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Quartzsite Cruiser

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Everything posted by Quartzsite Cruiser

  1. I think it boils down to what you are used to. IAH (Houston) took a while to learn, and we learned DFW after a few years. The problem is, it keeps growing. Lenda
  2. DFW is not the easiest airport to navigate either. At least, after 24 years in this area, we are fairly familiar with the airport -- that is until they do some work or change it again. I'm sorry the team didn't win, but at least they didn't lose either. 😉 I appreciate your taking care of the pictures for me. Thursday will be hectic getting there on time. Thanks for the good wishes. Lenda
  3. Ray, I was the one who used SO in my condolence. That is one I've used to refer to our younger dear daughter's partner, who we consider a son-in-law even though they are not married. There are times it is not an matter of being lazy, but in order to help keep some posts from being too long, as in the case of multi-quoting. I used them more on one thread than others, and when referring to family members who are not part of CC since I feel it's up to them if there name is used on a public forum. I think we've all had to look some of these acronyms up at times. When I first saw DW or DH, etc. and looked it up, it meant. It's ironic that I use the acronyms on CC but not in texting. My phone usually suggests the work when I start typing, which makes it easy to just put into the text.
  4. Sandi, with Tuesday's port being new, that will make it easy for both of us. We have been to Nassau but not Freeport, so no pictures. We've been to the ports on Thursday (9/28) and Friday, (9/29), and could you repost my pictures for those days? I may be able to post the ones for Thursday, but since we have to leave by 8 am in order to get to UTSW by 10, it might not be doable. Since DH will be in the hospital overnight, and I won't have my computer on Friday, I won't be able to post pictures that morning. He could be discharged Friday, but it depends on how he is doing that morning. You won't have to worry about my pictures on Saturday since we have not been to the port. It is difficult to repost the pictures on my tablet. Lenda
  5. Good afternoon from a sunny and windy central Texas. The last few weeks when there has been less area that needed mowing, and with cooler weather spoiled me. Today, it was back to mowing and trimming the entire yard since many areas started turning green after the 3 1/2 inch rain we got the week before last. It was also much warmer, and more humid. (Like summer had returned.) I managed to get everything done in about 2 hours 20 minutes, and before the temperature reached 90F. It is now 93F and feels like 101F. Needless to say, I'm enjoying the a/c now. Rain is still predicted for tonight into tomorrow, but this being Texas and also since rain often goes around our lake, I'll believe it when I see it. Linda, I'm glad you are ready to leave for your cruise. I am not one who likes to pack early. I guess it's because I don't like having suitcases sitting around in the way. I do go through my clothes to decided what to take, and get the odds and ends gathered in HAL bags ready to pack the day before we leave. Once or twice, I broke down and pack a day earlier. DH's stepmother always had her bags packed and by the front door two weeks before she was due to leave. That would drive me crazy. Gerry, I got a king size comforter for the queen bed in the motorhome. Since the bed is on a platform and high off the floor, it worked better. Annie, I'm glad you got some sleep last night and managed to sleep in this morning. Good luck with the trees. Penny, I'm glad you're ready for your trip and will have a couple of easy days before you leave. That is good news that you and your DH are getting excited about your upcoming cruise. It helps when three doctors say yes, go cruise. Vanessa, I'm glad you could sleep late this morning. I hope your Rheumatologist has some answers to help with the leg pain. Sandi, I think you were wise to skip the game since you get dehydrated easily. I just checked the Frisco weather, and it's hot. The app says it's 9%F and feels like 104F. I'm glad Dallas is ahead at the half. Lenda
  6. Good morning from a sunny central Texas. It is 79F and already feels like 85F, and the predicted high 99F to 101F. The humidity is 78% with a dew point of 72F, but an 11mph wind should help some. Tomorrow will be cooler, but with the prediction of overnight rain, I can't wait until tomorrow to mow the yard. I plan on getting out as early as possible so I can be finished before it gets too hot. It seems like now that it is fall, summer is back. Three interesting days, but I think International Rabbit Day should be on the first of the month. 🐰🐰🐇 🤣 It's been a while since we've had Cherries Jubilee. We are not hunters or fishermen, but may in Texas are. An interesting quote by James Brown. We'll pass on the meal and the drink. I'll take a plain mojito. The wine with a good prices sounds like it's worth a try. We have not been to the Isle of Pines or any place in New Caledonia. Two more good days in history to celebrate. I know Yankee fans were sad in 1934 when Babe Ruth made his final appearance in Yankee Stadium. We went to a football game in the old Yankee Stadium, and it was small even in 1969. @grapau27 Graham, I hope you feel better today. That was the same reaction I had to one of the boosters, but it was only for one day. @kazu Jacqui, I'm glad Ivan is back to his normal self. @ottahand7 Nancy, I'm glad you will make the Ravens game today. @StLouisCruisers Sandi, good luck to Ren and the team today. I hope it's not too hot during the game. BTW, if it will make it easier Tuesday for me to post the links to the port of the day, just let me know. @smitty34877 I'm glad you are getting help with the paperwork and phone calls. I'm glad so many neighbors and DD's work are helping with the food. @Lady Hudson Katherine, thank you for the pictures. I'm glad your DH is improving, but seeing your PCP when you get home probably is a good idea. Lenda
  7. Mary Kay, our condolences to your friend on the tragic loss of her SO. It is good that you are there to support her. Annie, congratulations on having the largest sale today. Tonight ended well with Texas winning over Baylor in Waco. Lenda
  8. I'm glad you made it to Kotor. It is a lovely town, and not as crowded as Dubrovnik. The drive is also very scenic. Edi, I don't blame you for not wanting to drive during a storm. I'm glad you snagged a hotel and are able to treat your DS. Good news on the cat sitter too. Lenda
  9. Penny, it sounds like you made quite a bit of progress yesterday. It doesn't hurt to goof off once in a while. Lorraine, I'm so sorry the CT scan was not good. Murphy and her parents have been through so much already. My heart goes out to the family and I hope they can find the strength to face whatever the future holds. Vanessa, I'm sorry the leg pain woke you up last night, but glad you could go back to sleep. I hope they find the cause of the pain soon and can help prevent it reoccurring. Carolyn, welcome home and back to real life. I'm glad you had a great cruise, and that Celebrity was better than you expected. Great picture. Sandi, I'm glad Dallas won. Thanks for the great picture of Ren and Colton. Today has turned into a lazy day, and I guess I better get a couple of things done. Lenda
  10. Good morning from central Texas. It is 78F and feels like 78F with 90% humidity and a dew point of 75F. It may be the beginning of fall, but we're under a heat advisory today and tomorrow. The hourly forecast says both days will be 98F to 99F, but the daily forecast is calling for 100F both days. After the rain comes through tomorrow night we'll be in the low 90s for the next week, then the 80s. I like the cooler temperatures of fall, but I do not like it getting dark earlier and earlier. Sign language is very important to many. Love notes are nice, and we need to be more aware of ovarian cancer. Another great quote from Robert Frost. I'm not sure about the hamburger casserole and will wait to see what Debbie @dfish has to say about the meal. We'll pass on the drink, but the wine sounds nice. We missed St. Anthony in 2003 when the captain of Rotterdam VI determined it was too rough to tender. This is the best picture of the three I took of St. Anthony from the ship. Three interesting days in history. There was a mechanical tabulating machine in the office of the elementary school I attended. It was huge. The 1122 Concordat of Worms was important. I remember "That'll Be The Day". Buddy Holly, who was from Lubbock, was big in Texas. @kazu Jacqui, I'm sorry you lost the hydrangea which had such a special meaning. @Crazy For Cats Happy 12th Birthday to Jasper. @StLouisCruisers Sandi, I hope Ren and the team do well. It would be great if the boys decided to go to the same college and could play together again. @ottahand7 Nancy, I'm glad the weather will be better by game time tomorrow. @ocean sounds Have safe drive to IAH and safe flights tomorrow. @RMLincoln Maureen, I'm glad you enjoyed the cruise and kept well on the cruise. Congratulations on the apartment in NY. It will be a busy fall, but you'll get it done. @Cruzin Terri Terri, I'm glad you were finally feeling better, and I hope the missed day with the Prednisone does not have a bad affect on you. @kplady Thanks for the pictures of St. Anthony. Lenda
  11. Susan, I'm glad the teller takes care of her four legged customers. Our smaller dachshund was always right up front and if possible at the window waiting for her treat. The other one had been "told" by the first one to stay on the floor of the backseat, so she was not seen. I learned to ask for a treat of the second one. Ann, I hope the ultrasound shows that everything is just fine. Congratulations on booking the TA. Lenda
  12. Good afternoon from a hot central Texas. It is 93F and feels line 100F, with a predicted high of 96F. Sunday, we're supposed to be in the triple digits again for one day before the rain moves in that night. I'll just have to get out early Sunday and get the yard mowed. The one good thing about our higher temperatures is they will help the grass seeds germinate and the new grass to get established before winter which is predicted to be a cold one. 🤞 Your travel plans sound lovely. I hope you have safe travels all the way and a great time. Susan, does the teller at the drive up window at the bank give the dogs a treat? When we still had dogs, they loved going to the bank since they knew they'd get a treat. Terri, I'm glad you are feeling better today. A day of rest sounds like what you needed. I hope the contractor can get the floor and the other damage fixed, and that will be the last you see of any of them. Graham, I'm glad you got the updated Pfizer booster. It's still not available at any of the pharmacies in our little town. I hope you don't have a bad reaction to the booster. Karen, I'm happy the COL for Phil gave you a sense of peace and release. Graham, you might be right about the bursa being the culprit for Vanessa's @JazzyV pain. If that is the case, a steroid injection in the bursa should help ease the pain. Lenda
  13. Good morning from an already warm central Texas. It is a sunny morning and is78F bur feels like 83F. The humidity is 82% with a dew point of 72F, so it will be slightly uncomfortable when I take my wall, but hopefully the 10mph wind will help. The only thing on the agenda is the laundry, and calling to see if I can get the flu shot. I was planning on waiting about another month, but I read today that now is the best time to get it. Evidently they expect the flu cases to begin increasing next month. I do not know anything about Hobbits since I haven't read the book. I will salute women in business and elephants. We need to support the women and protect the elephants. As usual, Mark Twain was correct. DH would like the halibut, but without the bok choy and coconut. We'll pass on the drink and the wine. We have not been to Sakaiminato. Two interesting days in history. @Haljo1935 I just hope the second echo cardiogram is to clarify or double check some things and not because of a problem. We've found that it helps if we both are at DH's appointments. I'm glad the shoulder is moving a little more. @kazu Jacqui, I hope Ivan is feeling better today. It sounds like you are right about the cause of the problem. @ottahand7 Nancy, I hope the rain and wind hold off until after the game. Enjoy your visit with friends. @StLouisCruisers I'm happy that the older DGS is settled in his dorm room. It is good that Ren and Colton will see each other even if they are on opposing teams. It sounds like you may be having a slumber party at the apartment. Safe travels for your DS and DDIL today. @smitty34877 Terry, the picture of Fred on the rug and knowing you joined him is so touching. Dogs are incredible, and I'm glad you could comfort each other. @Lady Hudson Katherine, I'm sorry your DH is still coughing. I hope he is better soon. Thanks for the great pictures. @cat shepard Ann, I'm glad you found a car. I think you'll like the car. We've had three Volvos over the years, and they are good, safe cars. Our "fishing" car which we use to haul stuff is a 1995 station wagon and is almost indestructible. @dfish Debbie, enjoy your lunch with former classmates and Farkle Friday. @marshhawk Annie, that was an interesting story about the miniature golf. When we played miniature golf on Legend OTS many, many years ago, we were following the cruise director and the guest comedian around the course and got to talking to them The comedian was trying to improve his putting game and make a hole-in-one. He didn't succeed, but I was pleased that ,I who am not great at miniature golf, got the only hole-in-one of the day. It help that the comedian had graduated from Oklahoma University and we graduated from UT. Another win for the Longhorns. 😉 @dobiemom Marcia, I'm glad you had a good time in LV in spite of the rain. The flooding made the national news. Have a safe trip home. @Nickelpenny Penny, I'm glad the subbing is going well. Lenda
  14. Good afternoon from a hot central Texas where it is 89F and feels like 97F. The weather app says the humidity says the humidity is 57%, but with the dew point at 72F it still feels like it's very humid. After an hour working in the yard, I felt like I was back in The Woodlands where you started sweating when you opened the door. This morning I picked up three bags of top soil to fill in the places where I pulled the crabgrass earlier this week. I also picked up doughnuts while I was out, so after we finished a late breakfast, and I got a couple of things done around the house to work in the yard. First, I sprayed roundup on the crabgrass that I couldn't pull. Then I spread the top soil, and scattered the Bermuda grass seed I'd gotten earlier. After working the seeds into the top soil, I watered the front yard very well. Now, I'll just have to see if the seeds sprout since it is late in the year to plant Bermuda seeds. However, the seeds were designed for Texas and it does remain warm until sometime in October. 🤞 After I checked on the prices for our prescriptions with the national chain our regional grocery store sold their pharmacy operation to, we decided the slight increase was worth not having to drive almost 50 miles round trip to W-M. It turns out when the prescriptions were ready, they were about 50% more expensive. The pharmacy web-site said they'd check all discount sites like GoodRx and give us the lowest price. It turns out that on two of the drugs they just went with the site for the other two. There was another site that had much lower prices, and when I showed those coupons today, I got the lower prices. It saved me a little more than $25, and the price increase was lowered to $12 and a few pennies. It pays to do your homework. With our humid weather and with DH's surgery a week from today, we decided to hold off replacing the coils on the the convertible. It drives all right, and when we got back from UTSW two weeks ago, the code reader showed no codes. Sometimes, procrastination isn't a bad thing. 🤣 Terry, I agree with Joy that you are a very strong person when faced with what you've faced the last couple of years. I'm glad your children are helping you. Since your Lou loved a party, that sounds like a very good way to say goodbye, but still let everyone know he is not forgotten. Jack, enjoy your two sea days and then your time in Copenhagen. Terri, I think I'd rather spend a rainy day with a good book instead of ironing. However, we're supposed to get rain Sunday night and all day Monday, so I'll be cleaning house on a rainy day. 😒 I'm glad Tux has been given the all clear. I hope Houdini gets a good report from the bloodwork. Bruce, I was thinking the same thing the other day when DH and I talked about the locked threads. However, since some of us look at and comment on the Daily late at night and first thing in the morning, I would like to see it kept open for a few hours to most of the next day before it is locked. We don't need more than the current and the previous day's Daily open. Earlier this week, someone replied to a Daily from mid-August which was a stretch. I'm glad you are enjoying the cruise. Alaska never gets old. BTW, when we bought our Prius in 2008, DH found what we wanted at a dealership in Phoenix. We were in Quartzsite at the time. He ordered the car online and we picked it up later that day. We were lucky as it had just come in that morning and probably would have been gone the next day. Lenda
  15. I'm glad you had a nice visit with your friend's relatives. I was surprised to read that yesterday's Daily was locked. It hadn't been locked for several days lately. Jacqui, I'm sorry you had to redo the spreadsheet twice yesterday. I hope Ivan is feeling better soon. I hope things go better today. Your flowers still look lovely to this non-gardener. We were on the Ruby Princess in 2015, and we had wanted to to to Sao Paulo, but were advised that the timing was not good for getting back in time, and IIRC, the ship did not offer tours to Sao Paulo. Since that was a new port for us, we took a tour offered in the terminal, and enjoyed it. We also saw the cathedral, but my pictures would be repeats of Sandi's. Our first stop was a park and beach area in an upscale neighborhood, with a lot of free time. Part of that time we spent in their small, but nice aquarium. The church was across the street from the park. An interesting statue in the park Santos is the town and team where Pele got his start. He played with the Santos team and the New York Cosmos. We drove by the stadium where he played but could not get a good picture. A picture of the Pele museum , which was interesting. A tram station across the street from the museum A few different pictures of the Coffee Exchange. The last two are where the coffee was bought and sold. One of the narrow streets in the central part of town The Palace of Justice Santos as we sailed for Rio de Janeiro. Lenda
  16. Good morning from a partly cloudy central Texas. It is 75F and feels like 75F with 88% humidity and a dew point of 71F. There is an 8mph wind. I'll try to get my walk in before I run the errands this morning. The predicted high will be 93F, but we could go over that since we're talking about Texas weather.. Add me to those who thing Peace Day and Gratitude Day go together. It's been 21 years since we played miniature golf, and that was on a RCCL ship. I like the Thomas Jefferson quote, but I agree with Roy @rafinmd that while looking forward we need to remember the past, too. We'll pass on the meal, drink and wine today. Our only stop in Santos, Brazil, as on the Ruby Princess in 2015 with Sandi @StLouisCruisers even though we never met on that cruise. @ocean sounds Congratulations on the up grade to a mini-suite. You will be spoiled. The north Pacific tends to be a little less smooth than sailing from San Diego or LA, but it shouldn't be too bad as long as there is not a typhoon in the area. @StLouisCruisers Sandi, I'm glad Ren is feeling better. That was nice of you to help your DDIL with some of the cleaning while she is gone. I hope you can get out and see some of the area too. @Crazy For Cats Happy belated 12th birthday to Tucker. He is a good looking cat. @rafinmd Roy, Stonehenge is part of English Heritage now. I'm glad you are not having a major reaction to the flu shot. The fatigue should wear off quickly, especially if you rest today. @marshhawk Annie, I'm glad the eye is okay, but sorry about the mess with the appointment. I hope the appointments today go more smoothly. Good luck on getting the tree trimmed. Lenda
  17. Annie, I can't believe they are making you clean up the tree before the will even look at what happened. I hope you can find someone with a chain saw to help. If we were closer, things were different here, and our chain saw wasn't in Arizona, I'd offer to help. As it is, I'll lend moral support from a distance. Maxine, I hope your one-year-old DGS is already feeling better, and that it wasn't anything serious. Roy, IIRC from previous flu shots, I never felt fatigue, but if it happens, I think it would be short lived. Debbie, what a mess about the insurance. I hope they get it fixed soon. May I suggest two glasses of wine to celebrate no diabetic retinopathy, no glaucoma, and no macular degeneration. Edi, I'm glad you finally have a surgery date. I hope there is noting else except the AFib that will need fixing. I also hope you have a uneventful and quick recovery. That will be a time to let others pamper you. @grapau27 Graham, I'm glad you got the all clear from the dermatologist. Lenda
  18. Melisa, I'm sorry things with your DH have changed so much for the worse in the past few months. I've been concerned that everything was not going well when you hadn't posted for quite a while. I hope if they decide to do the tests, that they find out the problem, and that it is not the difficult diagnosis. Please talk care of yourself too. Remember we're all here for you and your DH even though you are not able to post often. We all understand that your DH comes first. BTW, you are still a HAL sailor even if it's been a while since you were aboard a BHB. Lenda
  19. @HAL Sailer Please wish your DH a VERY HAPPY 87TH BIRTHDAY from us. Lenda
  20. Good morning from central Texas where it is 74F and feels like 74F. It will be windy again today, and we already have a 9mph breeze with 80% humidity and a dew point of 67F. It looks like our high this afternoon will be 96F with a 14mph wind. There is really nothing on the agenda today but puttering around the house. I may run a couple of errands, but will probably wait until tomorrow. Pepperoni is my favorite type of pizza, and it's even better with mushrooms and onions added. I'll skip the punch. I try to be ready for whatever happens, but that is not always possible. I love the Louis Armstrong quote. "What A Wonderful World" is my favorite recording of his. The creamy garlic shrimp is something to consider since we really liked the garlic shrimp recipe we had a few months ago. We'll pass on the drink, but I think the wine is worth a try. We have not been to Goteborg, Sweden. In fact, we've only been to Stockholm twice. There are three good days to celebrate, beginning with the reunification of Germany in 1990. I remember watching the Billie Jean King tennis match against Bobby Riggs. Even though he did not complete the journey, the Ferdinand Magellan voyage was a huge step forward in the exploration of the world. @RMLincoln Welcome home. I hope you both had a wonderful time on your cruise. @StLouisCruisers Sandi, I hope Ren is better today. I hope you and Dennis find some time to explore the DFW area. Unfortunately, the Texas State Fair won't start until Friday of next week. @kazu Jacqui, I hope the weather cooperates and you can get the yard work done. I looks like you made great progress on the things for your cruise. @Lady Hudson Katherine, I hope your DH is improving with the help of the antibiotics. I hope you see more of the Northern Lights. @mamaofami Carol, that is great news Sam will be coming home today. That should add greatly to his recovery. @cruising sister Lorraine, I'm sorry about your lawn woes. I hope they are correct and it will be better next year. I hope the weather continues to cooperate for your friend's COL. @ottahand7 Nancy, safe travels today and tomorrow. Enjoy your visit and the Ravens game. @rafinmd Roy, I haven't said anything since this has to be your decision, but a cruise is a great place to relax and get away from life for a while. It's time to get ready and take my walk. Lenda
  21. Jake, I'm glad they got the problem fixed, even if it was for a "nice" fee. I'm happy your DM is home and doing well. You are very lucky tp still have her. Welcome to the Fleet Report/Daily. New contributors are always welcome, and many of us were new at one time. As Debbie @dfish so elegantly said, thanks to Rich @richwmn, the Daily was a lifeline to us during the dark days of Covid. Over the course of time, this site has evolved into a caring and supportive group of friends, many of whomhavenevermetinperson -- yet. We hope you will join us whenever you feel like. So true, Joy. Rich, a sincere thank you for keeping this thread as it evolved over the past few years. It is still an important place for many of us each day. Lenda
  22. Earlier, I forgot to add this. I'm Buccaneer Patch O'Malley and DH is Mad Spike O'Malley. Lenda
  23. Tina, we made it to Hana on our second try. The first try with the slow going, we decided to turn around so we wouldn't be late back to the tender. The second time, we made it to Hana, and realized had we turned around just a few miles from Hana. It was worth seeing. Lenda
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