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Everything posted by marshhawk

  1. @smitty34877DH did take a prescription drug called Marinol, to keep his appetite up, but we couldnt afford it. His oncologist has suggested pot, but pot as far as I know is still illegal in GA, but he could get THC gummies. He has not asked for them yet, and as his driver, I keep waiting. ON the other hand, he has said that he thinks my 160 is extremely and grossly overweight, and I think in some weird way, he is enjoying his starvation. He looks like a skeleton. When you spend all those years keeping sober in thought, to keep alive, it is hard to adjust to taking a mind altering drug to stay alive. Remind her, that you dont think she is going to do more than want brownies more often, but if it helps to keep her alive, and she wants to be alive, then eat the gummies. I dont expect to see her driving drunk, but i would like to see her add some weight. Hugs to you and Tana.
  2. Good Tuesday Morning Dailyites! I was planning on sleeping in this morning. Donna is home on Tuesdays now, as she plays in the senior pool group, but for some reason DH turned the alarm on last night, and it went off at 5:45. I'm up now....grrrr However, my body was in pain from lying there, so if I can shake that, and there is still room on the bed, I may find my pillow again. The cats have been fed, only two strays showed up this morning. But I put out food for 4, and I think there is nothing left. Turns out the strays really like the cheap food. We got the test results back for Munchkin, she has a high white blood cell count, they think it is due to stress. I need to pick up the pheromone plug ins for them. Because she has white ear tips, when her blood pressure goes up, the ears turn pink. They are pink a lot. I think my tummy problems are related to my gall bladder. Need a serious diet change.
  3. @dfishPlease feel better soon, drink lots of liquids, and get some sleep. Speaking of liquids, our drought was getting bad, we can tell when they add more chemicals to the water. Yuck! I know I shouldn't but I do buy water in plastic bottles. Bad, Annie, Bad Darn computer is recording again. Recording things that DH and I say to each other. Not our home computer, the ones we work with. I had a dollar donation to round up a sale, and my boss posted "NIce donation". I thought he was being sarcastic, as I always ask the patron if they want to round up. And I said the same to DH, boss is being sarcastic, with his comment. Less than a minute later, I got a text, that said, I was not being sarcastic, most folks dont remember to ask........BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING! or listening as the case may be. Second time I have been called out by a boss when I was talking with DH. I need to put a cotton ball over the speaker. Was it @Seasick Sailor where the spider caught the scorpion? Nice spider! Last night storms brought lots of limbs down, lots of rain, a lot of trees. @StLouisCruisers so far your neighborhood area south of town is OK. If I can get your zip code, I will check for you if you want. I will tell you this, today south of town, the heat index was 105-110. You may not want to leave the ship ever again! So, did I ever tell you guys about getting picked up by a Hell's Angel? HIs name was Cool Breeze, and he said his daddy opened the door one day, and he blew out.......... Maybe another day............Back to work! I had a very nutritious salad and fried strips from Chick Fil A. Not.
  4. CT scan went well, I survived, the personality of the person who ran the test needed to at least like a happy person. I was the second person in, and he already had ....attitude. Wonder what happened with the first person. Last spring before we went to cruise Alaska, I was having a lot of chest pain, so my heart doc ordered a series of x rays and said they saw something on my lungs, so he sent me to Dr Wu, who did an MRI and CT and they found out that I had a mass of nodules. Not sure what the nodules were and he said I might need lung surgery instead of a cruise to Alaska. I explained to him, that the trip to Alaska was necessary, and no one lives forever. He gave me another month, put me on Trelogy took another test, and the nodules had broken up. No mass. Of course, then I cruised, got bronchitis, got Covid, went to Europe, got RSV, and because of the mass, they need to CT me every year...wonder what damage was done in the past year. I should be able to see the results on my portal, but I explained that portals are only good on cruise ships. I dont play doctor and Dr Wu can explain it to me when I see him in August. Math 1.0 1966 1 + .03= 2 packs Twinkies Math 2.0 2024 1 + 3 + .27 =1 pack Twinkies. I was never good in math, and no one can understand why I have a minor in physics. Apparently I think outside mathematics. For those who commented regarding last night's post. My dad came across my mother's diary after she passed away, he called me and asked if I could fly to Boston for her funeral. I told him that I thought they were going to wait until he had passed and have their ashes "blended " together, he said no. He had her Fedexed to Vermont once he read her diary. He apologized for all the years of abuse, and yes, while there was damage done, I was his caretaker the last two years of his life. I was there when he passed away. There were tears, and a huge, " Thank God" moment, but driving back from Florida after he passed, i felt that I was visited by an angel who wrapped their wings around me, and said, "You survived this, and you are going to be OK." It was a very unreal moment, but one that I will remember until my end. And you know, I am OK. I still get angry, but I know that for every action, there is a reaction, and it really all went back to "mom" and her own insanity. I forgave my Dad. I didnt forgive "mom" until I looked at the history of insanity in her own family. My aunt helped me a lot. If I hadnt spent so many years running away from my reality, I never would have all my stories to share.
  5. Good Monday Morning Dailytites! Off to the CT scan this morning, cant connect to our local TV channel, but have 5 on local fox. It seems that Dekalb county was the one county that was hit by that storm last night, and people are still without power. We have power, but i worry about the street lights north of us not having power. We shall see. Cats are fed, I'm about to run into the shower, and I leave in 30 minutes. DH said he would come with me today, but once again, he is sound asleep. I made coffee, but not sure if I can have any, so he can have coffee. Have a great day!
  6. I had a rather interesting day, so I will go backwards, we are currently having rain, this is after a REALLY WEIRD thunder and lightning storm, now since we live near the bottom of a hill, in a one level ranch, what was going on in the sky was mostly lost on us, but think of lightning that went across the sky, from left to right, and then back again, we lost power several times, but while long enough to make us reset the clocks, and turn the computer back on (which takes forever) but I opened the door wider to the porch,and the wind blew through. When the storm started, there was a stray dog out in the street, about the size of Donna's dog, it was eating trash from a plastic bag, and an old yogurt container. I texted Donna, nope Hope was right with her. We are now under a flood watch until 2:45 am. The dog disappeared in the rain, but the kittens and Momma Munchkin stayed in the window watching the rain, and the lightning skipping through clouds. BIG BANGS, and only Tigger was scared. I have to admit that Furnando did come in from the porch, and want a hug and kiss, but all in all it was pretty exciting for us humans, just another weird day for kittens. DH was cleaning the litter box, when the power went out. We went grocery shopping, and before the shopping we went to our not so favorite Mexican restaurant. It's in the same strip mall that the Krogers was in, so an easy place to get linner. I had dunch, and DH had linner. ( I ordered from the lunch menu, DH ordered from the dinner menu) but then we went to pay, and the bartender (we must have been in the dive bar section of the restaurant) told us that a couple at the bar paid for our lunch. Which couple? He said they had already left, so our meal was free, and we dont know who did that for us. We definitely need to pay that forward. Maybe they knew us, maybe they realized that DH was having a hard time, I dont know, but I thanked God for them. And left a nice tip for the bartender. Before my father passed away, we shared some good meals -burgers from a food truck at the beach, but our last walk was in the mid 80's. We were in Sanibel, and dad and i were walking the beach looking for shells, and all of a sudden a lot of people came off the sandbar quickly and walked on to the beach. there was still a man standing on the sandbar, with a shark's top fin standing about three feet above his head, right behind him. My dad just shook his head, and mentioned something about survival of the fittest, and we kept walking. The storms are coming back in, so I am going to turn off the computer. Good night dear friends. @Cruzin TerriYou were a baby when your father left, and you had nothing to do with why he left. That's on him and him and your mom. Not you, so dont be upset, that a man that couldnt be man enough to see you grow up was not in your life. My father was a beater. Not to my mother, she goaded him into beating me. Not to my brother. Only me. and my mother put him up to it. I was 19 before I stood up for myself, and told him, if he raised his hand to me one more time, I was calling the cops. My neighbors knew, my aunt and uncle knew, but that was back in the 60's and no one said a word, but I was was provided safe havens at friends houses. He cracked my skull from repeated beating. Sometimes, having something that someone else has, isnt always the best thing.
  7. @Quartzsite Cruiser This really hit home for me-when my mom got mad at me, it was ANN ELIZABETH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. Good Sunday Morning Dailyites! Its 75 and cloudy this morning. I have not checked the weather forecast in several days, but I'm thinking, Georgia in Summer, hmmm, hot, hazy chance of pop up showers every day until mid September. If things change, I'll let you guys know. @dfish I'm going for the first recipe, I was going to do salad with shrimp this week, but the peanut dressing clinched it for me. I see that total time on making it is 10 minutes, but it will be eaten in two minutes. Well by me, maybe not so much DH. We went out for an early dinner or dunch as I call it with Donna, who treated us, I wish she wouldn't, but she does, and I had orange chicken, I know not healthy but heck I really hadn't eaten much over the last few days. Turns out that my tummy problems may have been caused by the coleslaw I made for the 4th. Donna had been ill too, and DH didnt eat it. DH finds it hard to make decisions on what he wants to eat, and he eats less than I do, not good as he is 6 feet 2 inches and is now down to 156. We got to the restaurant, and it's walk up and order, so I ordered, and he was not ready, then Donna ordered, and he still was not ready. I asked him, if he knew what he wanted, and he asked me, "What do I like?" We settled on beef, but if he ordered their beef mongolian style, it came with tons of broccoli, which he doesn't really eat, so I suggested the beef with snow peas, which he does eat. Well he ate the beef, didnt touch a single pea, and he ate his veggie egg roll, and that was it. He threw out all the veggies and rice. I dont think he has enjoyed a meal at all in the last month, except for ice cream. He says he wants to go with me tomorrow for my CT lung scan, but it's at 8 am, we have to leave at 7:30, not sure I will be able to wake him up to go, so I told him, if I cant wake him up, then I go alone. That I wont be gone long, as I have to come back and walk the dog, immediately after the appointment. I hope the tummy will cooperate. I hope that those of you in the path of Beryl, are prepared and stay safe, that your rain and wind are not bad.
  9. @0106 You may have a dwarf canna There are two categories of canna lilies, dwarf and giant. The dwarf varieties have a max height of 3 to 4 feet and giant varieties reach heights of 8 feet or more.
  10. @0106 I believe that you have a Canna. They like sun, they like water. And they like heat. I have been known to kill several by not giving them enough water.
  11. Good Saturday Morning Dailyites! The computer says its 77 and mostly cloudy. From here at the computer, it is very foggy. We got several strong rain storms yesterday, add that to the two hour storm we got on the 4th , and the air is full of moisture. While my tummy is still not doing well, it did get hungry yesterday and I had my little 6 inch veggie Pizza around 3 in the afternoon. Quite tasty, even had salad, (healthy, but probably not want my stomach wanted) and a dessert. Which I ate half of. The dessert was in the shape of a squirrel, the bottom part was a thinly sliced layer cake with chocolate mousse frosting, and the upper portion was chocolate mousse, and then the whole thing was dipped in dark chocolate. I scraped the body portion off and ate the cake. Too much dessert. I was done with food for the day, but DH wanted dinner, so I made us grilled cheese sandwiches. While we watched the BBQ show. Things that I have learned since bringing in the kittens and Munchkin. Momma Munchkin was apparently raised by someone who fed her human food. Any thing that is on the counter or on my plate is fair game. Even when I am sitting there eating it. Even grilled cheese sandwiches. I am a chew toy. Every toe and foot, top and bottom has been bit, and they love to climb, even bare legs. I wish it was cold enough to wear long jeans. Kittens like catnip, even though the articles I read said that they won't pay attention to it until they are about 6 months old. WRONG! Two out of the 4 are addicts! And once I have fed them, they will take a nap. I am beginning to love their nap times. And except for Turnip, who does sleep way too much, they all love DH more, and settle down and are calm with him, nuzzle in next to him and sleep. I am a chew toy.
  12. @marshhawk's fried chicken recipe- drive through at popeye's. @aliaschief I did hear there was one last movie, but haven't seen it yet. Love downtown abbey. Are you watching on Netflix or Britbox?
  13. Ee gads, I've reached TV bottom. Watching the Barbeque show competition. Season 3. I do see there is a new spin off of Bridgerton, Queen Charlotte, on Netflix, which I want to watch, and there is a movie on Peacock i want to watch, and there is F1 (but i'm all caught up so far.) And because I dont want to make a TV commitment, I'm watching a bbq competition.
  14. @smitty34877 You truly are a super angel, and I admire the heck out of you!
  15. I'm back, when I got off the phone with the Hospital people for a second time, they found my information, I went to take a shower, and there was water all over the floor of the bathroom. Kitten had fallen into the toilet, and got back out, another was in the tub, and couldnt get out, so I picked Turnip out of the bath tub, took my shower and walked the dog.I wish I had seen the kitten in the toilet, but since there was water all over the seat, I figured a small exploration gone wrong must have occurred. NOw that I dont have to go anywhere- @kazu @ger_77I dont know what that pizza is, but since it has bacon, i'll be there for dinner.😁 In fact, that is an excellent idea for an early dinner tonight. Our greek restaurant has the best Pizza. I can get a small 6" vegetarian pizza and a Greek salad (if tummy improves) and I can wake Chuck up. He's going on 12 hours now. I told him if he doesnt get up or wake up by noon, I'm calling 911. He mumbles something and nods back off. Way too hot today.
  16. My stomach won, and we are staying home, that and the fact that I cant wake DH up. Well I did wake him up, but he's down again, and as he is still breathing, but asleep and not moaning, breathing is easier, I will let him sleep. Emory just called wanting insurance info before my appointment on Monday. I pressed 1 to connect, and no one has picked up...8 minutes later someone is finally there. And now they tell me my supplemental insurance cannot be found, seems to have dropped off their books, and to call them. I call them, and because of damage from the hurricane, they cannot accept or take the call at this time. Where the heck am I calling? @kazuI think the move will do both of you good, and I am rather envious of you. Congratulations on the decision!
  17. Good Friday Morning Dailyites! Computer says it's 78 and sunny. Actually the amount of smoke from all the fireworks, blending into the humidity, and we have a low smog in the "hollar". New Dekalb County News, fireworks must end by midnight on the 4th. I have no idea if that actually happened, as I was sound asleep by 11:45. But I am seriously paying the price of either the heat, or something I ate. And I am trying to wake DH up enough to cancel that appointment he has that is quite a ways from the house...maybe it's because I'm nervous about that check engine light (it's another light, but you get the idea) if I have to spend 40 minutes on the highway. Either way, my body today just says STOP! In fact, I am wanting to go back to sleep. I'll let you know how my day pans out.
  18. @Haljo1935I agree, the part of the show I saw was fantastic, I'm on the repeat show now. I hope that @RMLincoln is watching , and not too upset about missing the "being there", in which case she would have missed all the music. I have enjoyed Alex Newell from the first time I heard him/her sing on Zoey's extraordinary adventure. And Brandy Clark is wonderful. We invited Donna over for a burger, and then we went to Brusters for ice cream. Right after we had picked up the plates after dinner, I heard some loud booms, and thought oh well, there goes the peace and quiet, but it was a few fireworks mixed in with thunder, and the skies opened up with heavy rain. Which is good, as it has been so dry here I meant to hose down the roof, but I didnt need to. It rained for more than an hour. Didnt slow us down in our ice cream search. I had a small coffee milkshake, DH had a small strawberry milkshake and tiny Donna had a larger 32 ounce chocolate milkshake. And now the fireworks are really loud, all the strays have taken off, and my boys are scared of the noise, but the kittens dont know any better, this is their first 4th. And heck, lets admit it, there is so much gun fire around here, they dont know the difference. I hope you all had great dinners, and a very safe holiday. @dfishAddie=Cutie!
  19. Good Thursday Morning Dailyites! The heat index for our area today is 109 degrees. Right now it is 78 and it says sunny, but it is very hazy... I was googling news the other day when I saw an article that attracted my attention. BEST BBQ CHEFS CHOOSE BEST BBQ SAUCE. So I read the article. They said that the best sauce was from a company called Lillie's. And as I strolled the Krogers the other day, I found it. Bought some, the Smoky (there's Carolina and I think Memphis) and it was the best pulled pork I have ever made! OMG! Best sauce ever! Now I'm hooked. So last night was left over pulled pork, coleslaw without blue cheese, and a Fiesta can of corn. DH ate it all! Couldnt believe it. I would do corn on the cob, but DH cant eat it, Plus it really is just a conduit for butter. Today is burgers (mine with blue cheese) coleslaw, beans and deviled eggs. Lunch is more left over and last of the pulled pork. Donna is working the parade in Avondale Estates, so I do have to walk the dog this morning. Currently boiling eggs. In 1977 I lost both my fiance ( he had just proposed) and my grandfather on the 3rd of July. It used to be a big holiday for our family, we would be in town with friends and see the fireworks, but since then no one in my family really thought of it as a holiday. A day of remembrance. I did get excited yesterday when half way through the work day, I realized I have 4 days off. Still have to take DH to see a doc tomorrow, but I dont have to rush back and get on the phones. May actually get lunch out, and go to a museum. I hope. I can always hope. Stay safe, stay cool,
  20. @Sharon in AZ When we first started cruising in 07, the food was great. It was great until about 2017, then it was good, but coming out of Europe last year? The waitress the first night told us that the provider of meat had stiffed the company. But we went back to Rome, they could have bought something worth eating, but they were serving the same food for the second part of our trip. Turns out when I checked with one of my "sail out of tampa " friends that on all of her 8 + cruises last year, the food was bad. It only took me two cruises to not return. I promise my mantra will be "I will behave, I will behave"🙄 Its not normal for Tucson to get tornadoes is it? I think I have to watch one of my favorite disaster movies about global warming-The Day After Tomorrow. I just realized, I am off for the next 4 days! Except for walking the dog, and tis another F1 weekend. I have found heaven!
  21. @DeeniEncinitasAbsolutely beautiful paintings! I love them! Water is something that I just cant figure out how to paint, unless its water coming down a fall.
  22. Ok, regarding the person complaining, um 9 posts. In Carnival land, we call them trolls. someone who makes up a lot of complaints and stirs the pot. See who else has a complaint. As my momma used to say, Wherever YOU go,there YOU are. Meaning, its the You that is somewhere else being You. On my first Holland cruise, I was as nice as a purring cat. One of the ashtray cleaner uppers would bring me coffee, and when I got sick, he would fix me tea, with honey and lemon. I met some wonderful women. Every one was very nice. If there was a casino, I dont remember it. It was wonderful (except for the getting Covid part). On my last cruise, on Carnival it was terrible. The doctors were nice, but the food was awful. I lost weight. And it was on the last day on the ship, I found fruit loops and milk and finally found something worth eating. The waiters in the restaurant even apologized before serving us that the food was awful. I got to get off after 25 days, those poor employees had to stay on. I think they should have made the chef walk the plank. But I didnt come back to CC and complain. I have friends that still cruise with them and they all say, the food is awful. And they are now beginning to branch out to other lines. I dont want to plant the seed that might make some one not get on a cruise. I just wont cruise with them again. EVER. But it was when someone picked up a chair I was holding for DH and I asked him to bring it back, I needed it, he told me to get over it, and walked off with the chair and I called him a not so nice name. I immediately apologized to the Austrian couple sharing the table with me, and they were laughing their butts off. No problem, the wife said, he deserved it. I dont think I have ever done that. Must have been the fever....from the RSV I got on the ship. Oh well, if you ever cruise with me, I promise I will try my hardest to behave. However, I will be the one wearing the mask.
  23. @dfish all recipes would be eaten in this house! yummy. @Seasick SailorI love the idea of the rocks being painted and placed in the rock garden. DH found a painted rock on our bird sanctuary path, not sure if it's a geo cache or a dropped rock. But it does tell us to have a nice day.😀 For those of you who imbibe once in a while
  24. Good Wednesday Morning Dailyites! Its cloudy and 78 degrees. I slept until after 8 this morning.. No appointments today, just walk the dog. I was going to make breakfast after the walk, but may just have some coffee yogurt and wait until lunchtime to actually eat something that I can chew. @kazuDH understands that pain completely. His surgery on the 12th will be another attempt to get his stents unclogged. So once the surgery is done, PLEASE follow the doctor's directions. Right now until the surgery he is supposed to walk 20 minutes 4 times a week. He is not doing it on his own, and I recommended mall walking, and they tore down the mall this past week. It is way too hot here to be out walking. I love fried clams. When I was in college, the young man I dated took me to Howard Johnsons on Friday night for the Fried clam special. I wouldnt eat a clam in Atlanta. Doubt if anything from the sea is fresh. The place we are going in October created clam farms in the early 2000's and we have not been back since the business took off. I will eat fried clams then, and steamers. Well, the dog wont wait...love the quote. Must go.
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