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Everything posted by marshhawk

  1. Well I did work today, but not for long, and I am not working tonight. I went down for a nap after the first shift, coughed for a while, and fell asleep. DH was very good about waking me up to go to work, but I didn't go back to work. In fact with what is going on in the North East, I feel kind of stupid rasining money for outdoor events. Maybe if NYC wasnt orange.... My other boss Lisa now has me working two campaigns, so I have to figure out a life, work and dog walking schedule to work 3 campaigns. @Vict0riannNo sign of Fawn. We cleaned off her porch, and the two reds like to go out on the porch and check out the stray cats who come through at feeding times. I heard Bubbles howling in the yard behind us, he was Fawn's friend, and he has pretty much stayed in the yard with us since she disappeared. Thank you for asking, and I guess we can take her off the list now too- @JazzyV. I lost my best friend last November, and three most excellent cats this year. I always called Fawn my girlfriend, and we would bump heads together when I went out to give her her Temptations. Well, Chuck has to use the computer, so "ta" for now.
  2. Good Thursday Morning Dailyites! I spent another night sleeping sitting up on the sofa, so that I dont drown. I can get a good 4-5 hours of sleep, and then dream of a nap the rest of the day. The cats rotate on the sofa with me, and then chase each other around during the changing of the cats. The computer says it's 68 and partly sunny. Must be sunny on the east side, my view is of the west, and it's cloudy. Our weather man just said we are expecting a cold front today, so I guess I can go another day without turning on the air. Not much going on in my world today, I like the quote, I have not been to French Polynesia in fact the only part of the Pacific I have seen is the Alaskan part. The meal looks good, but not something I would make. I dont think there is any pasta in this house anymore. I do miss pasta salad, but my doc says no pasta. Oh well.
  3. @smitty34877I am so sorry to read that your DH's report was not good. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. I hope that you will still be able to make the trip to the Cape, being by the sea is one of the greatest healers of body and soul. I always told Chuck's docs about vacations I planned-for two reasons-one is that the docs knew what and when to make his appointments, and two, planning them gave DH something to look forward to, and the trip would take his mind off the health issues for a while. The only time we had no choice and could not do anything was in 2021 when he had radiation every week day for a month. You are correct that being near the city you do have some of the best doctors around. I dream about moving out into the country away from the city, but the city is where the good doctors and hospitals are. There are many folks that I meet at DH's doc's office that drive 2-3 hours in the morning to get to see them, or they come in to the city and have to stay the night before an appointment. Hugs.
  4. Before we left for Alaska, I had read that Mt. Etna, Kilawaia (sp) and the volcano near Mexico City were becoming very active. @StLouisCruisers, I do not want to end up like a Pompeiien. DH and I were thinking of taking a cooking class at a villa in the mountains (hills), but just wandering the city looks interesting. I would love to see that clock. I think we dock at 8 a.m..
  5. Good late afternoon Dailyites! I was having a hard time trying to lie down last night to sleep, so I did the old sleep sitting up on the sofa, with Tazi, then at 5 I woke up, wandered to the restroom figured it was too early to be up, went back to the sofa with Furnando and woke up again at 9:45. This time I wandered down the hall to tell Chuck that I am sorry I didn't wake him up, but I just got up. He was amazed, but by the time I made breakfast, it was lunch time...so I walked the dog, and then went to work. Worked 4 hours. And that's about all I can do for the day. So another day that I needed to go to the store, but didn't. It's 6 pm, the temp outside is 87, we don't have the air on, and DH wants an oven cooked meal. Really? Oh well....I could live off the meatloaf I made yesterday. Nothing better than a meatloaf sandwich.....except chocolate ice cream. I believe it was @Heartgrove who went to Tillynook creameries last year, and I have been buying Tillynook since then. Their cheeses are the best for burgers, and Krogers always has them on sale, with a sign saying discontinued items. Well. Publix had the ice cream on sale this week, so I bought the chocolate with fudge and chocolate chips. I have not been able to talk DH into the fact that ice cream might be a breakfast item. This new schedule really cuts into my cooking hours (if I did job 2, which right now I am not) so since I have an urge to make Reubens, I have to wait until Sunday to do so. Mornings are free but if I can sleep in, I will. @RMLincoln I am so sorry to read about the hacking wows of your finances. There will always be thieves and criminals, just wish we had harder punishments. I mean, if your hand was cut off when you stole, instead of 30 days in jail with 3 (not so great meals a day) then maybe you wouldn't steal? Just saying, I'm not fond of crooks. My ex stole from me, I had to clean up a closed joint account after he and his new honey forged and wrote bad checks, and then disappeared, but my name was on the checks, and I was pretty easy to find. Our cruise this fall stops in Messina, too bad, the pictures of Cantania look lovely, I am suspecting that Messina is pretty too.
  6. I lasted just one hour tonight before the coughing at a patron started happening, and I bowed out from calling. Boss, says get better. Trying to, but I am tired. I hope you all have a good nights sleep!
  7. @Seasick Sailor I'm glad the toe was not broken! Your nephew is adorable! The reason I chose the laugh this morning, was because I always get up in the middle of the night, and when I get back, there is always a cat in my space. If it's Tazi, I just move her over, if it's Furnando I will be attacked, so i have to pick him up, hold him, tell him I love him, and then put him on DH's feet. @ger_77 I have two very different girl friend groups, one group talks politics, which I refuse to talk about, as I dont know much, and think that those running, know less. And yet we get together about every two months, and the other group, all old enough to be retired, but we all have jobs, and we discuss stupid stuff. Nothing serious, cats, dogs, what's growing in the garden, light happy fluffy stuff, the three of us meet once a month, and all of us have hubbies who are either recovering from or battling cancer. I think it would be fun to have a bunch of friends who are interested in doing stuff, that they didn't do before, and follow their journeys. Have a great time tonight!
  8. @Denise TWelcome home! Bet you are planning your next cruise?
  9. Happy Tuesday Morning Dailyites! D-Day is the day I usually start watching my favorite movie/series Band of Brothers. However, I am going to try to work tonight. I worked yesterday on the new campaign, interesting..... I watched a movie last night, called Foxtrot. An old movie, on Britbox, they are highlighting Peter O'Toole this month. Very strange movie. Odd and depressing. Depicts mankind at it's worse. Several years ago DH bought me a mosaic table for the porch, and yesterday for the first time, we sat out and had coffee, made our morning phone calls (caught up with all our doctor appointments) and enjoyed the coolness of the morning. The downside is that the spiders like to make webs near the door, so when you walk out first, your get webbed! This morning I took a stick and swirled it around at the door before I went out. I think I might need to do that every morning. @grapau27The last time @puppycanducruiseposted was May 26th on the Floating Lounge. @Nickelpenny I love the fact that you are seeing America while getting to your cruise. Thanks for taking us along on the ride. If you come back the same way, I recommend Antietam and or Gettysburg for a visit. We finally after two weeks got to a grocery store last night! Yay! And what did I buy? Well, stuff to make meatloaf, and Ice cream. Chocolate Ripple ice cream, it's chocolate with fudge swirls and chocolate chips in it. Thinking breakfast.....
  10. Good Monday Morning Dailyites! I was up late printing info on my new campaign (I paper jammed the printer) and I was up early printing more info from Lincoln Center. The screened porch is a big hit with Furnando and Bobagingee! I washed 3 cat beds and put them on the porch. Furnando tried each one out, and found the one he loves, and has been out on the porch this morning, curled up in his bed (first time I have ever seen him so calm)."Bob" is enjoying watching the wildlife, the stray cats, the birds, he really liked seeing a raccoon last night! But at bed time I brought them in, and then reopened the porch when I got up. I have been to Nassau a few times. The first time we went we choose an excursion last minute, and were taken by boat to a small island to snorkel for doubloons ( which turned out to be coupons for stores in town). The second time we went, we went to the Blue Lagoon, a cold front had come through while we were there, and it was way too cold to swim, and we were very ready to get back to the ship. Two times we went to a hotel out of town for a day pass and enjoyed the beach (why is it always too cold to swim) but we enjoyed the pool and the hot tubs. And we enjoyed the jitney #10 bus ride. We have been to the pirate museum and visited a beautiful cathedral across the street from the museum, got caught in a gulley washer, where it rained so hard and so fast the water went over the curbs and into the stores, and we have been to the zoo. (which i posted pictures of last year) and one time, when DH could not cruise with me, I stayed on board. I know I have pictures of Nassau, but I apparently have not downloaded any but of the zoo. I need to go back and look at my pictures. I have to admit that I dont cruise to Nassau, it is usually a port that is part of a cruise to HMC, and since I am there, I get off the ship.
  11. @dfish The new orange looks like a good coral. So, until the green is on, it will be a tough choice. @Mtn2SeaI see the face, explains why I feel so old? It has just started thundering and the air is heavy with rain. It just isnt falling yet, and the computer says it's 80 and sunny. Pretty sure it is somewhere, just not here. The porch got cleaned up, and Furnando was the first one out, he curled up on the rocking chair, and flew out of it when my very nice Vietnamese neighbor brought over a huge plate of just made fried spring rolls, and I was hungry-how did she know? Donna, the dog owner came over after that with the dog, the dog has a tumor on her eye, but because the vet is still not allowing humans in to be in the exam room with the owner, she has not taken the dog to the vet. She did take her for her shots to an "open vet service" and they strongly told her to get the dog to a VET NOW! My services may or may not be needed. DH has to use the computer, so bye for now!
  12. Happy Sunday Morning Dailyites! It is 73 and cloudy, I have 4 fans going, just to keep us on the cool side, the cats were not wanting hugs this morning. This morning they are sleeping and then running around and then sleeping.in the windows again. We watched F1, and I need to start studying and printing up my information. I have no idea what DH has planned for today, I however want to watch the F3 and F2 races (they were on at 3 something and 5 something this morning, but I slept until 7:30). Bubbles was here this morning for his breakfast, but no Fawn, and both DH and I are very sad. It's been a week, with no sign of her. I think that tomorrow we will check with the county to see if someone trapped her and sent her on her way to the pound, but I doubt if we will find her there. She knew about cages, and only ate Temptations and was very wary of people. I am still cleaning off the porch, as the indoor kitties keep staring out the door but as I tire easily, it's just a bit more each day. Tomorrow the porch will be returned to the indoor kitties and humans.
  13. and @erewhon- http://www.lovethispic.com/uploaded_images/136819-1414377003_Good-Morning-Friends.jpg
  14. @Seasick SailorIs that an over the counter or will I need a prescription? My cardio/vein doc says to walk, but right now I have no energy and I'm not walking. The nap lost....
  15. I start a new sales campaign on Monday! Yay! And I should be studying, and reading, and I'm just not there yet, so "there" has to be tomorrow as I get trained on Monday. @kazuPlease do not leave things on the corner of the counter. Every time DH does that, I move it to somewhere not near a corner. (mainly because the cats love to jump on the counters, at the corners and I do not want to clean up glass). Am I really the only person in the world who wants to change out all my clawed furniture to plastic Adirondack chairs? I dusted off the ceiling fan in the bedroom last night and slept well for 4 hours, and then my leg cramps started up, and I didnt have enough covers to get warm under. When we flew out to Vancouver in the beginning of May, and we had a short lay over in Seattle, DH and I wanted to go out and have a smoke, so we drug our carryon luggage with us. For some reason my Theraworks for Leg cramps grabbed the TSA attention, and they had me open it, take off the cover, and they pumped some of it on a test strip because they thought I was transporting??? I have no idea, and had no idea so many people didn't know about this product.. They ended up telling me that my cologne (which is only made by a certain company once a year, and I was saving it for my trip) was .04 ounces too much, and I told them to toss it. (why did Atlanta not have this issue?) When we left Vancouver, again the Theraworks for Leg cramps was scrutinized, but the woman wrote down the name of the product (turns out both she and her mother have leg cramps) and by the time we got to Seattle? I threw the darn stuff out, but then we got home, I was too sick to go get more. Our house is brick, and sits on the top of a hill in the full sun, the temps out side are 85-90 and yet, we are cool due to fans through out the house. The windows are open, Furnando is stretched out in one. And the air conditioning guys are supposed to be here this week to crawl under the house and change the filter...which was ordered, but we dont have yet. The vet called this morning for Furnando and when she asked me how I was, and I told her, she moved the appointment to the end of the month. It's going to be one of those days, so I think I will take a nap.
  16. Good Saturday Morning Dailyites! Yes, I called out from work again today. Not working for a month, and the checking account is getting slim. I got Donna (dog's mom) to call my neighbor to the left of us to see if Fawn was stuck in her garage. That was a no, but she has been seeing coyotes back in the neighborhood since last Sunday. I dont mind the fox, but coyotes? A kitty wouldn't stand a chance. I am cleaning off the porch (doing a little bit each day) and will open the porch up to the indoor kitties this summer. (for the last 2 summers, it had been Fawn's living room) So that they get that fresh air every day. Not just hanging out in the windows. Our neighbor (on the other side of us) came pounding on the door last night, shovel in hand, wanted to know what the vicious beast was that just walked through his yard. It was a possum. He had never seen one before, and thought it was a rat of enormous size. When he tried to chase it and hit it, well, it played possum, and curled up and played dead. (he did not hit it) That really freaked him out. Chuck went out with him, and informed him, what it was, and that he shouldn't be afraid of it, and then the possum got up, and went over to the cat food dish, and ate. I also filled all the bird feeders yesterday, and put out hummingbird food too.
  17. I had a friend in high school, who secretly was the magenta bandit. @dfishNo on the pink- I agree with @bennybearI think a darker cranberry would be better. Too much orange and you will be known as the Halloween house. But again, wait til you show us the green. Good luck, now you know why I have only painted my bedroom in the last 20 years.....
  18. BTW there was an article last week about emoji's and that seniors were using the wrong ones. Apparently we don't understand them and have been applying "crude" emoji's without knowing what they mean. As there was not a tutorial class on them, I guess we have to ask a 12 year old what they all mean. I did not read the article, as the only ones I send out are hugs, and cats. And please dont tell me that a smiling cat means something crude......
  19. @1ANGELCATEarlier this week you showed a picture of Ninja, looking sad about losing Fluff. If you believe in the rainbow bridge, know that they knew love, and they loved each other, and are now playing again together, or at least snuggled heart to heart. My heart goes out to you, as I do really know how that feels. Sending you a majorly BIG hug! After we lost Irving, I thought there would be a dynamic change in the household, and that one of the remaining 3 would become a force to be reckoned with. Turned out all 3 of the cats are wimps, but they are more scared of strangers and the unknown than each other. As when we got back from our cruise and all three were hiding behind the bed. About the cat nip and the mint. Years ago when I moved south, I decided to add some of the mint growing in my front yard to a glass of iced tea. Strange flavor though, and my cats started following me around the house. Yup, it was catnip, and it does not taste that great in a glass of ice tea. Fresh, they look and smell alike, ....but not quite. @smitty34877I'm glad to read that your DH is up and about, but tell him to take it easy! Glad Tana's nurse is keeping an eye on him too. My boss Lisa called me this morning, gave me all sorts of helpful hints on how to deal with Covid. When Covid raised it's ugly head in 2020, her family lost 15 out of 27 members to the disease. She moved this past year with her mother so that they can be closer to the remaining part of their family. She says it looks like I will be back with AZ Opera starting on the 12th. And I was also offered a job back in California. If it's selling I will let them know I will take it. Life changes hourly around here...that phrase-the only thing constant is change.
  20. OK, I love my dentist. He has been my dentist since he graduated from college. So yes, we did grow old together, and I owe him a fortune. The only Bubba I know of, is Bubba Wallace of NASCAR. When we went up to visit Dan on the Cape several years ago, we did go to the Marconi Museum. The guys were totally into it, and I wandered out and took pictures of osprey. @MrSnuffleupagus This is what kind of bird you will see every where in Alaska.
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