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Everything posted by marshhawk

  1. I'm having another Friday the 13th, today Orlando put the campaign on hiatus. Since California said I could work as many hours as I wanted earlier this week, I am taking them up on it. I would work all 40 hours, but I live in eastern time but work in pacific time. And what was i going to do with the call backs that I had this week? My boss is moving them all to me tomorrow. The campaign should start back up in the middle of October. When I am on vacation. Couldn't I take my computer with me and work during my vacation? Oh sure. But I wont work 4 hours a day. just power dial for 2 hours a day. Wont it be too noisy...noi, my friends will be out by the campfire, or playing cards in another cabin, etc. Set your start date for the 20th. Umm, thats a Sunday. Then Monday. Monday I am driving, and tuesday too, and I will start on the 23rd. Oh that sounds good.. You have 3 other employees- nope we are letting 2 go. You stay and one other. So, 2.5 hours tomorrow, and I am done for a month. Down to one campaign., aiming for 30 hours a week, working 5 days a week. And attending dr appointments. And cooking, cleaning etc. Night all!
  2. Good Friday Morning Dailyites! Its sunny and getting back to the 90's today. Today was really going to be go for a walk day, but when I checked in with DH he was not looking well at all, so it's let him sleep day. We have to take the cone of shame off Quiffy to let her eat, so since she is in the room with DH, and he told me to do it, I did, put her down by her food, and left her chomping away. Trucks have been going up and down our street every day this week, and today, they are parked across the street. Not sure what is going on there. Digging up the street? Wont know til I walk the dog, which I have to do now. I will be back.
  3. @Cruzin Terri I dont understand what the Travel Medicine Clinic does? Does it make sure yu have al the necessary vaccinations, or is it how to plan and carry all the meds that you both need to last X amount of time. Is it mandatory because of your health? Sorry I feel dumb, well I am uninformed about life. Safe travels tomorrow!
  4. I like butterscotch pudding, and I like the idea of mixing pirate and cat.
  5. Good Thursday Morning Dailyites! Sunny outside, well it will be once the sun rises over the hill. So lets just say clear for now. We did not make it for a walk yesterday, we ended up taking Quiffy back to the vets. Her surgery area was very hard, and while she had been licking the stitches, she had an infection, so they gave her a shot of antibiotics, put her cone back on, and said "see you in a week". This morning I walk the dog. I have a dentist appointment this morning (he will yell) (I lost another filling) go to my most favorite lunch spot, and if DH is doing well, we will stop at the police station and file that claim for fraud. And then go to work. And pay bills. My least favorite job. Three days have gone by and still no info from Carnival. As my friend Penny says, Customer Service is dead. I hope you are all going to have a great day, if even just filled with simple joys. We were in Valdez last May. It was the first day of my not feeling well, our excursion had been cancelled because there was still 120 feet of snow on the roads to get where we were going, so we took the bus to town and wandered a bit, but the best part of the day was watching an air show from the ship. No matter where you looked, you had a beautiful view. Here are some of my pictures. Sailing into port DH checking out a carved statue outside the small museum in town \ DH and our BFF enjoying the warmth of the sun Something I wasnt expecting to see on the sea Views from the ship and when we were sailing away
  6. @rothbury I dont know if you have met the other dailies, but welcome. Its the end of my day, and I thought, did any one welcome you, and so, welcome. If they have before, and I wasnt reading that day., I was remiss.
  7. Good Wednesday Morning Dailyites! I really enjoyed last nights concert. The new "hall" was not hard to find, I just had to dredge up memories from the 80's to figure out how to get there from my new location. (new is relative, DH and I have been here for 21 years.) But I dont haunt my old "hood" very often. The symphony opened with the National Anthem. (like a sporting event) Then we heard Tancredi Overture by Rossini Suite Modale by Ernest Bloch guest flutist was Christina Smith from the ASO Concertino for Viola and Flute by Bloch with Christina on flute and Paul Murphy on viola ( again from the ASO) After intermission Symphony #4 by Tchaikovsky I asked DH which was his favorite piece and he said the last one, because it was the last one. I loved the Suite Modale. I had not heard Bloch before, and his music was wonderful. its back to walk the dog, have some time to fix lunch (sloppy joes) and then go to work. Big Boss told me that I can work as many hours as I want until the end of the campaign, to make up for the hours I lost. I just cant work more than 40 hours a week. I had a job in the early 80's as a turn key. When someone moves out, you go in and clean the apartment, paint the walls, install new carpet. The business was run by one of my neighbors, and my co worker was the son of my friend Ann. However, I found out that they paid Tommy 10 bucks an hour, and me 7. I quit. Tommy and I were friends, and he asked why I quit, and I told him. He quit. Now, I make less than other people because they pay us based on the state that we live in on the minimum wage. Georgia is still at 7.50. an hour. I make 12 an hour, CA makes 16. Sadly turns out the cost of living is comparable, but the state government last year voted down raising the minimum wage. I am hoping our government changes this term. Keeping people poor should be a crime. IMO. DH wants to go walking, so dog, then Chuck.
  8. @0106How horrible to fall and injury yourself as badly as your DH did. I am glad that he is no longer in pain, and that they could fuse the bones. I have not added travelers insurance for our next cruise, but am hoping that Holland offers it. Best wishes to both of you, and glad to know you are home.
  9. @smitty34877Meatloaf sounds good to me, save me some so if I start driving now, I can get a sandwich.😸 I have made a major mistake. I bought Reece's peanut butter cups this weekend, and they seem to go well with coffee, biscuits, mid afternoon, late nights.....and the cats are not interested in them, so I can eat them in peace. @RMLincolnQuiffy is happier in the bedroom, than the guest room. The bed is softer than the futon, and it has a nice fuzzy blanket on it. and she has a ledge that she can look out at the neighbors house that is not a major jump for her. And last night was better than the night before, she only attacked toes, and then ran up and down in the space between DH and I and curled up with DH. I woke up at 4, and when i climbed back in bed, she snuggled next to me, and when I got up she went back to snuggle with the hubby. The problem is that with both of us in the bedroom with the door closed, the rest of the beasts are running around with no supervision. Since the bed is way too soft for me, I will head back to the sofa tonight so I wont wake up with my shoulder and back hurting. And hopefully get the other cats to calm down a bit. Both Tazi and Bob like to sleep with me when I am on the sofa. There is a lunar eclipse this evening, so I am hoping for clear skies tonight.
  10. Good Tuesday Morning Dailyites! Its sunny and 64, felt cooler when I went and fed the outdoorians. Yesterday afternoon I had two of the usual outdoorians, Chumley and Collard, but all of a sudden, there was a third-the afternoon raccoon! Guess he has been studying the feeding pattern. The county is doing some major work on the main road behind our subdivision, making our quiet street a detour street. I wish they had left a cop on the street because people were flying down the street when I was walking the dog yesterday. My sailor language was flying as fast as these idiot drivers were. Luckily I dont think the dog understood any of what I said. Today, I work a few hours for California, and then we have tickets to our County Symphony. tonight. Womp biscuits with sausage for breakfast. Well now, from the window view I see equipment trucks and a large dump truck at the end of our street. And an emergency vehicle just backed up the drive thats across the street. (its a private nursing home) Another exciting day in paradise.
  11. @Seasick SailorWhat great news from your sister. Enjoy Japan! @smitty34877I am so glad that your brother aka chef aka a diamond got to spend this last week with you. And that DD can take the time off from work to help you and Tana out. Keeping busy is a good thing, but I have missed reading about your hip, and am hoping the pain has lessened My bosses know what is going on with DH, and the big account always says to take time off if I need it. I told him I need to work , to get my head in a stable place. Busy is good, but enjoy your memories this week. I started my list this morning I called Mower menders to see if they wanted a free mower-no I could bring it by and they would throw it out for me. I emailed Carnival about where to send my insurance company. I called Medicare and verified that they would not cover my medical claim as the ship did not leave from an American port, that I was more than 6 hours from an American port and that the insurance that I had purchased for the cruise, was my only hope. Still waiting for an answer from Carnival customer service. Tomorrow I find out how to file a fraud theft? Not sure if theft is the right term, but I am pretty sure that the phone that DH wanted, but didnt walk away with, but the bills came to him, with someone else using the phone. And then send all the information to Verizon. My work hours got cut-no more morning shifts, and no calling after 8:30. I am hoping that @Cruzin Terri's place is doing OK with all the rain. @bennybearI would love to try a peach soda. But I did try a peach milkshake at Chic fil A and once was enough. I live in Georgia, and the best peaches I have seen this summer were from NJ.
  12. Good Monday Morning Dailyites! Its sunny and cool outside, and supposed to warm up to the mid 80's. Yesterday we had our Sunday Mexican lunch, bought groceries, and came home and realized we were too full to make dinner, so we had ice cream and finished watching the drivers press interviews, watched the last two episodes of departures, and watched two episodes of The Paradise. And the we moved Quiffy from the guest bedroom into our bedroom, (litter box in the shower) food by the door, and waited for the attacks. First it was DH's feet, which hurt all the time, so I wiggled my toes to bring her over to me, and was chewed on, until she started seriously biting my leg, and I bonked her off the bed. She went and used the litter box, stopped by and ate some food, then jumped back up on the bed, ran up to my head and started pulling my hair and biting my head. I call her a vampire. And finally after pretending to be asleep she realized that there would be no more action, she curled up by DH's feet and went to sleep. This morning she was still there, and I even opened the door to get my shoes and put her food in, and she seemed much happier now that a human was with her, so she stayed on the bed and didnt try to escape. When I think of well combined Step Family, I think of @smitty34877 and DH's family. DH's family's younger generations are a bit off, with lots of problems, but the unit that was created when Momma Norma married DH's father was a great group. While I try to cut back hours at work, I seem to fill them with MUST DO things and I still find very little down time. In hindsight I realize now that DH was having cognitive problems as early as last November. I was at first too sick from the cruise to pay that much attention to what was going on, and then I thought everything was going well with what he wanted to take on, but nothing got completed, and we are now fighting a bill collector for a phone he never received, he stopped paying bills, he never sent off the medical bills to get payment from the insurance I had purchased for the cruise, he had been sitting at his desk and not calling patrons, well you get the idea So now on top of work, and caring for him, I have the other items to take care. And right now, I am overwhelmed. I need to find a lawyer, and I have no idea how to do that. All the lawyers that I have had in the past were disbarred. (I hope that doesnt mean my divorce of 30 years ago is invalid...) So today I make a list of all the things that need to be done, figure out how to handle them, and start processing things myself. And to top it all off, the couple that we are taking vacation with , where the wife has Alzheimer's , the husband contacted me, and asked how long our reservations for the cabins were for, what day we are leaving, and last week he argued with me for 2 days via emails about the concert that we took them to last Friday. He kept telling me it was Saturday, and why would I schedule a concert for Friday when he had to work. I reminded him that when DH bought the tickets, HE was off everyday by 1, and since then his hours got changed because he could no longer work at home, but had to be on sight in Newnan GA. I even had to ask him to stop emailing me at 1030 at night because I was still at work. And he didn't. I finally told him to check his calendar, and that I could not change the tickets, and ignored any further emails. I understand his frustration. He, like me is "on call" 24/7, but I can talk to you guys and feel better. Him ? He has her family to ask help from, which he does, but has no one to talk with. I love you all, my Daily Family. And now to face the day-DH;s feet are turning blue, and he needs to get out and walk, he said he would do so today. So walk dog, and then go walk Chuck.
  13. Good Sunday Morning Dailyites! Up early to watch the F1 race. We have been out the last 2 nights enjoying time with friends and music. Last night was the 40th Anniversary party/concert for William Ransom who created the Atlanta Chamber Ensemble Group. The hall was full of music loving people. We took Donna, and found out that she studied piano when she was young. There are two pianos in her house,but she never said she played., only that her mother had played. The night before we saw the Princess Bride with the ASO providing the music soundtrack. Sometimes they were so loud you could not hear the words of the characters, so they did have it subtitled. And Popeyes turned out alright. But it took 39 minutes to get our food, slowest fast food I ever had. I did try to keep Quiffy company, but after she bit my butt, and my hip, I gave up and went back to the sofa. We are going to try her in the bedroom, maybe if there are two of us, she will only try to kill one of us at a time. Hugs to all.
  14. Going to work this morning, did not work. Hours for the schedule are 9:30-12:30 on W, TH, F and Saturday. I clocked in at 9:30, got all the screens set up, but have no idea who was supposed to activate our account. My boss lives in CA, so he does not turn on the campaign.(he is asleep) On W, Th and Saturday the BIG Boss (who lives in NY) turns on the computers. But both he, and his assistant ( I think "honey") are both off on Fridays. If no one is the boss, there is no one to turn on the campaign, so after going back and checking 3 times 🙀, I said screw it, and I have the morning off. 🙀(this screaming cat is a mistake, the other one was not.) I feel more like🐯. Apparently what we have here is a failure to communicate. That's sad. A telemarketing company that cannot communicate to each other. @Quartzsite CruiserI agree with you and your DH. I have learned to only come here. And I learned that my opinions should be kept to myself (most of the time). @dfishI love that you and Sue went to Rivers game, but please drive safely. Deer up north are huge! Its nice for her to know her family supports her. Hugs to you and Sue. The couple that we are taking out tonight is the couple where the wife has Alzheimers. One thing that has changed with her is what she will eat. She used to love Thai, her DH said that the last time they tried to go to a Thai restaurant, she ordered fried chicken strips. ( i was thinking of all the restaurants between home and the theatre) So I mentioned Pizza. Nope. A Greek restaurant. Nope, Fried food, cheeseburgers and lobster is all she wants to eat. (she was the best cook) No veggies, no fruit, just fried, burgers or lobster. We are doing our fine dining at Popeyes tonight. I hope they have the fried shrimp. It is the best around.
  15. Good Friday Morning Dailyites! When I looked out this morning, I saw Chumley (one of the stray outdoor cats) in Donna's yard across the street. I thought if I turned on the outdoor garage lights, he might move, nope, the laundry room light, nope, the key in the door, nope, and a fox walked through her yard- No wonder he didnt move! He isnt there now, but he missed breakfast as Roofus goes from plate to plate. Hopefully I will see him in our yard (the cat, not the fox) so I can get him breakfast later. @Denise TI think chocolate is a veggie. It is made from a plant, so it's healthy.😸 We were supposed to get lots of heavy rain from Francine, but here, she was just a cloudy light drizzle. I think that our weather people like hype, but dont know diddly. Or they like the hype, but are giving us a forecast from Alabama. Tonight I will move in to the room where Quiffy is. She is very lonely. Chuck stays with her during the day. We picked up the cloth cone/collar from Debbie, and she is much happier. She can eat now, and drink now, but she stayed up all last night, knocked over the trash can, and cried. She has never been alone before. So since I am the nomadic sleeper, she will have company tonight. Todays plans are walk the dog, (I hope the fox has really moved on). work, run some errands, go back to work, and then our "travel" friends are coming over. We are taking them to see The Princess Bride with the ASO performing live soundtrack for his birthday. We bought the tickets in February. And then come home, go to sleep, get up tomorrow and go back to work. And its a Formula1 race weekend! Yes, where is @Nickelpenny? @rafinmdI hope you are feeling better, sounds like they are really making you work hard to get better, so I hope you are feeling better. DH is up, so off I go...
  16. Good Thursday Morning Daiyites! I was back on the sofa last night, and DH needs more bed space. We tried elevating his head, and turned off the fan, with no air blowing on him. He said his right eye (the one that he cant see out of, but had surgery to lift the lid, and they botched it, and he cant close the eye fully) gets dried out, and causes pain. Yesterday was not a good day, and I left work an hour early and took him out for ice cream. He loves ice cream. So with the fan off last night, I am hoping that he slept better. I have not fed the cats yet. I am waiting until I am awake enough to either spoon feed Quiff, or anger DH by taking off that collar. My friend Debbie did order a collar for Jersey, which Jersey took off in two minutes, and she was supposed to bring it to me last week, and forgot. I will call her later this morning and see if she kept it. I have to go out today to buy ink for the printer. My vet recommended a tube sock. I think I can cut one of my furry socks for her. Today is walk the dog, work, a break in the middle of the day, and back to work. And wait for the rain. Which I thought would have started by now.
  17. @lindalersaid that she would not cruise if the family situation was not resolved, maybe that is what happened? Today Boss # 2 said that he needed more hours from me, twice what i was giving the other boss (who he also works for) but we dont know if Boss # 2's job that I work for will last past the 12th of October. Then Boss # 1 tells me that my job with him will end two months sooner than last year-putting both boss # 2 and I hoping that we can be placed somewhere through the months of November and December. I might end up with DH's old boss. Looking for donations for the LA Phil. I stink at asking people for money. DH found out that his bypass surgery will be on November 4th. If he had it earlier, he would not be able to do his vacation. I wouldnt leave him home alone. He will be in the hospital for 2 to 3 days following the surgery, and then either home or rehab center, and then 2-4 weeks recovery time. Quiffy did well with the surgery, but she is not able to eat or drink with that stupid cone around her head. And they want her to wear it for the full two weeks. She will starve. Any suggestions?She is not allowed to play, run, jump or have fun for two weeks, until she gets her stitches out. On the 24th . So sad. Momma Munchkin did not have external stitches, she only had to be alone for one week, not two.And she had the cone off in 2 minutes tops! Quiffy just keeps trying to back out of it. All of the other cats go to the door and wait for Quiffy to come out. And they want to break in when we open the door. I threaten them with a vet visit, and all of them run away as fast as they can. Munchkin must have told them stuff.
  18. I'm back, but need to walk the dog in a few minutes. 9/11/01 I was at work at the garden center, and my neighbor called me to tell me that a plane had just crashed into the World Trade Center. I went and told my boss, and he turned on the computer, and asked at the same time, a small plane ?, and he watched what was happening. He had left the banking industry to run this shop. He got up when the second plane hit, walked out and never came back to work. Ever. He had lost a lot of friends that day. I kept the shop open, flowers bring peace. I had soft classical music on in the garden and shop, and a few people came in and just sat. That night we had an interesting lecture on pond life, the tiny organisms that live in the water, and after the lecture, I closed up the shop and DH (he wasnt my DH yet) and I went for a late dinner, we watched the helicopters flying over the airport, no one had the tvs on in the restaurant, and I got home and fell sound asleep. I have never seen any of the footage of that day. But it was a day that changed everyone in this country. My dad had worked in the building next door to the center, and I thought of him that day, and was actually glad that he had not lived long enough to see it. I am hoping today, that everyone on the east coast, and central states, stays safe during Francine.
  19. Good way too early Wednesday Morning DAilyites! Off to take Quiffy to be spayed. DH is up only because he is in so much pain. Off to face another day! Hugs!
  20. @atexsixI prep when I am not at work (work from home) 2 hours or a few hours off are gone now. Thanks for the idea though. I could toast it too, for next time....
  21. I hate to admit it, but I miss Swanson Frozen Turkey Dinners. It think I miss the stuffing. And taters, and the peas, and that little blob of cranberry sauce (questionable food item) I dont miss the turkey, just the stuff. I will still pick up a Stouffers Salisbury Steak with mac n' cheese. Not a lot of times, but when I work until 11 pm. DH likes them, and sometimes he doesnt appreciate my creative cooking (clearing out the fridge). The quiche is almost done, sausage onion an cheddar. The meatloat has been created and formed, with a bit of a change. I had switched from saltines two years ago, to panko crumbs, and found out while making the meatloaf, that we had no Panko crumbs, and I substituted Ritz crackers. I'll let you know how that turns out. And now we are out of Ritz....
  22. Good Tuesday Morning Dailyites! Its sunny 65 degrees, it did feel cooler than that when I fed the outdoor cats, but it is Tuesday so no walk the dog this morning, just a short walk at 9 tonight. So this morning I will make Quiche. I do this so that there is an easy breakfast for 4 days. Microwaves are great! Making meatloaf for dinner, so that there are leftovers to eat this week Quiffy is getting spayed tomorrow, so I need to go to the bank sometime today and get cash,. They wont take a check, but they will take cash. They are not good at making change, so we leave anything extra on account, we know we will apply it soon. The quote was very appropriate to my life yesterday and to the future. Its the weird waiters that are the scariest. There was a house on the street where I grew up that I would call cursed. Every one who moved into it, did not stay long, as there was a family member who died in it every time someone moved in. When I was a young teenager, there was a family who moved in, and the older teenage boy attempted to commit suicide by writing a note, and did a drug overdose on purpose. He was not dead, but his sister who was my age thought something was going on, and broke down the door, which slammed into his head (as he was passed out on the floor) and the door killed him. That was my first knowledge of suicide. They moved within a week. I was amazed that the college i attended in the 70's had the second highest collegiate suicide rate in the country. I am so happy that I never felt my grades while bad, ever affected my attitude about life. There is always tomorrow and today only has 24 hours in it. Last night I got 3 emails for H & R block that my SS number had appeared on the dark web. they suggest that I freeze my credit. Has anyone else ever had to do this? How long do I freeze it for, and will it affect my current credit cards?
  23. @1ANGELCATTwo of the fur babies are with Chuck right now, but Turnip finds me tasty and has been munching on me all evening. I must secretly wear eau de catnip. @dfishI think your dentist was wacky. Underwear showing? I saw a crazy naked lady today when we were heading downtown, except that she had the decency to wrap a back garbage bag around her crotch. To be a professional and appear with undies showing is disgraceful. To say you need a deep clean, is money in their pocket. I drive an hour to see my dentist, because he cares, and works with me on payments, and when I die, i think he will get a third of the value of the house.
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