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Posts posted by Dunnedg

  1. 25 minutes ago, wesport said:

    Could you please say where in the account the OBCs appear, TootyJane - many thanks

    This is what I received in my reply from Seabourn

    ‘Thank you for contacting Seabourn regarding your Carnival Shareholder benefit. 

    Seabourn has applied the shipboard credit amount of $250.00 to your reservation XXXXXXX, and it will be credited to your onboard account upon embarkation.’


  2. As I said in the other post, in October we docked in Sarayburnu. 
    Stayed in Radisson Hotel Istanbul Sultanahmet. Less than a mile from the Sarayburnu. 5 minutes walk from lots of restaurants. 10/15mins from Blue Mosque. 
    Nice clean hotel overlooking the Bosporus. Right beside a ferry stop to take you to the East. 

    Only issue we had was taxi drivers trying to take advantage of us. Tried to charge TL880 approx €45?  The last driver we approached only charged €5. He got a nice tip. 
    Wherever you choose to stay, have a note of the address of your hotel and insist on taximeter.

  3. Never had a problem with the wine on Seabourn. Tend to avoid the ‘recommended’ wines of the day but they are always happy to provide a taste for you to make up your own mind.

    As for champagne I actually prefered the Nicolas Feuillatte to the Montaudon currently served which I understand comes in cheaper. Isn't it great that we all have different tastes.


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  4. Are you sure ship is docking at Galataport? Disembarked in Istanbul in October and whilst initially we were told we would dock in Galataport we actually docked in the much smaller TDI Sarayburnu. It is a tiny port and we were less than 100 yards from the gangway to taxis via passport control and luggage collection. 

  5. Re taxi, don't prebook. After customs you exit the airport and you will find a taxi dispatcher.  Quicker and cheaper than pre-booking. Tell him where you want to go. He will call up a taxi ( there are always plenty) and give you a slip of paper with the price and a copy to the driver. The price is a set rate and will be in bds$. Prices have recently increased but I would guess the price will be around bds$80/90. The driver will accept US$ on a 2 to 1 basis so if bds$80 your fare will be US$40 plus a tip. The actual rate is 1.98 to 2 so factor that in when tipping. Make sure you have 20/10$ bills as if you hand over US$100 dollar bill you will might get change in bds$ which I assume you wont want. If your trip ends in Barbados you will have to negotiate a fare back to airport at the rank as the regulated fare is only from the airport. As such prepare to pay more for the return and make sure you know which currency you are discussing.  

  6. If you chose a specific suite level at time of booking the suite number will have been allocated immediately. If OB usually 2 weeks before so you should have heard by now. If you log in to the Seabourn site you may see it there now.

    I would expect the sail down to Barbados should be pretty good at this time of year. That said I have noticed higher winds over the last few years.

    If you are staying over in Barbados there is lots to do. Recommend a catamaran trip which includes a swim with turtles.

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