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alexandra cruiser

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Posts posted by alexandra cruiser

  1. We do intend to transfer the booking to a TA; currently shopping around, as I think we can do better than the one we used this time.


    we get the best price we can find.Then book with TA(based in Dallas,but a brick and mortar agency I found googling and checking out).Then get check for 5% cash back before cruise.

    Sorry,we can t give out names.But they DO EXIST and worth some digging.Many will also give OBC and free gratuities,etc.Do ask for any SPECIALS like that.:)

  2. tells all the pitfalls of cruise air booking.

    I did it ONCE and never again,like to pick my own time,dates,airlines,seats,routes,etc.

    Rather spend a bit more and have complete control over all of the above.But usually find lower,or similar fares on own anyway.

    BUt do what YOU feel comfortable with,just know all the facts before.;)

  3. as number one river cruise was made by this website.

    Is it based on reviews, votes,personal experience,or all of above?

    I know Viking buys ads on this site,but sure that would not affect decision.

    Its also the largest market in river cruises,so may account for most traffic and votes.

    I have nothing against the company,just wondering how the decision was made.Thanks in advance.:confused:

  4. which it sounds like it is, I d say cancel and rebook at a later date when things are more calm.

    There might be a possibility of future travel sanctions for Russia,and the port might be switched.

    It depends on what YOU feel comfortable with,not on others,it seems.

    Some refuse to spend their time or money on anything Russian right now.As above posters have expressed.

    What a shame so many people in so many countries have been affected negatively,some MORE SO than others.:(

  5. I know I would be VERY HESITANT to go there REGARDLESS.'

    With a travel warning in place for Ukraine. How much fun can you have when you re constantly worrying about your SAFETY??

    Course ,,others have stated,travel ins.NOT HELPING if YOU want to cancel.Unless you got the cancel for any reason policy, so you re essentially losing all the money,taking the cruise,WOW,great choice.

    What will others do in this case??WIll be interested to see how this all turns out.:(

  6. I just ordered it too.

    For the price, even a few tips will pay off.

    Plus, I recycle my old mags to my DH medical office.NO OLD mags there.haha.

    Pts.really appreciate that, even give many to those that ask or send them on to a nursing home.

    Love to try new ships,itinerary,etc.Take quite a few Travel Mags,but not one for cruises.Look forward to first copy.:)

  7. if you have one,that is.

    Sounds like same run around we heard about last yr.with the river flooding.So many cruises and companies really did NOT help the customers,at ALL.

    Of course, travel ins.is also very restrictive.Have to read ALL THE FINE print,so they can avoid paying you at any cost,it seems.

    Then,the visa problem. Day to day changes,right?

    Also, don t think Viking is considered PREMIUM,per se.But the DO seem to DOMINATE the river cruise market.

    Let us know,:confused:

  8. Do remember the negative post,s but seems MOST people were upset by the cruise lines treatment and forced bus tour.

    Even with travel insurance,most claims were not approved due to technicalities.

    Was just afraid "if it looks TOO GOOOD??"

    Guess I ll know in a few mos.right?

    Have also read great Scenic reviews,brochure looks GREAT,And my TA(an Aussie)has taken 2 and LOVED them.Like knowing ahead of time what total trip will cost.Love having all tips,exc.etc.inc.for many countries,such as ones I ll be on Budapest to Bucharest.Others not as important where I can get by on own.So I guess it varies with ea.itinerary.;)

  9. than same cruise on AMA for same time(Tulips,etc).


    Have not taken my first Scenic YET,in June,but DO LOVE AMA.Still S inc. a LOT more,it seems.Tips,drinks(all day),room service,tubs(some suites),all shore exc.and airport transfer at NO EXTRA CHARGE.

    So wonder, what am I missing?Why more perks for less money for similar cruise?

    Ships look similar for full balcony.S.even has top to cover theirs.



  10. because I m on a river cruise to area(Constanta ,on Black Sea).


    Not ocean cruise,I know,but heard Viking cancelled their April Ukraine cruise.


    Will be interested if Ss,or other lines ,follows or changes ports,etc.


    Upset to hear about CSA ins.since I just bought it for my June cruise.The cancel for any reason is VERY expensive,and must be bought when you BOOK.Or I would have taken that.

  11. We've just published a guide, aimed at first-time river cruisers, that aims to help people find the river line that most matches their travel style (and budget) by comparing them to hotel chains and mainstream cruise lines. It's not meant to be a literal apples to apples comparison but we do hope it's helpful. And would love your suggestions for hotel and cruise line match-ups based on your own experiences....


    The link is here: http://view.email.cruisecritic.com/?j=fe9115727366007572&m=fe911570736003797d&ls=fe201077736d0175741073&l=ff5913777d&s=fe4f1d79736502757111&jb=ff971272&ju=fe5e15727d66007e7212&et_cid=1262487&et_rid=99616845&r=0






    Carolyn Spencer Brown

    Editor in Chief

    Cruise Critic


    Had asked re a sticky,but I must go back to this thread to find info ea.time?

  12. Just a suggestion from a family member of mine who is in the insurance business and a friend who is a travel agent. Check with your insurer before you embark on any travel into an area of civil unrest/potential war action because if you do so knowingly when there are travel alerts, any travel insurance you have, or possibly life insurance etc. could be null and void. I would also think that any reputable travel organization such as all river cruise lines would be carefully monitoring this and would make decisions to avoid such areas as they will not want to put their customers at risk regardless of any political affiliations they may have.


    determine HOW they cover you,if you have ins.if you decide to CANCEl.But cruiseline does NOT?

    Years ago the ins.we had would NOT reimburse us after Travel Warning for Egypt(but ship still sailing).Said THEY determined it,not US government(or something similar).So we ended up going ANYWAY,wonder if this has changed?

    Anyone know specifics re this??

  13. so itinerary first(after 10 river cruises,don t want to repeat),then ship,,and ALL it entails.

    Started at Viking,Avalon,then up to Uniworld,AMA,now trying Scenic.Since billed as 5 star and LOOKS GREAT.Oh, forgot Gate 1 (intentional it seems,least favorite one so far).

    Many start at lower range lines,due to finances,then can progress upwords as situation becomes financially more stable.With us anyway.Also, the older I get,the more luxury I desire.So more perks,the better.:)

  14. river cruise section,may help all the repeat questions conc.which line is best,etc??

    Re.hotels,for the 5 star cruiselines,should provide 5 star hotels,right?

    Have been on AMA,now Scenic,,never booked at a Ritz,,but Marriott or similar.

    On Viking,Avalon,Uniworld,it was usually not either of above.BUt varies with city,and country,I m sure.;)

  15. it on the lines affected in this article.??

    Have been monitoring various sites and much discussion about this on both river and ocean cruises.


    Know other have different opinions,but I d cancel the Keiv to Odessa one,hope I had GOOD insurance,if Final payment made.Would NOT be able to enjoy myself if worried about this.


    I have river cruise,with 1 shore exc.to Constanta on Black Sea.But seems far enough away to be no problem.But will keep up to date on current events.


    Everyone has to decide for themselves what is right for them after reading all the info available.No one answer fits all.

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