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Quartzsite Cruiser

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Everything posted by Quartzsite Cruiser

  1. DH just sent me this picture of Jupiter that he took with his telescope. Lenda
  2. Thank you. It’s already dragged on way too long. He saw a different surgeon in July 2021. Because of some symptoms, he sent DH to a neurologist. In the meantime, the hospital stopped all elective surgery for at least six months due to the delta strain of covid. Once the neurologist cleared DH for surgery, we saw the surgeon in May. That's when the surgeon really made us uncomfortable as he did not seem to know what had transpired at the first appointment. Frankly, we left without taking the next steps for surgery. Actually, that was a blessing because we learned he did not do minimally invasice surgery and used the standard method with those huge screws. We found the new doctor, who has operated on several of our neighbors with this new method. They are all pleased with him. Next, we spent three months having the nph checked out. Needless to say, we were thrilled today when we got the appointment so soon and then got a surgery date. This year on two occasions we learned don't have the last appointment on Friday afternoon. Both times they were more interested in getting out of there than doing a good job. Lenda
  3. I finally made it through the Daily. I've almost finished the laundry, but I still have one more load to fold, and the sheets will wait until tomorrow to be washed. Since the doctor appointment turned out so well, I don't mind the interruption with the laundry. We set DH's big tepescope out to try to get some pictures of Jupiter. It they turn out good, I'll try to post one after I finish cleaning house tomorrow. Thank you, @Cruising-along, @smitty34877, @cat shepard, @aliaschief, @StLouisCruisers, @JazzyV, and @marshhawk for you well wishes for DH's upcoming surgeries. It means a lot to know we have so many pulling for us. And, yes it is a relief to have made some progress and have the surgeries scheduled. Bruce, I'm very happy you were able to quit your dishwashing job. Stay safe while riding out the storm. We were lucky when we lived in Corpus Christi and Wilmington, NC. We only had to ride out two tropical storms, Fern and Frederick. That was enough. Sue, I'm very happy you are enjoying your Hawaii stay enough that you decided to add another month. Debbie, that is good news. It seems the sellers are motivated and you and Sue will be the proud owners of a home in Midland. Ann, I'm glad you tested negative, and hope tests negative soon. Also, I'm happy your DD got her booster. Jacqui, I'll add my two cents worth. I do not think you are crazy. I think the cruise is a good idea. Terri, I hope things improve there soon. Lenda
  4. Just a quick note, and then I'll catch up with the rest of the Daily later. The doctors appointment went better than we expected. We thought we'd have to jump through more hoops before DH was cleared for surgery. It turns out, that he has met the criteria, and is cleared for surgery. The type of spinal fusion surgery the doctor uses is a two stage surgery. The first one is scheduled for October 11, two weeks from today. The second surgery will be October 24. Both require a small incision of just a few inches and an overnight stay in the hospital.. The doctor uses a new technology that does not use large screws to fuse the spine, but a polymer disk between the vertebrae which is inserted in the first surgery. The second on uses polymer "zip ties" to hold the vertebrae steady. There is a follow up visit in November and another in late December, so it looks like we will be in Texas for Christmas this year. The doctor schedules follow up visits every two months for a year. However, if we go to Arizona after the first of the year, the four month visit can be a telemed visit and he can get an x-ray before the visit in Quartzsite. We have to be at the hospital which is two hours away at 8:30 Thursday morning for the pre-op lab tests and an MRI. It will be a busy week here. Lenda
  5. @Horizon chaser 1957 🥂 🍾 BON VOYAGE! 🛳️ 🎈 Have a wonderful time and enjoy your cruises. We like long cruises, but we've never done one (or b2bs) that long. Lenda
  6. A late good morning from a sunny. cooler, windy central Texas. Today is laundry day, and so far I'm keeping up with it and also got the sheets changed. DH and I are in a pleasant state of mild shock. He called the spine surgeon early this morning for an appointment. We expected a wait of weeks if not months, but he has an appointment at 1:15 this afternoon in Waco! 👏 👍 World forgiveness is good, but as @grapau27 said, somethings just can't be forgiven, much less forgotten. Fortunately, in Texas once you are registered to vote, you remain registered unless they purge the voter lists. Every two years, we receive a new voter registration card by mail, except this year DH did not get his. He called the county Elections Administer.s office and was told he is registered. We like to think we are travelers, but not tourists. However, when we are in a place for the first time, we're probably tourists. 😄 The Edgar Allan Poe quote is rather strange like it's author. The meal, in all it's varieties sounds good. Since I cook them in a skillet, I guess our chicken fajitas might count as skillet chicken. We'll pass on the drink and the wine. We have not been to Havre-Saint- Pierre yet. @cat shepard Ann, IIRC, @MISTER 67 is the Dailyite from Punta Gorda. @HAL4NOW I sincerely hope the fire fighters can keep the fire from entering Skyskomish, and that the all residents are safe. Safe travels tomorrow if you are able to get home. @Cruzin Terri Terri, I hope you find your earring. @kazu Jacqui, that's wonderful news about the Christmas/ New Year's cruise. @Seasick Sailor Joy, sorry about that spider bite. I don't want to alarm your, but I hope it wasn't a brown recluse spider snice their bites can be serious. I think after a cruise ends, all the lost items that are not claimed are sent to Seattle. Lenda
  7. I have finally had time to catch up on the Daily. We are careful about giving to much information on line. I very, very rarely post anything on FB. I mainly go on there to check on the neighborhood groups in Arizona and any events planned my high school class. Our neighbors here and in AZ keep an eye out for each other, so we don't worry too much when we are gone. Thanks for the pictures and another place to visit next time we're there. Debbie, I hope the seller will not drag things out, and you have a house to move into when your house closes. That is good news your niece and her DH are headed out of the danger area. Safe travels to you (and your luggage) tomorrow. Have a great cruise. Again, safe travels tomorrow. Sandi, I'm glad your DGD is on her way to Jupiter and safety. Lenda
  8. Good afternoon. We got back from the doctor visit a little while ago. It did not go as we expected, but that is not a bad thing. First we saw the surgeon's resident who was very nice, informed and thorough. Then, the surgeon came in and agreed with the resident. First, along with the radiologist who read the MRI, they did not see a tumor near the optic nerve. They believe it is an atypical growth of the bone. Secondly, they do not believe the NPH is a big problem at this time. The surgeon said the back surgery to relieve the spinal stenosis should come first. He said the spinal stenosis could be the cause of the NPH as it's restricting the drainage of the fluid from the brain. So now, we try to get an early appointment with the spine surgeon, and start that process. Lenda
  9. On July 7, 2019, near the beginning of 67 days on Veendam, we were docked in Iraklion. After seeing the Minoan ruins on Santorini, we wanted to see the Palace of Knossos. We took the shuttle to the drop off point, then the city bus out to the Palace. I hope none of these pictures are an actual repeat, just a different view. The more I think about it, we took the city bus not the shuttle. Palace of Knossos Sorry about the extra people in this picture. I got tired of waiting for people to let me get a clear shot. The street outside the ruins We took the city bus back to the shuttle pick up point and visited the museum with all the items taken from the Palace. It was very hot that day, and the bus was packed like a sardine can, so the air conditioned museum felt good. A model of the Palace of Knossos The museum contains most of the artifacts from the ruins, but I decided to pick two of the mosaics to show you. The gardens at the museum Some views of the area as we were waiting for the shuttle back to the BHB. The building on the right is the museum. In spite of the heat, we enjoyed our day in Iraklion and would like to go back and see the main town. Lenda
  10. Good morning from a cool and breezy central Texas. It was 71F when I left to run errands early to beat the crowds. Then a few chores around the house. We'll be heading to Dallas later this morning for DH's appointment with the neurosurgeon. We're not sure what to expect, but we think he will want a more detailed MRI before any decisions on treatment or surgery can be made. We wish the nurse practioner had ordered one after the last visit, but since the doctor we're seeing is not the one who supervises her, I can understand why it wasn't ordered. We just wish the process from finding a diagnosis to treatment didn't take so long. I admire those who speak more than one language. I took two years of Spanish in high school, but I am very far from fluent. Johnny Appleseed and family day are great days to celebrate. The quote from Mahatma Gandhi is a good one. We'll pass on the meal, drink and wine. We have been ti Iraklion once, and I will repost my pictures. @dfish Debbie, safe travels home today, and positive thoughts that your offer is accepted quickly. @cat shepard Ann, stay safe with Ian lurking about. I have enjoyed your travelogue. @Cruzin Terri Terri, I hope your can make your flights next week. With hurricanes, you can never predict what will happen. If you can't fly out Monday, maybe you could go a day or so later and still salvage some of your trip. What ever happens, stay safe. @marshhawk Annie, I hope the dog walking works our better this time. @ottahand7 Sending positive thoughts for your friend, Frank, to have a full recovery. @*Miss G* Hope you get everything done today. Safe travels tomorrow. @Vict0riann Ann, I'm sorry you and Pat got covid on your cruise. Take it easy until you are negative and feel better. @aliaschief Bruce, @summer slope Dixie, @StLouisCruisers, Sandi's DGD and all the others in the path of Ian, stay safe. Lenda
  11. Linda, I'm sorry you and your sister got covid after your cruise. At least, it wasn't on the cruise. I'm also glad you are feeling better and back to normal life. Lenda
  12. Glad I could help. With the shots DH got, the doctor used an ultra sound to guide the needle to the right spot. Lenda
  13. Vanessa, have you had steroid shots in your hip that target the bursa? DH had the shots over a few years, and they helped not only with the bursitis but the pain from the sciatica. Last year, he had a new procedure that used ultra sound to break up the build up on the nerve that was causing the bursitis. The probe also used water to flush out the debris. It helped relieve the pain. Lenda
  14. I think all the dog owners can relate to these. I thought of @Crazy For Cats Jake, @marshhawk Annie, and all the other cat lovers on the Daily when I saw this. Sorry, I only found one cat meme today. Lenda
  15. It's probably a good idea to have someone around if possible. However, I would rather put up with the reaction that have days of misery with shingles. The pharmacist who gave the injection thought most bad reactions were with the second dose, but told me that if I had any reaction, even a sore arm to have the second dose nearer the end of the six month period between shots and not nearer the two month mark when I could get the second dose. Lenda
  16. So far this has been a rather lazy morning. If I want to be comfortable sitting outside, I have to go out early in the day before it gets too hot. That is exactly what I did yesterday morning and this morning. As is typical for Texas, our forecast has changed again. Beginning tomorrow we should have six days with the highs in the upper 80sF, followed by six days in the lower 90sF before dropping back into the 80s. I say we should have since Texas weather is so changeable. @*Miss G* I hate add a negative, but I had a reaction to the first shingles vaccine. I was tired, had chills and fever, and a bad headache, in additiom to a sore arm. It only lasted about 12 hours except the sore arm lasted about five days.. This was only the second time I've had a reaction. Everyone reacts differently to vaccines. @HAL4NOW Thanks for the detailed explanation of the plan going forward on the fire. You always hear on the news about fires being controlled. @TiogaCruiser HAPPY 96TH BIRTHDAY to your father. @summer slope Dixie, I'm glad you are prepared to ride out Ian. Please stay safe. @rafinmd On a couple of eastbound TAs on BHBs, the clocks were put forward at 2 pm. Everyone except one grumpy passenger liked it. That passenger complained she lost an hour of daily activities each time it happened. I hope all the Dailyites living in Florida and others in Ian's path stay safe and don't have much damage. Lenda
  17. Good morning from sunny central Texas where the breeze is trying to start. Yesterday's UT game was a good game with one exception. UT lost in overtime. 😒 HAPPY ROSH HASHANAH to all our Jewish friends. As someone who wears hearing aides, I will honor world deaf day, but not celebrate it. It's been a long, long time since I read a comic book. There is a large comic book section in the used book store in Waco. Albert Einstein's quote is good advice up to a point. Somethings need to be remembered. The meal looks good, especially the first recipe. We'll pass on the drink, but the wine sounds interesting. In 2000, while on a train trip, we spent two days in Oakland and rented a car one day. We drove the 17 Mile Drive and through Monterrey. That trip was before I got a digital camera, so I don't have any pictures to share. @Cruzin Terri Terry, I'm glad you are preparing for evacuation just in case, and I hope by a week from today, you will be able to go on your anniversary trip. @kazu Jacqui, I'm glad you made it through the storm without a lot of damage. I was thinking yesterday that several of the stops on the Canada/New England cruises would be missed for a while. @HAL4NOW Thanks for the update on the Bolt Creek Fire and the pictures. I am hoping the firefighters have been able to bring the fire more under control during the time it has been moving slower. Stay safe. @aliaschief Bruce, thank you for the pictures of Monterey. Stay safe from Ian. @smitty34877 Terry, I'm glad Camilla's dad and the crew are safe and that he could let the family know. @grapau27 Graham, I'm sending positive thoughts that Father David's biopsy is negative. @dfish Debbie, I'm glad that you and Sue found a house you like. I'm hoping that the seller is motivated and is not a "foot dragger". Lenda
  18. Sandi, by the end of the date, you might have read that correctly. He turned out to be a big jerk. 🥴 For the record, we were shooting at empty coke cans. Also, his rifle was a 3006, and all I shot up to then was a 22. Sometime in the next few months he got married, and the rumor was it was a "shotgun" wedding. Ironically, the girl seated next to me in my sophomore English class at UT was his wife. We became good classroom friends, and she never knew I knew the jerk. I heard later, the marriage didn't last long after that semester. I hope Ren feels better soon. Lenda
  19. Good morning from sunny central Texas. It was 71F at 8:30 and is now 82F with a slight breeze. I decided to sit outside early before it gets too hot. Besides,this afternoon, we'll be watching the Texas 🤘 v Texas Tech game. GO HORNS! We have not had pet rabbits, but we did baby sit DH's DSIL's rabbit for a week, and I looked after our neighbor's rabbit once. Maybe that's why we never had petmrabbirs. I do enjoy the rabbits that visit our place in Quartzsite. DH loves cherries jubilee on a BHB. Early in our marriage we went fishing, including in the Gulf of Mexico out of Corpus Christi. I fought a large grouper for more than an hour before he broke the line. I've been hunting once, but was glad we didn't see any deer. I made a big date no-no though when I out shot my date with his rifle. 🤣 Today's quote is very true. The meal looks interesting as well as the wine. We'll pass on the drink. We have not been to Oman, though it was a stop on our canceled.world cruise on Coral Princess this year. @kazu Jacqui, I was glad to see you are weatherimg the storm safely. I hope no trees fall during the storm. I'm also thinking about the Maritime provinces and all the ships being affected by the storm. @dfish Debbie, sending positive thoughts that you and Sue find the perfect house today. The imp in me thinks if the house is even better than the one you lost, you could send the jerk a thank you note for his stinky foot dragging. It might confuse the heck out of him. 🤣 @StLouisCruisers Sandi, wishing Ren and the rest of the Jaguars good luck this weekend. @Heartgrove Jack, sorry your knee is worse than you thought. I hope the gel injection helps and delays the knee replacement a bit longer. Thanks for the link to the webcam and the Volendam. @Cruzin Terri Terri, I hope you can enjoy your anniversary trip this year. You both deserve a relaxing trip. @lindaler Linda, wishing your sister safe travels and no hiccups with her flight. Very glad you had a good time and a good visit. @aliaschief Fingers crossed 🤞the new dishwasher is installed on Tuesday. @smitty34877 Terry, sending positive thoughts that Camilla's daddy and the crew of the fishing boat are safe and out of the storm's path. @*Miss G* Safe travels to and from your DFIL's funeral. Lenda
  20. Terri, it sounds like you had a productive if long day. I like the look of the flooring you chose. Lenda
  21. Jacqui continued positive thoughts for you, your neighbors, and allmin the path of Fiona. Lenda
  22. Good afternoon. The yard looks so much better now. With no wind or clouds, our temperature rose more quickly than predicted. It was 71F at 8 am and 96F at 12:45 pm when I finished my shower. No wonder I needed a break to cool off part way through through mowing. It's a good afternoon to stay inside. Sandi, I hope your DGD and everyone in the path of the storm stays safe . I can understand why your so disgusted. I hope you get better news soon. Sharon, I'm sorry about your diagnosis, and I hope the medicine helps, and you get approved for the injections. Hope Craig feels better tomorrow. Sandi, I hope you get the insurance mess straightened out soon. We were billed twice for a procedure once. The doctor's office said to call the billing service. Guess what, the billing service said to call the doctor's office. After several calls and letters over a couple of months, DH got it resolved. Hang in there. I also hope those who were exposed at the Sisterhood meeting will test before the upcoming services. Good news on the Junior Cat. I'm sorry you had to cancel your cruise, but we all have to do what is best for us. I hope you will be able to cruise next spring. Lenda
  23. Since @StLouisCruisers mentioned the church next to the store with the tock in Qaqortog, I thought I'd share some pictures of the church and the smaller one down near the fountain. This is the other church. Lenda Lenda
  24. Good morning from a still central Texas. The sun is just now coming up, but it looks clear out. This is the day I wish there was some wind and clouds, at least while I mow the yard this morning. Another interesting collection of days. When I was in elementary school, several of us tried to learn sign language, but I don't remember much of what we learned. Love notes are nice. Teal talk days is important. @grapau27 Thank you, Graham, for the explanation. Today's quote in intriguing, but I'm not sure I like it. We'll pass on the meal and the drink, but I would love to try the wine. @kazu Jacqui, I'm glad you are prepared for the wrath of Fiona. Sending positive thoughts your way and for all the Maritime Provinces. Just remember, if you don't need a corkscrew if you have cardbordeaux. A hint: if you don't have a corkscrew, your can screw a long screw into the cork and use pliers to pull the cork out. It's a very slow, difficult process, but it does work. DH used that trick once when younger DD did not have a corkscrew. @HAL4NOW The pictures last night were stunning, but not what we wanted to see. I hope you and your town remain safe and that you get some much needed rain to help control the fire. @marshhawk Welcome home, Annie and Chuck. We always have anytime dining on HAL, but on the Koningsdam on our recent cruises, they gave us a standing reservation at a table. @aliaschief Bruce, you know someone had to comment. 😉 I'm glad you missed serious injury yesterday. We have been to Qaqortoq twice, and yhis is what I posted on March 3. 2021. We have been lucky enough to visit Qaqortoq twice, once in 2009 on the Tahitian Princess and again in 2017 on the Prinsendam. The weather the first time was cold and rainy, but in 2017, we had a nice sunny day. This is one of the buildings as it was in 2009. And the same building in 2017. We were looking forward to seeing that car again. A stone statue.. An overview of the town. Like most towns in Greenland, the houses are brightly painted. On the westbound passage through Prince Christian Sund, we anchored in an open area, and the Capitan (who can't be named on CC) and several others from the ship went ashore to visit with the villagers. On the eastbound passage, we again anchored and were allowed to go ashore in groups of about 250 for no more than an hour. Aappilatiog was a very small village and you could see everything in the allotted time. Many of us were disappointed that very few of the villagers were around. We found out later, the entire village except a few people were on the Prinsendam enjoying pizza and hamburgers. While their grocery store had a good variety of provisions, they did return with several boxes of goodies. Inside the grocery store, which was also a general store. Lenda
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