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Posts posted by conandrob240

  1. It's to just that they are small. They are very poorly designed. I don't think DCL's pools a re bigger but they are well laid out next to each other on a full open deck with seating all around them and even in between them, which just makes so much more sense.

  2. Breakaway pool design is absolutely awful. First, that stupid splash thing in the adult area. It would have been okay as a second feature but, seriously, why no pool? The little pool on Epic wasn't great but it was far better than no pool. If the reason was the actitivites they do there, they very easily could have installed the kind of pool that covers with the floor during activities.


    Second, the "kids" pool. Because of the surround of the slides runoff, plexiglass walls and parts, there is nowhere to sit around this pool that you can actually see kids in the pool. You are forced to sit way back under the overhang almost if you want a lounge chair. You cannot sit on a lounge chair and be watching your kids at the same time.


    Central "adult" pool. This is the only one designed like a normal pool where you can sit around it. It is a good sized pool. But, as mentioned earlier, the stage right in front of it is used throughout the day for Nickelodeon activities so scream ing kids all around. It is not relaxing, not quiet and there is really no reason why this pool should be adults only ( other than because oft he terrible planning of not having a pool in H2O)


    I enjoyed the breakaway but the pools are a huge issue.

  3. It is priced too high. Unless you were going to buy all of those items, there is NO savings. The only scenario I can see it working for is if you were already going to buy a very expensive Haven suite anyway- with the 10%, might work out favorably. Otherwise, it is about $150 too high to generate many takers, IMO. And about $250-300 away from this being a real hit with cruisers. At $599 with a few of the dumb amenities removed ( who needs a bottle of wine when you have UBP?), these would be being booked by lots of people.

  4. We go immediately to the pool ( have bathing suits under our clothes). It is a nice chance to swim and have the pools/ water slides all to yourself for a few hours. We get snacks to munch on poolside like pizza, soda, hot dogs, chicken fingers and then the adults take turns going and getting a buffet plate ( try the shrimp and the lamb chops!). We never waste the first day sitting down at an overcrowded lunch.

  5. Prayers for this little boy. Hope he is okay. How scary.


    It never occurred to me that a child could be so seriously injured on a bunk bed that isn't that doesn't seem all that high. I will definitely not let my 4 yr old nephew sleep up there on our November cruise. Or are there rails that can be requested to make it safe?

  6. No one needs a scooter. Yes, I realize it will be crowded. We go to WDW every year so no need for any commando style or concern if we miss a ride or two. Mostly just about the experience of being together for the anniversary. And kids have never gone at Christmas holiday time to see those decorations and shows so that will be lots of fun.


    My one and only concern was whether the 4 hr ride was worth it to cruise for an extra 2 nts.

  7. It could be the 5 nt cruise first then 4 WDW nights (with Thanksgiving and actual 50th in WDW)or WDW 4 nts and then a 4 nt cruise (with Thanksgiving and actual 50th on the cruise) due to the schedule the week I am looking. I would also prefer the cruise after but before gets us a longer cruise for exactly the same price. I will watch specials but given t is Thanksgiving week, I just don't see Dream coming down much if at all.


    Well. I don't want to be with two of the adults at all so not sure it matters about the car ride LOL But fr parents' 50th, I do want all of us together so I'll suck it up.

  8. Looking at thanksgiving 2015 and see some great prices for a 5 nt Magic cruise ( less than the 3 nt Dream cruise same week). I definitely want to do WDW for 3-4 days prior to or after cruise. We are going to have 6 adults ( parents 50th anniversary) and three kids-( 8,5,16).


    I have looked into a private van shuttle from WDW to Miami port and it isn't terribly priced. Around $400.


    We'd fly into MCO and then out of Miami after the cruise.


    How awful do you think the WDW- Miami drive would be? Worth it?

  9. I have cruised about 6 times on DCL, once on Princess and in previous years on Jade and Epic. I found all to be various shades of dead at night. Disney the worst with sometimes being the only soul in a bar. Just off the Breakaway a few weeks ago and it was a whole different scene. Every night was pure energy. Every venue and bar was crowded even on port nights. Every party well- attended. Night clubs going until wee hours of the morning. So, that doesn't answer your Getaway question but hopefully it has a similar vibe.

  10. Why is this policy change such a big deal? If you smoke, why wouldn't you just smoke on your balcony discreetly anyway? Being sure to do it when neighbors aren't using their balconies or when there is no one to even observe you do it? I have been on a bunch of cruises and rarely am I on my balcony at the same time as my neighbors.


    I am a non- smoker , have mild asthma where smoke bothers me a bit. But even i wouldn't really care if my neighbor smoked on their balcony. I'd go inside for a few minutes or if it were really bad, maybe then I'd ask if they minded putting it out for a bit.


    Why is this such a big deal?

  11. I've said it before and I'll say it again. "Nickel and diming" is a term used by people who a) didn't do their research on the cruise line, b) people who have dust and moths flying out of their wallets and c) forum trolls.



    Signed lovingly, Ignorant Mass.


    Bull. It is a term used by people to describe how they personally felt on an NCL cruise. Not everyone does weeks of research or scans the cruise message boards. Not everyone goes in well-informed. It is an issue that comes up to describe NCL again and again so it certainly has some validity for many people.


    As for the lobster, I am in the camp of disappointed. We really enjoyed the tails on the buffet a few weeks ago on BA. They were very well-cooked, not at all rubbery.


    No one likes to see a perk/feature removed. For those of you who don't care about that particular removal, that's fine but many do. I care about everything that is removed or no longer offered-even if it doesn't personally affect me. It means something.

  12. The daytime Wine Lovers show has a charge.


    Why do people get so defensive and upset when people don't like what they like? OP didn't like the Breakaway and it was her perception that too many shows/ activities had a price tag attached to them. You can comb the dailies and provide proof that only 40% have a fee. So what? Doesn't change how it felt to OP.

  13. So, you haven't heard people say the MDR food is not very good? C'mon! Lots of people say that. Even right here on he NCL fans forum. I personally disagree especially after our cruise a few weeks ago. I thought the MDR food and menu was much improved over a less-than-stellar Epic experience. Maybe they are listening to the feedback!

  14. You are asking a bunch of NCL "fans" what their #complaint about NCL is. Of course, most don't have many or if they do it is more about the other passengers 9smokers, chair hogs, rude) than about the cruise line itself. If it were more about the line, they'd sail on another. if you ask non-NCL "fans", I think you'd get a different answer. As a travel industry professional, what I hear the most from non-experienced cruisers new to NCL- "everything had an additional charge" They feel nickel and dimed to death.


    As an experienced cruiser, I KNOW this going on. Many do not and are annoyed that many, many things have an additional cost. A very common complaint I hear is that the food was bad everywhere but the pay for restaurants. People perceive that as very unfair.

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