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Everything posted by 0106

  1. @dfishHappy to do the meal of the day through Monday. I always look forward to the recipes you post as I’m sure many on the Daily do too. I hope you find the perfect house! Sorry about all the problems with the inspection, basement, windows… @kazuYou have been working very hard. Seems like whenever I bring my umbrella it never rains. I hope that all your preparation means that Fiona does not seriously impact you. @HAL4NOWYour pictures of the fires are terrifying. I hope your community and the firefighters are safe. @kpladyLoved the picture of the rules of engagement at the wiener stand. Reminded me of the Soup *** on Seinfeld. @Horizon chaser 1957I feel the same way about dolphins that you do about elephants. After many incredible experiences with them in the wild, I do not think it is right for people to pay to swim with a captive dolphin. @Seasick Sailor @summer slope We are getting mixed messages for our November transatlantic Spanish departure. Booking number gives us the Standard protocol. Voyage number says no info available. Frustrating! Sending out positive thoughts to all who are dealing with travel issues including those who may be sailing through the storm. Sympathy to all of you who are struggling with heath issues for you or your family member and for those of you who have recently lost a loved one. Thanks to all who regularly post port pictures, my favorite parts of the Daily.
  2. My booking number gives a different answer than my voyage number. How do I know which one is correct?
  3. I believe the question you should be asking is: Does Panama still require cruise ship passengers to test before transiting the canal? I did a brief search and was unable to find the answer. I would also like to know if the HAL rules have changed. I am doing a 14 day transatlantic departing from Spain. Spain does not require a test if you are fully vaccinated.
  4. The Autumn Equinox means equal days and nights. That’s roughly what we get in MD. It's the halfway point between summer and winter, before the Northern Hemisphere starts pointing away from the sun again, causing less daylight and colder weather. I am not a fan of the daylight becoming shorter but it certainly was a beautiful sunrise this morning.
  5. There is a glitch with the new link. When I put in my booking number When I put in my voyage number
  6. Click on the three dots to the right of the post # and tap report . Say it is a duplicate post. I just did it for you. Not sure if there is any difference if the OP does it.
  7. Thank you @Crazy For Cats! I put in the info for my 14 day transatlantic and appears I no longer need to test because I am fully vaccinated. 🎉🍾🥳👏
  8. My husband insists on a balcony. The Zaandam has no standard verandah cabins. The cost of the suites that have a balcony is out of our usual price range. For that reason, I would select the NS.
  9. I send daily messages using the Navigator app, usually praising a crew member but occasionally mention an issue. I know they are received because the crew member always thanked me.
  10. VA is a “better” cabin, although that is a matter of opinion. I just moved from a midship VA cabin which was near the elevator to a VF cabin in the aft. The cabin was $250pp less and I wanted to be away from the elevators.
  11. Although I certainly support International Peace Day and World Gratitude Day … Do you remember The 21st night of September? Love was changin' the minds of pretenders While chasin' the clouds away
  12. Cheers for pizza! 🍕 🍕🍕 Careful how you order… For the dog lovers… For Santa… Thanks to everyone who posts port pictures!
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