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Posts posted by sstepson

  1. Yikes. I'd better get busy!


    It's amazing how much work we've found to do around this "vacation" home. I've spent the last three days weeding. As gratifying as it was to see my flower beds looking all clean and pruned, it's not been gratifying to see that I was basically a Thanksgiving meal for the mosquitoes. I am covered in bites - I look like I have the chicken pox!


    I'd much rather be inside, in the a/c, writing - so I think I'm telling Hubby Mike that my fans are missing me and it's time to get back to work...blogging! :)


    Man, if I'd had ANY idea how much of a celebrity you were going to be because of your review, I would have had you sign something for me while we were on the ship... I'm sure there's a market on eBay for an autographed towel animal or a signed Windjammer donut...!



  2. Loving this trip report but please stop referring to all other tourists as "Barbarians", not all of us can afford private limo tours you know.


    It's just a light-hearted way of describing the huge masses of people at the touristy places...nothing to get offended about...


    Also, if you price out some of the "private limo tours", you'll find that per person, they're MUCH cheaper than the ship's tours.


    One might say that what RCL charges for tours in Europe is...barbaric???




    Oh my gosh…we dig in, and the verdict? Well. I’m not a good judge, as I hate tomatoes. The only GOOD tomato, in my opinion, is a tomato far, far away from me…but Anna’s sundried tomatoes? Wow. Delicious. In fact, Dimitrius tells us the story of the day he escorted The Food Network’s Giada De Laurentilis on a culinary tour of the island, and she was SO impressed by Anna’s sundried tomatoes, that she later featured them on one of her segments on TV.



    And my opinion of olives is the same as tomatoes – in fact, if olives are ever presented on a plate intended for me, I have mastered and trademarked the sneaky maneuver known as the “Pick & Flick” – where I can magically make the dreaded olives (or tomatoes…or mushrooms, for that matter) disappear. But Anna’s olives? I had seconds. Which caused Hubby Mike to check the sky for flying pigs.



    We’d no sooner finished our plates, when Anna comes out with little bags…that are full of pine nuts that have been drenched in honey and dipped in sesame seeds.




    Holy guacamole, Batman! These things were the BOMB! Best things EVER. And washed down with Anna’s wine? Even better.






    You had me at Giada de Laurentiis...drool...!



  4. Welcome back Sherri!

    I didn't know you had a Blessed Binder. Now our Binder is jealous. ;)


    Incidentally, we showed Steve's mom our cruise pics. After 300-some pictures she kept harping on the fact that he took not one, but THREE illegal pics of the Sistene Chapel.


    "Steven, why would you do that if it's illegal?!"




    Yeah...this one got me in hot water with my very old-fashioned mother!(Bless her heart...)

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