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Everything posted by mking8288

  1. Uploaded photos - over ship's inTRAnet, not using our limited airtime FAS minutes - from tonight's MDR at Taste - including menu; and, they are most definitely rotating the menus or switching to a fixed menu.
  2. Running down our combined 300 free FAS airtime WiFi minutes (ours are down to around 30 minutes, unused) - just ran another speedtest this evening, expecting it to be very slow as everyone is on the ship & maybe trying to use up their airtime minutes vs. letting it go to waste. Sure enough, not even getting 1 Mbps speed on download but pull almost 3 Mbps upload from my Lenovo Chromebook. By sunrise, we should by fully live using cellular signals from land towers ... charging full all the devices & battery pack, after breakfast - might go stake out a good spot outside on the Waterfront, as long as it isn't windy. Was able to catch up on details & forecast for Lee on ship's Weather Channel, with extensive coverage. @JIMESOPUS - good idea, is PistolG around ... haven't seen him around on CC lately posting as he does excellent photo; and, with 8 cruise ships ?? near his backyard - prime opportunity to capture something historic. Anyway, signed up for Dine With Officers and not a word about it, perhaps they aren't hosting anyone on this sailing - oh well - as there's supposed to a large # of Diamonds, Sapphire & Platinum onboard ... not sure if there "Ambassadors" onboard this week. Over the next 2 days, will make a stop at the iCafe desk when the manager is around (shouldn't be as busy as there is a long line there each & everytime I walked past ...) to see if I can get an update on Starlink's timetable for official fleet deployment. The last few patches of photos were successfully uploaded to CC while logged into CC, over ship's WiFi inTRAnet only - not using any of the free airtime minutes (so logged back in to do serious or necessary "edits") ... something that @graphicguy Dan is interested, as I've done this on the Joy, Getaway and the Epic ... just as "proof" that it is possible, and doing it again & again. Next batch of uploaded photos is from tonight's MDR dinner at Taste, seated at our, unofficially "reserved" window table #11 ... breakfast, lunch & dinner.
  3. Random pictures around the ship, the overloaded atrium lobby, with dozens of folding chairs set out for extra seating - whether it's for The Prize is Right, Deal or No Deal, Demos or CruiseNext presentations. Card Room is small & hidden away and in use, the space outside Le Bistro also used by folks to play board games. Supper Club was used for the Latitudes reception and other private events - maybe NCL should consider moving some of the atrium events into the venue. Kids & Splash Academy on Deck 5 is one of area that's been quiet all week long, with a small number of pre-schoolers on the sailing.
  4. Food pictures from today's MDR lunch as addendum to the menu posted, pretty yummy - passed ☺️
  5. @JIMESOPUS Counting our lucky stars this evening ... we evaded Hurricane Fiona last September sailing the Joy to NE-Canada in mid September and looked like we are pulling another against Lee, thanks to the navigational skills of NCL's ship captains in charge of these vessels. Disappointed, like many, of 2 cancelled ports & itinerary change, missed our favorite stop at Restaurant 66, Bar Harbor with lobster, seafood & lobster rolls. As for being last in the race toward NY for safe harbor, I can understand NCL's decision to sail slow - the Caribbean Princess left Saint John hours earlier than us - ride continued to be smooth & pleasant since we left port, no complaints from us. Hope our TA this Fall with a Bermuda stop scheduled will be just as nice. Shops onboard are running low on sales merchandise already and will be closed after 11 PM tonight. But, those with unlimited beverage, Starbuck & soda packages, etc. will be charged sales tax once we get into NY - not going to be popular & a surprise to some. Doubtful that it will make a dent for NYC and NYS sales tax collections as extra revenue. MDR wasn't busy at all, perhaps folks are rushing to specialty dining to spend down those extra OBC, both refundable & non-refundable ones ... heard that all the available slots are full for the remaining evenings. It will feel odd to be back at home, inside NY Harbor but still unpacked and ready to or able to disembark ... good thing is that we will gain full use of 5G cellular data via T-Mobile (Google Fi) and AT&T while anchored off Staten Island, but we might get assigned to a less desirable spot, given the ship size & tonnage - maybe not. Good reminder to flip on the Scanner App on the smartphone to monitor VHF marine radio traffic, should be interesting to tune in & listen to.
  6. Outside on Deck 8's Waterfront, starboard side, just before 7 PM. Low clouds cover & foggy, moderate sea swell and 8 ft. wave heights. Lee is hundreds of miles in the distance on a northerly heading as we sail west & further away from the approaching hurricane. Just another cruise during the Atlantic season of storms.
  7. Sea is calm again and sea swell reduced, sunset can almost be seen to the north - starboard side.
  8. We made the turn into clouds & fog now, and larger swell - can feel a little motion, that's all. Not a big deal to us.
  9. Text-based late afternoon onboard "Escape" update - ship/local time 18:00 (6 PM ADT) Thurs. Currently we are cruising at 15.5 knots, approximately 245 nm to Pier 88, already sailed 305 nm from Saint John, NB. Barometer is steady, air temperature 70 degrees F and humidity lowered to 93%. Sea state is reported & observed to be moderate swell, wave height at 8.1 ft (about 1.5 m) ... haven't seen any small white caps at all, just large swell sweeping across the ocean. Sailed further south & away from the southeast Cape Cod into Atlantic and should turn right toward NY. From Deck 5, midship, not feeling any rocking or rolling motion. In fact, it has been a very smooth ride for us since we left Saint John, NB Canada last night. Over the last 2+ decades, we have done quite a few cruises with far, far worse wave heights and strong gale force cross wind conditions that this one - last September, we made it back on a similar NE-Canada cruise before Hurricane Fiona left her calling cards in NS, including Halifax. Not aware of anyone onboard doing B2B or else and it looks like by the time the Escape is ready to sail this Sunday afternoon, conditions should be clear as to any significant impacts to the scheduled ports in NB and NS, and changes are warranted. Safety first and this is the peak hurricane season. Onboard shops are said to be closing down after 11 PM tonight and stay that way - due to regulations - once we arrive into NY area for safe harbor & sheltering from the storm. Casino operations will be stopped by 7 AM tomorrow morning as we will be leaving international water and no longer able to stay open. Expecting to see a packed & busy casino tonight filled or packed with players - it was that way earlier this afternoon ... left a modest donation, very small amount to try my luck, the bandits won. Latest bridge update from Jack, CD (Asst CD is Jeff) - ship will be met by pilot around 8 AM and proceed into the harbor, then drop anchor at 10 AM at a safe location. Clock will be turned back one hour at 2 AM in the morning to EDT. Stay Safe & Be Well. Cheers !! mking8288 - Henry
  10. Ya know about that old Las Vegas hotel trick at check-in with the extra sandwich slip 😉🤫🤭 Slip a bit of cash in advance does wonder, we don't even need to ask him to hurry & clean our cabin first. Direct cash is motivation 😄
  11. Rotating MDR menu for lunch ... Chicken Pho - Vietnamese style is back. Today only. Photos later, WiFi on ship extra slow today 👎 NEC wireless hotspot/router strategically situated in the hallways
  12. New pillow vs old towel animal, new & simple but different pillows placement on the bed this morning when we came back from breakfast.
  13. Update from the Captain on the bridge, we expect to reach Cape Cod area this evening with about 310 nm remaining to NY, should meet the pilot boat by 8 AM tomorrow & escort thru VZ Bridge to anchor off Staten Island harbor to ride out the storm. No berth available until 1 AM Sunday morning to proceed & dock, taking into consideration tide & ship's size & safety, etc. Lee expected to past thru our current location tomorrow morning up toward the Canadian maritime. Pax advised to use caution when out & about as wind & sea state might pose danger. Will post more later after the Latitudes reception at 1 PM and the 2nd CC Meet & Greet. Once back in NY tomorrow, should have good cellular coverage & resume "live" status 🤓👴🤗
  14. @RedRover96 not sure about naked wings, but will ask whether it can be ordered. The coating or breading on the new wings are pretty thin and not too soggy, better than the ones served on the Joy, Getaway and Epic as we've tried them all. MDR open for breakfast & lunch on all 3 sea days. Walking past Guest Services, folks gathering for the complimentary Behind The Scene tour, with security escorts. We decided to skip repeating this ship's tour for the 3rd time. P.S. posting this without connecting to ship's WiFi internet, only inTRAnet with the breakfast menus upload - variation with Daily Special choices
  15. Good morning w a quick update, ship about 1/3 way returning to NY at 15.5 knots, headwind toward us & increasing wind speed, seas at 8 ft. & swell, moderate. Foggy, cloudy & 67 degrees F. Hardly any difference at all. Heading to breakfast 👌
  16. FSD Day 4 - posting these while connected only to NCL's free WiFi inTRAnet only, not using remaining free airtime minutes.
  17. Day 5’s FSD Sea Day … Food Republic open for lunch, MDR breakfast until 10 AM ***** Still has 4G LTE cellular coverage & tethering from MiFi hotspot on Google Fi @ 11:20 PM, 90 minutes after leaving cruise pier. (didn't "hurt" that our cabin is starboard side, sailing southwest across the Bay of Fundy toward NY, with land to our right)
  18. Casino is jammed pack full tonight as we walked past ... who's worried 🤗 Only 511 nm to NY's Pier 88, now at 16 knots - only need 30 hours at full speed to get back.
  19. Posting on the Lenovo Chromebook, tethering off 5G / 4G LTE from Google Pixel 7 Pro - Fi (T-Mobile) network with free data roaming in Canada (and Mexico) plus unlimited voice & data ... while we still have coverage & still within cellular tower range in the Bay of Fundy. @Cyndi874 - thanks & hello, promise to help take care of the Escape and bring her back to NY. Safe travel & best wishes ... the crew among the best within NCL, friendly & smiling, and say hello as they walk toward & pass us in the hallway ... as Deck 5 is their alternate I-95 path on the ship.
  20. Express service - out at 11 AM and got our free Sapphire laundry back this evening - waiting for us when we got back 👌👌👌
  21. All abroad ADT 9:45 PM and despite Guests Services paging some guests about 35 minutes ago ... We are setting sail now, underway & leaving Saint John, next port of call - home, New York bound. Laundry Special $29 per bag flyer distributed today, we sent our Platinum free one out already, today, avoiding the rush 😁😆😄 Likely be out of AIS tracking - crossing the Gulf of Maine toward Boston direction - for NY on Marinetraffic, will upload periodic update & brief status, etc. Quick check of latest forecast & storm track for Lee, should be okay for our sailing. It is a foggy out there - expect the horn to be going 🤓 Wish us a safe ride, if somewhat bumpy with a bit of rocking & rolling, to be expected during hurricane season. U-turn done, moving forward at 10 PM 👍 👌
  22. Taste Private Dining Room on Deck 5 Foggy evening on the waterfront in Saint John at 8:30 PM, soon to set sail, all abroad in 30 minutes.
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