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Everything posted by marshhawk

  1. Good Friday Morning Dailyties! When I got off work at 10 last night I found DH at the home computer, cursing and throwing paperwork on the floor. Turns out "he who forgets to tell me things" was supposed to have a mental behavioral online talk with someone from Northside hospital this morning, and he was trying to get all of his paperwork scanned and sent. A bit too late, and he couldnt figure out how to do it. I couldnt do it for him, ( I dont know how) nor did he want me to, but I would have been upfront and told the people at the hospital that I did not have the knowledge to complete said requirement. I went to bed at midnight, and he came to bed at 2. I asked if he had finished, and he said yes. I asked what time the meeting was, and he said he had cancelled it. Both his father and sister had Alzheimer's, and now I'm wondering. And now he is up, so I will move on before a situation gets weirder.
  2. The last film I saw at a drive in was Blazing Saddles with a friend back in 1979. She insisted that we leave when they got to the beans and the farting. It was part of a double feature, the first film was Heros. Listed as a Drama/Comedy. Too close to having lost friends in Vietnam to think of it as a comedy. When we spent our summer on Cape Cod we would always go to the drive ins. I was at the age of losing teeth, so I lost a tooth during Bonnie and Clyde. I thought drive in's would make a come back during Covid, but no...that would have made sense, guess all the speakers would have had to be replaced. (originals too old) And then wiped down after each night. Family bubbles in bubbles. BFF emailed me yesterday, he was going to go see our mutual friend before it was too late, and he got a call, that the person he had been attending church meetings with has Covid, and to not travel. So trip was cancelled. I saw on the news about the tornadoes in Maryland, glad to read so far, that all of you are safe.
  3. Good Thursday Morning Dailyites! The sun is shining down into the "hollar" , the sky to the west is dark and while it says 72 and mostly sunny, it earlier said expect morning rains. We had a very good visit with the new dermatologist. Emory is a medical school, and hospital so DH had the doctor, the intern and a medical student. They all asked him questions, he had his notebook with him, with all the medical terms written down, but they spoke in "English" which was good, because DH went into a brain fart, and couldnt remember his notes, and big medical terms. And when he does that, he shuts his eyes, and that is when I notice that the doctor stops talking directly to him, and switches over to me. The hole in his face is either cancer or it is that the skin that he had so many surgeries on, just is old and can no longer stick together. Especially with him rubbing it all the time. So step one, an MRI of the head and neck. If it shows as cancer near the hole, then they will send him for surgery and try to repair, if it is not then he will be sent to the ENT and they will do surgery, and somehow close the hole. The doctor noticed a lump on DH's neck, could be a swollen lymph node which means that the immunotherapy is working, which is good, If the lump is cancer, not good. He had option A and option B. He also said, that the oncologist may have to change the type of immunotherapy. And after all the plans were laid out, DH started complaining that no one will help him. And I stop him during this rant, and tell him we're OK, DR Blalock just laid out a good plan. I also requested that all calls come to the home phone, not DH's cell phone, as he will get messages and not pass them on. NOW that is something that the doc understands, so a good start. We moved the older cats to the back rooms with their crunchies and litter and water, (they were not happy, the scratches on my arm indicate that) and let the kittens and their momma in to the house, oh they played and ran around and crawled under the furniture and climbed on the furniture, played in Tiggers tube toy,. and I went out on the porch, swept up the floor, threw out any thing that was paper, found their toys everywhere, picked them all up, and vacuumed. Hmmm. Ollie and Momma would not leave the porch (they were the last 2 in the house, decided they didnt like it and went back to the porch) and they suffered through the vacuuming. But the little ones inside hid under the furniture until I stopped, and then came back out. Well two did, where was #3 ? Sound asleep under the sofa. After they all passed out, I fixed their dinner, picked them up, put them back on the porch, and closed the porch back up. Opened the doors for the indoorians to come back to the den, and two did, but where was Bob? He had opened the sliding doors to the bedroom closet and moved in, wouldn't budge until I went to bed. He stayed with me for a while, and then took off, did he come to eat? no. He moved into Tazi's room, and was sleeping on the futon this morning. This cat can hold a grudge! @MISTER 67 I agree with you on the WWII museum in New Orleans, one of the best history museums in the US. We watched Band of Brothers a few weeks ago, I try to watch it before June every year, to remind me of the history and the sacrifice that the Greatest Generation made for us. I read that Alhambra in Granada is the second most visited site in Europe. What was the first? Had to look that up,...turns out it is the building in Austria that housed the Third Reich.
  4. If there were a dozen deviled eggs in front of me, I would eat them all! (unless they were made with Miracle whip...most disgusting thing in the world) (well almost). Came back from walking the dog, very disturbing, we were stalked by Collard Greens the whole time, and of course the dog who hates everything was a bit rattled. She would look behind her, and the cat was there, but we would go a few more steps, and the cat was behind a tree. Go a few more steps and the cat was there, and then a few more, and the cat was under a shrub. I giggled the whole time...... Bad dog beware!
  5. Good Wednesday Morning Dailyites! @Cruzin TerriI am so sorry that yesterday was so terrible. When we were flying home from Tampa last year and I was so ill, DH asked the people at Delta if we could get wheel chairs once we landed in Atlanta. The woman at the counter said, well she is sick, so I understand, but do you need 2? I leaned over with all my germs, and looked at her. I said "my husband has cancer and heart problems, do not judge a book by it's cover." We arrived in Atlanta and there were 2 young girls with wheelchairs ready to push us all the way to baggage claim. I asked the girl pushing me if she was a volunteer, turned out they were doing this because they were avoiding jail time for misdemeanors. They were very nice, and I gave both of them 20 bucks. I hope that you can see a doctor today for his injuries. I'm surprised that the airlines didnt take him yesterday. :Looks bad for them. Today we see a new doctor for DH's cancer. He has had so many MOHS surgeries, and skin graphs that the skin is very weak and the cancer is so very aggressive that a hole has opened up in the side of his cheek, that goes straight into his mouth and sinus. Not sure how much more surgery they can do now as the cancer is headed to his brain. When I read about all of you going to see someone regarding a small basal cell problem, this is all happening because DH didnt go see a doc when he should have. Cant stress enough, if something isnt right, get to a doc! And then on Monday we meet with the oncologist when he goes in for his immunotherapy. I am taking today off, and I will take Monday off because I am hoping that after the appointments we can get some "field and meadow " time to let him think. I know that the oncologist wants him off some of the pain meds he uses. But for some reason he doesnt understand to NOT double up using the liquid cream on his face. I get very frustrated at times, and as his old doc said, "gotta watch him 24/7" but that is very hard to do. BFF sent me an email, and called last night-our mutual friend who procrastinated so much about seeing doctors that were "different" from him, and put off appointments until he got opinions that he wanted to hear, is going into hospice. They believe that the cancer has now spread to his pancreas (it is in his kidneys, bladder, and lungs too) and there is nothing they can do. He was told by a neighbor who is a doc at the hospital the truth. I wish DH's docs would be so honest. So we ignore the elephant in the room, and keep on truckin'. I know way too much info, I apologize. But you are the people I talk to, and you are the ones who can give me joy right now. Have a great day, and hug the ones you love-ALL the cats including the strays got a hug or a scritch yesterday. They will today too.
  6. How to teach a cat to purr. With the kitten, hold them close, pet them softly and make a purring noise. They associate the good feeling with the purring. With Fawn, Little Red, her friend was a purrer. She did not know how. I would pet him, he would purr, and then I would pet her, Pet him, purr, pet her, pet him, he purred....and finally she associated the petting with purring. Cats that are feral usually dont purr, but i have pet a bobcat, and he purred just fine.. Animal rescue outside Carlsbad NM back in the mid 70's. I opened the door and a stray ran in, I guess he didn't know who lived here, because he tried to hide under the sofa. Chuck weet and and didn't watch the door, and Furnando escaped. It's been a cat's day. He yelled at him to get him back.
  7. Good Tuesday Morning Daiyites! Hug my cat day? Every day here is hug a cat day. Furnando and I bump heads every morning, as he sits on the computer table, and he lets me wrap my arms around him, he purrs, and my blood pressure goes down. And then I tell him to get his tail out of my coffee. My neighbor informed me that she has another pool tournament this weekend, and needs me to walk the dog, several times during Saturday and Sunday. As long as she keeps winning, she keeps playing. She won the last tournament, so I am expecting her to be gone a long time. And of course I work on Saturday. So I have to figure out how long I really have to be at work if I am taking breaks to walk the dog. We are still having dialing problems in OH. So after I started dialing, I noticed a text from my boss, that they were working on the problem (still or just I have no idea) and to go back to CA until 5. So after 15 minutes in OH I was back in CA, for a half hour, and then last night my OH boss said I only worked 4 hours. Not true I worked 4.25. I hate having to argue with a boss to get paid, Especially since I was the only one who got a sale yesterday. ARghh! Well, its time to walk the dog this morning, and since she is off today, but in and out, I need to be on time. Again, just to prove that I am working. LIfe is so weird sometimes.
  8. Good Monday Morning Dailyites! I can tell the sun is up, but the sky to the west is still dark, it's 69 degrees, with expected rain on and off for the next several days. I saw the cutest Movie yesterday. DH was flicking on the netflix, and found Falling for Figaro. I was at the computer, but it sounded so interesting and sweet, I got up to the love seat and watched. A great way to hear opera music. And then we ran errands. DH bought a new washer and dryer yesterday. Delivery is for Saturday. He had been looking on line, and had found what he thought he wanted, but when we got into home depot, and looked around, I found the set I wanted. I saved him 200 dollars. The one he wanted was a top loader (which I wanted) but it was so deep, I couldn't reach the bottom if something got stuck in it. Way too deep for a short person. I bought bird seed, because the squirrels were starving, and we bought the kittens a running tunnel. I thought it would be curved like Tigger's but this is a straight line with a hole on the top. While the kittens don't weight much, just one leaning against it rolls it around , and whoever is in gets a free ride. They played in it and on it for several hours last night. Momma cat does not purr, something the Fawn didn't do either until another cat taught her, so I have been teaching the kittens. Turnip has learned, and when I petted him last night, he purred. Ollie is his father in miniature, and when he feels threatened, he prances around on the tip of his toes, turns his head and places his stance so that he looks much bigger than he is. The two girls seem to have the most energy, but I am pretty sure they are not growing as quickly as the males, and yes they are all now eating food. I have to post my weekly work schedule this morning, I'm still tweaking. DH is seeing a new doc this week, so no work on Wednesday, but working the rest of the week. @smitty34877I am glad that you got home safe and sound. Hugs to you and your family. @Cruzin TerriEnjoy your time away, this vacation sounds perfect. Have a great day everyone!
  9. @JazzyV Before I start each campaign, I have to send in a SOD (start of day)- a computer form that lets them know my proposed hours and when i will take a break during my shift with them. I have to copy both the first campaign's boss and my second campaigns boss. And then I go to the work computer, log on, and text them my Start notice. I start at noon calling California. For 3 hours, no break. I then take a break between campaigns, at which time I send the EOD (the end of day) report to both managers, any sales or donations information on an email, then generate the SOD to the next manager, copying the first boss (so they know where I am) before I get "my break". I get an hour to do this, and consider it a break. Not long enough to make dinner, nor the right time. California laws, that if I work more than 5 hours, I have to take an unpaid half hour break. I cant work more than 8 hours a day, I cant total out more than 40 a week. If for some reason I am on a call, after shift end, I have to deduct that time from another day. I try very hard not to make any shift more than 5 hours, so that they don't have to not pay me for 30 minutes of my time (which is why I take an hour between campaigns) After the 14th, I will be on one campaign , and take 2-3 hours off between shifts. This will at least allow me to create a meal, cook a meal, and maybe get to eat a meal, during an actual meal time. Until NY calls me back to work, and I give him morning shifts, and then 5 hours late afternoon for California. When I started this whole thing, it was because DH said he couldnt stand having me in the house after my forced retirement. I wanted to do too many things. When Covid hit, and no one was working, I was not able to save any money from SS. Now the extra money will pay for our next cruise, our Florida vacation, and helps with the bills. And so I put up with the constant insanity of having to prove that I am at work, when I am at work. I have a cruise addiction.
  10. Dark Chocolate and its healthy ! “Dark chocolate has lower added sugar and fat than milk or white chocolate,” says Peart, while noting it also boasts an abundance of beneficial antioxidants called flavonoids. That’s a huge health benefit for your heart. Flavanols are related to the production of nitric oxide, which relaxes your blood vessels and improves blood flow. In turn, this also lowers blood pressure. Due to their antioxidant properties, flavanols are also beneficial in fighting cell damage relating to aging. And although more research is needed, scientists have also found some evidence that flavanol-richer chocolate can increase your insulin sensitivity. “The more you are sensitive to insulin, the lower your diabetes risk,” Peart states. Dark chocolate is packed full of important minerals, including iron, magnesium, zinc, copper and phosphorus. In your body, these minerals are used to support factors such as immunity (zinc), can help keep your bones and teeth healthy (phosphorus), and contribute to better sleep quality (magnesium). Compared to other sweet treats, dark chocolate is high in fiber. “In a small amount of dark chocolate (about an ounce), there’s are about four grams of fiber,” Peart says. The antioxidants in dark chocolate improve blood flow to your skin and protect it from sun damage. A small study even found that eating chocolate high in flavanols — that is, dark chocolate — can protect your skin from the effects of UV (ultraviolet) rays. Dark chocolate has long been associated with feelings of pleasure and enjoyment. Those feelings may originate from what are called polyphenolic compounds. “Polyphenols are antioxidants that lower cortisol, a stress hormone,” Peart explains. “So there are mood-enhancing benefits to eating dark chocolate.” Just thought I would share that info-this dessert (meal)is healthy.
  11. Happy Sunday Morning Dailyties! Its cloudy and 71. Yesterday was so humid, and the temps never really rose, so last night the kittens were all sleeping on top of each other on the wicker loveseat, and then later, they all got back in their box and snuggled up there. Ever since I freed them and turned the box over on it's side, they had not slept in it. Now they have rediscovered soft comfy bedding again. I think I have given up on even attempting to cook when I work from noon to 9 pm. We went grocery shopping and ended up buying Stouffers frozen dinners. And sandwich fixings. And ice cream. There was a sale on Hagen Daaz ice cream, and thankfully the woman who was staring at the ice cream with me, pointed out that the sale was only good, if I bought 3 of them. So I did. But by the time we got home, I was too tired to have ice cream, so I know this week, it's sandwiches, frozen dinners and ice cream.🙀 I go back to normal after 6/14. @kazuI too agree with Donald Duck. It's pain that gets me out of bed in the mornings. That and leg cramps, well, thats pain too. On Friday night I heard gun fire (not unusual for this neighborhood) but then I heard a lot of sirens, turns out that at the Long stay hotel around the corner from our subdivision, a woman was shot, by her 17 year old son. She survived, and he's in jail. Apparently guns and the shooters, bring about a permanent solution to a temporary problem. I keep thinking that if the punishment was more severe for trying to take a life, it might change the way we (as people) react, but common sense seems to have left at least 90 % of people. The city of Atlanta is under a state of emergency. There was a water main break, and on Friday Donna was sent home early. But when they fixed it Friday night and turned on the force of the water again, it caused 10 more water main breaks. (system too old to handle the growth of a city). And apparently they can only fix one at a time, so a lot of businesses are closed, concerts were cancelled. Restaurants couldn't open. I live in a different county, but there is a water main break on our major road, and the road has been pouring out water for weeks now. Our county water system seems to ignore it. It wont be pretty for traffic, when the 3 lane highway collapses. Have a wonderful day everyone! Hugs, Annie
  12. Rabbit, rabbit, white rabbit. Good Saturday Morning Dailyites! Happy June! May felt way too long! I dont think I could have taken much more of that month this year. I tried to sing "The Lovely Month of May" from Camelot, but it did nothing to cheer me up. If you remember in the Graduate, our hero is told that the secret to financial success was invest in "Plastics" and look what that did to the environment. I still love listening to Simon and Garfunkel, their music, unlike them have stood the test of time. I saw Garfunkel several years ago at the Woodruff center. The music started, and he began singing. But he was facing the back of the stage, not the audience. Turns out he has some sort of stage fright, and finds his voice, when not seeing the audience. When he feels that his voice "is there" he will turn around to face the audience. Ok I can deal with that, but I was not happy when the staff turned on the lights, and opened the doors, as if it was the end of the concert, but he was not done singing. In fact he was in the middle of a song. Weird night either way. I know that I need to finish reading yesterdays post, but @Vict0riann you are in my prayers. I hope this health situation is resolved easily and without pain. I saw on the googly news that the Northern Lights were going to be visible in the Northeast and Midwest last night, so for those of you who live up there, I hope you got another chance to see them. The kittens are growing, they are all eating (not at the same time) and it seems that bare legs look like something good to climb. I bought what DH wanted for his birthday (June 12) and after the item was delivered, he said, he changed his mind, and wanted something else. He didn't know I had ordered it, and when I asked him what he wanted, he said he couldn't remember, but he would think of it. ( I often give him gift cards on major Holidays, but then he forgets to use them) I also ordered a T shirt with Catman on it, I guess I can have the word "do" put on the back Donna forgot to pay me for dog walking this week. I was hoping that she wouldn't, so I could drive over to Chick fil A and get a chicken biscuit without the biscuit, alas, I am hungry, with no cash. So another mini bagel is in my future.
  13. Good Friday Morning Dailyites! Computer says it's HUMID, and 58 degrees. Rather cool. Once again the sun is rising over the hill to my left, and to my right, dark low clouds.Texas are you sending me weather again? Oh my goodness I keep seeing pictures of parts of Texas, please be safe out there! @Denise TI am sorry about Fancy's illness. I hope that recovery comes soon. @mamaofami Snakes!!!! I hate snakes, it's not their fault they exist, they have their purpose, but after finding a baby copperhead on the porch several years ago, I often worry where their mother is. Last year I saw Bob playing with a shoe string next to me at the computer, until I realized, the shoe string moved on its own. (and I wasnt missing a shoe string). @Vict0riannHappy Birthday to your DH- @NickelpennyI loved your meme about the introvert so much, I made a copy and put it on my wall by my work desk. My father always said I was the most extroverted introvert he had ever met. But that was back in the day when I could go "Poof". Not so much disappearing from my life now. My neighbor the pool player has decided that she now wants to join the senior pool league which meets on Tuesday afternoons instead of Tuesday nights. She is still working, so she wants to cut her work days to Monday Wednesday and Thursday. Meanwhile, I'm looking ahead to working for only one campaign, working late on Thursdays and taking Fridays off. Making that a permanent work decision, I may not do anything on Fridays, but at least I will know I have a day off. Our phone system had a bit of a block on it yesterday, and I could not reach 90 percent of my patrons. My boss will be off today, exchanging with his assistant (who does nothing, knows little and never responds) so I was given a pep talk about decision making today.from my bosses boss last night. I think I can handle it. It will be nice to have "my boss" work on a Saturday with me. He is usually off on Saturdays. I actually shopped at WM yesterday, and found 2 T bones for under 25 bucks, so that is dinner tonight, with potatoes au gratin (out of a box) and a salad. Yum. I have no idea what meals will be the rest of the weekend, but dinner will be great tonight. I hope you all have a wonderful Friday!
  14. Good Thursday Morning Dailyites! Its 66 and sunny this morning. I have to go to the store before I start work this morning, feeding 13 cats (although 4 are still small) is taking its toll on the wallet. And the cupboard is bare again, so this is a must do. I must have caught @StLouisCruisers cough. Since you left GA, it found its way to me. In fact DH woke me up to ask what I said to him, I said I didn't say anything, I just coughed. Did that all night. It has been humid, so I guess the molds that are getting me. Our weather forecast for the next 5 days are night time lows in the high 50's, and the day time high is 82. Nice. @StLouisCruisersI think your daughters beach tree is the best one yet! Love the ornaments. And it really makes me want to go to the beach! Not much new here, still not getting much sleep, got a bonus for meeting 1k in sales for the week, a whole 10 bucks...wow. I am so glad that I don't rely on commissions and bonuses, the cats and I would starve.
  15. @kazu Have a marvelous day! Hoping that this trip around the sun is better than last.
  16. @GTVCRUISER Hope it's a very happy day! Happy Birthday!
  17. Good Wednesday Morning Dailyites! Computer weather report says-Humid. That all so far. So the "out the window" report- it's cooler than yesterday, the sun is shining, and my arthritis in my fingers are letting me know, it's humid. I have been worried about my daily friends west of Georgia, I hope that you are all safe in TX. Things at home have not been so great. DH is in a lot of pain, and cant seem to focus on anything-that and his meds, just doing something simple like putting ice on the part that hurts, he forgets to do, and I hear him moaning and just trying to breathe. And then after I get ice on him, and tell him to relax, 20 minutes later he's fine and want to fix dinner, and then he starts and he cant finish. So yesterday was a very long day for me. We got the babies to the vets, and because their updates were done by an assistant, we were not allowed back to be with them as their second round of deworming and weigh ins were being done. I gave the nice lady my camera, and she took pictures of them on the scale. They now all weigh more than a pound and a half. Then we took them home, went and had lunch at a new greek restaurant (food was fantastic, but limited menu) then picked up some necessaries, got home, watched the F3 Race from Sunday, and then at 4 I went to the "second" job, got off at nine, I fixed dinner due to DH's pain, I walked the neighbors dog and sat down to play mahjong on the computer (my only respite these days) and realized it was past midnight. I went to bed, didn't sleep well, so about 5 hours total, and today I get to work the full 8 hours. I did cook extra burgers for dinner tonight so at least I know that dinner is done. Trying to give both campaigns 20 hours as my contract says, so my next day off is Sunday. Anchorage AK! I have been there, our port after Kodiak, which we never made it to due to bad weather. May of 23-and we sailed right into a typhoon. The pool was over flowing, and the ship was leaning, and the wind was incredible. this picture is the curtain not hanging straight down because the ship was listing so badly The captain sailed us behind some mountains, and out of the wind, and the next day we arrived safely in Anchorage. Poor planning on excursions through Holland, as our excursion was cancelled as the tour guide didnt start up for two weeks later in the season, so we did an Anchorage tour. We went out to Earthquake Park, an area destroyed by the earthquake, and no one is allowed to build on the peninsula mow,. A fuzzy picture of our HAL ship, and a view from the park. We then went to the Aviation Museum, something we always try to do if we can, as DH was Air Force Because the tours ended up having two tours arrive 5 minutes apart at the museum, we had a lot of wander time outside before our group could get into the museum. I ended up buying a huge thick book about WWII in Alaska, and am still reading it.. After we were rushed through the museum, we went to a store that sold CANDY, and while it took us 10 days to eat what our BFF had purchased that day, this is what I remember- it was right next to the store. Coming back to the ship- and a few views from the ship- Doesn't anyone proof read anymore?
  18. Good Tuesday Morning Dailyites! Temps on the computers say 68 and sunny. Yesterday before I went off to the store the computer said 70 something, I got in the car, and the car thermometer said 63, and it felt like 63. I did work yesterday, even got a very decent sale-sold premium seats, but the person paid with a split pay, so it didnt show up as a sale. This morning we are taking "the four" (as the vets office refers to the kittens) for their second drs appointment. Very exciting! They now all have names, so they wont be listed as Kitten 1, Kitten 2, etc. I am taking off from one of the jobs today, as there are errands to run after the vet appointment. We did have burgers last night, with bean and vinegar coleslaw. My neighbor did not try the coleslaw. But she did eat the beans. DH ate the coleslaw and didnt eat the beans. I took a little of each, and ate my burger with the bread with a knife and fork, so it all got mixed up together. Pretty good that way. But I bought more ground sirloin than what was needed, so we will have burgers again tonight. Without bread. I have not been to Norfolk. I dont eat tofu. Lucky for me I am allergic to soy products. I got the flea meds on 3 out of 4 cats last night. Bob took one look at what i was doing and went into major hiding. Having had two torn rotator cuffs, with PT no surgery, one broken left elbow and one pinched nerve in the right one, my hands and wrists are going numb. My bones tell me when it is going to rain, and the metal in my right arm tells me when it is too hot or too cold. I guess my purpose in life is to be a walking barometer. Have a wonderful day!
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