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Splice the mainbrace

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Everything posted by Splice the mainbrace

  1. Sorry my sentence structure wasn’t very clear I meant the last 2 weeks of our South America tour not last 2 weeks in Ushuaia
  2. Not in Rio, Iguazu falls, Buenos Aires, Montevideo and Patagonia it was in the 30s.
  3. In Ushiaia Argentina this morning, claims to be the most southern city in the world. Big change in temperature yesterday and today from 20 and 30cs for past 2 weeks to single figures now. View from our balcony this morning.
  4. Got to Cape Horn yesterday evening, the weather was very kind to us.
  5. Princess cruise on Sapphire Princess 2 weeks from Buenos Aires to Santiago via various ports in Argentina and chile including the Falklands and should be at Cape Horn in a few hours time. We also did a week in Brazil before the cruise and should be doing a week in Peru after but the political situation / unrest has closed tourist sites but could be opening up next week. If not we will be flying home early.
  6. It’s a formal (dress to impress) night tonight but for the first time ever will probably not dress up in dinner suit. The first formal night only about 5% of men were dressed in that way and I felt totally out of place. To be fair this is an explorer type of cruise and formal doesn’t really fit in. I’ll ask at our restaurant if my smart casual chino and polo shirt will suffice. I just hope that for the 3rd night running we don’t get loud Americans next to us, I don’t know how they manage to eat anything as they never stop talking 😒
  7. Fantastic day yesterday in the Falklands, perfect conditions 20c and sunny. Today is a lot colder as we approach Cape Horn but sea state for the area is smooth, at the moment 🤞Outside barman has doffed his woolly hat today after shorts yesterday.
  8. Corrections: sowing the seed not setting the seed and glitch not clitch. Blame it on lunchtime cocktails 🥂 Also cabin is attended twice a day with turndown service but no chocolate left on pillow though.
  9. Our South America tour is progressing well so far with Rio, aguassa falls, Buenos Aires, Montevideo and Patagonia ticked off so far. Day at sea today and arriving in the falklands tomorrow. The weather forecast is looking breezy but not too windy but captain is already setting the seed that it is not always possible to tender ashore, fingers crossed we are able to. We received an email today saying that Machu Picchu may be opening up from next week and we are due there in 11 days time, but we’ll see. We have been impressed with our cruise on Sapphire Princess so far. Good staffing levels, very helpful and friendly staff, food good, the odd clitch with being charged for drinks when we are on the package but quickly sorted at guest services. Very few are wearing masks and this is my first cruise since covid that I feel that things are back to normal 🤞
  10. Packing day for us today before travelling to the airport, overnight hotel and 'crack of dawn' early flight via Paris to Rio. We are still not sure if our 4 week land and sea tour of South America will include Peru (highly unlikely IMO due to political violence) in which case we will be back in 3 weeks. Our first week is hectic including Rio, Iguazu Falls and Buenos Aires then a 2 week Princess Cruise around Argentina and Chile including the Falklands (if the weather behaves and we can tender in!). Looking forward to it but at the same time apprehensive due to the complexity of the tour and uncertainty about Peru.
  11. Large container ship has broken down in Southampton Water and has been there for several hours. Looks a bit iffy the shipping channel is quite narrow. No large ships can go in or out of port at the moment.
  12. Unfortunately yes, it’s gone up from £1 a year ago, used to be able to get 4 for £3 now it’s 4 for £5!! The own brand soup we have bought is now 85p a tin when it was 45 to 49p a year ago, a hell of an increase. However some other tinned items that we buy don’t seem to have gone up by nearly as much.
  13. I wasn’t expecting it to be so cold this morning -6c ! But sun is coming up. Only tasks today are signing up to a new 1 year fixed rate savings account and getting ready for the chaos of the 2 grandsons staying with us overnight tonight. When bringing up our own sons we just got on with it but when living now the quiet retired life it comes as a shock when the energy and noise of youngsters descend upon us😊
  14. I went to school with a girl called Teresa Green and had a work contact in America called Randy Bishop😂
  15. 0c here and a dusting of snow. It might be the end of me listening to radio 2 in weekdays depending who replaces Ken Bruce on the morning show, has become too 90s centric for me. The in word is diversity but the older folk don’t seem to be included in many aspects of the media. In adverts apparently older people don’t buy anything but assistance furniture, life assurance or funeral plans. But there seem to be lots of cash rich people in their 30s who can buy cars, furniture and all manor of luxuries.
  16. I'm doing a big batch of Chilli tomorrow and chicken curry later in the week. If I go to the trouble of getting the ingredients and cooking might as well cook larger quantities, I normally make enough for 4 meals for the 2 of us.
  17. We’re due to go in 2 weeks time on our 4 week South America land and cruise tour. I can see it being cut short because the last week is touring Peru including Machu Picchu, at the moment there are bad political protests, riots including many deaths. Several airports and railways are shut. Even if the situation improves I think that it will be too on edge there to be sensible to go as tourists. Our last major touring holiday to Vietnam and Cambodia was also cut short in march 2020 due to the pandemic and we had to arrange an emergency flight booking home when the world was shutting down to travel. So we haven’t had much luck for our major tours.
  18. Glad to see ferry cam s back. I missed watching people going the wrong way in finding their parking lane😂
  19. I had no fillings in my adult teeth until I went to the dentist when I was about 14 years old and he identified 4 needed a filling, I had no pain or other symptoms. I always went for 6 month check ups without any problems found, this was a new dentist. Over the years a succession of refilling made the fillings larger and larger and some now are crowns. I alway wonder if the fillings were genuine.
  20. Cunard fireworks for the departure of QM2 from Southampton on world cruise (just taken place) and departure of queen victoria scheduled for 18.15 ish https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6dUAbAsD4jM
  21. Just back from the hygienist and didn’t gag once, although she didn’t do the 4 back molars, I’m feeling more confident after that. I was actually relaxed, maybe the can of CBD (cannabis extract) drink that I drank an hour before hand does actually take the edge off reflexes, anxiety etc like is claimed? It’s the first time I’ve used it, had another can last night as well and it did make me feel more relaxed and sleepy or it could have just been in my mind (psychosomatic)?
  22. I gag less or hardly at all when I brush my teeth at night after an evening glass of wine or 2 than my brushing in the morning. Dentist might not like me breathing alcohol fumes over them though😊
  23. I read on some dentistry website one thing to try is to hum because you can’t hum and gag at the same time apparently. Doesn’t humming involve putting your lips together, how does that work when you have to have your mouth open for dentist work 😂
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