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Everything posted by marshhawk

  1. Good Friday Morning Dailyites! And Happy Donut Day today! It's a Formula 1 weekend, and we usually drive to our favorite donut place (Sara Donuts) on Fridays and load up so that I don't have to make breakfast. (Sausage rolls) However, I decided yesterday afternoon to pick up dinner, so that I could say that we actually ate something besides drive thru chicken this week. BIG MISTAKE! I bought two chicken pot pies (some assembly required) and this morning, ? well I cant leave the house. Penny texted me last night to see if I was working, told her that both Chuck and I had Covid, that Fawn was missing, and that I had zero energy to walk through the neighbor hood looking for her. She sent Jesse over, with lots of bottled water and a few Gatorades, and he walked around the house, then drove up the street, brought my trash can back up the hill for us, and then drove off. I have no idea if he knows what cat he was looking for. Bubbles came by yesterday morning, and again last night, he stayed out in the drive way while we sat outside in the cool of the evening, and stayed away from Rocky the raccoon while Rocky was foraging through the remainder of the cat food. When we went in to go to bed, he went off to sleep in the yuccas. He was back this morning. Still no sign of Fawn. I had Rocky Road ice cream for the first time when we were on our cruise. What took me so long? I did take some garden pictures while we were on our cruise- Enjoy- from the Vancouver Maritime Museum from the Science Museum Butchart Gardens in the rain- a community garden in Ketchikan- Bird seed had fallen out of the feeder and when I got home, I came home to an automatic garden of sunflowers. No pics yet. Have a great day!
  2. @MrSnuffleupagus This is one of the reasons to take your Mom to Alaska.
  3. @smitty34877 I agree with you about patients being sent home too early. It puts a strain on the care givers, but usually the patient wants to be home, where they know their "heart" is. I hope your DH is doing well today. If you are missing the voices and harmony of Simon and Garfunkel I highly recommend The Milk Carton Kids. And I'm not even sure they are still together. But I do enjoy the sound of them. Off to pay bills, and then find food.
  4. @1ANGELCAT Sending a hug and a "scritch" to your Ninja.
  5. Rabbit, rabbit, Good Thursdays Morning Dailyites! We have scoured the neighborhood and have not found our Fawn. Bubbles did show up yesterday morning, and Uggles went through the back yard, but did not stop, and then they both moved on. But no Fawn. I saw the fox go through late yesterday afternoon too,(on her way to the creek) but she is looking very thin. Too much gunfire in this neighborhood, and I feel that Fawn has met her fate during her wanderings. So for the last two days, I have only put food out for the black and white, and hope that if this stray eats the food, the raccoon will start to go else where. I picked up a box from the floor this morning and underneath it was a Simon and Garfunkel cassette tape...Bookends. I did not get to pay that bill yesterday, after walking the dog, i was done in for the afternoon, so today I need to get it paid. Also put a couple of checks in the bank. I really don't want to go out anywhere, but to be honest, there is no food in the house. I do eat, I just don't want to cook. And I need to sound out my boss regarding taking another day off sick.
  6. I spent the afternoon lying down binge watching the Barbeque Showdown...... Now, I'm hungry.
  7. @superomaThank you for continuing the LISTS with all that you were going through. @JazzyV Welcome home, you can take me off the list for the leg cramps and take my DH off for the nose issues. He has some tests coming up, if the cancer is back, then put him back on the list for sure. (He always says he thanks you all for his prayers) So please add him on for Covid, as we both are now suffering. Fawn and her feral friends have all disappeared as of Monday night. I heard an animal screeching, thinking it was the fox, and walked to the front yard. Fawn followed me out there, but would not come to the back yard with me when I went in, and that was the last I saw of her. Bubbles and Uggles have not been seen since that evening either. There is a black and white cat that comes by late at night for snacks, and I saw him/her? yesterday in the back 40 (seriously wooded area that needs to be cleaned out) and I have seen the rascally raccoon, but the outdoor fur babies have all disappeared. I hope they are not locked in our neighbors garage. I went down for a nap yesterday, woke up at 8, remembered it was Tuesday and walked the neighbors dog again (her mom plays pool on Tuesdays) and went back to bed at 11:30, slept until 8, and think I will still call out today from work as it turns out that those naps seem to help... Welcome to a wonderful group @MrSnuffleupagus ! I am trying to self isolate, but I have to pay a bill in person today. I will mask up, and go around lunch time, so I can do a drive thru for some kind of food. It did rain here this morning, and the sky is gray, and the temps cool. I still woke up sweating...
  8. And thinking of @Denise T today with the prospect of snow at Glacier Bay-we have been twice and both days were "clear as a bell"
  9. We were in Valdez this past May. Did you know it was farther north than Anchorage? Explains the snow. DH and I downloaded my pictures this afternoon from our cruise, so here goes. Our first view is of a container storage area that the seagulls love, but after the builder found out that grain did not grow well up this far north, it is and has been an abandoned container. The air show that was happening was from the airport that was in the valley right behind the mountain on the left. Some working freighters came in to port right behind us- DH asked why I took the next picture, I explained to him that it reminded me of a powdered sugar donut. The whole bay was surrounded by views like these- DH checking out a carving outside the Valdez History Museum- When we got back from town, I saw the prettiest sail boat out in the harbor. But I had to get on board, run around to the other side of the ship, and by then it was quite far away. And a view from our departure. .The town itself was pretty much a one to two story town, a quaint marina and the town was spread out along the water line, and about 4 blocks from water to the edge of town. We visited the museum, which also had a great photography display, and we walked over to the visitor center. Dan had told me that it was full of stuffed animals, I thought he meant the type you purchase and snuggle up to, not the taxidermist type.
  10. @kazu Jacqui, I hope you have a wonderful day, and a very Happy Year!
  11. Good Tuesday Morning Dailyites! Sunny this morning, the computer says it's humid. I took @RMLincoln's advise and took a nap yesterday, from 11-2, got up and lay down on the sofa and cried through A Man Called Otto. and then binge watched Queen Charlotte, a Bridgerton prequel. Went to sleep at 1:15 a.m. Slept til 8:15 and now I am ready to go back to sleep. I still have to walk the dog today, but other than that, I am not going to do anything except for foraging for food. I tested again last night, still very positive. How long does this last? I saw the picture posted earlier of the damage done on the Carnival Sunshine, and now I am off to find any articles about the storm. All the ferals are missing this morning. Not sure what is up with that, but I have heard a fox screaming during the last few nights.
  12. Good Monday Memorial Day Morning Dailyites! My dear neighbor left us breakfast at the back door and then called me to let me to know it was there. I didnt pick up the phone because our conversations never seem to end, and today I didn't have the strength. I was also trying to boil eggs and make potatoes O'Brian on the stove. Now the taters will be served with dinner. Which DH will have to make. I have only been sleeping about 4 hours a night the last two nights, and I am sleeping sitting up on the sofa. I am just about to go down for a nap now. Just a final clean up of the kitchen. We put out food for the cats and all sort of other creatures eat it, and I want to put out the compost material to feed them too,, but then DH thinks I am purposely feeding the wildlife....hmmmm. Off for that nap.
  13. My cough was not leaving, and then yesterday, I could not taste my potato salad....hmmmm...I added a bit of everything, celery, onion, pickle, pickle juice, a dash of Italian dressing....nothing..... and then it dawned on me, and I took a Covid test. Yup. Well this explains a lot. I have one errand to do, get the outdoor cat her temptations, and then back home to the sofa, and Indy...then Nascar.... I hope you all have a great day, and @smitty34877I hope your neighbors can assist you in getting Tana out into the sunshine! Heat still comes on every morning in Atlanta, but I've taken to sleeping sitting up in the den. With a cat of course.
  14. Good afternoon Dailyites! I had written a rather lengthy post, only to have it get stuck, and when I said WAIT, as in i will wait for it to come back up, it erased the whole thing. so this time i will be brief. @rafinmd In honor of you and your dinner porn pictures, I managed to order the crisps every night but one. well two, as i didnt make it past my pillow the day i got ill. I had opera cake. Which was better than I could have imagined, but just wanted to let you know about the crisps, my favorite was the banana.! My friend Dan stayed up late several nights to find out who changed the day mats in the elevators, and never saw anyone do it. (HAL elves) @dobiemomDH insists on working on our cars, and my 2001 Jeep has been motionless since January. I didnt even get in touch with the state regarding renewing it's tag. Either he orders the part and gets someone to do it, or he does it, but he is basically blind, and doesnt think he can do it. So kudos to you for having a decent mechanic. I say regarding the Jeep, sell it for scrap. His car is a 2017 Jeep, with lots of dents, but still drives well. At least around town. I do think it's days of 2000 mile road trips might be done though. Anyway, best stop now. before the computer takes another nose dive.
  15. @StLouisCruisersHow scary, I get the dizzy part, but the heart rate? Please see your doctor at the first possible moment, and if it happens again while you are away, dial 911 and go to the hospital! @dfishGlad you are feeling better, and yes to no heavy lifting! TV watching! Yes. I
  16. @NextOne i like your attitude about the surgery. Life is too sweet to miss it, when the option is there to make it longer. Good luck on the upgrade. I'm, being so shy, (NOT) enjoy being with other people too much for a balcony for one. And to spend more money. I'd be thinking well, for that kind of money I could book another cruise. Good luck on that decision! My neighbor came by and told me that while we were gone, she was feeding 6 outdoor kitties. not the 3. All I see that I have been feeding is a raccoon. It's not even dark yet, and that bugger has already wiped out all the food for the out door kitties. Bad raccoon!
  17. @Denise T just add snow to those mountains in the back ground!
  18. And now back to Vancouver-if you don't want day 3-please skip. Day three, we are tired, long day on the bus/ferry/walking/ferry/bus. And a late dinner...now wanting another one of those sandwiches....So now we walked down to the Vancouver Art Gallery, which for some reason I thought was a museum, not really...turns out it is an area that shows exhibits from modern/living/local artists. And I might get confused a bit about one of the exhibits, but it was very powerful. It was the life story, and her stories, of Alanis Obomsawin Alanis Obomsawin, CC, GOQ, filmmaker, singer, artist, storyteller (born 31 August 1932 near Lebanon, New Hampshire). Alanis Obomsawin is one of Canada’s most distinguished documentary filmmakers. She did a documentary about an incident where the town members of the Oka tribe resisted police arrest and eviction from their town. She did not leave when the CBC did, as she felt that it needed to be documented. And stayed with the tribe until the day before they surrendered, and then she walked out on her own. Her documentaries " shattered mainstream Canada's illusions that the state's relationship to Indigenous Peoples was essentially benevolent". I actually could have stayed in that exhibit for a year. Full length documentaries, her art, videos' of her music, just wowed me. But outside the gallery was a street market of marijuana. Now I grew up in the 60's and 70's and smoked my fair share of mary jane in my youth, but to see it hawked on the streets was to me, disgusting. If it's legal and sold in stores, and you know what you get, then why sell it on the street, when you dont know what you get. The police were everywhere around them, making sure they didn't cross the sales line (you could walk in past the sale line, but the seller could not walk out and try to sell his product.) Just remember too, that while legal in Canada and Alaska, it is not legal on the ship, as one poor sot found out... And that night for dinner, we walked back to a Greek restaurant that we had had dinner in on our last night in Vancouver in 2016. The walk seemed longer now, but the food was just as good. And on the 4th day, we embarked, and it was a zoo!
  19. @smitty34877 Yes we did explore Vancouver. We had made plans to go to certain areas each day, but based on the weather we changed plans. We arrived on Wednesday night, and on Thursday decided to go to the Mariner Museum, the one that is south west of Granville Island. We took a cab, and the driver said no one ever goes to that museum, he even wanted to drop us off at the science museum instead, but we declined, as we wanted to see the first ship that headed west too east (and back again) on the Northwest Passage. The ship is there in it's entirety and on the hour they let people go aboard. Seeing the size of the cabins, bunks, and the food they ate really made us appreciate modern cruising. We took a water taxi over to Granville Island, had a not so great lunch at a German restaurant, and wandered the "farmers" market, we sampled, tasted, ate all afternoon, took the water taxi across the river, and got a cab back to the hotel. On Friday we were picked up at the hotel by a tour bus, which drove to the ferry, loaded on the ferry and we went to Butchart Gardens and Victoria. In the rain. The gardens were beautiful, all the tulips were in bloom, and even though DH couldn't walk far, we saw enough to say we had been there, and at the same time wish we had two days to spend there. The bus then took us to downtown Victoria, and parked right in front of the the BC Museum, while others took off to explore, DH and I visited the museum, and found the most fantastic gift shop, just as the museum was closing. (now you know what I did when our last port of call was Victoria) We took the ferry back, and we got back to our hotel at 10 pm. We found a Turkish sandwich shop a block behind our hotel and had one of the best meals in our lives! Off to run errands now. More later.
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