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Posts posted by CJHAN

  1. We bring a % of our spending buget in cash and the rest is any type of cash back CC. So lets say we have a $1500 buget for spending (not including the cost of the cruise)$500 would be in cash the other $1000 we would leave in the bank and use our rewards card to pay for everything else. When we get home pay off the card and collect the rewards

  2. I like Lopez i think hes vary funny. However i dont know that he is really the carnival type of funny. Gabriel Iglesias seems to fit the more family atmosphere of carnival. For adult lopez was just fine but a good adult comidian doesn't always equat to a good family one but the other way around the odds are better.

  3. to all the fools who felt the need to put booze into water bottles, seal them up again and try to bring them on board I want to thank you. because of you passengers are not allowed to bring water onto the ships any longer. there is always one that spoil it for others.


    If you think bringing alcohol on in water bottle is the reason you can no longer bring water I have to say you might be a little naive. Carnival most likely saw that many, many people where bringing on bottled water and saw a way to make more money. Why would they not want to charge for water when they know tons of people are bringing it on. Even at the lower cost of the water they are making money off of this.

  4. I was looking at my booking documents and noticed a change in my itinerary. Next to Cozumel, there is an asterisk. And it says "Overnight aboard ship". Now I can't imagine we would stay overnight since we have to be in Belize the next morning. Has anyone else seen this? Do you know what it means?




    Ill be sailing the same itinerary not sure of your date but i have the same asterisk for the same port also not sure why.

  5. I could have sworn Liberty sailings out of Galveston are by far the cheapest 7 night cruises Royal offers. Am I crazy in thinking that?? Only reason I prefer Florida is because airfare to Houston is stupidly over priced, plus it's an hour at least from the port.

    But yeah, no chance for an Oasis class.


    Im finding that with only a few exception the Galveston 7 days are just as expensive and in many cases more, that is until you move up to the oasis class ship.

  6. Hi everyone,


    We just disembarked on Sunday for our absolutely AWESOME Freedom of the Seas cruise. We absolutely loved it.:)

    As you can see from my signature and username we are usually loyal to the Disney brand name. We are Disney Vacation Club members and have sailed on all of DCL's ships. Disney, however, is getting stupidly expensive so it was with some trepidation that we booked our spring break cruise on FOS.

    We need not have worried as we decided (myself, DH and DS16), about halfway through our cruise last week, that we would be hard-pressed to book another DCL cruise.

    Our experience on FOS met and, in many cases, surpassed DCL.

    We loved our interactions with the friendly crew, the terrific food (MDR, Chops, Giovannis, Sabor, Windjammer), entertainment (fabulous shows and so many choices), beautiful ship...I could go on and on....:)


    We booked for next spring break on the Allure. Can't wait!


    If any DCL cruisers have any questions about the differences/similarities; feel free to fire away!


    We Cruise Carnival almost exclusively but decided to book a RCCL for fall break this year. We looked at Disney Cruise as we love Disneyland and Disney World but found it hard to justify the CRAZY PRICE!! of a Disney cruise. After all its a cruise how different could it be then the other lines. Im not sure why anyone is willing to pay that price.

  7. For people who have sailed out of Galveston. Going on the May 29th cruise.


    - Is there a particular parking lot that you like better than others?


    - If you had to be in Houston by 1 pm would you do the self carry off (or whatever it is called). We wouldn't have any issue carry our bags.


    Thanks for any replies and information.


    We will be cruising the same day but on the Carnival Breeze. We like to use Lighthouse Cruise parking.

  8. JH posted on FB it's name would be similar to Vista. So if you believe him, I know lots don't, it would need to be something at least remotely similar. Since we are all making a guess here, I like the name Carnival Seascape.


    In that case it very well could be Fiesta. Vista Spanish for view, Fiesta Spanish for party. However I do like Seascape.

  9. That is hardly a fair or accurate comparison. They are only discriminating against Cuban born United States citizens. Do you even understand the history of the embargo? It was started by JFK. The Cuban communist stole millions of dollars worth of property from US companies that had interests there. There was also the Cuban Missile crisis, where we came a breath away from nuclear war. The embargo came about due to real historical events.


    Its 100% fair and accurate. The U.S has its set of Laws and Cuba his its Laws anyone wanting access to Cuba has to follow those laws its No different then what we have been doing for the last 60 years. they made a law in their country we have no right to say what they can do just as no other country has the right to tell us what to do. You mention the Cuban missile crisis. How many Nukes does Cuba Have? None. The embargo with the actual treat to the us didnt last as long as did the one with the small country that has no ability to harm us in any way, why is that?

  10. I agree but it shouldn't be up to the cruise line to make that decision. Any US agreement should have been all or nothing.


    Sent from my XT1254 using Tapatalk


    Why? I want to go to Cuba but because Cuba Has a law that says another person cant go then I shouldn't be able to go either? Strip clubs dont allow people under the age of 18 to enter does that mean I should not be allowed in either? It should be all or nothing right?

  11. Yes, it is Cuba's law. However, Carnival is selling this cruise that originates from a U.S. port. Consider this for a minute. If you were not allowed to buy any service or product provided by an American (or any other country) company, simply due to your country of birth, regardless of your citizenship, would that be fair? Can you imagine if this were extrapolated to race, or religion? I think that these cruise companies are a little ahead of the game here. There is much to be worked out before cruises to Cuba that originate from the U.S. become reality.


    Up until recently by nature of being an american born citizen you could not buy thing in Cuba or go to Cuba without very special permissions. This is no different then what we have been doing for the last 60 years. Now its a problem when they do it?

  12. I wouldn't wear the robe outside my cabin but i can understand why some would. If you think about it that ship is home for however long your on it. Some people might be only doing what they would do at home ie breakfast pool and such. And if you live in the south I know you have seen people shopping at walmart in bath robes.

  13. People thought we were crazy to go to Paris years ago during the car bombings. The place was swarming with police, even searched my purse before I could go into Printemps.

    If we have to worry about terrorism, we might as well stay home here in the US. Places of work, movie theaters, colleges and kindergartens, all targets for terrorists. They're not going to make me change my lifestyle.



    Sent from my iPhone using Forums mobile app


    100% correct and it happens way more frequently.

  14. I've never been on a cruise where the pool deck was anything other than clean. I'm sure it's just that the videos have a lot of contrast and shadow in them.


    This has been my experience on every other cruise so it could be all the things you mentioned.

  15. Or does anyone else think the deck around the main pool on the breeze always looks dirty? When I see the web cam of videos on youtube or pics from reviews it always looks dirty like little kids with muddy feet have been running around on it all day. Is it just the way its painted or is it actually dirty?

  16. Ok about the glitch...


    And about holiday cruising, I do expect to pay more, understandable. But to have to pay as much for passenger 3 and 4 in a cabin, that seems wrong.


    We shall see! Thanks everyone


    Sounds wrong to me also. If the fare is the same for one and two as it is for three and four it would be a better idea to just book an extra cabin rather then stack 4 people in one.

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