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Posts posted by brooklynfc

  1. I would go to a family Dr. and get it checked out. But it is mostly likely bites from bugs on one of the islands you visited. If you had bed bugs, all of you would have bites, not just the kids. The Caribbean has lots of insects that like to nibble on tourist. Not saying it couldn't be, but mostly likely, not.

  2. I've been searching for about an hour for any funtimes from the Journey cruises. My friend who is cruising with me wanted to see the activities listed to know how to pack. I know there is a throw back sea day, which is 80s dress, but I'm sure there might be more.


    Anyone seen any?

  3. Yes, you should always shop around. Just because Carnival is supposed to be the cheap line, doesn't mean it is. And some people don't realize that you have to compare all aspects. Maybe the ticketing is lower for one cruise, but can you drive vs. fly? Do you need to get a pre-cruise hotel? How much is it to park at that port. Which airport do you have to fly into or out of (this might determine which airline you can use and the $$ to spend).


    If you find all the other trips cheaper, then book them.


    But I must point out that the Vista is the newest carnival ship. I don't care if you are booking after her first year out or not. She is going to be pricey for about a year or two. And you are booking her before she has even sailed yet, then you are def. paying for her "newness." I bet if you looked at the Dream or event he Breeze for the same 8 days, it wouldn't be as bad.

  4. There is not a tpool on sunshine. I traveled on it the first few months when it came to nola. We bruight spa passes, which were cheaper than the dream class, since there is no tpool and other limited amenities. The spa rooms also seem to have a lower price point too.


    There are the four rooms, dry laconicium, eucalyptus wet sauna, higher heat sauna and the infamous tile heated loungers. There are also two open showers with different lights and sprays. There is not a relaxation room, per se, because that room is the waiting room for massages, tho there is water and tea available free in the room. The lockers are not just for the thermal suites, they are the same locker and showers that are for the whole ship...sadly, room is small, but showers are decent.


    There are less heated loungers, but, I like how they were set up, you could look out over the ocean, unlike the dream which faced away...weird!


    I enjoyed the dream thermal suites so much better! But if I was on the sunshine, I would buy the week again. It was 99 I think


    Hope that clears it up for those interested.



    That's great information. I was hoping could provide that kind of detail. Thanks. :D

  5. I really haven't posted because I don't have anything positive to report. I haven't lost anything, I gained back most of what I did lose. And I've been trying for about 6 months to find a way to get myself back on track.


    My work's wellness program is using as as test subjects for a wellness nurtional program called Metabolic Typing. Its basically eating for how your body processing nutrients. I texted as a mixed type, but my nutritionist is leaning me towards a protein. This week I will test eating 40% protein at meals. Its 40% protein, 15% fat (which mostly comes from protein, and 25% carbs (this includes brown rice, all veggies and fruits).


    We are doing diet check records to record what we eat and how that makes us feel (full, full of energy, sad, angry, happy etc.) And we weekly record stats on weight, and bodily functions etc.


    My nutritionist suggested that I seek some counseling for some signals she sees that are possibly compulsive eating, but of course she can't really say, that's not her degree. And also some concerns that I haven't been processing some emotions of grief, loss and stress from the past year, which could be hindering or encouraging bad eating habits.


    Our insurance has an online program for counseling where I can kinda skype to a certified counselor or psychologist, so I've signed up for that and I'm waiting on an apt.


    Right now, I'm just trying to keep the weight off and working through a lot of life that seems to have happened at once. And I realize fully that life will happen and its not an excuse, but I consider it a reason. I very good at rationalization and dealing with stress and issues, but reasonable when very high stress and emotional things keep happening to you about every 3 months, that is not enough time between events to process each situation before another comes up. Hopefully, the therapist can help with that.


    That's it. Nothing big going on.

  6. I've always thought the rooms feel pretty decent, but I grew up in a house without central air, so that was a luxury for me. Of course, now I have my own home and its great having central air. Mine stays on about 72 for the summer and 70 for winter.


    My thing with the fan is the noise. I have a windmachine fan that is fairly loud and I love it. I use it to drown out background noises. My friend that is cruising with me snores, so I'd really like to have the fan to drown that out, at the least. All of you are packing small fans though.........so I'm guessing my big windmachine would probably get some stares.

  7. I think complaining is just human nature. I think the frequency and bravado in which you complain probably says something about you as a person. We all complain in our lives, I know I do. But again, its how you are complaining that really sets a tone. We often confuse venting with complaining too. Venting is actually really healthy. Getting things out of your head, and heart and out in the open helps relieve the stress.


    I work with College students and often I get them coming to me with issues, that in my extra 12-15 years of experience I have on them seems very minor and trivial. But then I remember what its like being their age and your world revolving around your friends and school. The one thing I always repeat to them is, "Is this going to matter in a year?" Is this situation going to effect you enough it will still be causing you issues in a year or more time? If it isn't, chances are you should probably do your best to move on.


    Same thing with getting run over by a woman with a walker. Even a broken toe would heal in a few months.

  8. I hate to be picky, but it is the Norovirus, not a bacteria.


    My bad, but the point is..............poop on the rails from people not washing their hands is not good........poop carries other bacteria that can cause serious problems too. The Norovirus is in your poop.


    Lesson: WASH YOUR FREAKING HANDS PEOPLE! (and I got to type poop........4x):p

  9. I wouldn't be surprised if boarding was delayed slightly because they will need to sanitize the ship. Of course, if you notice, the crew do this on a regular basis anyway. They wipe down most surfaces with a solution containing Clorox to kill the bacteria that causes Noro. But it does come down to passengers washing their hands with SOAP and HOT water for more than 30 seconds to help contain this virus. So if a Noro outbreak starts on your ship, you can likely thank a fellow passenger who didn't wash their hands after going to the potty.............:eek:

  10. I have never in my life, anywhere in the world, found a buffett anything more than "adequate".


    Concur. I don't see how anyone expects a buffet to be as good as a single meal prepared on an individual basis. You are cooking food in BULK that has to be set out on heating trays for hours on time depending on how quickly it gets eaten. Your are serving food for a multitude of taste and levels of subjectivity.


    TBH, I think it is ridiculous to rant about the buffets like some people do. The only thing I consider worthy of a rant when it comes to buffets is cleanliness as it relates to viruses, sickness and undercooked food that could lead to food poisoning. Otherwise, go eat at the steakhouse or pay for places on the ship that allow you more customization of your individual meal.........that you can complain about.

  11. On the Jolly Roger, would it be easy to climb back on the ship from the water. TBH, I'm a big girl and trying to hoist my booty out of the water on one of those floaty straight ladders would be challenging. I saw a picture that showed a straight ladder and a more angled one with handles.

  12. You have to engage people. You can't put strangers in a room with each other and expect them to just be social.


    They have a love and marriage show, why don't they do a dating game show. And hook up a few singles on stage. They get a new show out of it and they can introduce a few of the singles on the ship. Maybe, sit them together with each other in the MDR for the night and they get a bottle of cheap champagne.


    Do a speed dating game in one of the clubs. Singles get to meet, you make a fun game of it. Maybe do reduced drink prices............not free.


    They used to do the quest game,which is def. an ice breaker.........

  13. Anyone try the

    Marpac DOHM-DS


    Its suppose to me a natural sound machine. I was just talking to my cruise buddy about this. I sleep with a wind machine fan on high at night to block out noise (I moved from the country to a city area and I can't deal with the noise). It says its comparable and a lot better than noise machines because they are digital sounds and this is natural.

  14. I think someone mentioned a longer sailing prior to this one. I'm sure it is frustrating to keep getting different emails but it does sound like they are trying to give folks a heads up. I haven't done the staggered boarding yet but am hoping it will go smoothly. I typically (even before I was Platinum) liked to arrive at the cruise terminal to check in about 11am and really never had issues, and I am normally a Galveston cruiser.


    I hope it goes smoother for you than you are anticipating.


    I think a new port and a new process is always hard the first go rounds, but I don't think they would have expanded the program to more ships if it wasn't working or showing a capacity to work with a few tweeks.

  15. I believe Carnival announced the expansion of their staggered check in program last week or so. I don't remember which ships, but I'm pretty sure New Orleans was on the list. So you are probably getting this email letting you know your check in time. You can go to your manage booking and see if you have a set time and if the time can be changed according to the news release. According to the release, you will not be allowed to check in before your allotted time. FTTF, diamond, plat. will get earlier times, but I think it said they can check in anytime after their scheduled time. I'd check the Carnival news releases.

  16. I heard and have used Zinc as a preventive measure for the common cold. Studies have proven and dis-proven that it works. But it also says it cant really hurt you. So a few weeks ago, while working with my college students, when I started getting a stuffy nose and the students were hacking and coughing.......I started one tablet of zinc a day for about 4 days. I was good to go. Was it the zinc? I don't know, too many variables. But in my mind it worked, so I'll use again. Sometimes mind over matter needs a little boost from a product, fake or real.

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