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Everything posted by marshhawk

  1. Well I worked 8.25 hours today, I had one sale for the California group, and my first sale in Florida. YAY! I broke my 3 week no sale streak for Florida! Tomorrow is the take the babies to the vets, and tentatively discussing going to the art museum. I got another update on the Jersey from Debbie- I took Jersey to the vet this morning. She checked perfectly, got her 2nd rabies shot, a 2nd dewormer and a combo blood test for feline HiV and something else I can’t remember. She’s being spayed at the end of the month. She weighed in at 3.58 lbs and was the star attraction at the vet. When she was taken to the back for her blood test the vet tech said there were a train of people who wanted to see the new kitten. 🐈‍⬛
  2. Good Thursday Morning Dailyites! Another week flying by! I'd post the temp, but right now the computer is stuck on "earnings upcoming" well this Saturday is pay day. The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away. Tuesday I got that snotty email about not working enough hours, from the central and east coast job, and yesterday I got notice that my West Coast job is cutting hours. No more Saturday shifts. Which was always my best sale days, and my best bonus days. So another juggling of hours and days, and perhaps starting next week, no more wish for Friday off day, but just take Saturday and Sunday off. Oh! Like a real person. I did go on line between shifts yesterday and checked what Emory University will be offering for free (through generous grants) concert wise. Some require registration, but most of them have been moved to a larger hall, and you just show up. Some are during the week, some are on weekends, when parking is free. Most of the concerts include the Vega Quartet-check them out on youtube. I like the quote. There are books that I love to reread, because the characters become "friends"-you worry for them, you cheer them on, you cry when they cry. And mostly because when I am done with the book , I feel more human. What I hate in a book, regardless of how great the story is, is when the writer adds a character, like a CAT, they talk about them, they describe them, they are part of the story, and something BIG happens, is resolved, but the writer never mentions what happened to the CAT! I thought I would share not a picture, but how our adopted by Debbie-Jersey is doing in her new home.- After spending 2 days on my lap sleeping, Jersey has decided this is her home. I’d been feeding her in the den so she wouldn’t be bothered by the big cats, but she figured out that when I get up in the morning the food is being dispensed in the kitchen. Yesterday she was first in line for her plate. Today I had to pick her up and move her so that Skylar could eat. You’d think the baby never had a meal. I swear she doesn’t walk — she runs everywhere. Last night she followed the cats upstairs and explored the bathroom while I got ready for bed. Jersey had no problem going up and down stairs. She flies. Then she got the zoomies and ran back and forth the length of the house. She leaped off the floor onto the side of the tub like she was jumping on a balance beam. She played on the bed for awhile, then found a flannel strap cat toy that has been hanging on a doorknob for 20 years. (I can’t remember another cat having any interest in it.) When she discovered the doorstop made a boing noise when you hit it, she played with that for awhile. Jersey’s like a little sister who wants to play with the big kids. She follows them around and observes everything they do. If Skylar gets a snack, Jersey wants one too, or she’ll eat up Skylar’s. So far Riga is tolerant. I even caught her giving Jersey a little head lick. Skylar just walks away if she wiggles her way in front of him. So, Jersey is happy in her forever home!
  3. @AroundWithMAPTravels another Jersey girl here, from chatham township, really close to the swamp. close enough that that was my first volunteer job, cleaning up the trails, and not dealing with people. running the Tom Lehrer film about pollution....finding a caterpillar in a stage that had not been studied before, he chewed his way out of his screened cage... I miss my swamp.
  4. when we were on the new Amsterdam last year, DH and I signed up for a Dungeness crab dinner, for 25 $ they must have stayed in the dungeon as we got crab legs. just regular crab legs. very unimpressed.
  5. Good Wednesday Morning Dailyites! Its very hot and humid. I have been very jealous of those who have said their humidity will be going down, Just this second, the computer put up a big blue image-HUMID. The curtains are closed, but i see through the small opening (where the cat sneaks onto the window sill) that the sun is out, oh, it's 76. Weatherman said last night it will get up into the 90's today. @grapau27I love your pictures out the window when you are at the beach, good weather or bad, but your most recent food porm from the Lake Country have been fabulous. They truly inspire me to eat breakfast-somewhere...just not here. This mornings it's Eggos and fresh fruit. I heard something buzz this morning, way too early. I didn't register what would be beeping so early. It was my cell phone with a text. It was my neighbor telling me she was staying home today, bad headache, and I don't have to walk the dog. Which meant I could have slept later, but couldn't because there was this strange buzz. She wakes up at 3 to start her day, so she had to wait 3 and a half hours to tell me she wasn't going to work, and that I don't have to get up early.... I sent an email last week to the woman who said she was interested in adopting Turnip, but have not heard back. He may just stay, and that's fine with me. For some reason as he is becoming more cat, than tiny kitten, it appears that while Turnip was the appropriate name based on who is father is, that he is turning into a Murphy. The name fits him. Not my garden-
  6. @Heartgrove I was so sad to read last night about your decision for Sam. I agree with others, to be able to love and to help him let go is one of the hardest things to do, but to relieve him of pain and the inability to get up on his own is the greatest gift you can give him. My sympathies to you and your family..
  7. @RMLincoln How fantastic! Have a great cruise, pack a sweater! @bennybearI cant find the oxygen mask, the patient is very demanding and very mean right now so I find solace in working. Did 7.5 hours today. DH has an ultrasound tomorrow morning, in hopes that they can find a good vein to replace his artery. His hands and feet are swollen all the time. I'm not sure what should be addressed first. Today I was written up because i wasn't working enough hours. This was from midwest top management, who 1) doesnt realize I work west coast campaigns, and 2) if she did know, when does 6-8 hours a day become part time? I thought 20 hours a week was part time, so since we got the call about DH's tests tomorrow morning, I had to cancel a shift in the morning, and part of one in the afternoon. Dh went to bed early, odd, but I guess i will take advantage of it, and hit the sofa. hugs to all
  8. The rest of the pictures are lighthouses from Cape Cod, in all that fog, they are necessary.
  9. Good Tuesday Morning Dailyites! I slept past 7:30 this morning, but the quiet of the morning didn't last long. And my three day old quiche doesn't taste right, even the cats don't want it. I will celebrate a root beer float, I like my fish a bit more charred (overcooked) but I would probably try it if someone else fixd it. None of our friends cook or eat fish. So it's a DH and I thing. When I called DH's doc yesterday to schedule those requested appointments per the hospital docs, all of them had received notices from the hospital (oncologist, pain doc, and his primary's PA) The oncologist said that he would talk to DH on Monday when he comes in for his immunotherapy, the pain doc 's office said they would update the doc, but will probably want to see him after he sees the oncologist, and the primary's PA (he has never met his primary doc in 3 years) said they would call if there was an opening, otherwise they would see him in October. They did ask why he wanted to come in earlier, and he said because he wanted answers. He wants a referral to get the fistula repaired (he has been told twice in the past month, that this is not possible due to his cancer).and we start going in circles again. Someone needs to put in writing exactly what is happening to him so that he will settle down, and face and do the things that he needs to do. I also have come to the conclusion that kittens and stray cats are the leading cause of falls in little old ladies. They haven't taken me out yet, but I see this happening. My ankles and knees are attached by small creatures from under the love seat, every time I get up and walk into the kitchen. Today I go back to work. But since I forgot to take out the chicken for a crock pot meal, I will have to run out and get something at dinner time. DH has not driven in about 10 months. One of my favorite movies is Best Exoitic Marigold Hotel-when we learn that -it is not over until it's over, and it's not over yet. We are watching the Olympics, but we watched the surfing in Tahiti, and the sailing from Marseille, so until this morning, we have not been in "Paris". All that water and waves have been very soothing. Welcome home @RedneckBobYou have been missed! Will you be changing your CC name to RedneckBobbie? Memories of Alaska- .
  10. I did get Chuck out yesterday. We had dunch/linner at a Mexican restaurant that is next door to Krogers. When in the grocery store he uses the buggy as a walker. We purchased a new toaster yesterday, yay! So I can "cook" waffles. LOL. The doctors were very concerned that Chuck was in the car when I ran into the post office, and bank, without having the air on. The windows were down, he like hot, hates cold, but leaving a senior in the hot car is like leaving a child in a hot car, and I can get arrested for senior abuse. Thanks for the hugs today.
  11. Good Monday Morning Dailyites! I do not wake up normally to an alarm clock, so when I woke up this morning, I questioned why? I am depressed. Sleep would be a nice alternative. But the kittens need me, and the larger fur babies cuddled up next to me. They don't purr, its sort of a gently constant yawn and stretch that pushes me off the sofa. And so I get up. @kazu Your quote also slapped me this morning, I needed it. Thank you. @0106I love oysters, but I have always heard that you should eat them in months that have R's in them. So no to eating them today, and with water temps rising, I may have to hold off until December. But I will celebrate them by not eating them today. @HeartgroveCongratulations! Cant wait to see pics, and know her name! That is wonderful news. @JazzyV Being a caregiver is a permanent job, so I think you can take me off the list. The hip is much improved, still sore. But that may be OMG! due to aging. @smitty34877 I know I would appreciate the honesty of the aide, but I too would put a back up name on the list. Not being happy where you are, is the biggest reason for leaving it. Unless, it's family and you cant. I did call the oncologist this morning, to see if we can get Chuck in to see him. I hate leaving messages of bad news on the phone, but the scheduler said I had to leave a message with the triage nurse, and they would call me back. The doc was not in...today? yet? who knows. @Cruzin TerriIt's hard to watch hubbies making bad decisions, and I am very happy that you found someone to finish cleaning out the gutters, and get your hubby down. Please stay safe. Well, off to walk the dog. I hate having to be organized in the mornings, but it's better than last summer when I had to walk her at high noon.
  12. A foggy day-and there's the light house /Coast Guard house. BFF hates to ask directions, but we finally after 2 hours on the Cape found Happy Birthday U S Coast Guard.
  13. @Cruzin Terri and to all in Debby's wet path, be safe. And Terri, get everything plugged in that needs to store power, like lanterns and phone. and flash lights!
  14. Good Sunday Morning Dailyites! Once asleep last night I slept OK, but after 2 Vietnamese iced coffees it took a while. My friend came by last night and took away Jersey. Jersey's mom, Momma Munchkin has been looking all over the house for her favorite look a like child. I did turn the oven on today, as I was hungry and the best thing I could make was quiche, sausage, onion and swiss. I also realized the DH needs to eat something when he takes his meds. He is still sleeping. This will cover us for 3 days. After that I will have to cook again...LOL. I do need to make a grocery list, as it stands right now, we have no dr's appointments this week, but when the hospital released DH they told me to make an appointment this week with his pain doc, and the oncologist. So that is the first thing to do post walking the dog tomorrow. Being his pharmacist is a terrible thankless job. So far those appointments will only affect lunch time, and these days most lunches come out of a can, tuna, corned beef, so all I have to shop for is dinner, and since I work at night this week, all week, looks like TV dinners. The meal today looks wonderful. Can someone come over and make it for me? I vacuumed yesterday, I tossed out a cat's worth of fur, so the house is clean.😸 Regardless of how DH feels It is a get to the store day.! I may have to call in a sitter for him, but I have to get litter.! And cat food. I did get to Pompeii last year, but I was so ill, we did not go far. Most of the time I was just trying the next bench to sit on. But I do remember that we ran into a couple that was on a HAL cruise. Since we had been told by the staff on the Carnival ship we were on, was that all the beef served was bad because of something going on in Europe, I asked how the food was on their ship. Wonderful they said. Even the beef dishes? Fantastic they said. Well, that really was the end of me cruising Carnival. Here are some pictures from Pompeii - I think we made it as far as the stables, long walk to get into the site. I should have taken pictures of benches.
  15. @MISTER 67 Bon Voyage! Hope you have a great time!
  16. When I lived in Decatur, the cats sort of came to me, and I had two batches of kittens. And I adopted two additional cats. All of those babies lived in doors, but they did want to go out, and broke out into the back yard. One found a mouse and the mouse ran to one of the indoor cats., He was so afraid of the mouse that he jumped about 4 feet in the air, and came down on the mouse. He let the little fellow go, he wanted nothing to do with him. But tell me why do my kittens put their catnip mice in the food dishes? Are they thinking it's a snack for later, or are they trying to let the little guy eat. ??
  17. @dfishI agree with @ger_77 about getting a cat, that way they probably wont come in, but you and Sue travel too much for one, I would suggest two.😸 DH says check all the incoming water sources, if you have water coming in to a fridge to make ice cubes, under the kitchen sink, or the connection to a dishwasher. Good luck with that. When I was growing up I got the nickname of Mouse-so while I have cats, I usually cheer for the mouse. I do crock pot ribs, put sliced onions in with half a bottle of BBQ sauce, and then when they are done, put them under the broiler to get the sauce, and I add extra sauce at that time , to firm up. I love ribs. I was even one of those strange people that would eat Micky D's rib sandwiches...I think I have a BBQ sauce addiction. The meat part was disgusting.
  18. Good Saturday Morning Dailyites! I fell asleep on the sofa quite easily and slept through the night, no wake ups, but at 6:30 something behind me kept saying "low battery" I thought it was on the sofa with me, it was on the desk, so it wasn't an observation, it was the phone., I do feel like I'm low on battery. And I am contemplating taking another day off. I have no idea about hair gloss, just hair loss, and the only thing I do to spruce up my hair is add tinsel once in a while. But for the last year, the only thing I do, is brush. The hip still hurts, and I guess i should just relax today, with a trip to the pet store, the bird seed store, and watch tv. and nap...I really want a nap. I also have to be the pharmacist, (which by the way will put me over the edge)and that also means making sure the patient eats something when he takes his meds. The toaster died, so we are having watermelon. I see a Walmart trip in my future. Where is @RedneckBob? He last posted saying he was in TX. I meant to say last night, that while I do collect gnomes and cats, I have a small collection of pink stegosauruses. I love dinosaurs. The steggie is my favorite. not my cat- Rome
  19. Chuck is home. Turns out that the meds you give a 190 lb person, react differently when the person has cancer, and immunotherapy and is down to 154. So Chuck's body shut down, along with his brain. But once they figured in their minds that that was the problem, they treated him like dirt, and didnt bother to feed him. So he had no food since an English muffin yesterday at 9:30. They said it was because he was confused. Confused people need food too, but they got him out by 3. However, bring out the bubble wrap for me! I was trying to do acrobatics, like talking on the phone and trying to put on my undies, and something snapped in my left hip. I was talking with my friend Theresa so when I screamed, she didn't panic, and neither did I, because I wanted to pick up lunch and get to the hospital. However I have noticed as the day went along that the leg is kind of numb. and hurts. from hip/butt down to ankle. I did take an Aleve tonight and will put some icy hot on the hip. I do have osteoporosis, so hoping something didn't fracture in there. I'd be one of those stupid dolls in the commercials. I do have to work tomorrow morning, and for a few hours in the afternoon, but also need to know what time Jersey's mom will pick the new fur baby up, because we want to send the baby off with a tunnel toy, as she really loves the one here. Good night friends, I hold you all close in my heart. currently known as limp along Annie.
  20. Good Friday Morning Dailyites! The computer is not giving temps and weather info, it is telling me what is happening at the Olympics at this time, so my weather report? Hot, Humid, and Horrible. (3H club) Braham Pie-Known as the 'Homemade Pie Capital of Minnesota,' Braham has a rich history with pie, making this celebration both a nostalgic and mouth-watering experience. Braham Pie Day falls on August 2. While you celebrate the day, make simple pie recipes at home to enjoy with your family and friends. As usual I misread the pie-thought it said Graham pie, thinking graham cracker, FYI , I made an eye appointment yesterday morning. Minnesota is the king of pie, my favorite, apple pie with cinnamon ice cream. Hard to find the ice cream in the south. So I'm ok with blueberry or cherry with vanilla. Yesterday was a horrible day, but it was filled with wonderful people. All of you, and the staff at the restaurant. The manager called 911 for me, which tied up their phone for a while, (they do a lot of call in/take out) The waitress brought cool damp towels to out on Chuck's head as he was sweating so much, we never did order, I had had no food except for an english muffin at 8 yesterday morning. When I left the hospital in the afternoon, I still had bills to pay, so I drove back up to Northlake, then stopped back at the restaurant to give Terri (the manager an update) and ordered dinner. The waitresses paid for my dinner, I left a good tip , thanked Terri and the waitress brought back the tip to me, she said, no, we want to help you both today. There are earthangels, all of you, and those at the restaurant, and the nurses at the hospital..
  21. Good Friday Morning Dailyites! The computer is not giving temps and weather info, it is telling me what is happening at the Olympics at this time, so my weather report? Hot, Humid, and Horrible. (3H club) Braham Pie-Known as the 'Homemade Pie Capital of Minnesota,' Braham has a rich history with pie, making this celebration both a nostalgic and mouth-watering experience. Braham Pie Day falls on August 2. While you celebrate the day, make simple pie recipes at home to enjoy with your family and friends.
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