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Everything posted by luvteaching

  1. Thanks everyone! It was worth staying around for. Have a lovely evening,
  2. Good morning! It's a frosty cold start to the day with 22F when I got up and it's barely above freezing at the moment. It's also a beautiful sunny day and I'll head out on errands when I finish this post. Nothing too exciting - Hallmark, Costco and Fred Meyer. I took my wedding ring in a few weeks ago to have the antiquing redone and it's back so looking forward to getting it back on my finger! It was tough to take it off. After errands I'm hoping I can park the car and not move it again until Monday. There's always something to do around here. I got two new books in the mail today and it wouldn't take much to convince me to cozy in and read! Karen
  3. Good morning, It's a sunny cool start to the day here. I want nothing to do with pickles! DDIL loves them and I even got her a pickle ornament for the Christmas tree one year. Yesterday was busy with two water aerobics classes (and my body is moving a lot better), a much needed haircut and I was able to get my pneumonia and RSV shots at our local Fred Meyer. Now only have the shingles one to get and I'm caught up. I'll wait on that for a few weeks. Today is lunch at a favorite Mexican Restaurant with a widows support group and I'm looking forward to that. I finished a jigsaw puzzle (1000 piece) that is Christmas themed and will take it apart later today and maybe start another one. Have to get the Thanksgiving cards ready to be mailed and just other things like that. Have a great Tuesday! Karen
  4. Checking in and Bon Voyage Roy @rafinmd! Have a wonderful trip. Karen
  5. @Quartzsite Cruiser Here you go. Creamy Corn and Potato Chowder 4 slices bacon 1 yellow onion diced 2 red peppers 3 ribs of celery 2 tsp salt 1 1/2 lb red or Yukon gold potatoes cut into bite size chunks 2 cups chicken broth 2 cups corn 1 1/2 cups whole milk 2 tsp sugar (optional) Cook bacon until crisp and then drain. Add onion to the pot with the bacon drippings and sauce until tender. Add red peppers, celery, salt, and saute until tender Add potatoes and chicken broth. Bring soup to boil and cook until the potatoes are tender. Put aside one cup of corn kernels. Place remaining kernels and milk in blender and puree until smooth. Once potatoes are tender, add corn puree, corn kernels and sugar if using. Simmer until corn kernels are tender and corn puree is heated through. Serve soup garnished with crumbled bacon.
  6. The new Marine Traffic map is not growing on me. I wasn't thrilled with it last week and still not this week.
  7. Checking in. It's wet and blustery here in the Pacific Northwest so nice to see the sun!
  8. Good afternoon to all, I have my poppy on for Remembrance Day and have had questions about it over the last week or so. It's interesting, especially younger people (than me at least) who don't have knowledge about the meaning behind it and the different names for today. We had a very very wet and blustery afternoon and evening yesterday! I had company in for lunch and made a corn potato chowder and homemade rolls. The recipe is a keeper (it was the first time I've made it) but I'd do something to thicken it up just a bit more when I make it again. We sat around the table and visited for close to 2 hours and then folks headed home. Last night, by 7:00 PM or so, it was so windy that the lights were flickering and I could hear things landing on the roof, etc. I wasn't about to go out unless it was dire. This morning there were a few loose branches in the driveway and some on the roof but otherwise ok. There's a lot of "stuff" on the road which makes walking interesting. Today and tomorrow are "stay at home" days and so far I've done important things like unload the dishwasher, clean the coffee maker, etc. and I'm organizing my shopping I've done so I can make new lists. DS will be by tomorrow for leftover soup and rolls and my walking partner got her leftovers yesterday which works for me. Have a nice weekend and stay dry! Karen
  9. Good morning everyone, The sun is peeking out at the moment but rain is forecast for later today and tomorrow along with a wind warning. I'm planning on staying home for a few days and have important things to do - a jigsaw puzzle, needlework, Cruise Critic, etc. Actually today is busy as I'm having friends in for lunch (first since DH's passing) and I'm making a potato corn chowder and homemade rolls so have to get the bread machine out for the dough. The company comes at 1:00 so I've got the morning to finish up cleaning, etc. This week was busy with water aerobics, physical therapy, and Wednesday a friend and I went to B.C. to visit my 97 year old mother and took her out to lunch. She's a going concern and have to get on her social calendar! I hope I'm like her when I get to 97! Have an enjoyable Friday. Karen
  10. I was wondering if it was just my computer. I'm not a big fan of it either!
  11. Checking in from a blustery but warm Pacific Northwest. Karen
  12. Good morning, @LAFFNVEGAS Bon Voyage! Have a wonderful trip. We're having a rather balmy day here with lots of wind and rain over the weekend and to start the week. Yesterday DS came over and we had a nice visit as well as knocked most of the jobs off the "son-do" list. The outside Christmas lights are up, hummingbird feeders filled, fans put away, and recycle was loaded in the car. I'm also invited to Thanksgiving dinner with my DIL's side of the family so that will be nice. After he left I made a trip to recycle (we don't get pick-up) and it was a pretty afternoon for a drive. Now it's time to get tea made for the neighbor coming down and to make myself presentable. I'm hoping to have the car stay parked in the driveway for the weekend and to get a few things done around the house. It's a never-ending job! Karen
  13. Good morning, We've gone from temps in the 20's to mid-50's this morning and rain - lots of rain! It's just pouring as I write this. No plans to go anywhere today which is a treat for me so will stay home and get things done here. I was penciled in on DS's list yesterday but got erased - he forgot me. The tentative plan is today but I've suggested tomorrow when it's supposed to be drier. I have a "son-do" list and one is getting the outside Christmas lights up and I'd rather he wait until this storm passes. No to everything on today's list. I find myself using my air fryer daily since I'm by myself. A neighbor will be here for tea later this morning and it will be nice to have a visit. Enjoy your Thursday! Karen
  14. Good afternoon, We're having a string of cold clear days and it's so nice to see the moon setting. Our lows have been in the low - mid 20's and highs about 50F. It's made for a few brisk walks. I canceled my PT today and opted for a day at home to replenish my mental health. I'm glad I did. DS has me penciled in on his schedule tomorrow afternoon so I have the list of "son-do" jobs ready to go. My road has no yellow line down the center and no street lights so I usually don't have any trick-or-treaters but had a message from a neighbor that she and their 3 would like to stop by about 4:45 PM and that is totally ok. I had cards and some candy for them so it works out well. I also put out some candy for our mailman's two young sons. I have my Build-a-Bear, Sami, in her Halloween finery and a couple of "Noisemakers" - Dracula, Frankenstein, and a pumpkin ready to turn on when I have company arrive. They won't be here long as they are off to a school event. Happy Halloween! Karen
  15. Checking in. It's finally above 40F here! I started out the morning at 22F. I'm north of Seattle and south of the US/Canada border.
  16. Good morning, It's 22F on the front porch thermometer this morning on a gorgeous sunny morning. The full moon was a sight to see when I got up this morning. I'll take chocolate - dark preferably - and plush animals. When DH was alive and having his memory issues he really enjoyed stuffed animals and insisted on several being purchased on cruises, which was fine. I gave four to his sister for her 4 grandchildren and I kept several. I have on bear that was beside him on his last hospital stay and I have his ring on the paw. It went cruising with me. I have another one on his bed pillow. I know at some point I won't need it there but it's a bit of a comfort now and it's been just 4 months yesterday that he passed. I really really love dark chocolate up to about 70%. I have to hide it so I don't overindulge. This week has been busy with something every day so I'm hoping to just stay home this weekend and get things done around the house. Dinner tonight is a hamburger (a tradition that goes back many years and coincides with Saturday night hockey in my childhood). Have a lovely day and an enjoyable weekend. Karen
  17. Good afternoon everyone, It's a lovely sunny cool day here in the Pacific Northwest. There's fresh snow on the hills and mountains after our very wet and windy day yesterday. I did water aerobics (2 classes) today and some errands. I had the nicest piece of mail today. It was from a name I didn't recognize but the lady and her husband worked with my DH back in the early 60's at the Old Faithful Inn at Yellowstone in the housekeeping department. I remember my DH talking about being a house boy and delivering linens. Anyway, this couple got married on Nov. 1st 60 years ago and DH stood up for the husband and signed their marriage certificate! It gets even better. I called my Sister-in-law to tell her and she knows this person and has now called her to let her know the connection. It's definitely a small world! Karen
  18. @HAL Sailer. I'm glad to hear that you are able to think about taking care of yourself. My DS was a godsend. He took Monday mornings off of work and came and stayed with DH while I headed to water aerobics and some "me time". They had father-son time, some good visiting and bonding, and I got to be away for a bit. If you have a family member or someone who can come in for a few hours even once a week it's worth it. After DH passed away in June DS commented on how much those Monday mornings meant to him and I know they were important to DH because he had to be up, dressed and eating breakfast when DS got here. This is a journey and not always an easy one. I'm thinking of you!! Karen
  19. Good morning, It's an overcast day today but no rain in the forecast. This week has been busy with physical therapy, water aerobics, errands, etc. I love nutty things - I tell people it's why I taught 6th grade for so many years! Last night a friend and I attended the Skagit Valley Symphony opening concert and it was a lovely night of music. They had a guest pianist who was amazing. The concert lasted almost 2 hours and these volunteer musicians are amazing. Today is a day I can finally stay home so hoping to get a few things done - or just relax. I cooked up an acorn squash yesterday so that will be part of dinner tonight along with a pork chop and salad. @HAL Sailer The best advice I was given when I was going through this with my DH was be sure to do something for yourself every day. It can be as simple as stepping outside, taking a few deep breaths and getting lost in the moment to going to water aerobics, taking a walk, etc. We have to take care of ourselves or we're no good to the one we're caring for. Hang in there! I'm thinking of you. @dfish and others. A week or two ago there was a discussion about Social Security and teacher pensions and I was unaware that, in some states, your social security was impacted. I'm not in one of those states so I'm very fortunate to get both full social security and my full DRS (teacher) pension. There is a good article in the current NEA magazine on this issue and I'll be following up on suggestions they have. I'm sorry you are so negatively impacted by this. Have a good Sunday! Karen
  20. Good afternoon from the ever-changing Pacific Northwest, As I'm writing this I have rain coming down in sheets, my gutters overflowing, thunder rumbling, and out the other window is bright sunshine! Oh - and it's been quite windy as well! Glad I'm safely home and not out in it. DDIL's birthday dinner went well yesterday. My stroganoff recipe is a very simple crock pot one and then I did baked potatoes and I made noodles from scratch. She and DS ate quite a bit and took leftovers home. My neighbor, who is my walking partner, sent her husband down and he took enough back for their dinner and today another friend picked up the last of the leftovers. Sharing is caring - right? Back to the pool today after it being closed for a week and did it ever feel good. It was rainy going into town but afterwards it was just windy. I also did banking and got a few groceries. Tomorrow my new dryer gets delivered (It's an LG model) and I'll do PT in the morning so the week is filling up. Have a good afternoon! Karen Oops - another roll of thunder but still lots of sunshine.
  21. Good morning everyone, My dad told everyone that he started going bald the day I was born! DH was thinning but still had a decent head of hair. The last few days have been busy. I did PT on Tuesday and Thursday. For some reason Thursday was a teary day and it wasn't the PT, just my body I guess. I did a drive afterwards and headed down Whidbey Island, wandered around Langley and treated myself to a chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream cone and the day got better as it went on. Yesterday was errands and then work around the house. Today is a Cruise and Travel show put on by our travel agency at the local casino just up the road. Since my TA retired at the end of September I'll stop in and meet my new TA and see what's on tap for 2025. I'm thinking about Boston-Quebec City-Boston but we'll see. Another one is Panama Canal repositioning. Tomorrow is DDIL's birthday dinner (birthday is Monday) and she's requested my crockpot stroganoff. I'll get it made today as it's easy with hamburger, onions, canned cream of mushroom soup and tomorrow add the sour cream. She couldn't decide if she wanted it over baked potatoes or noodles so we'll do both and I'll do a batch of egg noodles up from scratch. She's worth it! Have a good Saturday and enjoy the weekend! Karen
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