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Posts posted by zap99

  1. 1 hour ago, kalos said:


    Yes there is a lot of it about re the e-mails and I note from other purchases that they 

    ask you to fill in a review from goods that they know have not even arrived , they tell

    you to allow 5 working days for delivery but expect a review from day one.

    In the actual shoe shop, the shop assistant was a trier (God loves them )

    Once she realised I wasn't buying this "wonder" long life spray or giving her 

    my e-mail, she then set about pointing at polishes etc but I had said bye and was 

    half way out the shop..

    They are not alone it's everywhere ,going out to our local carvery is like a scene

    out of Little Britain.... 

    Can I help you...

    Yes a medium carvery please

    How about a large only £2.59 extra ?

    Nope medium is more than enough for us thanks !

    Well how about our pigs in blankets and an extra Yorkshire pudding ? Only £1.50

    No were more than happy .... 

    Well how about a pudding for after ...  No thanks 

    Ok put your card in and press the green tick to give to our charity or you can 

    press red ,that's if you want to .

    In fairness to some of the companies, if they are in a quality assurance scheme with 3rd party accreditation, a requirement of the standard is continuous improvement. The cheap way of measuring that is a customer survey.

    • Like 1
  2. 50 minutes ago, Angel57 said:

    I stayed at JPL too when we had a 7 day land tour from Calgary to Vancouver prior to joining the Sun Princess (@1995) for a cruise up Alaska. Fab hotels (Banff Springs, Lake Louise, JPL, a night on the train and then a night at the Empress). 

    That was our retirement present to ourselves. Calgary to Vancouver staying at Fairmont hotels, Rocky mountaineer, Alaska Cruise. Majestic scenery.  No silly tourist stuff for us...oh no.


    • Like 3
    • Haha 1
  3. 21 hours ago, Megabear2 said:

    I was replying to Fionboard mentioning the need for power stations as she mentioned things other than ships.  Obviously things will be different for cruise ships but the principle of electric cars etc which were mentioned by Fionboard will be solved by the increased use of wind etc.


    Actually some of the big cargo ships are trialling clean energy and electric so no doubt it's going to be feasible at some point although not immediately.

    They could hang up great big cotton sheets. The wind would catch in the sheets and pull the ships along . I doubt that would catch on.

    • Haha 2
  4. 2 hours ago, purplesea said:

    Morning to you all.


    Bright and sunny down with a temp of 16c down here and expected to get a little warmer.


    Got woken up about an hour ago, from our neighbour with a lot of crashing and banging going on. It appears he's having scaffolding put up.


    I'm meeting up with a friend for coffee this morning, but nothng else planned.


    Hope everyone has a good day.


    I bet you thought your friendly seagull had come home.🤣

    • Haha 1
  5. 3 hours ago, Josy1953 said:

    Awake at 4 40 this morning.  It is cloudy but it seems to be breaking up with bits of blue sky visible.  I have already finished my cleaning and and got the washing out to hopefully dry.

    It is my sister's birthday today so I will be going to take her card and present later.

    I just saw the report of wild fires in Jasper this morning.  We spent 2 days in Jasper when we did a road trip across Canada from Calgary to Vancouver to get on a Princess cruise up to Alaska.  it was a lovely little town with friendly locals other than the brown bear that appeared outside our cabin at Jasper Park Lodge when we planned to walk down to the main building for breakfast.  I hope that the fire is quickly brought under control without loss of life.

    We stayed at Jasper park lodge. Brilliant, also on our way to Van conversion(stupid computer, I typed Vancouver) to join a Celebrity cruise. Look what turned up outside our room.

    WP_20170614_06_17_07_Pro (2).jpg

    • Like 7
  6. 3 hours ago, Josy1953 said:

    I have never been to Gretna Green and have never really considered it.  The Isle of Wight is a beautiful place to visit but we haven't been there for over 30 years so I suspect that it will have changed a lot. 

    We have said that next year we will cut back on cruising and spend more time visiting places that we used to like years ago which will include the Isle of Wight, South Devon, Cornwall and the Lake District for a walking holiday.  We last went to the Lakes for a week for my 40th birthday and even though it was the end of March the weather was fantastic, sunny and no rain for the whole week.


    Don't worry. IoW hasn't changed much in the last 30 or so years. Some parts need to as they are looking a bit ...neglected.

    • Like 5
  7. 1 hour ago, purplesea said:

    Good Morning,

    It's very quiet on here this morning, hope everyone is well.


    It's raining, misty, breezy and very muggy, with heavier rain is due in later. Not a nice day at all.


    My daughter's dog has just frigtened the sea gull that comes knocking on our door, so hopefully it will get the message!


    Hope you all have a good weekend.

    You dog frightened him all the way down to Weymouth.


    • Haha 7
  8. 1 hour ago, Eddie99 said:

    That looks a yummy lunch!

    It was Wednesday walk today and we found ourselves at “Broadchurch”.
    The coastal path is closed off, as the cliffs are so unstable.  Very worrying 😕

     Gorgeous day.  Sunny.  Not too hot, not too cold


    There was quite a lot of talk on a recent thread about new European entrance measures due to come into force shortly.  I have tried to find the thread again, but failed miserably

    Anyway, this press article says it gives the latest position. I haven’t read it (because I am lazy) but it might be of interest to those who were conversing in the original thread.  Or maybe someone would like to add the article to that thread?








    We popped into Prezzo at Weymouth for lunch. I took a picture of the starter, but we just ate the main and pudding. Very yummy. Especially as DW used her tastecard and we got the meal half price.


    • Like 13
  9. 4 hours ago, Eglesbrech said:

    I was not aware of that re the Dambusters etc, you are correct that is just as bad.


    I wonder at what goes through some people minds or perhaps they simply don’t think.

    Most years we have a couple of Spanish holidays. At the kids clubs they often have the " Music man " It's mildly amusing watching the German kids running around with outstretched arms to the dambusters bit. No offense meant,or taken..


    Predictive thinks kids dance to hamburgers, but not Dambusters. 🤣

  10. 41 minutes ago, Ardennais said:

    Neighbouring countries are sporting rivals all over the world! 

    England and Scotland are rivals. Wales and Scotland are rivals. Ireland and Wales are rivals. Not just England so don’t take it personally Zapp! 

    I could write an essay on the topic, but work beckons! 

    But surely in our united Kingdom we work for the good of all of our fellow United Kingdomers.🤣

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