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Everything posted by marshhawk

  1. The vet visit was fine, and under a hundred bucks. Not by much.They needed a urine sample, and had to squeeze her to get it, She is not happy right now. I thought at first that sprinkles was referring to rain. Instead it's those wonderful crunchy ice cream toppings, in Boston they call them Jimmies. My grandfather and I used to walk down Commonwealth in Cambridge to Brighams and get coffee ice cream cones with Jimmies. I have been to Vancouver twice, once as the debarkation port, (when BFF treated to us to a wonderful day with a private limo and lots of high mountain places) and as an embarkation port, where we spend 5 full days wandering the city. So lets start with the one day visit- Our driver really wanted to drive us around and show us where all the famous people lived, after being on a ship surrounded by people we opted out on this part of the tour...in fact begged him to not bother. Chinatown- Totems in Stanley Park The harbour lighthouse Views from mountain one-did I tell you I hate heights, when swinging in a cable car? I told BFF and DH to sit down, and stop moving! Panic attack! Once on land no matter how high, I am OK. View from mountain two- the guys went further up on those itty bitty ski left to go up into the wind turbine- I got a different view from the ground.
  2. Good Tuesday Morning Dailyites! I'm off to the vets this morning. I will return! It's another Momma Munchkin day, but I have to find her first. LOL.
  3. @dfish prayers for you and the medical team on Tuesday. @JazzyVI hope they can figure out what is causing the vertigo tomorrow. Maybe your body is yearning for being on a rocky ship. I know my brain is. Each evening I have what I call Kitten time, when I put out temptations on the kitchen floor, and all the kittens and the old "kittens" come together and feast. I never have to worry about sweeping up the floor, there is never a crumb left. But now the elders are tired, and the kittens are charged up and ready to go. Sweet dreams my friends, may you dream of your own "temptations".
  4. @Nickelpenny and @GTVCRUISER I too like what you both did with your tiles. I have two tiles, and they are called coasters. We left a little after 9 this morning, and didn't get back until 6. Immunotherapy I guess went well, with the new Covid arriving, I sit in the waiting room, masked up, while he is in the back with the other immunotherapy folks. I go up and sit in the car or sometimes go to the shop and buy gnomes for my collection or candy for DH. He likes the Sunkist gel candies. I didnt stop at the shop at all, I was hoping his walking would improve, and we could visit the gnomes and candy together, but he is now using his cane, and he couldnt walk that far. I got lunch at the hospital cafeteria which serves the worst food. Both of us got heartburn from a cheese burger. We sat in the car, had lunch and waited for the next appointment. Next appointment was for pain management. Turns out the edema might MIGHT be caused by a new medication that he started taking for his nerve sensation that was caused by the radiation. When they increased the dosage, his arms and feet started to swell. So they are backing him down to half a pill, and then off of it all together, and then try gabapentin...again. And this doc addressed the fact that DH is having kidney issues, which neither of us had been told about. So some drugs wont work for him. Off to fix din din, and wipe out the remaining left overs.
  5. @rafinmdI always enjoy reading the meal that you had on what day, and where. You mention crisps a lot so last year when we were on Nieuw Amsterdam every time they had crisp I thought of you and ordered one-found this picture while going through last years cruise pictures- Have a great day!
  6. I thought Casual Pi was Cobbler. Good Monday Morning Dailyites! it's cloudy 71 degrees. Very Humid. But cool enough that the air is not on. I think I need to get a new dehumidifier. Yes, I do realize I talk about air pollution, planning the trips you have to take so that you dont drive all over, and I do realize that that is what most of you do anyway. And I complained last night, and then sat down and watched car races. Yesterday was be someone day, I was just being my normal nuts. @Cruzin TerriWhen my brain gets into the "what if" cycle, I remind myself that I am not in charge, there is a reason for everything, try to figure out if it's Karma and/or a time to learn something, and accept that sometimes life is not all smiles and sunshine, and turn it over to my higher power. That and it would be nice to have someone come sit with the DH so that I can have a little me time. LOL. I get some on Friday, when DH has a zoom meeting with one of his docs, and I will be having a vein appointment. Take care.
  7. @StLouisCruisers If you want less hot and humid, I'll see you at the end of October. I think we are all in the same soup together this year. I guess i'm not pleading to the correct people about stop driving for one day a week. Stop putting gases in the air, one day a week. Falls on deaf ears. I am about to have ice cream, and sit down and watch a car race. And then to bed.
  8. Todays pictures are to help you feel cooler. Glacier Bay.
  9. Good Sunday Morning Dailyites! It's 74 degrees, cloudy and the humidity is so high, I'm off to get my snorkel gear. I dont mind it it rains, I do mind when it is just humid! In fact the computer says it's very HUMID. ...says rain coming..... DH wanted to get up and watch the pre race show, so I forced myself awake, and off the sofa, but he was more awake at 7:30 than he is now. So I guess I will wake him up for the race. Little Quiff spent the night with him, he said she stayed all night on the corner of the bed, but the bedroom smells like kitty pee, so I am assuming, she never left the room to get to a litter box either. We went out for dinner last night, I had wings, Vietnamese wings are really good! The waiter said he was glad I went back to ordering my usual meal, and the chef made extra sauce for me. Besides grocery shopping, and watching car races, not much on the agenda. Tomorrow DH has his immunotherapy at 10, which lasts about 2-3 hours in the office. And then at the same hospital, he has a pain management meeting at 3. I am taking the day off. I know he will be worn out, but I will be too. @StLouisCruiserskudos to you both for a rush to get home. I had to do that (rent a car and drive) from New Orleans one year, when the ship came in, during a snowstorm, but our bus, did not. But that was back in the days when we had to be at work the next day. I wouldn't do it now. Since out cruise last November, Tazi cat has been hiding in the back bedroom. Until the kittens found the back bedroom. She has come out and is now living under the sofa in the den. She wont come out to eat however, so I am now serving breakfast to a cat who lives under the sofa. I put the plate at the back of the sofa, and slowly but surely the plate disappears from sight, and after a couple of hours i pull an empty plate out. I think she enjoys seeing other black cats. @kazuI hope you are doing better today, with improvement showing every day. @grapau27Thank you for bringing us Father David, I hope he has a lovely summer break, and will miss him next week. @LambKnuckles and @RMLincolnthank you ladies for your always positive outlook on life. @Sharon in AZPlease wish Craig a very Happy Birthday from the crazy cat lady
  10. @superomaI am happy that you two are feeling a bit better, don't over do anything! I have been living on the wild side recently and not been as vigil wearing my mask, but I need to start back up doing that. I can't get sick, and DH doesn't need anything more to go wrong healthwise! @Denise T I have 82 days until my vacation, I just figured it out, so I know when you give your countdown, that is my last day of work for a couple of weeks. I'm counting down with you ! Of course you will be at sea, and people will be cooking your meals, and I will be on land trying to herd cats figuring out what everyone will eat...so I am going to actually create a (OMG) schedule in advance so everyone knows that one meal a day is out! Aint cooking every meal! There are 5 of us, in 3 separate cabins, all three cabins have kitchens. But one meal a day to spend together is a great way for the 5 of us to travel. Thanks for your countdown! @kazu I am hoping that today is easier for you. Watch for soreness. @Cruzin TerriGlad to see that you are posting more. I hope this means you are not as fatigued as you were. @Seasick SailorBest of luck to your sister with the surgery. Prayers for her.
  11. Good Saturday Morning Dailyites! @StLouisCruisersBest of luck for you today, I'd go with the vouchers Stay a night in town, eat lobster again, and get booked for a flight tomorrow with less stress. It poured here last night around 3, such a hard rain, I thought that the cats had on turned on the kitchen faucet full blast. Currently the computer says 70 and cloudy, but it just changed to Heavy Rain Later. It is very humid. Even if flights hadn't been delayed due to the computer glitch, they will be today due to the weather. Today is F1, 2 and 3-Work and wait for my box delivery. I must sign for delivery. For a box. A box that requires assembly. It is supposed to arrive between 4:15 and 6:15. And then I'm free ! Until Monday. My boss from the Opera job has told me several times that my name is being mentioned for a symphony gig. He has taken over the Orlando symphony sales, and that has been running for a couple of weeks now, so I dont think it's for that job. BUT Birmingham AL symphony will be another start up, and I hope it is for that. The kittens are 3 months old now. One leaves (Jersey) the first weekend of August, and while I will be sad to see Turnip leave, I am hoping that the woman I met at the vets will take him. Reality set in, I cant afford to feed and pay for vet bills when there are 9 fur babies in the house. 7 will be a challenge, but doable, and then we can afford to get Collard Greens neutered. Roofus aka Clownie, belongs to or belonged to somebody, he is neutered, and looks healthy, so I just feed him. And then there are the motley ones who show up when times are hard. There are too many strays in this world. @dfishI appreciate your hard work getting us the recipes for all these meals, but I admit today's meal,? It wont happen in this house. Ever. Have a great day!
  12. Is it still Friday? Gosh what a long day. Watched a lot of FIA interviews, qualifying and practice, went and got lunch, came back almost snoozed, worked for 4 hours, made 1 sale. I worked enough to make up for the lost time, but if I work at 5 hours tomorrow, I will be over by 3 hours. I really ticked off my boss yesterday. And I didnt really want to work more hours, and see? the God of electricity took pity on me blew over a tree took out the power to the whole neighborhood and a telephone pole, The power has been fixed but the wires are hanging down with pink ribbons to let you know that there are low wires.....and I did drive past the entrance to the hood, and while the power is back on, the remnants of the tree are still in the street. I usually go out the back way anyway. A few other trees blew over yesterday, odd as we really didnt have much wind. But tonight, DH says he is going to bed, I have to fluff his pillow for his feet, turn on the sound of rain and waves for him, and hit my sofa. I am tired!
  13. @smitty34877Tell your DB Happy Birthday from me, and a herd of cats! @Lady Hudson
  14. DH cancelled his appointment. He called the surgeon from last week, and is waiting a call back, his artery is bulging, and he is in a lot of pain. This has been going on all week, but hopefully they will call him back today. In 2020 I broke the tip off my left elbow....spent most of the summer in a somewhat medicated state, but the pain went away, I went through PT, until medicare ran out, and the doc said I would have about 92 % use,. but today it is really hurting. Not sure why unless its the humidity. I hope you guys dont mind if I post a picture of the day of a place or time that made me happy. If so, let me know and I will stop. We were on Grouse Mountain, and our guide said that there hadn't been a grouse seen in years. Perhaps every one moves around too quickly, while DH and BFF headed to the top of the mountain, I saw this following a woman up a path.
  15. Good Friday Morning Dailyites! We lost power last night at 9:15, I was still at work, it came back at 6 this morning. Way too hot and humid not to have air conditioning. DH was happy as he doesnt like cold, and he got the bed again to stretch out those arms and I got the sofa. Which was way too hot. I will come back ;later, but have to get organized for the day and get DH to his appointment. I am very tired!
  16. I did get DH out today, told him it was a rehearsal for his appointment with the "shrinks" nurse tomorrow which is on the north side of town.I hate driving the highways, and I hate rush hour. Memorial drive, the 6 lane road near us was shut down at the bottom of one of the hills, luckily on our way out today, I could see that the road was down to one lane, and I got in the right lane, turned right at the first light and drove around the college and by passed sitting there for who knows how long. Even the fire truck could not get to the accident. Whatever it was had stopped traffic going both ways. Dh enjoyed his lunch, he ate the enchilada, he had some chips, he always orders refried bean and rice, and he ate half of them. We stopped at Pastries a gogo and he got a huge cupcake and ate all of that when he got home. I got a Filipino dessert made with Taro, the young waitress told me it was very sweet. She obviously never tried it. It is good, but not very sweet. I saved a third for a later day snack. My work hours today are 5-10, in California time that is 2-7 . I am hoping that I dont fall asleep before 5. I do have things to do, but really dont feel like doing them. Todays make me feel better picture is Ephesus.
  17. @cat shepardI see the double rainbow! Fantastic. I'd hold off digging for the pot of gold, I think the leprechauns need it . Good Thursday Morning Dailyites! DH has developed edema in both arms, and the online site of the mayo clinic suggested that he sleep with his arms over his head. So I gave him the whole bed, and I got the sofa. I slept all night. ALL NIGHT! I did have some crazy dreams, but trust me, I dont dream when I wake up every two hours....He did say he was too cold with the ceiling fan on to sleep with his arms out of the covers, but I'll turn off the fan tonight, and try again to reduce some of the swelling. I turned on the coffee when I woke up, fed the cats, and then the phone rang; it was the Emory scheduler that told me that while they had scheduled an MRI at 2 next Tuesday, and another MRI at 3, they found out that they could not do this, that both tests had to either be in the same room, or on different days, and the second appointment got rescheduled in the middle of August. (they are trying to see if the cancer is closer to the brain) you would think they could find some appointment earlier. I did turn one down that was in Stockbridge (south of Atlanta) for tomorrow as he had an appointment with a nurse regarding his mental health, north of town. If he doesnt see the nurse, then he gets no more appointments. And he already cancelled the appointment from two weeks ago. I told him that today, he was going out into the world. I think some visual stimulus might get his brain going again. I could be wrong. But it's worth a try. Plus, on my selfish behalf, I'm tired of cooking. And since his eating is getting pickier, then he can choose what he wants, not what i am making. We have had rain every afternoon this week, the more rain, the more humid the air gets. And we are supposed to get rain today, but the temps are supposed to drop with this rain. Cant wait!
  18. @1ANGELCATAbout 10 years ago (gosh that long) that a man left his baby son in the summer Atlanta car, while he went to work. He went out at lunch to make sure that his guitar was ok, but never thought of his child? By noon the child was dead. And he didnt notice? He was sent to jail, but got out this past year? or earlier. When they were investigating the lets be real, murder, they found all sorts of sights on his personal computer about how long a baby would last in the hot car, and some porn with young girls....and off he went to jail, his wife left him (wise choice) and I saw in the news 2 weeks ago that he was arrested again, this time for sex with a teenager. They should have thrown away the key when they put him in the first time, and to think that he got out after 8 years because of a technicality is terrible. It was, premeditated murder, he even offered to take the kid to the day care that day, something he rarely did. @kazuI hope that all is well tomorrow, and that you will be getting better each day. I have been having a rough time juggling my hours. DH just doesnt seem to be improving post "test" surgery. He has edema in both arms, and in one leg, and his artery is bulging in the leg they ran the tubes down. He does ask for food, and if it is there, he may take a bite or two, and then forget that he is eating, and will light a cigarette, or start looking at his phone, and the food sits there. Uneaten. I did tell him today that he cannot complain about his rapid weight loss, when he wont eat. The show I mentioned my new addiction to on Netflix is Bodkin ( I left the k out this morning) but while originally he found fascinating, it is a thinking and high action series, and he got lost in the episodes tonight. When I talk to him, he pays no attention, and has very little interest in what is going on around him. I felt today I needed to be with him more, so I left work early. With the explanation to my boss, that since his surgery, I have not been to the store for cat food, and I would hate to have him see in the news that a little old lady in Georgia was eaten by her pets because there was no food for them in the house. I need patience. I need to remember that it wont get better each day, but worse, and I cant keep losing my patience with him. I can nag him all the time, his docs gave me the thumbs up on that, but to see someone falling apart more each day, and not doing everything they have suggested for him is very disheartening. So, if you can spare a prayer, please pray that I learn to be more patient. And @lindalerplease have a great cruise, and dont be gone so long from here. I love reading about your adventures in Mobile, and your new home. The kayaking on the water, and the boat parades. And thank you everyone who posted pictures of the Guggenheim and Bilboa. They were all wonderful.
  19. Good Wednesday Morning Dailyites! Its 74 and cloudy out, and quite humid. Atlanta has become the new Carribean with afternoon storms every day. Monday included thunder and lightning, yesterday just rain. The last time I saw the Lung doctor he agreed with me, that I no longer was in need of having the oxygen and the office called them to cancel the prescription. On one of the days that DH was having surgery I got two calls telling me that they were going to be sending the boxes, and to pack everything up and then set up a pick up. I never called the numbers back, I did write them down, but their directions seemed pretty direct. and then nothing happened. On Monday the phone rang, DH answered, and said it was the Oxygen company, and gave me the phone, I was listening to music, and waited, and waited and finally a nice man picked up and asked how he could help me. I told him, that they had called me, and we went through the directions again, and he said that they would send boxes and labels. Yesterday I got an email from UPS that my package would be delivered today, which is sad, as I need to go out today, and then this morning I read the delivery date again, looked at the tracking number, and even though it says delivery today? Turns out they dont have the labels yet. Your guess is as good as mine for an actual delivery time. I dont want to alarm the cats, but we have enough food for them for two more meals. I really do need to go out! Which means that when I do go out, DH has to be able to move to get to the door. And he broke his key off in the front door, so he cant use that door. Yesterday after work, we started watching Bodin on Netflix, and we both got hooked, but with only two more episodes left, I turned off the show, and will finish watching tonight. This week I cut my hours to 25, yesterday I had no sales, turns out I was set up by the junior assistant to do repeat dialing to previously called, and previously left a message-and they were people who will never pay at full price. My boss is moving me to a different set of leads. The hazy sky in the west every day? Turns out I need to wash windows. I love the quote for the inspiration, but I really wish we hadnt killed off all the dragons. Todays picture-Amber Cove
  20. @Crazy For Cats-----Jake and Juan-Happy Anniversary !
  21. Happy Tuesday Morning Dailyites! Computer says it's 78 and sunny. Computer is correct. But I missed the local weatherman, as I slept until 8. Of course, I was still up at 12:30 last night, too much coffee, and too many kittens playing Viking and ransacking DH's shoes and laces And fighting amongst themselves while trying to attain royal status. In other words, it was like Game of Thrones playing out on the bedroom floor. Bon Voyage @Norseh2o @kazuIvan is a good dog, and I hope has a swift recovery. I know I somehow missed how this adventure started with him, but I hope all goes well, and I pray that he will be much better post surgery. @dfish, thank you for the recipes. I think my problem with soups, is that I'm a chowder girl. And right now it's way too hot to consider a bowl of anything hot. Except cobbler. Our favorite taco place is doing B,L Ts for the taco of the week, I'm hoping to get there tomorrow for lunch. They are very tasty. I need to run out this morning, and it's tuesday, so I dont walk the dog until tonight. Isla Passione Cozumel
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