL (bought it on insuremytrip) and the language on that policy states "the date you return to your origination point if prior to the scheduled return date." Would the origination point not be a cruiser's home airport?



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  7. I don't want to add insult to injury, but if the claims administrator takes a strict interpretation stance on your claim (many do), your hotel, food and other incidental expenses most likely will NOT be covered under the RCL policy. If you read the definition of end date, your cruise ends when you reach port. Your trip is NOT delayed it is over. Even if they don't take a strict view of your situation your delay benefit is only $500 per policy holder. I worked in the travel insurance industry for many years. I liken it to a casino, odds are always with the house or in this case the insurance company.


    Isn't the wording on travel insurance such that the policy ends when you reach your "origination point" (if sooner than planned end date of trip)? I take that to mean those who traveled via air and have their flights covered by travel insurance are not yet at their origination point when they dock in NJ. Shouldn't they be covered until they are back at their home airport, or the date the trip was to end (whichever comes first)?


    I can see how those passengers who drove to the port have reached their origination point once the ship docks, and therefore their travel insurance coverage ends.

  8. Since this thread has high traffic, may I interject with another Anthem related comment?


    It's time to merge Anthem onto the main RCCL forum. Please stop hiding Anthem in the subform.


    That is all, carry on. Thank you to those on board who are keeping us updated, and for the experts on this thread who are explaining the hows & whys (cheng, aquahound)



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  9. We were just at LeGalion on Nov 10, 2015. $10pp one way for the taxi. There were 2 in our party so not sure if cost would vary for larger group.


    I believe there were 4 ships in port and no taxis at LeGalion waiting for return back to port. About 1 hour before we wanted to leave we started paying attention to see if any taxis were waiting. We didn't see one.


    We asked the restaurant and they said with 4 ships in town taxis should come by every half hour or so. Well we saw none. So we asked the restaurant to call one for us.


    The restaurant does require a deposit (so for us - 2 people the deposit was $20.) They told me if a they call a taxi and the taxi shows but the people wanting the taxi left, the restaurant gets charged the rate for calling. So they require the deposit.


    So when the taxi arrives, the taxi blows the horn, you go to the restaurant and get your deposit (the guy was actually walking toward me to give us deposit back) and you are on your way.


    I totally understand and have no problem with the deposit. The restaurant is doing you a favorite by calling. Why should they get stuck if you find another way back to port.


    We had a great time at LeGalion. Only a few cruise passengers there. Mostly locals.


    Would definitely go back.



    Thank you, this is most helpful!


    Agree that the taxi deposit is fair. How long would you say it took for a taxi to arrive, after they called?



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  10. I agree the ukulele is MUCH safer as a carry-on, I wouldn't dare check it with the porters. It is not a prohibited item and you may carry on as much as you can manage. Enjoy!


    Don't listen to the haters. As long as you're respectful with when/where you play it, go for it!

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