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Posts posted by COLLEYBERRY

  1. Do you have an ActiveLink? I love that I can know how many activity points I earn just living my life. I'm not a big exerciserer, but I walk and am on my feet all of the time and earn 2-4 APs a day.


    Sometimes I weigh daily and sometimes not. All depends on how it is messing with my mind. If I am getting discouraged from weighing daily, I have to stop. You're right, what matters is your weight from week to week. Good "why the scales lie". It is such an interesting article.


    Thankyou Kleo 30 soooo much....I found this a very informative, insightful, and most importantly, helpful article.... good to remember each time I step on the scale ...again thankyou.

  2. Hi All....I have been faithfully tracking....but do need to up my exercise..It often makes me chuckle when they recommend you walk 30 minutes a day....I walk almost eight hours a day at work ( I have this theory if you get paid for it it doesn't count :D )


    Do most of you weigh daily or do hold out until your weekly weigh in?

    I am thinking I should refrain from weighing daily...sometimes the scale can sure make you go "Huh ??" when you know you have been so good.

    I suppose the true picture is what the scale says on a weekly basis.


    I was happy to find Crystal Light in liquid form ... a great help with my water consumption...large ,large glass, lots of ice...and strawberry lemonade flavor ...I do believe the water makes a difference to your skin.

    Have a great day everyone.

  3. Sorry seavoyager, I shouldn't make assumptions. I wasn't thinking when I wrote that.

    Welcome to Colleen. Always room for more.

    I'm very happy that I'm still on plan. I'm on a strawberry kick right now, summer is great, isn't it?

    I'm also doing WW online, I'm just not a meetings person. So far, so good!



    Hi thanks for the welcome...seems like WW online is a great option for many...it is nice to have this thread with it's benefit of support. it is encouraging to know online is working well for you.:)

  4. Hi Nikki !!


    Off track? Gee I don't know what you are talking about.:D:D I am sure all of us can relate to that...you will be saying goodbye to those two pounds before long I am sure.

    I am putting my faith in this program and have made up my mind to just do it ...the various weight loss journeys we have all been on have armed us with a lot of knowledge ....we know what it good for us and what is not..it's trying to remember that before we make a bad choice that is the tricky part.;) or when we are tired ,stressed.too busy to think,parties.. yadda yadda..we all know the drill....but this time I am determined to put my best interests first ...it is not something that comes easily to me...but I think along with counting points there should be 'how good were you to yourself today ' category.;)


    A couple of sayings have sometimes helped me


    "Nothing tastes as good as being slim feels "


    "Sweat is fat crying "


    " You may think your exercise program can't compare to a marathon runner's....but whatever you do you're way ahead of the guy on the couch "


    Have a great day everyone...you are worth it !!!!


  5. Hi Lisa and Kerri......thanks for the welcome:)


    Sorry you don't care for watermelon Kerri....it does have a distinctive taste for sure.....reminds me of childhood:)...it and the smell of cucumbers always makes me think of summer....maybe icey cold with a dash of salt might help. Lots of other great fruits to choose from ...some of my favorites....cherries ,grapes,mangoes.....love eating fruit and thinking .."Zero points ..Really ? Are you sure ? " :D Seems too good to be true

  6. Hi All....I was delighted to find this thread... I have joined WW online my second weigh in is this coming Tuesday.....happy to report first weigh in showed a 6 lb loss ( how the heck much was I eating before WW:D)...I realize initial weight loss may be water etc. etc. but hey better off than on.

    I found success with the Dukan diet...lost all my post partum weight (my son is 26 :D) but surprise surprise here it it is back again.

    So WW you are it !!...I must say I find this new point system easy..so happy fruits are free...meet watermelon, my new best friend.;)

    My daughter and I are doing this together....she a Phd student and Momma here is an xray technologist.

    Putting our heads together we enjoy coming up with meals and treats to make the best use of our points.

    Online you don't have the benefit of meetings ,but if there is room for one more, I would sure appreciate your company.

    My name is Colleen.:)

  7. Alberta Quilter is on the Eurodam in the Med right now. I don't know how old the "infants" are that she saw, I always think of under one year when I hear the word infant but others may not...it would be interesting to read HAL's policy. I couldn't find anything on their website stating any minimum. Just interested to know. We're expecting our first grandchild any day now (not that we plan to take him on a Med cruise) :D



    How exciting !!...wishing much health and happiness to you all.:)

    No grandbabies in sight for me just yet...but if or when they do show up I hope they love their Granna like I loved mine. Have lots of fun.:):)

  8. Thanks everyone for all your input....I will "carefully" ;) pass on all your insights to Grandmamma.


    You have brought up many things I hadn't even considered..from cobblestones to life vests...jet lag to the chronic sleep deprivation of new parents...hot, crowded and port intensive...sea sickness.


    I do know this is the first Mediterranean Cruise for all concerned. Perhaps a lot will be reconsidered...once peanut gets here.

    We parents know...your life is never quite the same once little ones come along...no one can ever really prepare you for the change.


    Wee ones are masters at throwing curve balls...just when everything is going smoothly ...up pops a fever or bundled up with scraf ,mitts and snowsuit you hear a little voice say " Pee pee Momma ":D


    I am enjoying my children as adults....but I wouldn't mind going back for a day ...for a cuddle and the sweet smell of a baby (just a day mind you) :D


  9. No cruises but we did do a fair bit of traveling when my daughter was an infant and toddler. I'd highly recommend that if this trip does go ahead, that a baby backpack might make an excellent shower gift. It would be a lot easier to get a 7 month old around ports or even the ship in a backpack then a stroller. They have a place for the diaper bag etc. Some designs can double as a high chair in a pinch too.


    Great idea....even for an outing ..back pack makes a lot of sense. Thanks:)


  10. Alberta Quilter thanks for on the spot reporting.:) How did the parents look. LOL.


    Gal at work (returning from Florida )had a set of twins...who cried non stop the whole flight back to Canada... she spoke with Mom at luggage carousel.( little ones still crying ).Mom said " the last few hours of their holiday had totally negated any relaxation they enjoyed in the days previous "...TA flight would seem extra long with a distressed baby:eek:

  11. I may be getting old .. but the logistics of taking a little one on such an adventure seems like asking for a great deal of stress to me.


    Babe has yet to be born ( parents really don't know the rules yet LOL) But would like our friends (grandparents) to accompany them on the cruise.


    Little one would be about 7months old....the thoughts of long TA flight with tiny ears, stroller, diapers,perhaps formula, not to mention potential teething and Noro :eek::eek: .. yep I am getting old :D


    Wishing them a wonderful holiday...but too much stress for me.

    p.s. I adore children.:)

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