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Posts posted by hazence

  1. 6 hours ago, PhillyFan33579 said:

    In my opinion they need to do the following two things:


    1. Significantly increase their cleaning and sterilization procedures on the ship. 

    2.  Ban passengers in higher risk categories (age, diabetes, smokers, asthma, autoimmune diseases, etc.) for the forseeable future.  The categories I listed are just possibilities. Ultimately scientists/doctors would have to release a list of categories/conditions that would prohibit going on a cruise ship. 

    There are obviously a lot more than just these two issues that cruise lines need to address, but these are two of the biggest in my opinion. 


     High risk categories don’t mean they are carriers. It just means they are highest risk to have serious consequences. They aren’t any more of a danger to others than people who don’t fit this category.


    Banning them won’t keep a ship safe from contagion. The Diamond Princess cruisers were infected by the crew, I doubt many of them were elderly or infirm.

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  2. I don’t think the point of that statement was to disparage the young. I think the point was to put the “sacrifice” in perspective.. 


    Heres another perspective: our daughter is a Mayo trained breast specialist. She sees some very difficult cases. I asked her what she was hearing from her colleagues at Mayo and she showed me the statistics we are all seeing. Of those infected, over 80% will have mild cases and will recover easily.  Of those who have a more serious case, still the vast majority will survive and recover. We all know these “averages.”


    It was what she said after this that gave me another perspective..... 

    She sighed and said,..”If only I could give some of these young women I see the same kind of statistical rates of survival.”


    Every day of the week, someone receives a diagnosis with statistics far worse than those for this virus. 





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  3. The truth is, no matter where your politics lie, either side would have made mistakes...just different ones. Democrats would never have banned visitors from infected China and other key areas...when Trump did. They were furious about it! So having an influx of possibly highly contagious people would have helped the situation...how? Both sides have and will make mistakes...their policies just have different vulnerabilities. 

    Can we please...STOP! 

    Why do we need someone to blame...whether it’s the cruise line, the airlines, China, Democrats, Republicans, what does all this negativity do for us? Let’s put our energy instead into seeing how we can help in our communities...check on the elderly, give to food banks. There will be “backpack children” who rely on that assistance, those meals at school...who now will have school closed. There are people whose concerns are their next meal, not their next cruise.


    If you want to see this cruise industry or cruise line survive and you can afford to take the cruise credit, maybe do that. 

    Stop the Blame game. Stop the political snark. Let’s put our energy into pulling together and getting through this crisis by doing whatever WE can, wherever we can....and we all can do SOMETHING even hunkered down in our homes.


    What was it President Kennedy said...”Ask not what your country can do for YOU...ask what YOU can do for your country!” Time to dust that attitude off again. Get over ourselves...

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  4. There is no definitive statement in that quote that older people with no serious underlying conditions have to sequester themselves at home. No one in that press conference said that.


    A contagious disease that attacks the lungs is obviously more dangerous to individuals of ALL ages whose lungs are compromised. That’s no shocking breaking news statement.


     No need to hype this that ALL people of a certain age should confine themselves at home.


    Use common sense! 



  5. My daughter started her first job n NYC on Sept 10. Yes...THAT Sept 10. The next day all hell broke loose.


    I wanted her to come home, to our rural area...she would not. I had the TV on constantly...every time the “breaking news” music started, I froze in fear. I heard every media rumor, then the Anthrax attacks began. I was literally sick with fear.


    I drove her crazy checking on her. I stopped doing things with friends. My husband called me “the Watchman.” He quoted from our faith “But that the Lord keeps the city, the Watchman waits in vain.”  

    I didn’t care.

    It was mid-November before a good friend confronted me. She reminded me that she was a divorced Mom with three young boys to raise when she was diagnosed with breast cancer that had spread to her lymph nodes. She said that for two years she lived with THAT all enveloping fear...looking at every bump or spot..till she realized what she was wasting.

    You can live with fear or live your life. All of life is uncertain. We have very little control.,. 

    (Just chatted with her on the phone, by the way. The most fearless lady I know.) I turned off the TV. What real value did all that information do for me?  


    A Cruise is a VACATION. It’s optional. If you are high risk, don’t go, if you will be miserable with fear, don’t  go.


    But for me, I will do what I can...but refuse to exist as a Watchman. I won’t try to talk anyone out of justified concerns, but please don’t try to undermine MY peace of mind...or the way I choose to deal with the unknown, the uncertainty.  I’m not giving ONE more of my precious days or hours to that kind of anxiety. 

    Been there. Done that.

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  6. Statistics can be manipulated just like anything else. Our media has expertise in that area in my opinion. Years ago, we made regular trips to Europe for business...OMG...our brains were surely infected with Mad Cow disease! 


    Suppose every day the media tracked the number of auto deaths and injuries in the same way they are reporting on this virus? 

    There is no proof that 1% to 3% of people who get this virus for the first time...die...because we don’t know how many mild, recovered cases there may be. We also don’t know the health status of each fatality. 

    But again, everyone can choose to react in their own fashion. And everyone should assess their own vulnerabilities. Having been stuck in London during the Ash Cloud “crisis”...that is my only fear at the moment. 




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  7. Google gives this statistic on auto deaths...


    “Nearly 1.25 million people die in road crashes each year, on average 3,287 deaths a day. An additional 20-50 million are injured or disabled.”


    3,287 deaths a day! Random, unpredictable, hand sanitizer and face masks will offer no protection. 



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  8. When the media talks about the death rate percentage among the infected...what about people who may have had a cough, run a fever for a day, and never seen a doctor? This is so new...who can say how many mild UNREPORTED cases there are? 


    How many people died in traffic accidents in the US today? That statistic might be frightening unless you could compare to an accurate count of everyone who made it to their destination alive.

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  9. If you are in a high risk category, you must weigh your decision for yourself. But how far are the rest of us willing to go to protect ourselves?  You may cancel your vacation. But, can you cancel grocery shopping, visits to your doctor, walking down your city’s streets, using a public bathroom if you are unable to get home? 

    How about opening your Mail? Can this truly live on surfaces for a week as some media suggest?!


    Consider the following...Certain states and cities have decided that their compassion lies with sanctuary policies. But that also means that they cannot know who is in their city, where they came from, where they have been...or what the level of risk this individual poses. There is no screening or protocols as the cruise lines are putting in place. So what should those of us DO in those cities if we are to accept the level of fear expressed here?!  Barricade in our homes?! Live off cereal delivered by Amazon?


    But then who knows what persons the UPS driver has contacted or the mailman as he walks perhaps down streets with homeless encampments? 

    I will wash my hands, wipe off carts, and go about my life, vacations and all...as I do every flu season. The fear some express is a rabbit hole...that the mind can devolve into paranoia. 

    Every stranger you see, every surface you touch....there would be no end to it. That’s not “living.”



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  10. I think everyone needs to do a personal risk assessment...financial and health-wise. There is no “one size fits all” in this situation. Also, do an assessment of your level of fear. Are you doing to enjoy the cruise or be in a state of anxiety.


    But realistically, what level of control do any of us have? Leaving politics aside, in some cities and states, anyone from anywhere can be sneezing next to you, using a public rest room just before you, or sleeping in a tent in your town center. No one can say the state of their health, where they came from, or where they have been.

    Yet, if you forego your vacation with people who have been screened and  at least somewhat vetted regarding their health...are you really any more protected from the virus?!



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  11. The frightening aspect is that individuals infected with this virus are contagious BEFORE their symptoms manifest. I believe there is a 2 week window before someone can know they are in the clear.


    So, how can anyone leaving that ship today be assured that they are not carrying the virus back to their homes as we speak? 

    What if one of the people being sent home to China become confirmed with the virus in the next week or so? Will we know? Are they being monitored?


    What happens if one of the hospitalized individuals is confirmed with the virus? Will RCCL sail tomorrow with the same crew exposed on this previous sailing?  Will the disembarked passengers be informed?


    Whats the protocol when this can be deadly to the elderly, children, anyone with compromised immune systems...or even a healthy young doctor in China who raised the alarm?

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  12. When my grandchildren visit, I look at everything in our home with suspicion. The parents, my children, tease me that I should have had a career in risk management. But I know all my prep work for their safety doesn’t mean I haven’t missed something or that I might not have one awful moment where I turn my back or slip up.


    Just a moment of stupidity and any one of us could face living with the horrendous burden this grandfather has. Yes, I agree  he was careless, unthinking...and he’s the only one to blame. But I knew a woman who popped out of her car to get her mail...as she did everyday for decades...and her car with her grandchild rolled into a pond on her property. Or any one of us could pull out to pass on a highway, it just takes a moment and a bad choice that Fate let you get away with a million times before.


    i think this family cannot see the suffering of the grandfather they love and...at this point...deal   with his responsibility for the death of the child they all adored.


    I feel for all of them...including the grandfather. This lawsuit will go nowhere. It’s not worthy of my anger or emotion. But that family certainly seems worthy to me of compassion and understanding. 

    They have a very  painful journey ahead.

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  13. I don’t know that this is about money.

    I think this is about...family.


    This family does not want to believe that this was the fault of the grandfather that they clearly love and respect. They also know that he loved this child just as they did....which makes it even harder to understand why he wasn’t more protective.  They can’t accept that he would be so careless with a child they adored and that they know HE adored as well. So, the fault MUST lie elsewhere.

    If they blame him, then they essentially have lost TWO family members, because it would be tough to forgive him and reconcile that he was at fault for their pain and grief. At this point, that may be too much for them to reconcile. 

    So blaming RCCL will do for now. 

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  14. In my humble opinion, it all depends on who is paying. If OP paid for the two rooms...then the friend needs to get her own room and the sister needs to keep her part of the original bargain. 


    If Sister bought her own room, she gets to change the plan...though it’s pretty inconsiderate and may make the trip less than pleasant.


    if the Parents paid, they need to mediate this between their two children. If it were me, I’d tell Sister that the original plan stands and her friend should book a single.





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