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Posts posted by brooklynfc

  1. You go off of it b/c like most things you body becomes used to it and it doesn't have the same effect anymore. Its recommend to wing off it (lower you dosage a little at a time-I did it over a 2 weeks period) then do a month free of it, then go back on it. Or at least that's what I read. I'm having trouble finding it around my area actually.


    I have a new temporary roommate, who is a nice girl. Younger, but she has a pup to play with my dog and we actually are in the same sorority (I founded it), so its nice. But she got a job in the next town and had to move right away, so it was easy for her to move in with me, but its about a 40 min. commute so she is looking for apts. closer and will eventually move out.


    I'm actually at 6# down since Monday and I'm still making some bad choices and I haven't really added in the exercise yet. But its a start.


    I had to go try on clothes for something last night and I was having trouble fitting in the largest size. Fitting into sizes has never been an issue with me, size is just a number, however, when you look in the mirror and start pulling yourself apart, its not healthy. When you have to try and find positive things to say, then its a problem. I was perfectly okay with my body 35# ago. I'ld look in the mirror and feel great and sexy. Now I don't and I'm sure your like, "35# at your weight probably doesn't make that much of a difference in looks" But to me it does and I want that back. So, that's my goal. Get there.

  2. We have a wellness program here on campus and it focuses on many aspects outside of just weight or numbers, but I've always said and pushed for mental health care, but unfortunately its costly even for our consortium. But I think even though normally, I consider myself mentally average (health wise) there are times and things I could use help with. And I wish I had a resource for that. But cost is not possible at this time. I do think mentally I could use some help with my weight. Its the only thing I've never focused on. Why do I over eat? Why do I make the choices I do. Unlike most biggest loser contestants though, I don't have any dramatic experiences that have made me fat. I've not been abused in any way, I was never deprived or homeless, or raped.......never been married, so no divorce, no kids, so no pregnancy weight or hormones. My life has been pretty normal and average with no real complaints. I have some confidence and maybe slight anger issues (but I've actually done really well on my own adjusting and getting better). So, I'm not sure what a mental health professional could dig up that would be a cause or maybe not a cause, but a link to my weight.


    I have been trying the 5HTP that Dr. Oz suggested on his show. Its a natural dosage of serotonin. It helps stablize you moods and keep stress down and helps your body create more of the chemical that says your full. I did it for 3 months and I def. felt like I reacted to stressful situations with me control and logic. My food intake was better, no perfect, but more thoughtful too. You have to wing off of it for a month though b/c your body becomes used to the dosage and it will just fall flat. So this is my month to go back on and I'm ready to feel some level. Its also natural and I like that. A lot of people I know are on prescribed meds and I just don't want to go there. I haven't talked to a doctor b/c I feel that I've recgonized the problem and I should now be able to take steps to prevent it further. Until I really starting thinking about the symptoms of depression, I didn't realize that I had a majority of them. Half the battle is not being in denial. So I'm ready to get back in the game. 4# down already, probably water weight. But still, its a start.

  3. I'm sure its not a shocker to anyone. But I'm now pre-diabetic. Not a shocker to me either as its in my genetics, even for those who aren't overweight on my dad's side. My brother has been for 2 years. My dad and his sister are actually diabetic, as was his mother. My dad and his sister are both doing super great with staying on point, lost about 50 # each and are at healthy weights. My brother could lose about 50 and be fine. Obviously, I could stand to lose a whole person.


    I would say this is a turning point and blah blah, that people normally say, but it isn't. People get scared by this stuff and I guess since I've grown up around it, its always been a part of my family and life, it isn't that scary. Desensitized, I guess.


    But what does make me unhappy is how bad I feel all around. For the past 9 months I guess you can say I've been in somewhat of a functioning depression. I've barely made attempts at the gym or exercise, I've not paid much attention to food intake and make excuses for what I do eat, I've retreated to staying in a lot, napping, boughts of sadness and stress etc.


    I think it started when my pawpaw died in December. I loved that man more than I can ever express. We didn't needs words or to see each other all the time to show how much we cared. He was supposed to live forever in my eyes and I was not ready for him to go.


    Also during this time my brother was dealing with a serious run of kidney stones. Hospitalization, surgeries etc. So I was helping with the kids a lot. Christmas Eve, about a week after my pawpaw died, I got a phone call in the middle of the night b/c my brother needed to go to the hospital and I had to come stay with the kids. By Christmas morning, he was in the ICU with a very serious blood infection from the back up in his kidneys and it was very touch and go. Meanwhile, 4 kids on Christmas woke up with no parents and only me and grandma. Me, who was still very much grieving and very much so on the one holiday that belonged to my pawpaw.


    Come January I'm back at work.............with a sinus infection.............then I'm out of work with a very nasty injury to my disc, to which i reinjured it 2 more x before the 8 week healing process was over. Needless, to say my boss was not excited about my various absences.


    It also started a weird relationship with my new supervisor and me. We don't communicate well. I like him well enough as a person, but as my supervisor I dont' understand him or how to work with him. I notice my overall job performance goes down and I'm messing things up that I know I can do.


    March, my mom's dad dies. The last of my grandparents. I was supposed to work a big event at work that day and was standing in the parking lot waiting to gather to students to go to the event and my mom called and told me. I could have walked to my car and left and went home, as would have been my right. But, I knew I would get off early that day and that we were short handed, so I put on my best professional face and got through the day without telling anyone or losing it.


    Meanwhile, I get on the scale and it just creeps up everyday. I tried many times to get back on course. Renew myself, try to new things, go back to old things that worked.


    Then my roommate moved out for a new job. Not only my roommate, but my BFF. Then an old (bad) flame tried coming back into my life and at first I thought it was a second chance, until I figured out he was just using me to try and cheat on his g/f.


    Work seems to get harder and no one tells me I'm doing a good job or even tells me how I could improve, which my SIL says is a tactic to get me to leave. I have a serious passion for my work b/c its where I went to school. But lately, I feel drained and useless and stupid. I know I'm not any of those things. I can do my job and do it well, I'm just not sure I want to anymore.


    I guess I could continue to whine about problems that everyone has and don't put on 30# over and instead fix it. I know what people say about excuses, but honestly. I think excuses and road blocks are valid. If you continue to let them happen or don't see that they are happening or don't take action to try and prevent them. That's when I think you can get a little snippy about it.


    Mainly, I've been feeling icky, overwhelmed, overweight (by my standards) and just not my normal self. And whether I'm 200# or 500# I want to feel good by at the very least, my standards. I'm not meeting my own standards at this point and that makes me more sad and upset than anything.


    So one day at a time I'm on the road to trying to turn this back around. Focusing on several different areas that are causing some issues so that I can cleanse and get back on a overall life positive path. I'm in the research part now, finding and reading different perspectives on diabetics and genetics and dieting and wellness etc. Understanding and creating meal plans, spreadsheets. Anything to help me focus. As I'm a little bit of a OCD about planning, cleaning, organization this is my first step. Knowledge is power and I'm getting all I can at this point. But I am slowly, with what I know already taking small steps each day to change habits. 30 min. walks with my dog and changing to whole wheat, throwing out some just big NO NOs. etc.


    I don't know why I wrote this, in the past I've gotten judged a little too much here, but I know there are some who have supported me all along so I guess I feel I owe you this and maybe I owed myself this. Written out, in black and white.

  4. I can tell you I was full front on the Magic in a 4J and there was def. more movement up front. Neither I or my friend get seasick so it didn't bother us except for we may have lost some footing once of twice. We also had a balcony on the Dream off the side on deck 11 and it was less movement than the room right at the front, but still moved a bit.


    Don't know about the fitness studio, check the diagram to see if this is where they do yoga classes or an actual machine area. I don't think yoga will be that bad at 6am, but a treadmill would.

  5. Some friends and I really like the look of the Valentine's Day cruise for next year. We aren't booking because of VDay, but because of the timing for our schedules and some of the ports (yes, I know that is dangerous). I'm pretty sure I'll still be single by then and I'll just guess that my roommate and other friends will be too. So are Vday cruises filled with couples? Will a bunch of singles be out of place?


    I guess in the end it doesn't really matter, but I'm curious.

  6. I start back to my split schedule this week. I work half a day then come back at night to work. Its hard b/c it messes with my eating and workout schedule some. But so far me and my roomie have done well sticking to our two week meal schedule. We have moved some meals around, but have done well with keeping in sync. The hardest part will be the snack foods I buy the students I work with. They have a entire cabinet of junk food I keep for them. I'm just gonna have to STAY OUT OF IT. I'm an adult. I can do that.


    I'm free to start back to exercise this week after being off from my disc injury. But I'm just going to do some yoga for starters. Then work back into cardio and weights again. I don't want to hurt myself that way again.


    Officially lost 4# this week. So its a start. I'm supposed to lose 2# a week on the calorie intake I have and that's without exercise programmed in. I'm just looking at this week and losing 2# by next Monday. That's as far as I'm looking.

  7. I know I've been at this a long time. I depress myself sometimes at my lack of progress. However, I accept the fact that I probably will never fit into medical parameters of "healthy weight," But I want to fit into my definition of it. So, I'll start there. One step at a time, just like you said.


    So far, 4.2# gone this week. Just goes to show how bad my eating habits were if I can lose that much and still not be 100% onboard.


    Doesn't help that I've a string of bad luck with a sinus infection, then my disc going out and now the Dr. says I have a viral infection that is causing cold like symptoms. So, nothing, but treating symptoms really unless it goes up to two weeks like this. The end of this year ended with so much going on, death, serious illnesses and I just want to start fresh and feel better. Its hard pushing through this, but I'm doing the best I can to stay positive and realize that life really isn't all that bad at the moment. Just a little tough.

  8. I have had a lot of stress and tragedy in my life recently. Though not an excuse it has deterred me and created some bad habits. I tried getting back in the gym last week and I injured my disc quite badly. So my chiropractor asked me to start with some easy yoga then work my way back up to cardio and weights again. I could hardly walk last Wednesday, but I listened to the Chiropractor and have been resting, icing and taking anti inflams and have healed more quickly than he thought. But I'm still be cautious and taking a noon yoga class on Wednesday. I'm really focusing on food for the next two weeks. Getting back to my daily calorie intake and tracking it. I also spent my lunch today planning two weeks of dinners (I need to plan lunch too, but one thing at a time) and putting together the grocery list for it. My roomie and I have agreed on this and hopefully we can help each other be healthier by planning ahead. Though not all the recipes are "healthy" They are planned and balanced and we are practicing portions. Hopefully in the next two weeks I'll be add in more yoga and get my calorie intake in check. Then I'll work on planning lunches for myself, adding in more cardio slowly and creating lower calorie meals.


    That's my plan for now. Short term, but that's what I can deal with for the moment.

  9. When I read this thread a few or 30 pages ago, there wasn't a definitive or even a more to one side than the other on if the bartender will let you put the amount of each plan on two different accounts.


    We are already going to have to exchange cash for the Cloud 9 spa "couples package" (we are just friends cruising together, but its cheaper) as I remember they won't split that. I don't want to and neither of us is bringing that much cash to do so with the Cheers program.


    Any consistent answers on this lately?

  10. I leave in 2 weeks on the Magic and at this point, with no implications that the woman and partner are actually sick or have symptoms, I will trust that Carnival will do their normal STELLAR and award winning job of cleaning the ship and I will enjoy my cruise just fine. If the woman is showing symptoms or does in the next two days, I would expect Carnival to take the right precautions on whatever the CDC (most likely) would recommend. Either taking the ship offline to be cleaned even more so than usual or giving passengers a chance to cancel and/or rebook another ship.


    I once caught a stomach bug from my dad about 10 days out from my cruise. I was 27 at the time and I was fully aware of the responsibility that I had of not boarding that ship should I still had symptoms of the bug in the next 10 days. Lucky for me it was a 24 hour bug and I was symptom free in about three days and feeling great in five. But I had insurance and was prepared to use it for the sake of others.

  11. I'm doing fine.


    I'm very slowly, but surely making progress at 17# down. I want to be at 25# by Nov. second for my cruise.


    I've picked up doing weights too. I can bench press 65# and do two sets with 5 reps


    I can do 80# on the resistance machines 2 sets at 10 reps


    I can do 320# on the leg press and I've worked my way up to 5 sets of 15 reps.


    I do cardio on the elliptical when my back is in good shape or I switch to the recumbent if my back needs a rest. About 25 mins. a 5 days a week and then I switch back and forth between upper and lower body weights between those days.


    I also signed up for a mud run obstacle course. My roommate and I will do it September 13th. We aren't training for it and neither do I plan to actually run. I plan on trying to do as much of the obstacles as I can physically handle all well helping out our local YMCA.


    The fact that I push mow my .50 acres of yard (back yard is on a hillside) and I have a 4 month old puppy, I'm more mobile at home that I have been too. Once Fall hits and I get her better on the leash, I will start taking her for walks in the evenings. Its too hot for her right now b/c she is a husky/Shepard mix and neither breed do well in the heat.


    I feel better all around. I'm not satisfied with my body weight still, obviously, but I'm okay with where I'm at. I had all my nephews and nieces over on Tuesday and they were playing run around my house in a circle (my living room and kitchen make a circle) and I was letting them chase me around. That felt good that I could play with them like that. What felt better was when we all took a break, but the 3 year old got right back up and looked at me and said, "Come On Broke," I didn't have to hesitate b/c I was too tired or out of breath. I got right back up and we all started chasing each other again. B/c of my spine, I probably won't be able to really ever run a 5K (advice from my chiropractor), but it is nice to know I have the endurance and strength to enjoy my nieces and nephews.............oh and my puppy.


    My cruise is coming up and I'm already making plans of how I'm going to make time fore exercise during the cruise so that I might detour any over eating as my body is used to movement now.


    On my first cruise Carnival cruise I was about 350# and I lived a VERY sedentary life. So when I went on that cruise, I was actually moving more on vacation than I did at home and lost 5#. Now I will have to prepare for the opposite. I will probably be more relaxed on the cruise than at home so I will have to try and counter that.


    I will hopefully get back to my yoga come fall when they offer more class times. Right now I've been away for almost 2 months b/c they have it right after work and I HAVE to get home to let my puppy out. Once she gets older and can hold it longer and they have more times open, I will return to it. But I think its good to take a break from an exercise. Switch things up so you don't get bored and your body doesn't get stagnate. So this summer I've really working on my cardio and my strength. Come fall I can add yoga back in for mild cardi with resistance and core.


    Here is me back on that first cruise:



    Here is me this past weekend at a friend's bachelorette:



    This shirt wasn't the most flattering nor was I standing in a great pose, but you can see I still have a lot of work to get done. If only my body slimmed out as quick as my face:


  12. Most of her problems are "cruise" problems. Meaning, they are general problems that could occur on any cruiseline. I warn my new cruising friends about this all the time. Don't judge the cruiselline based on "general" problems.


    EX: Weather or bad neighbors


    Judge the line on what it provides that others might not.


    EX: A more physical person probably would prefer RC ships b/c they can surf, rock climb and zip line on the ship. Where Carnival doesn't have as many "active" places on the ship or at least on a majority of ships.

  13. Hi everyone! Just want to introduce myself on this thread! My family and I are leaving on the Dream out of New Orleans on Oct. 26. That gives me right at about 5 months to do something!

    I have been yo-yo dieting for the last couple of years. I'm 5'0 tall, and in my early 20's let myself get up to 220lbs. Then I did a lot of calorie counting and Zumba and got down to about 180...fell in love, got married, and gained... got back to 200... then I tried Medifast...got back down into the 180's...and my sweet MIL who I adored passed away in a tragic car accident. Over the last year and a half I spun out of control with eating. My main problem is FAST FOOD (had a kitchen remodel and couldn't cook for several months), sweets and carbs.

    Now I am trying Advocare and doing Zumba again. I have lost 2.5lbs in the past 10 days or so. I would love to at least be in the 180s before this cruise in October!


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    Welcome and I think that you sound determined and very reasonable and will reach your goal most definitely!

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