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Quartzsite Cruiser

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Everything posted by Quartzsite Cruiser

  1. I thought there might be some on the Daily interested in a study and a device UTSW uses when someone has an operation on their brain, has a stroke or a concussion. It checks the speed the pupils in each eye reacts to light. They used the device on DH before his surgery and several times in recovery. It was one of several neurological tests they preformed pre and post op on DH to see if the shunt had caused any damage, which it hadn't. Here is a link to the article. Since UTSW is a medical school and a teaching hospital, they are doing a lot of research in many fields. https://utswmed.org/medblog/neuroptic-pupillometer-concussion/ Lenda
  2. We were in Victoria, Mahe, Seychelles, on the Ides of March in 2000. I have a few pictures that DH took with his new digital camera, but since he was driving the rental car, the pictures are from a couple of stops along the road. I'll check to see if any of my old fashioned pictures are worth scanning. In the meantime, here are some of DH's pictures. We walked into town before deciding to rent a car. A nice looking beach. We were looking for a place to go snorkeling, but did not find one where we could park the car for a while and go in the water. There is a nearby island with good snorkeling, that several people we knew took the ferry to and spent the day at the beach. We stopped at a hotel for something to drink and to look around. There was an enclosure where we found these guys. The loved to have the underside of their necks rubbed and scratched. One even followed me to the gate when we left so he could get more neck rubs. I was surprised at how fast he would walk. The views from the hotel A beach on the other side of the island From our balcony as we sailed toward Durban, SA. Lenda
  3. @Live4cruises Robin, I hope you and Nickolas have a great cruise. I also hope we can meet again on another BHB. Lenda
  4. @Nickelpenny Penny, I hope you have a wonderful time on your cruise. Lenda
  5. RABBIT 🐰 RABBIT 🐰 WHITE RABBIT 🐇 I said my three rabbits out loud to my self earlier, but saying it again on here can't hurt. I think last month's rabbits helped with our good fortune with DH's surgery outcome. Good morning from a cool central Texas. It is 66F and feels like 66F. Right now there is 79% humidity with a dew point of 69F, so it should be a little more pleasant when I mow and trim the grass. The predicted high will be 82F with clouds moving in about 9 am. Since I am not a coffee drinker, someone else can have my coffee to help celebrate International Coffee Day. Others might think I'm elderly, but in my mind I'm not. Somedays my body disagrees though. 🤣 Frugal Fun is nice, but fun in general is great. I like today's quote by Jules Renard. The meal sounds nice, but not for today. We'll pass on the drink and the wine. We were in Victoria, Seychelles, in 2000 on P&O Oriana's world cruise. I'll retrieve my pictures in a few minutes. Two more interesting days in history to celebrate. @rafinmd Roy, I'm glad you are enjoying the cruise, and I hope the fog in Halifax lifts soon. @StLouisCruisers Sandi, I'm hoping for the best for Scott, your friend's DB and your DB. Glad Ren's team won yesterday and that he scored a goal. @cat shepard Ann, thank you for more good wishes for DH and for improvements. I suspect while improvements will continue, they will come a little more slowly. We are headed in the right direction now. @kazu 👏 👍 Yeah, Jacqui, on getting the bulbs ready for winter. Good luck with the packing today and tomorrow. @richwmn Rich, thank you for all your hard work getting the Fleet Report and Daily started each day and for getting all the lists for the coming year ready. Without you, none of us would have a safe, friendly and supportive place to visit everyday. @aliaschief Bruce, I'm glad you like the painter and that he will start on the bathrooms Monday. @RMLincoln Maureen, first, thank you for the nice words about DH's recovery. I'm glad you DH is easing off the eye meds and hope the pressure does not go too high. If you work on the sorting and move preparations each day, and do as much as you can each day, it will get done. I'm glad you are having relatives come help with the work. @cunnorl Charlene, please wish your DH a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY for us. @SusieKIslandGirl and @tupper10 Welcome home. I hope your cruises were all you wanted them to be. Lenda
  6. We both appreciate all the good wishes and hopes for more improvement each day. We were talking last night about the improvement yesterday, and feel that realistically while he will continue to improve, we cannot expect it to be at the same rate. For the shunt to work and drain the excess fluid, his head has to be higher than his abdomen. As long as he needs the pain meds which make him very sleepy, he won't be up as much as later. The pain is easing slowly. We're just pleased that we have evidence the shunt is working,, and that the surgery and pain while rougher than expected is worth enduring. Lenda
  7. Thank you, Sandi. I'm sending positive thoughts for an improvement and recovery for Scott. I'm happy you made it home. I hope you can get some sleep. I'm not going to celebrate yet even though it's 20 UT to 6 KU in the third quarter. Our new coach has turned UT around since he's been at UT. However, anything can happen before the end of the game. Thank you, Carolyn. I very, very rarely post on you know where and only friends can see my posts. I feel safer on the Daily, but generally stay away from most of the other threads. Thank you, Graham. Lenda
  8. Good afternoon. It's amazing that in less than 48 hours after the surgery, DH is noticing some more improvement. He'd been experiencing numbness in his right leg even before his back surgery. We and the back surgeon attributed it to the spinal stenosis and the sciatica. While it was improving over the past year, there was some residual numbness, and the fact that he still needed to pull his right leg up part of the way when he wanted to cross his legs. This morning the numbness was less, and without thinking he could cross his leg without any effort. I wish others could have heard the surprise and excitement in his voice when he realized what had happened. He wanted me to come over and see it for myself. Now, we're wondering what others things were caused by the NPH and not the spinal stenosis and sciatica. More importantly, we just glad they are clearing up. While the pain from the surgery is not as severe as it was Thursday, but there are a couple of places that are still very sore and painful. The small incision where they placed the valve that controls the rate of cerebral spinal fluid being drained and a place in his neck where the drain line goes down to his abdomen are especially sensitive. Sitting up in his recliner seems to aggravate them after a while. Thankfully, the pain meds are helping even though they make him sleepy. Sleep will help with his recovery. We are more optimistic this afternoon that he'll be much improved in a few weeks. Neither of us admitted to the other until this morning that were were not sure how much the surgery would help, but that we knew it was necessary if there was any hope. Now it feels like a weight has been lifted from our shoulders, and we can begin to look forward to the future. @JazzyV Vanessa, thank you for putting him on the care list. I think he could be moved to the rotation or taken off completely. Annie, I appreciate your suggestions, but I'm not a nap taker. Until this past year or so with all that was happening, I normally would sleep soundly. That has been the case for a couple of weeks until this week. Now, I think I'll be able to sleep better in the coming days. BTW, I liked the picture you took. Gerry, I hope the frost and cold weather hold off for a while longer. Karen, our old dryer is taking longer too. We bought it in 1999, and did not replace it when we got the new washer. Part of the problem is that the washer has a bigger capacity, so the dryer is drying bigger loads. Enjoy your dinner with your DH's sister and DBIL. I hope you get the crab. Vanessa, I'm very happy you had a better night last night. I hope the new doctor will have an answer to the pain and more important a way to solve it. Debbie, I'm glad the WD-40 worked. Between WD-40, duct tape and a good kick, many things can be fixed. 😁 Will we get before and after pictures of the light? I hope all those in the path of the storms in the northeast are safe and do not have flooded basements or houses. Now, it's time to go watch the UT game. HOOK EM, HORNS! Lenda
  9. Good morning from a sunny and cool central Texas. It is 71F and feels like 71F. While the humidity is 87%, the dew point is 67F so it shouldn't bee too bad for my walk. Our high will be 94F, but by then we'll be inside watching the Texas 🤘 v Kansas game. You know who we will be cheering on this afternoon. We both slept well last night. DH said it's the best nights sleep he's had in more than a year. The pain in his neck where the line from the shunt was placed is bone this morning, but then he is taking some heave duty pain meds for a while longer, and is staying ahead of the worst of the pain He said just getting to sleep well at night made the last two painful days worth it. I could see an improvement in his walking and his alertness. Three interesting days to celebrate. I think I'll substitute Canada's National Day of Truth and Reconciliation for Mud Pack day. I wish the US would have such a day as our record with the Native Americans is not good either. If younger DD and her SO were here, I'd get to hug our two vegetarians. I'll salute translators, and I sometimes need help translating English. 🤣 An interesting quote from C. S. Lewis. I've met some people did not seem to be from this world. Lasagna soup looks interesting, but it is still not soup weather here yet. We'll pass on the drink and the wine. We have not been to Suva. Maybe someday. Another three good days in history to honor. Without the ethernet and the beginnings of the internet, DH would not have been able to run his company. Our first adventures on the World Wide Web were on Prodigy. @kazu Jacqui, I hope you can get all the bulbs ready for winter today. @rafinmd Roy, have a great time, and check in whenever it is convenient. @aliaschief Bruce, the front door looks wonderful. @cruising sister Lorraine, I hope you get some great news about Murphy this weekend. The fact that she is still with us is good news. @lindaler Linda, safe travels to San Diego tomorrow. @dfish Debbie, I hope the WD-40 works. It can work miracles. @Seasick Sailor Joy, you gave me a scare when you mentioned white rabbit. I'm glad it's tomorrow, since DH and I had a long conversation first thing this morning. We still need good luck for his recovery. @marshhawk Annie, just getting the big pine out of there should make getting rid of the other tress easier. If possible, they could wait for cooler weather when the mosquitoes are gone. Lenda
  10. @Ichiban Nekko and @WannaSea I hope everyone has a great time on their cruises. Lenda
  11. @cruzn single Mary Kay, I hope you have a wonderful cruise. Boy Voyage. Lenda
  12. Good afternoon from central Texas. Our high today is in the mid 90s, but I still felt hot unloading the car. Like most things relating to hospitals, it was 11 am before the woman came with the wheel chair to take DH down to the car. We were lucky that except for part of I-35E in Dallas, the traffic was moving, and we made pretty good time home, even with me driving. Naturally, it took a while to get DH settled and everything out of the car and put away. By then, I wanted a shower, which is why I'm just now getting back to the Daily. I hope both of us can get a good night's sleep. DH hasn't slept the past two nights, and last night I think I got about 2 hours. While DH's pain is less than it was yesterday afternoon, there is still considerable pain, especially in his neck where they ran the catheter from the shunt down to his abdomen. It is taking two powerful pain killers to make him comfortable, but I hope it will lessen as he heals. This is not the easy surgery they made it sound like. It's just an easy one for the doctors. DH got his flu shot this morning before we left. That one less thing to have to schedule. Before I forget, please forgive any typos and iffy wording the past two days, especially this morning. I tried to catch them, but my phone thinks it knows what a want to say better than I do. I've noticed that even after I correct something and think is done, the phone will change it again just as I post. As a phone it's great, but as a "word processor" it's not so great. 😁 @StLouisCruisers Sandi, thank you for posting my pictures the last two days. @smitty34877 Terry, I'm sorry your basement is getting water in it. I hope the sump pump will handle the water. I can relate to using colorful language at times. 🤣 @Lady Hudson Katherine, I hope you both are feeling better soon. @Cruisercl Caron, unless things are bad, I'm the sole caregiver. We were lucky last year that our older DD and DSIL could come help for four days when things got really tough. However, both girls are super busy at work, and the younger one just started a new job this month while still helping occasionally at her old job. @JazzyV Vanessa, I hope you can get some help to relieve your nighttime pain asap. Great pictures from Alaska. @dobiemom Thank you, Marcia, for the good wishes. @Cruising-along Carolyn, you were lucky to have clear weather to see Denali. The one time we camped in the park, the ranger told us they'd only had five clear days all summer. We were there for three of them. I was great to walk out the motorhome and see the mountain behind it. @Nickelpenny Penny, I'm glad you are enjoying your trip. @AV8rix Susan, thanks for sharing the picture of the love of your life. I'm sorry he had to suffer so with NPH. Lenda
  13. Annie, thank you for what you said about caring, caregivers and being aware of time. I think it's hard for someone who had not been in the position to be a caregiver to really understand that there are two people involved in any major illness, just in different ways. Lenda
  14. As it stands now, DH will be discharged about 10am. The resident was in very early this morning and he discharged DH. The surgeon will not be coming. We haven't seen him since the surgery. We allow two hours to get home in case of tie ups or accidents. DH did some reading this morning. It turns out it takes longer for the symptoms to disappear after surgery than after the lumbar puncture. At will be about a month before they will know if the shunt need adjusting. Lenda
  15. Good morning again. Unless there's is a glitch when the doctor comes we will be heading home this morning. Recovery from this surgery will take sometime. There is not the quick change like one gets from a lumbar puncture. On an out a month, they should know if the shunt need adjusting. @HAL Sailer Melisa, thank you for letting us know about your DH's situation. Sending positive thoughts for the best possible outcome for him. Please remember to take car of yourself too. @cruzn single Safe travels today, Mary Kay @smitty34877 Terry, I hope you find a new aide soon. Lenda
  16. A very early good morning from Dallas. I think the sign is just for d how about not disturbing us during the night. They were in several times so got very little sleep. When they found DH awake about 4 am they arranged the ordered CF scan. I went with him and we got to see the back of the house so to speak. Three good days to celebrate. I like the quote. We'll pass on the meal, drink. But the wine would be nice of not too pricey. We've been to Anchorage many times by land and sea. Good days in history. @Cruzin Terri Sorry about needing the bedroom floor replaced. Your living room is lovely. We're waiting to see the surgeon. The resident was in and it looks like we will be going home today. DH' s pain is better. Lenda
  17. We're about to wind things down. Once the nurse leaves. I'm heading to the shower. There is a sign in the door about no vitals or non urgent interruptions between 11 pm and 5 am. A first. Visitors have to pay for room service with a voucher you get in the dining room. It's cheaper to get food to go from the dining room. They have me a voucher for free after over charging me and they over charge back, so I'll order breakfast with DH. Lenda
  18. Last update for today. We're on a large regular room and it's the warmest place I've been in today. DH is doing better with just a little pa in in his head, and I'd pretty alert. There is a very long couch and a recliner. It's been a long day and hopefully we'll sleep better tonight. BTW, they don't bring food around it set times. There is a room service menu and you can order from 5:30 am to 7pm. @rafinmd Roy, I'm glad you get to NYC and got in your room early. @quilty964 Thanks for letting us know an out the CC name change. Lenda
  19. I'm back in recovery with Steve. He us still having a lot of pain. The meds are helping ease it. I meets to get down to a level 4 before we head to a regular room. Thanks to everyone for all the good wishes. I'm not naming everyone since the phone battery is getting low. I'll charge it when we got tovtje room. I have long pants and a long sleeved shirt, but they are in the bottom of the bag. Lenda
  20. Just checked the video display on the progress of all the surgeries by case number. If said dressing is complete. Next is recovery. Many thanks, Ann. Thank you, Graham. Lenda
  21. Thank you, Ann for the good wishes. Enjoyed your pictures of Bergen. It never gets old stopping there even if we just walk around. Lenda
  22. Thank you very much. They called me from the operating room to say he was doing well after being sedated and intubated. The Daily is helping me pass the time. I just wish they didn't jeep hospitals so darn cold. Thank you, Nancy. Lenda
  23. The nurse and anesthesiologist took DH back to the operating room about 30 minutes ago. It will take that long to get him hooked up to he equipment and asleep. Then about an hour for the surgery. He'll then be on recovery for 30 minutes before going to a room. I went down to the cafeteria for something to drink and saw the surgeon's there. Thanks again, Debbie. Thank you, Jacqui. I appreciate the good wishes very much. Lenda
  24. We' be been back in Pre-op for about an hour. At looks like the surgery will be at 1pm instead of noon. It should take about an hour plus 30 minutes in recovery. Carolyn, thank you for the good wishes. Beautiful pictures of Bergen. That McDonald's is our go to place for a coke. Joy, sorry about the tour hassles. Besides bugging shorex, I wonder if calling them special needs department would help or cause more problems. Susan, the good and positive thoughts are much appreciated. Thank you for the good wished. And thank you for reminding us about how well your sister did with the shunt. Thank you, Penny. Brenda, thank you. I couldn't get his to go below your post.
  25. We made it safely to UTSW, and despite the usual heavy traffic from the Reunion Tower to our exit, we were early. Traffic wasn't bad most of the way. Now, we're waiting for a room in pre-op. Maureen, thank you for the good wishes. I hope all the work for the move goes smoothly Charlene, thank you. Thank you, Debbie. Great pictures Many thanks, Gerry. Joy, thanks for the good wishes. Lenda
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