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Everything posted by 0106

  1. I love tofu! People just need to try it; it is a very healthy source of protein. I am a pescatarian but my husband says it’s not a meal without meat so never fear, I will try to provide recipes to meet everyone’s taste in the next two weeks. Also, thanks to all who have provided words of encouragement while I fill in for Debbie. I’m having a great time searching for recipes.
  2. Here’s a practice run… bit nervous about subbing for @dfish tomorrow. (Have a great trip Debbie!) My family loves macaroni & cheese. I use several different recipes but this is the one my family always requests. Feel free to vary the cheese but four different cheeses are you essential to the recipe. https://www.emerils.com/126572/macaroni-four-cheeses
  3. Love the quote. Martin Luther King was very influenced by Gandhi. He used the the aphorism in his 1958 book “Stride Toward Freedom: The Montgomery Story”
  4. Cow Appreciation Day Have you heard of “cow hugging”? Meditate with cows, spend time hugging them and cuddle with them. It is supposed to make you feel more hopeful, inspired and deeply connected to yourself and the world around you. https://www.nbc.com/today/video/how-cow-hugging-has-become-a-popular-new-form-of-meditation/NBCN726149913
  5. Hi Debbie- I can help out with the recipes while you are on vacation. You do such an excellent job, the variety of recipes and your insightful comments. I am a bit nervous but I will do my best if you would like me to fill in.
  6. I would love to visit today’s port and look forward to the pictures. I became intrigued with the Channel Islands when I read The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society. It's a traditional love story but also, it is the story of a small island community composed of very disparate people who came together during the German occupation of World War II to protect, comfort, and in some cases, save one another.
  7. Agreed, because thoughts and prayers are not enough. Some suggestions: We need to turn off our TVs, put down our phones, and engage in civil discourse. We need to encourage the best people we know to run for office and serve. We need to go all-in on public education. We need to bring back respect for ourselves and others. Each of us must look at ourselves in the mirror and ask, what more can I do? Maybe that means volunteering in our community. Maybe that means mentoring a young person. Maybe that means picking one charity each month to support. Maybe that means running for office. Maybe that means changing careers to one where we help others. Whatever it is, each of us must sacrifice some of our time, money, or energy to help become healthy again. And we must do it together.
  8. Two desserts today! As always, thank you @dfishfor the recipes. I love any kind of fruit turnover. They are very easy to make for if you use puff pastry. Here is a basic recipe I use for apple turnovers. https://natashaskitchen.com/apple-turnovers/
  9. Happy Independence Day!The Constellation was the last sail only ship built by the Navy in the 1850s. It is now available to tour in the Baltimore harbor. The flag flying over Fort McHenry during the War of 1812 inspired Francis Scott Key to write the Star Spangled Banner. A wonderful National Park in downtown Baltimore with beautiful grounds.
  10. @jlnprtHope you are enjoying your cruise. Any other impressions now that you have been on the ship for a few days? Have you noticed any other “maintenance” issues?
  11. Good morning! I took my niece on a Hawaiian cruise as a graduation gift. We spent a few days in Honolulu before boarding the ship. We hiked Diamond Head. We went to a fabulous farmer’s market afterwards. We watched some outrigger canoe races.The next day we went on a food tour. (Highly recommend.)She learned to surf.Then we boarded NCL’s Pride of America.
  12. Have you heard of sliders; they are very popular here. They are mini burgers. Easy to find the rolls at the grocery store. Actually my friend had sliders in a restaurant for dinner tonight. Three to an order; he got a beef burger, a lamb burger and a bison burger.
  13. Happy Thursday from Ocean City, MD! I saw this whale from the beach yesterday. Thanks to all who post, I love all of your photos.
  14. Sunglasses are important to protect our eyes from UV light.
  15. Have you ever tried this pasta? I eat it because it has so much protein but it is low carb because the only ingredient is soy beans.
  16. Zuiderdam February, testing on ship prior to canal transit. I wouldn’t use past experience to predict future travel restrictions. Who knows if there will be another variant?
  17. Thank for the Fleet Report and the Daily. The collection of “days” and the quote are always interesting. Here’s a quote for Forgiveness Day. "We must develop and maintain the capacity to forgive. He who is devoid of the power to forgive is devoid of the power to love. There is some good in the worst of us and some evil in the best of us. When we discover this, we are less prone to hate our enemies.” – Martin Luther King, Jr.
  18. @Cruzin TerriExtremely frustrated. Your email says disabled. I unable to send a message to the email you sent me.. Trip Advisor allows private messaging. Why doesn’t Cruise Critic? I think we are on the same page and just wanted to send my positive thoughts To you.
  19. @Cruzin TerriI would love to speak to you but your direct email is disabled. Please email me. I think I you can find my email address in my profile.
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