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Everything posted by mysty

  1. Which bit called me to mind Jazz? The cloudy or the wine? 😅
  2. Late breaking news......our walk about piece of luggage has just been delivered! We are hoping to pick up the three ship ahead pieces tomorrow at the FedEx location at the airport after it has cleared customs! Happy dance!!!!!
  3. From the bottom of my heart I am wishing you luck and a stress-less experience Lirio! Enjoy your travels!
  4. Okay, buckle up! To be fair I think all airlines are struggling. Here is our story. After spending a wonderful 5 days with our friends in Stockholm we spent the last night in the Radisson Blu hotel at the airport. We had a flight to Amsterdam at 6:30 the next morning. We got up at 3:00 am and went to the airport. Easy part as the hotel is connected to the airport. Our three flights were booked with KLM with the last leg with WestJet (an affiliate airline with KLM). First flight from Stockholm to Amsterdam went beautifully. Then the nightmare began. The flight to Toronto departed late because loading the plane was slow and they were waiting for 4 passengers who had arrived at the airport from Mumbai 2 hours previous and had not shown up at the gate. They then had to take their luggage off the plane. Flight and food were awesome. We arrived in Toronto late and missed the connecting flight home. We talked to the KLM agent at the baggage area and she rebooked but didn't give us new boarding passes. When we attempted to go through security they wouldn't accept the paperwork she gave us. We were shunted between KLM and WestJet for about an hour battling crowds of people as we went. Finally KLM gave us a new electronic ticket which we had to take to WestJet to get boarding passes. We got to the gate in time. Late boarding and sat on the plane for about 1/2 hour waiting for a toilet issue to be resolved. When we got to Ottawa our checked bag did not! Now we are waiting to see if it will be found. Considering that we had been up since 3:00 am (9:00 pm the evening before in our time ) and we eventually got home around 7:30 pm it is not surprising that I was a bundle of sagging bits. Brain function barely registering. Air travel will be curtailed until they can get a better handle on things. It's not for the faint of heart!
  5. Thank you Ann! Please do say hello for us. Neither know us by Mysty and Myster but William will recognize the guy who had the daily fish for lunch and sat at William's station with his wife who had daily french fries. 😆 Chef Andrii will recognize the folks for whom he prepared cabbage rolls from his grandmother's recipe. Have an awesome sail! 🥰
  6. To tie up loose ends.....we arrived home yesterday after a travel day too gory for public consumption. In a nutshell.....air travel these days hearkens back to medieval times when the dangers to life and limb and sanity were the norm. Until the next time.....
  7. Greetings Coolers! I'm here in body however my mind is not! Trip home yesterday is too gory for public consumption. Instead a funny..... Have a wonderful day all!
  8. Currently sitting on the veranda of suite 517. There were tears last night as we said goodbye to the awesome Grill staff where we dined frequently in an attempt to stay in the open air. Wiliam (our amazing waiter at the Grill) took such good care of us. Chef Andrii at the Grill is a very talented chef! Now the tears are threatening again. I hope I can make it off the ship without becoming a blubbering mess.
  9. Here are pics from Myster's tour to Fortress Island. This involved a city tour, followed by a ferry ride to Suomenlinna Island (Fortress Island). Sibelius Monument..... Ferry departure..... Fortress Island..... Tomorrow we disembark. It's been quite the ride. Not sure when the next post will be. We are spending time in Stockholm with friends. I want to thank everyone who took the time to follow our journey! And to those fellow passengers who shared their photos and their thoughts...bless you and thank you!
  10. Unfortunately, some really good pics that Myster took are portrait and not landscape. When we get home I'll see if I can do something to deal with the obvious glitch for posting pics here. It is beyond frustrating!
  11. Today we are docked in Helsinki, Finland. Another beautiful sunny day. Myster has gone off solo for the excursion called Fortress Island. I will continue to wrestle stuff into the luggage prior to disembarking tomorrow. For your entertainment here are the photos Myster took yesterday in Tallinn.....
  12. We are currently steaming to Tallinn, Estonia with an expected arrival of noon. Myster is going solo for the excursion, The Best of Tallinn. I am going to try to wrestle our stuff into the luggage. We disembark on Tuesday in Stockholm. The past 2 months have been a whirlwind and we thoroughly enjoyed the chance to see our wonderful world again!
  13. Thank you! Everyone experiences things differently. We are unique individuals and we see things through filters we pick up over the course of our lives. I just attempted to present my personal experience seen through my eyes. I'm very glad you enjoyed the trip! 🥰
  14. Visby (Gotland's capital) is a hilly town of about 22, 000 people. A dramatically walled Hanseatic Trading Centre Visby faces across a 60 mile gulf towards the Swedish mainland. It is a UNESCO World Heritage site. Photos from our Visby on Foot tour today. Bus to one of the gates followed by an amble. Cathedral of St. Mary.....
  15. Beautiful family you have DW! And very lucky animals! 🥰
  16. We are currently docked in Visby. No word on the missing passengers. I'll keep my ears to the ground. A dear friend has relatives who came from Visby. I'm going to try to capture the essence of the place for them.
  17. We sailed on time and I have no idea if the two missing passengers are onboard. Pics from our amble and beer tasting.....
  18. This tour was not stellar. We traveled for 1/2 hour across Bornholm from our docking in Ronne to Svaneke. We did a craft beer tasting and had 30 of free time. When it came to return by bus to the ship 2 passengers were missing. All aboard is 4:30 pm for a 5:00 pm sail away. We left without them. Bus reached the ship at 4:15 pm. Have no idea if those 2 folks will show up. First time in my cruising life that this has happened. Pics to follow.
  19. We are currently in the process of docking in Ronne. Not the prettiest landscape. Day is sunny and promises to be warm. Our excursion today leaves at 1:00 pm (Svaneke Village & Brewhouse). We'll have a lazy morning on the ship.
  20. Our excursion took us to Malbork Castle about an hour's drive from the port. Malbork Castle - Castle of the Teutonic Order in Malbork is a 13th century creation. It is the largest castle in the world measured by land area and a UNESCO World Heritage site. It was completed in 1406 and was the world's largest brick castle. Some photos of the Malbork Castle..... A beautiful display of amber .....
  21. This morning we are docked in Gdansk. It's sunny! I use a camera not a tablet or cell. However I can't post portrait oriented pics. They go sideways.
  22. I spoke too soon about the sunny day. Rain arrived shortly after. Here are pics from last night's dinner. Tartare of Norway Lobster..... Butter-steamed cod..... Roast beef with truffle..... Vanilla ice cream with hazelnut cake..... A swan sailed past the ship this morning..... We sailed from Copenhagen at 1:00 pm for Gdansk, Poland.
  23. The Moon is currently being refueled. It will be a quiet day on the ship for us. Last night's dinner at Solyst Manor was awesome! We had the pleasure of hearing three of Denmak's up-and-coming opera stars as we savoured our dessert. I have to wait for Myster to download his phone pics before I can post. We are blessed with another sunny day!
  24. We are docked in Copenhagen. We took a tour to get off the ship so we didn't have to sit in the Panorama Lounge until the suites were cleared. The tour was Royal Treasures, Castle and City. There were some hiccups. Many buses required for transfers to the airport and some tour buses did not show up. Our excursion left 1/2 hour late. Not a Silversea issue! A logistics issue for the company contracted! First stop was the little mermaid from the Hans Christian Anderson story...... Then on to Amelienborg Palace, the official home of the Danish Royalty..... Then on to Rosenborg Castle, the summer home of King Charles IV..... We will overnight in Copenhagen and there will be an event for the Grand Voyage folks tonight at Solyst Manor (the former summer residence of Ernst and Charlotte Schimmelmann). We sail for Gdansk tomorrow at 1:00 pm.
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