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Everything posted by mking8288

  1. @Outta My Work Clothes - Thanks for adding to, contributing and amending "bits and pieces" from your Feb. 6th Getaway. $14 p/o or $28 refunded for missing/skipping DR in allocated port fees seemed typical - another time/ship ... NCL skipped GSC due to weather & with a "fun day at sea" - got about $28 in OBC auto-posted to onboard account within 24 hours. NCL's ships seemed to be late and not able to get ahead of its scheduled port arrival time, not necessary isolated incidents and/or from strong headwind ... I'm pretty sure they "padded" their schedules to allow for delays for both arrival, departure & while in transit - appeared that Getaway hasn't been able to go faster than 21 knots, regardless and no matter what. It's just bad and aggravating when the vessel is 1 hour or more late getting to the pier to dock with some of the already shortened port times, with a fully sold out cruise edging on maximum lifeboat capacity. Well, at least they didn't run out of eggs in the gallery last week for ya ... I joked about this earlier, imagine rationing orders at breakfast ... or sharing butter & jam. It's not easy to just go with the flow, not when the elevator door open & it's full, stopping at every floor on its way up and down.
  2. Just my 2 cents here, on our recent Getaway cruise, I mumbled to DW that ... something is missing among the crew, not seeing the usual level of energy, cheerfulness and friendly spirits, unlike nearly all of the NCL cruises that we've been on. We recognized some of them are/were new to ship life and/or recently boarded the ship (required by NCL to remained masked for up to 10 days on a 5:5 rules ... whatever that is, as I was sitting 2 chairs away from the chief housekeeping during dinner with officer & didn't catch the entire explanation) We aren't breaking up with NCL, at least not yet ... has 2 cruises coming up, one of them pretty soon - going to sit back, cruise with an open mind, enjoy the cruise and probably toss in some humor to lighten things up. When it comes to food & the overall dining experience, it's personal and subjective and not easy to be neutral - except when it comes to proper food serving temperature, LOL. That's what food safety inspections do with a calibrated digital instrument, not by walking around the buffet & licking one's sticky fingers. We had 2 crew members to acknowledge & write about - both in the MDR that've gone above & beyond vs. the rest in their department. Our room steward was good but nothing that truly exemplified that Norwegian way & spirit of making us truly feel like being our home away from home ... old-timers surely recognized what I'm referring to. The positives still outweight the negatives but it isn't trending properly in 2023.
  3. @Monica887 Short answer is "no" and that's how NCL's pricing scheme works. They won't offer or sell you unlimited for a day, it's for the duration of the entire cruise (minus day 1 and maybe day 2 at the beginning ... although, on one of our longer 14 nights cruise - I'm pretty sure one can skip the first 3 days and start as late as day 4, if the rules hasn't changed, again, since 2019) If you have 150 FAS minutes, that's 2.5 hours of limited access, which you must remember to logout after each use; and, then login again to resume & start the meter again ... otherwise, it'll be gone before midnight on Day 1.
  4. The upgrade price should be shown under your reservation's "Offered Upgrade" for the basic unlimited and streaming/premium unlimited, and, already priced or factored your trade-in discount/credit 300 minutes ( times 2 users ) As noted above, just help get DW signed into your profile and burn those 300 minutes (6 hours worth) on Day 1 ... and with dinner & other events, get her pretty close to midnight for doing "her's" Day 2 upgrade, after switching the profile & logged out of "your" profile with the minutes already/nearly used up. Checking ours, pricing for unlimited dropped on longer cruises (15 days) to $25 per day or $375 for 15 days. 300 minutes get a trade-up credit of $145 and the full 15 days upgrade to basic unlimited is $230. Trade-up unused 300 minutes on Day 2 to unlimited and save $25 to a total of $205. Trade-up on Day 3, lowered further to $180 for 13 days instead of 15 days < I recall that to be allowed on our last 14 nights cruise - reducing the billable days - by upgrading on Day 3 > Sound confusing, it's okay ... ask about it onboard & do it later, you will save some money and at least won't be paying more on the ship. Kick the tin can here: if you own 100 shares of NCLH stocks, it's worth $250 NR-OBC for cruise of 15 days or longer, unused NR-OBC balance will be either $45 or $70 after adjusting for the WiFi charges for 14 or 13 days.
  5. Details/fine prints embedded from PCC's email - (section on triple points) - check you spam mail filter, was dated Feb 5, 2023 ... Your February Latitudes Insider offers are here! Earn 3 extra points as you cruise to Northern Europe, the Greek Isles or Alaska. Plus, combine these offers with Free 2nd Guest and save on your next vacation. https://www.ncl.com/about/terms-and-conditions/promotions?cid=EM_MKD_NA_PGU_EML_NA_EML_LATOFF_LAT020523_NA_NA#insideroffertriplepoints THREE EXTRA LATITUDES POINTS PER NIGHT SELECT CRUISES Booking Window: February 1 - March 31, 2023 11:59 pm EST Applicable sailings: 3+ night Alaska & Europe sailings in 2023 on the following ships only: Alaska Cruises Norwegian Jewel Norwegian Spirit Europe Cruises Norwegian Dawn Norwegian Gem Norwegian Getaway Norwegian Star Terms & Conditions Not applicable to categories IX, OX, BX, MX (Sail Away Categories). Offer is applicable to the 1st and 2nd guest on the reservation only. Two extra Latitudes points are per person, per night on the reservation. Offer is for new individual FIT reservations. Qualifying new individual FIT reservations can be moved into an existing FS or Traditional group and count towards tour conductor credits. Promotion cannot be held as a new or existing traditional or FS group block. Promotion is not applicable to Traditional Groups/Type: Affinity, Nettour, NettourC, CHARTERS, CMI OP EVENT, CMI OP LG EVENT, INCREG & INCLARGE. Promotion is not applicable to FS Groups/Type: Affinity, Nettour or NettourC (classification type). Offer is not combinable with charter or inaugural sailings. To take advantage of this offer and ensure receipt of Latitudes benefits on board, guest needs to provide Latitudes membership number at time of booking. In order to qualify guest must be enrolled in the Latitudes program and have completed at least one sailing with Norwegian Cruise Line. Offer valid for all Latitudes tiers: BRONZE, SILVER, GOLD, PLATINUM, PLATINUM PLUS, or AMBASSADOR. Following the sailing completion, the Latitude points will be added to the applicable accounts. This is a cruise only offer. This promotion is not applicable on the land portion of Cruisetour packages. Anything consumed above the promotional benefit will be the responsibility of the guest at prevailing rates. Government taxes, port expenses & fees, discretionary onboard service charges and/or gratuities are additional. Applicable to AUSTRALIA, NCL ASIA, NCL BERNE, NCL BRAZIL, NCL FRANKFURT, NCL INTL, NCL LONDON, NCL MEA, NCL MIAMI, NCL OSLO.
  6. @Two Wheels Only Maybe, just maybe for a 10+ nights itineary with sea days. Was just looking at the "current" or most recent Le Bistro menu (Jan 2023's) and OMG, they butchered that menu, worst than a thousand cuts, left & right - hardly anything left worth dining there for, aside from possibly the Dover Sole - the starter/salad/soup options are just OMG, pathetic, yike and hopeless - half of it probably fit right in Ocean Blue's menu (except, not a choice on many ships) Although we're never a big fan of Le Cucina - some of the popular dishes stripped and gone. Coming up next, got 5 nights of SD (3 plus 2 Sapphire's) and that's plenty, heck no as a whole in doing more SD nights.
  7. That's one of the "catches" and gotcha with the internet packages - wouldn't hurt to ask on embarkation day. Sailing out of NY (and, most ports for that matter) - usually has cell signal until 5 to 6 pm and it's then dinner time. By the time we've finished, it's late already especially if going to the "welcome abroad" show - wait 2 or 3 hours and then go live, all (late) night long, midnight onward - not as difficult as it sound. Upcoming sailing, ship not scheduled to sail until 7:30 p.m - almost certain to still get cellular coverage until 8:30 or 9 p.m. from the balcony as ship leave the port's harbor.
  8. I don't have "this week's" current or latest rates/upgrade info but as of last month, I'm pretty certain you can upgrade on Day 2 of a 7 Day (Nights) cruise, apply the 150 FAS minutes - unused - and get credit for trading up, and paid for 6 day's worth of unlimited, priced at $30 per day (higher for the streaming "premium" unlimited ... which might work better for some with the optimized device(s) or hardware that's WiFi6 or at least WiFi5+ higher / 802.11.ac) Basic formula that I've used over the years to calculate (rounded to nearest dollars for simplicity) $30 per day x 6 = $180 less $100 trade-up credit = $80 for 6 days vs. $109 ($29/$30 for 1 less day). If there is 2 of you, once you've done the upgrade after 00:01 (midnight after sailing is Day 2) - the second pax's 150 minutes remained usable & can be used and shared, gifted to someone else traveling with you and/or go online on a 2nd. device at the same time, etc. Unconfirmed but once you started using those free FAS minutes on Day 1, the option to upgrade is gone for that user - it might, I am not sure, the option to upgrade for 2nd person with FAS remains valid or not as long as zero airtime minutes were used. Otherwise, once you've upgraded the first person's plan to unlimited - the second person's plan minutes are good & go ahead, use it on a different device. Remember to check your unused balance of minutes and do the login and logout commands on a browser (iCafe has a printed written guide) I always recommend doing this upgrade onboard instead of prepaying ahead, as you can sometimes get "unexpected" or "unforeseen" changes resulting in non-refundable OBC being issued or posted against your onboard account, to offset & paid for the upgrade. Do this ahead or pre-cruise, charges must be paid for using one's credit/debit card immediately. As for the Latitudes minutes, those're long gone unless one has an very "old" booking that remained unchanged, thus grandfathered in and possible to stack on top of FAS minutes - those were given little to zero values for the uptrade (30 minutes p/p when we're Platinum then and 60 minutes p/p when we reached P Plus, all pre-Covid) Latitudes discount (Sapphires, Platinums, etc.) does not apply to these trade-ups and not stackable. If going on the Bliss again, might also be worth waiting to see if Starlink will roll out to the ship by embarkation time, as terms & prices might change (upward ... LOL) and maybe they'll run "specials" to promote the "expected" & promised superior connectivity.
  9. Great pix of San Juan & thanks ... although we've cruised there several times, it's mostly those 4 pm scheduled arrival ... can only see that much (little) as it often gets dark quickly and some of the attractions closing up. Don't mind a full day visit or stopover there ... oh well, next time - perhaps but not a "strong" excuse to cruise just to see PR.
  10. Quick look at Marinetraffic's data on Encore's AIS tracking data today, she did appeared to sailed into Taino Bay (and, not Amber Cove) and left there, currently reported underway & enroute to St. Thomas. Perhaps, work at the Bay has completed and mega ships cleared to use the city/downtown pier.
  11. Generally speaking, the booking confirmation served as your tender ticket, not necessary priority per se but you & rest of your group don't need to get tender ticket. Depending on the ship, not sure if it might become digital ticket, check onboard with all the welcome envelopes in your stateroom. Each tender can take up to 400 per trip, including crews & supplies on the first run to the island. Not everyone go ashore and those in Haven usually get escorted down from the designated waiting or meeting location ... and when we use our "priority" privileges, had usually joined the first or second tender, skipping the lines on the stairs and corridors leading to the tender dock's gangway. Haven't read any issues of clam shells being sold out, even if you join the line for tenders later - might missed out prime locations and the vented ones
  12. @DZ77 Savor & Taste are basically mirror image of each other, port & starboard side ... smaller & more casual vs. the bigger Manhattan MDR - all 3 use the same menu in its daily rotations and serve the same food - services tend to be a click faster in the 2 smaller MDR. For a group of 15, MMDR probably better as they do have more large tables, long & round ones that can easily seat 8 to 10 per table (most likely split into 2 tables) For a large group such as yours, if nearly everyone plan to dine together nightly - call ahead and see if they can link up the reservations and pre-book tables at a set time for each evening, then, adjust it ahead onboard by working with the host/ess on the arrangements. All 3 are open nighly for dinner, with the 2 smaller ones open for breakfast and also for lunch on sea days ... Manhattan isn't open for lunch or breakfast, unless the ship is close to max lifeboat capacity.
  13. Turtles06 - well done, been waiting for your report. You nailed it on a # of the points about the newly "refreshed" GEM with the uncomfortable chairs & furniture with the improper height. Our friends rode her back to NY on the T/A in December and they couldn't believe it. Perhaps, NCL's designers were trying too hard to be accessible friendly. Yet, they left those bathtubs with the high step-over height, totally inconsistent. They mentioned that the chairs & loungers outside the bar & lounge area next to Le Bistro as among the worst. BTW, welcome home !!
  14. Hundreds of blue clam shells on the island (if not thousands) and they are mostly near the beach - find one with the vented sides as they are best for cross ventilations. Find your favorite spots with the shells, pick an unoccupied one and it's yours to keep & use for the entire day - show the "attendant" nearby your receipt or proof (should be in your stateroom - if not, stop at the Shorex Deck) as that's also your tender ticket to go early. Bring suntan lotion for UV & sun protection and something colorful that you can tied or mark your clam shell in a sea of blue, they all look alike. Good luck on the next tendering attempt, always 50:50 as you know by now, especially if the north wind is blowing ...
  15. Shipmate is a free App on Android and iOS - we use it to store, offline, our upcoming ship's cruise info, deck maps, itinerary and other details for use without broadband access. Saved under the "My Cruises" tab - there is also a handy cruise packing checklist to use. NCL's App ... still digitally "work in progress" after all these years.
  16. Just checking in, love the pictures and looking at cruisemapper & ship's live-cam ...still like 60+ nm to PC. That's running late for 1 pm scheduled arrival + docking and gangway time, thankfully it's an overnight stop. Ship hasn't been going past 21 knots lately ??? to save fuel ... Sea has been calm too. Enjoy & go have fun with LM. Still going to Bermuda ? Looking closely at Windy App forecasting 🤞
  17. On our bucket list to do T/A on a "routine" basis ahead ... not easy while you are still in the rat race earning take-home pays, haha. Got one locked on the maritime radar on short notice since we have 200% flexibility and plenty of flight options to/from JFK to just about anywhere. This one in question "only" has 4 full sea days in between ports, unless the ship skipped Bermuda while crossing en route. Gives us a chance to load up the Fire HD tablet with all the Kindle books & readings, enough there to last for weeks, plus offline video contents. Can't see ourselves being bored on sea days and there's always the fitness center or gym to take off some calories ... and, get to experience all the rotating dining menu (MDR) options. Just enough specialty dining credits & vouchers. Besides, these sailings aren't going to be packed full at 95% occupancies anytime soon ... I don't believe they ever do, unless it's an inaugural sailing.
  18. Thank you for sharing your short & concise report, and I appreciate the comments about the new housekeeping protocols. Wondering if some of the junior crew members in the dining rooms are new and inexperienced ... and with some of the recent sailings at full occupancies, difficult to expect nearly everything to be smooth & "errors" prone. Perhaps, housekeeping should leave 2 sets of towel in all the staterooms so that while set #1 is soiled & needs to be replaced during the day ... could be mid/late morning or early/late afternoon or even while one is out having dinner - there's a 2nd set of fresh & clean towel to use, especially if and one gets back early from a port day or while at sea, for an afternoon nap. Over the years, we've been "spoiled" to leave for breakfast & come back late morning on a sea day to find the entire cabin cleaned, restocked & freshen up, new towels, ice buckets & coffee stations replenished, etc. I know, our recent land stay at a land resort for the weekend - housekeeping until we checked out was on request only, but otherwise, DIY as our junior suite was stocked with extra towels, toiletries - but a small tip on the next morning got us extra supplies, bottled water & clear trash bags ...
  19. This many don't mind ... different folks, different take on these reporting. CC'er #2 could view it as "complimentary" or sharing and cooperating for diversity, and, CC'er #3 could view #2 as a hijacker against CC'er #1 as the OP ... Rest of us - might be confusing or just fine, and, maybe not. OP didn't upgrade to unlimited where as the other poster did (staying in a different area of the ship) ... that isn't necessary so bad to get continuous updates and reports. Keep in mind, they are being generous taking time out of their vacation to write, upload & post pictures and share their cruise with rest of us - I would just say, thank you and let them "chat" with each other, including please back off or maybe, "hey, gee, didn't know about things happening on the other end and/or ship decks, etc. " For those sailing next week, "all" of the latest info posted here are useful - IMHO. Besides, there is so much going on during a given cruise, that it's practically impossible to cover many of the happenings, let alone "most" events & activities. Off-topic, looking around to see if anyone that disembarked yesterday on their 12 nights to the Caribbean has done any post-cruise summary, review, comments & shared the good, bad and oh dear stories.
  20. Look for an email (today - Feb 19th) from one's NCL PCC - up to 3 extra points per night booking - Feb 1 to Mar 31, for the Jewel & Spirit sailing Alaksa and Dawn, Gem, Getaway and Star sailing Europe.
  21. Actually, there are currently 2 semi/live post reporting onboard the Getaway 8 nighters (NY-FL-Nassau) that (frozen) lobster tails are available & being served in Tappenyaki as a choice/option and/or combo mix ... didn't mention any extra/upcharge costs ... in addition to salmon. We're on the GA just 3 weeks ago and that wasn't served, only jumbo shrimp. This isn't bad at all - perhaps due to jumbo shrimps or prawns not being available and NCL is substituting lobster tails instead (can't say ... not being there, whether it's warm or cold water sourced lobster tails, N.E./Maine or imported/Canada, etc.) Maybe it's specific to the Getaway and for select winter sailings only, i.e. school break with 4,800 pax onboard currently - previous high was 4,570+ and ours last month, "just" 3,900 with the headcounts. Be happy and cheers !
  22. Good morning to all those onboard, sounded like things mostly went well and smooth ... mostly with a few hiccups with the ship near lifeboat / maximum permitted capacity during school break. Wondering if some of the orders not getting thru might be attributed to the new & less than experienced crews working on the ship, i.e. our room steward wasn't in her 20's but we learned she just returned from a break (in December) after her first contract with NCL - and we continued to see crew members rotation, reporting for duty. There's another live Report onboard the GA by another CC'er - it mentioned that (frozen) lobster tail is back - as a choice in Teppanyaki, wow - that's not bad vs. "jumbo" shrimps (would've much preferred black tiger jumbo shripm/prawn ... I know, greedy) This must be something new, or temporary - as we had shrimps not lobster tail, as one of the option and/or in the combo mix. Haven dining, we know, usually has a choice for lobster tail(s). Ship's livecam showing calm seas & fair weather, sun & clouds - should be a good day/afternoon on the sun decks. Thank you again for all the incremental updates & "supplemental" posts contributed by others. Have a great cruise !
  23. @Dorhead1230 Glad to read that your embarkation went smoothly and onboard ... just a quickie look now, (updated) ship just backed out of at Pier 88 a little after 5 p.m. and underway, turned south already for the Hudson River ... safe & happy sailing ahead. O'Sheehan's can be a hectic place on embarkation day b/c some of the servers were diverted to help with luggage & stateroom turnaround related assignments. Metin is / should be the F&B Manager [he was GM until ("super") Mario returned from vacation last month] - here is the calling card from the M&G ... Or, go to the Restaurant Manager - just dial their extension numbers directly. They claimed and said to be reading & following CC for comments, feedbacks and what not ... let them know, we hope that they do pay attention and make every effort to do a little better; that, we aren't interested to see failure. They really do need go above & beyond.
  24. Bon Voyage - have a great cruise ... 😄 There should be plenty of rooftop parking above Pier 88, Waze/Navigation showing smooth traffic on LIE Rt. 495 west direct to QMT across midtown to cruise terminal parking. And, you probably will skip & miss most of the crowd & madness inside to get check-in and board, and staterooms hopefully ready by then. The question is "what's for lunch" ??
  25. Well, that's quite a substantial number of passengers that sailed the Prima during the above time period - more than a few thousands onboard (or a smaller "subset" of passengers) ... Someone mind uploading or posting that letter as FYI, perhaps ?? Probably reasonable to conclude the source(s) were traced, identified and mitigated and cleared by public health authorities, etc. to reassure - kind of surprised, for a new ship that ... Not a good public relations matter. Surely, retired chief can help explain a little more.
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