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Everything posted by marshhawk

  1. During my break, I went to the Firefly Resort FB site, two of the cabins had collapsed, (the one that charles and ann were going to stay at, and the one dan was in) the water level had gone up at least 8 feet on the cabins by the road, Sand is in, and on everything. So now I get to do research on things in Arkansas, and the trip out there. Which DH seems to be having a problem with, I do not want to sit at Momma Normas for a whole week, and expect my BFF to do that either, so DH has to snap out of his conundrum and give me some clues as to what he actually expects to happen for a week. The wind came back along with the clouds, but the nonstop weather news ended at 6 tonight and now we can go back to normal. Tomorrow back to the planning of the trip, and organize the rest of the 2 weeks. I need to sand and paint the guest bathroom before he gets here. The mirror had fallen off the wall, and i removed what i could of wall paper that was there, but now it's get down and finish the room, find two smaller mirrors not a whole wall, and add some nice touches.
  2. Arkansas here we come- sorry about length of story and pictures 'Cedar Key as we know it is completely gone' Michael Bobbitt, a resident of Cedar Key, Fla., who stayed behind during Helene, told the New York Times, "Cedar Key as we know it is completely gone." “The post office is destroyed,” he said of the city in Florida's northwestern Big Bend region, which was also hit by Hurricane Idalia in 2023. “Several restaurants are destroyed. The Jiffy Food Store is destroyed. Vehicles are smashed in and turned upside down. Everything is impassable. It looks like a nuclear bomb went off.” Workers clear debris in the aftermath of Hurricane Helene, in Cedar Key, Fla. (Gerald Herbert/AP) Debris inside a flooded store in Cedar Key. (Miguel J. Rodriguez Carrillo/Getty Images) A house destroyed by Hurricane Helene in Cedar Key. (Miguel J. Rodriguez Carrillo/Getty Images) A Cedar Key home destroyed by Hurricane Helene. (Miguel J. Rodriguez Carrillo/Getty Images) Residents, traveling by boat, inspect Cedar Key after Hurricane Helene made landfall. (Miguel J. Rodriguez Carrillo/Getty Images)
  3. Good Friday Morning Dailyites! @StLouisCruisers glad to know that you are doing well, and have had no problems from Helene. Our phones screamed at us 3 times last night, about Severe Flood Warning in our area. Mine was actually on mute, but lit up. DH's phone was the one that was screaming. When it first happened he came down the hall and asked what the emergency was, and I said Flooding. "Do you want your phone?" Na he said, you deal with it, we are not going to go out in the rain. It went off at 11:15, 1:45, 4 am, and I finally got up when it went off at 7:15. I am currently enjoying the breeze. I say breeze because while I heard branches come down over the night, the hype on the tv makes it sound like we are having strong winds, and so far we have not. I did hear a transformer pop when I turned on the computer this morning, but we have power, (which is weird) but the town north of us -Tucker -does not. The biggest problem is a jack knifed trailer on 285 at Memorial, (which is our main road) so the noise level from traffic is non existent this morning, And now they just announced that the exit , just south of Memorial also has an accident and is closed down to one lane. Why do people feel that when told dont go out, they go out? Think I will make a bacon and peanut butter sandwich, and I hope everyone has a great and safe day.
  4. WE have had an interesting weather report- @StLouisCruisers are you in a county that will be hurricane or Tropical storm? Yes, south of town will still be a hurricane, and east (where I live)and north of Atlanta will be a tropical storm. Tonight should be interesting, and if I dont post tomorrow, you will know we lost power. We have a ton of trees here. Hugs to all Annie
  5. I got on rocketchat (work computer) and while the boss was listing the hours of the individual bosses, he came back on to tell us to hold off on the work, the system was down. Ummmm..... Oh well, now it's up.
  6. @kazuI am glad and amazed at your foot nurse moving mountains for you right now. She is making it possible for you to skip the line, and I think even if you have to pay out of pocket, your health is so much more important. DH did not get much relieve from Gabapentin either, they have switched him to Lexapro to help him with the nerve pain. I hope that you and Ivan have a good day, and I think a garden fence in an L shape will not only give you some privacy, some garden space, and let Ivan enjoy the outside.
  7. Good Thursday Morning Dailyites! Not much on Todays agenda. Its cloudy, and we are expecting rain all day, in fact the computer says it's 67 with light rain. Since Donna (who works for the state and they were told to stay and work from home today, they will be off tomorrow) is home, I dont need to walk the dog. I do start work at noon, and I do need to make the meatloaf before I start work. I had all sorts of problems with my work computer yesterday, and called this campaigns computer guru. Seems that the problems were caused by weather and age. Not mine, the computers. That's a first. Theresa and Harley (old friends from a job from 24 years ago) are planning to leave tomorrow on a big road trip and want to stop by today to see Chuck. That would be nice, we have not seen them since Christmas, and they only live 3 miles from us. They are bringing over a wheelchair for us to use on our vacation in Florida, but I am thinking that that vacation is a bust. So it's my job to plan what to do in Arkansas. And what to see between Atlanta and Hot Springs Village. My heart is just not into it right now. Collard KItty was staying on the porch at night, I had to put him there so that he would not stalk the dog in the mornings when I walked the dog. It made the dog nervous. But DH was sad that the porch was not being used by our indoor cats. So I moved his litter box out to the car port, and he is happy out there, But last night he wanted to play Guard Cat, and cornered the raccoon. It was not going to be pretty, so I went out and reminded the raccoon that he was allowed onto the car port, but not to fight with the kitty, then I picked up Collard, and put him back on the porch, reminding him that a hungry wet raccoon, was not worth the fight. The raccoon remained munching away. He is not afraid of me at all. And I am not afraid of him. Her? I dont want to get close enough to find out. We bought batteries last night, phones are charged, as is the lantern, so I guess we are now ready for Helene. My common sense is telling me to call and cancel my dr's appointment tomorrow morning. I just cant see risking my life driving in the early morning hours of dark, during a tropical/hurricane storm in a city that is full of huge trees. I am surprised that they have not closed, as the rest of Atlanta has in preparation of the oncoming storm.
  8. I have no idea why it feels like a Friday night for me, probably because Donna texted me, to inform me that state offices are closed tomorrow, but they will work from home, and they are closed on Friday due to Helene. So I dont walk the dog for the rest of the week. I can sleep late. The governor has called for a state of emergency for GA. The county spokesperson is telling us to stay safe and only call 911 with a true emergency. To shelter in place, until the place isnt there any more. The power company is telling us to unplug everything when we lose power.. My question is this, in a state of emergency with an impending hurricane, tornadoes and hail expected, why has my doctor not cancelled my appointment on Friday Morning? Guess I should be the one to cancel that appointment. And @smitty34877 your brother is right. Pine trees are everywhere, and Georgia pines are the ones where the weight of the tree is all at the top, they drop branches as the grow. Our Georgia pines are in the backyard at the top of the hill. Depending which way the wind blows, they will either crash on us, or fall into our neighbors yard. Or the awful person who lives behind us. Lets hope for the neighbors empty backyard. We are getting closer and closer to having the Cedar Key vacation cancelled, inhabitants of Cedar Key are under mandatory evacuation, except for the Clambassador and the two guys that run the resort. With a 15 foot and more storm surge expected, the cabins will be in the water again. 50 percent of their restaurants and shops burned down on Saturday or are heavily damaged Maybe we should reschedule for a February not October. Looks like a nice visit with Momma Norma in Arkansas, but we shall see after Helene gets done with its damage. BFF is very excited about the prospect of a trip to Arkansas, I want to visit more Civil war battle fields in TN, and our friend Teresa told us about a sculpture garden in Bentonville. So if we can drag DH away from mom for a day or two, we should find some adventures. Maybe drive over to Oklahoma, so I can add another state to my map. I hope that Keith is as generous with information as Amanda was, and thank you @Quartzsite Cruiserfor passing the information on to us. Hopefully Roy's new "bunkie" wont be as bad. @Vict0riannI am glad that you face timed with your DH last night, and hope you got a chance to see him today-you may have said that but my mind isnt holding info for very long these days And we finally got the police report filed. One less thing that we have to do! Yeah. To get the report coped and picked up, takes a week, and we already know that the week will be extended by two days, but it got done!
  9. Good Wednesday Morning, I need to run out and walk the dog, and get DH dressed. Leftover quiche for breakfast was better than the first serving. At least Turnip thought so. I think everything that needs to be charged is charged. I have turned my phone off, and when I text for work start, I will inform my boss who lives in MX our weather forecast here. My subdivision is called Flintridge Forrest ( why 2 r's?) and we have a lot of very tall pines, give us wet, give us wind, and we get trees and branches down. WEatherman says it will be worse a bit east of us, but both @StLouisCruisers and us are in the path of the storm as it appears now, the weatherman even shows the eye projected on going over Atlanta. I did approach the DR to talk to him while DH walked up to the desk, but DH wont go anywhere without me, and ended up right behind me when i talked to the doctor. If he heard all of it, or some of the conversation, I dont know. Remember, Saint of Denial. A couple of our friends emailed me because they had not heard from me, since DH's hospitalization, and when I told them the news, they said they wanted to come over and see him this week, before they headed off for a month long drive through America, they are heading up to the UP . So since we didnt get that report filed yesterday, we need to today, they will stop by tomorrow. Well, dog, police station, and back to work. Have a great day!
  10. @Quartzsite CruiserThank you for letting Roy's niece know how much he means to all of us. I would love to mail him a card, but have no idea what address to send to-do you think she would share that with you? You are the best! I am so glad that Roy had your email, and reached out.
  11. @JazzyVI dont have your email address, and if it's in the signature, I somehow turned that off, and dont know how to turn it back on. Guess I will go computer searching.
  12. Well, while DH has great veins, he has a bad artery. They are going to use a vein, graft it to the artery in his leg, and let the vein take over pulsing the blood back to his heart. He will have several incisions in his leg, and the vein is from the same leg. Surgery is scheduled for November 4th, he will be in the hospital 3-5 days, and then a month of recuperation. After the talk, and DH did rant at the doc, that he was tired of all the surgeries that did nothing for him. The doc did explain that in 20 % of people, the stents do clog and fail. He again said he was tired of surgery. I asked the doc what if he does nothing, and he said, the leg will go gangrene and will be amputated. Well, that ended the conversation and complaining, and the doc walked out, I ran after him, and told him what the oncologist said. He asked if they had given him a time frame, and I said no, that is something that we need to discuss. He said if it was only going to be 2-3 months he would not do the surgery, if it was longer, it would at least make DH more comfortable, but to travel and do the things we want NOW. @Vict0riannI am glad that Pat's surgery went well! Keeping him until Thursday is a good idea, as they will need to know how he feels with movement, and stress. (physical not emotional). At least you will be able to sleep a little easier tonight. @SusieKIslandGirlI had to laugh at your deer invasion. Where there is a will, there is a way. And what a great picture! I am typing while listening to AGT, winner to be announced soon. Hugs to all!
  13. As we suspected, Quiffy popped her stitches out sometime over the last 3 days. Technician said all good, she has sealed and healed. I however have stepped on the tiny thing 3 times in the last two days. DH started another project, procrastinating processing the fraud report for an item he never received. In order to stop the bill collectors from calling and rudely harassing us, he needs to do this ASAP, instead, he decided to swap out the washing machine hose.....and this is my life. So early tomorrow after I walk the dog, and before I go to work, I will drag his butt to the police station. Very hot today, going up to 93, again. Sorry post was interrupted because I heard my neighbor yelling at the postal delivery service person, about torn up mail going back in her box, and she was accusing the mail man of stealing the stamp. I went over and told her the mail was in my yard, that there had been several mail thefts on our street, and she should not put outgoing mail in the box at night. And that I would have let her know that it was me that put it in the box, but didnt think she was a morning person. And I was right, she goes out until 2 and then stays up. Sleeps all day (she had one very long fake eyelash going north,and the other going south, so maybe not your best morning person.) All good, she told me I was anti social, and i admitted it.🐱🙀 @ger_77The doctor said that the recovery time from this surgery was a month, and as the place had been half paid for, to take the vacation, and do the surgery afterwards. @Cruzin TerriIt is not going to be easier as we go through this, I think hisr doc doesnt want you to burn out before you are REALLY needed. What I get from DH's doc, is a hug, and he tells me i am a saint. That's all. Saint of what, I have no idea. Saint of denial. Hugs to you girl friend!
  14. Good Tuesday Morning Dailyites! Its early, but it's take Quiffy today to get her stitches out. WE however have not seen the stitches for about 3 days. DH meets with the vein doctor today regarding his upcoming b pass surgery This morning I went to the website for the resort we are staying at, only to find out that the majority of restaurants and shops in town caught fire, and burned down this past weekend. The Dock Street is where the restaurants were open for dinner. Most of Cedar Key rolls up the sidewalks after 2 pm, so it will be hard to find a place to eat in town. And now they have another hurricane headed their way-and heading towards Georgia. Looks like @StLouisCruisers and I will be getting a tropical storm, with rain! Well, we need rain, but our neighborhood does not need more wind. There is the sound of crickets in the dining room this morning. Not one cat is investigating. Quiffy got so used to being in the bedroom with DH, that even though the door is open, she is sleeping by choice above his head, looking out the window. I am not sure I want to feed her before I put her in the car, so breakfast for the cats will be late today. I hope you all have a wonderful day, or a day full of wonder and joy. Prayers for all, and may everyone find something to smile about today. Misty Fjords
  15. Well once again a hurricane is headed to where our little cabin we rented is. We are supposed to be there in 3 weeks. If Firefly suffers damage, we wont be there in 3 weeks, we will be in Arkansas in a condo on a lake, that DH's mom will rent for us. Not sure that the other couple will want to do that, so it may just be me, DH and our BFF who I know will wander every walking trail in Hot Springs Village. Momma Norma is frail, and DH is too, and I want to make sure that they see each other soon. DH wont be able to travel for a while after the by pass surgery. And I wont drive in the snow. We either get to take a vacation where we want to go, or a vacation that we need to do, either way it's not in my hands. Prayers for Roy and his companion tomorrow that good decisions are made for further care. To all my friends here, may wellness strike us all!
  16. Good Monday Morning Dailyites! Its sunny and going back up into the lower 90's. Yesterday we got up to 97. I got DH to turn on the air again. Of course by the end of the week, it looks like the high might be in the 70's. We are hotter than Texas! I am going to finally make the quiche this morning, which was supposed to be last nights dinner. But I will make it after I walk the dog. I am learning to sleep later and later each morning. Well 8 am. Then feed cats, get DH his meds, try to watch some actual news on nbc before they get to the 3 hours of fluff, and then walk the dog. Not necessarily in that order, but it all has to be done within an hour, and of course, come here to see my friends, which is what keeps me going. Now if the cream has gone over to the "dark side" -meals will not be finished. I like butternut squash. But since I found Delicata squash, and it is fantastic sliced and oven roasted with olive oil, salt and pepper, it has become a winter staple. (thank you @dfish for teaching me to roast my veggies). We took the cone of shame off of Quiffy yesterday, washed the cone, and let her out of the room for a bit. Not sure if the other family members remembered her as they all ran over, sniffed her (in inappropriate areas) and then walked away and ignored her. Attacks happened within 10 minutes, and we put her back in the bedroom. @lindaler I am glad that you posted, but very sad that things are not going well for you and your family. Hugs being sent your way. from the yahoo news, this also happened today in history In 1980, reggae pioneer Bob Marley performed his final concert. It was just two days after he was told that his melanoma had metastasized, and eight months before he died. Still, he decided to go ahead with his show in Pittsburgh. [Yahoo News]
  17. Usually I try to send a sweet good night with a kitten. Today I say
  18. Good Sunday Evening Dailyites! I have been reading the daily on and off all day. And just as I was going to post, something came up., and away I went. So, I watched Father David, I watched the F1 race, I had a nice long NOT TOO HOT shower! (gee it was over 90 today) We had leftover sausage biscuits for breakfast, and met up with our friends at lunch. We were supposed to meet at the restaurant at 1, she called me at 1:10 and they were just leaving home. We ordered right after they got there because the husband knew right away what he wanted. And so did she, but they didn't read the menu and were upset that what they ordered didn't have the normal things that come with their meals at other restaurants. And once again I ordered what I wanted and liked but it was way too much for me. And so the idea of fixing dinner, didn't happen, and we had ice cream for dinner. @Denise TAgain I appreciate your countdown, as it was also the same (a day or two off) for my vacation, and BFF's arrival. Until I talked with him on Friday, and he is not arriving on the 10th, but the 9th. Glad I made that call before I made my schedule. I'm glad that the wedding turned out so beautifully, and yes please post pictures. @Vict0riannYour hubby is right where he needs to be, and I do agree with @ger_77 when needing ER, call the ambulance. Years ago DH was chopping wood for the wood burning stove, and cut his finger with the axe. When I noticed the amount of blood, I wrapped his hand and drove to the ER. He sat outside in the waiting room for 3 hours, and by the time we got to see a doc, she said, you should have come in as soon as this happened, I cant do stitches on it now. I almost slapped her, but I did tell her we were here 3 hours ago, your triage team didn't think it was necessary. Now? I dial 911. I read an article about doing that too. You may be too frazzled to drive well, the patient may get worse on the way, and then you don't have an address for 911 and treatment starts immediately once the paramedics arrive. Which helped DH when he had his heart attack. He called 911, then called me, I was at work, and asked me what hospital he should go to, I told him, the paramedics arrived, he was outside in a chair, and he flatlined on the way to the hospital. If I had been driving him, he would have died. @tupper10Thank you for your very informative information, and I am beginning to think that this would be appropriate for my DH, and me. There are so many things that we have swept under the carpet, because we foolishly think that we will be around forever. Well, even with his bad news, DH has yet to acknowledge it, but I had another one of those moments after lunch that I experienced on last years cruise, where I could not breathe. My arms started tingling, and I told myself, nope, you are not going to die or pass out at a mexican restaurant, it would look bad for the restaurant. I finally caught my breathe, and carried on as if nothing had happened. Went grocery shopping, but I am so tired this afternoon. I have one more chore to do, and I told Dh, I am going to bed. He does not understand going to sleep when there is still light in the sky. To me before I met him it was the normal thing to do. @rafinmd @lazey1
  19. Darn, I just wrote 3 paragraphs and the whole thing disappeared. so my boss didnt move the call backs for me, had to get my "owner" to do so Quiffy's stitches have disappeared, or the area has swollen and swallowed them up. I will have Saturdays off for a month, two days in a row i over slept this morning almost missed F1 qualifying i think that is all, i am so tired all the time, staying up too late, and getting up before my head wants to, still ignoring most of what i should be doing. Britbox-currently watching What Remains (good and creepy) @kazuGet that vision business taken care of SOON! @rafinmdPlease start feeling better soon! I hope the flowers from the VFD cheered you up. @ger_77I hope your cold clears up, maybe you picked it up at the neighborhood thing. I've been thinking about our missing @Nickelpenny maybe if we share our email address with someone who is closest to us, personally or physically, when something goes wonky we can reach out and let someone know. I bet she doesn't realize how much she is missed here. I hope that she is OK. it is 91 degrees outside, feels hotter in here, but DH decided it was cold, and turned of the air. I am not a happy camper! Slept on the sofa last night with one oscillating fan blowing on me, the screen door closed on the porch, with the Collard out there in the dark meowing because he was on the porch and the rest of us were not. Tonight I will have two fans on, and maybe set my alarm clock to wake up in time to watch the pre race show other news we are in drought people have been stealing things out of mailboxes on our street only last day of summer-dinner tonight is steak, and two microwavable sides. Spinach souffle, and potato au gratin. I love stouffers. we were supposed to eat this earlier this week, but we had ice cream for an afternoon snack, and never got hungry again.
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