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Posts posted by RARcruise

  1. Hi everyone. Its been a really busy weekend. Still trying to finish up the last parts if the kids rooms then it will be time to drag the winter clothes out of the attic. :mad: Can't wait to be done with everything and be on my cruise:D It is coming up very fast!!! I have another busy week ahead of me followed by a busy weekend. Hoping that I don't get to tired because I am more likely to grab junk. The weekend wasn't to bad. I even lost a pound. I went to Brittany's band comp on Sat and avoided all the yummy smelling junk they were selling. Which was amazing considering Britt's boyfriend went with me and my mom-in-law and this was the first time we have had any "boy" go anywhere with us.:eek: Although I imagine that he must really like her considering he spent from 8:30am -4:30 pm with me before he ever even got to see Britt. LOL


    Hope you all have great motivation this week. I know I need it!

  2. ok so last night was yuck. Husband cooked fried chicken and of course I nibbled.:mad: Then I forgot about supper till after 9. Going to do better today!!!


    Brooke-girl I would die. When I was pregnant 6 years ago I saw a mouse in our house and I HATE them. I spent lots of money on all kinds of traps. Then I slept on the couch with myself fully clothes head to toe and I even slept in my shoes. I put my then 2 year old on the other end and we slept like that for 2 nights till I heard a loud pop. I woke my husband up at 3am and told him to take it out. He wasn't so happy but I was thrilled. I couldn't imagine having one touch me. It freaks me out just thinking about it. Good luck with getting back in your room. ;)


    Gotta run making myself go through stuff from the kids rooms while I feel motivated. Man I can't wait for this to be behind me.

  3. Happy birthday Brooke!!!:D


    I'm back. lol! Trying to remember what I wanted to post.


    Brooke- sorry that things are not getting better with you Grandmother. I hope things take a turn for the better soon. I am proud of you for skipping the funnel cakes that is a big one. One of the reasons I skipped the fair because that was what I most looked forward to. Good luck on the weigh in and the job interview.


    Kim-sounds like a great weekend. Anyone would get a great workout playing tennis because they say laughing burns a lot of calories. I am very unalthletic. I played ball with Richard once not sure what it was called its where you play in the room and bounce it off the wall. Anyway after playing about 5 mins I hit the ball then it came back and hit Richard right in the NO-NO spot:eek: He walked out and has never played ball with me again. We still laugh about it though.


    Kimmers-Pumpkin patch sounds like it was fun. We aren't doing any this year to much going on with band and other family. I might look into doing something like that for Natalie's birthday though.



    I went to bed about an hour and a half late then over slept an hour and a half. So was short on my workout about 20 mins but I did get the rest in. Still cleaning my living room looks like a really bad yard sale everywhere. LOL Brooke I have 4 kids 2 bedrooms and they trash everything. I always have bags of trash to throw away after a big cleanup. They don't stuff they more so throw everything in the middle of the floor.:mad:


    Richard made fries last night darn him. So of course I ended up having some. Here's to a better start today good luck everyone.

  4. Good Morning everyone! Weekend was as expected cleaning, cleaning, cleaning, etc. Same for today except all the kids have a checkup at 1. I really want to be done with the kids rooms by tonight since they have school again in the morning. Of course I will still have the now mountain of laundry to do thanks to this little chore. But at least this will be behind me. It was one of the biggest things that I wanted done before we leave for our cruise which is in 39 days!!!! We are flying in the day before. Kept up with my workout over the weekend and didn't have any major cheats just the same nibbling darn it.


    Kim I would def do the cruise if it was a choice. Sounds like a great deal.


    I must get off or I am never going to get done:(

  5. Had a lot of issues trying to get a post on here last night.


    Yesterday was good and workout this morning was great!!! I am feeling encouraged even though I still haven't lost anything.


    Brooke-Hope plans for your birthday work out for you. Cake sounds like the greatest thing to do with flex points. YUMMY!


    Jess- So sorry to hear about your car. I know its hard when you have to make a big choice like that. Did you ask the car place about the extra charge? I would even if they don't take it off maybe they will think about it next time. Hopefully yesterday was a better day and that the weekend goes great for you.


    Kimmers- I didn't want anyone from the black team to go home. I was suprised by Daniel's gain but not at all about Danny's. There was just something about him when he went home that showed such a determination. I was totally shocked when they sent Mo home. I really want the other girl to go home. I know there is game play involved but there is a right way and a wrong way to do it. I always want the good guy to win rather then those who took advantage of others on the show.


    Today starts a school break for the kids so we are going to be cleaning out their rooms. God help us!

  6. Brooke-good job on the weight loss. I don't know that I have ever done that well after a vacation.:p Keep up posted on your grandmother.


    Jess- Right there with you with good ole' Mother N.:mad: Right now I am trying to distract my mind from thinking of Chocolate anything lol. Plus Itend to get really moody and want to snap at people. I have been taking calcium daily for the last couple years and it really helps more then I thought it would. One time about a year ago I was in major need of a chocolate thunder from down under at Outback and my husband went and got me one from takeout. He was going to be stopping by my brothers house for something and I told my brother he better made sure he had me some good dessert and I didn't mean no bakery dessert from the grocery store and if he didn't to make him go get it because I would kill him if he didn't have it when he got home. LOL I honestly had to ask my husband if he thought it would be ok for my oldest daughter to have a friend spend the night since I was in such a moody state at that time. All went well and no one got hurt. I hate when I am in those moods I try to just stay away from people at least it only happens ever now and then. A few years back it would last for like a week and would happen every month.


    Today has been pretty good so far. I even got a good workout in this morning that I could be proud of. Luckily I have praise band practise tonight so that should help with not being able to go to the kitchen and snack to much.

  7. Kim-Great job! Seems like you had a great day with diet and exersice!


    Brooke-So sorry about your Grandmother. I know that with her condition it doesn't leave a lot of options. I agree not big on the health care thing but there needs to be some changes. I just have a hard time even listening to their ideas when they aren't going to be using them. If I have a great idea why wouldn't I use it myself? Anyway, that is just horrible that she had to go through that extra moving around to find some help. Hopefully she is in good hands now. Do you have weigh in today?


    Jess- Got your request pretty sure I added you. I have been having headaches off and on myself. They are a pain to deal with.


    Yesterday I think I ended up fairly good. I did get up and walk 2 miles plus do 40 mins of conditioning. So I was so excited after I finished not so much during lol. I am having a coke zero now (shame) but I am planning to just drink part and put the bottle in the fridge.


    Good luck for the day everyone and hope we all make the best choices that we can.:p

  8. Jess- girl we could be in big trouble together. Sweets and carbs are my downfall also. Sorry about your aunt. We have a little boy here that is in the hospital with swine flu, asthma, and pneumonia he has coded a few times and as of Sat was in bad condition. Hope the issue with your car doesn't hurt the wallet to bad.

  9. Brooke-sounds like and looks like (from the pics) that you had a wonderful time. To be able to refrain from all that chocolate really shows some determination. I don't think I could have done that good at all. My Mother-in-law (step) and her children live real close and we are planning to go up there one day.


    I must admit that I had a really bad weekend. Finally feeling a better think I am over the worst of it. I ate more calories this weekend then I probably have in the last 2 weeks.:( But I was really wanting that nasty taste out of my throat. And I was living on meds and junk lol. I didn't drink any water Sat or Sun but I have gotten 3 cups in already today. I have still managed to walk 1.5 miles each day and hopefully tomorrow I can start weights again. I was really worried that I might have a really hard time getting back on track but so far so good.


    Hope everyone has a great day! And good luck to all of you today.

  10. Morning everyone.


    Feeling bad still but not sure how much of it is from the sickness and how much is from the medicine that I took last night.


    I did still get up at 4am but I just walked 30 minutes at a slower pace then usual. I didn't do any weights because I have learned from experience that working out when sick and damage you muscles. Wasn't up for that. The worse part is going to be the extra snacking that I am doing just to keep me awake. But I so do not care right now lol.

    Natalie's family party is tonight so I do have to go to the store and pick up some sugar free cupcakes I found and her costume.


    Jess- I am glad the babysitting went well. My daughter Ellen and my neice like "The Biggest Loser" too. I must say that I was really shocked with the outcome of it this week. Sounds like good plans for the weekend. I love holding newborns. Find a rock chair and just have fun with the new baby.

  11. sound simular to dreamfloat I make in the summer I use diet orange pop or diet 7 -up and diet jello mixed with whipped cream for frosting very good and low WW points.


    Kimmer-Do you mix it with a cake mix or is it just the jello and orange pop? Wondering if a diet cherry 7-up would work too? I like the fat free cool whip better then the sugarfree but usually get the sugarfree becaus of Nat.


    Ok was a fairly good day but feeling bad now. So is my oldest Brittany. If we both get sick the house is going to be in trouble. She is the only one that helps out around here. Right now feeling a little to rough to care about what not to eat but then again not feeling like going to look for something to eat either. My hope that it is all sinus issues and will be feeling much better in the morning.


    Have a great night everyone.


    PS kimmer good job on the day. My mom lives right nest door to me so we kind of switch night on who does the cooking also. LOL I love the nights when I don't have to cook. :p

  12. kimmers- great to get to "see" you on here since I started posting:) I like the 10 calories jello with the sugar free cool whip. I have to be very careful what color I get though because Natalie can't have any red dye and a lot of jello's have red dye. She is a pro at sneaking stuff she is not allowed to have. We hide stuff all around the house but she is good. Right now I have stuff in my luggage hanging bag behind my bedroom door. Sounds strange I know but sugar just makes her go crazy almost instantly. :eek:


    Kim-I would def go see a 2nd dr if you are not real happy with the first. Until then don't push it with a lot of jogging. I think walking at a slow pace would be fine until you have solid answers about your health. ;)


    Jess- How was the babysitting? I find 10 year olds to be in that age group that can be really hard. My 8 year old is more of a drama queen then my teenager. Plus she thinks she knows everything. Glad you had a good time with your Mom.



    Yesterday I did good "mostly". Today I got up at 4 but was only able to work out for 10 mins. Just couldn't go anymore actually sat down and dozed off and on till time to get the kids up. Had a lot of strange dreams so don't know if I just didn't get good sleep or what. This is the 1st time since I started in May that I have had to just stop:confused: Anyway hoping that with my schedule being off today will not lead me down a bad road. Scales still say the same thing just wanting it to go down and maybe get me out of this funk I am in.


    Good luck to everyone today!!!!

  13. Kim- I read you comment on the pic of Nat's rash but I keep forgetting to post back when on facebook but yes she is better. Her dr has her on Zyrtec because he thinks that it was ragweed and not the detergent. I didn't even know that was possible but now I think he was right. You will see that I am a little game obsessed. LOL


    Brooke-Have a wonderful trip. Can't wait to here how it was.



    Jess-I understand complicated family. LOL I have had the same guy become my brother-in-law 2 times because he married both of my sisters and they was not really a lot of space in between the 2. Thankfully he is out of the family:D Sisters still not very close but we can all get together again. Richard was the baby in his family for 15 years then got 2 sisters within 3 days. His mom and stepdad had twins on the 4th of April then his dad and stepmom had a girl on the 7th of April.

    Sorry that you don't get to see all of your neices and nephews but sometimes family issues are the hardest one to deal with.



    Everybody have a great day. I am trying to keep reminding myself that no matter what to not nibble while cooking or fixing the kids plate. Thats my main goal for today.

  14. Annette, I'm the middle of 4. There are 3 girls and my brother who is the baby. He lives in Atlanta, GA, while everyone else lives here in Orlando, FL. My sisters and I are married, my youngest sister has the daughter, the only grandchild right now. My oldest sister is currently trying to conceive. My husband and I will be trying next Feb/March around our cruise.:D I'm really hoping her and I will be pregnant together at some point. It'll be a good bonding experience.



    How neat. That the order I had 3 girls then a boy. Your brother only lives like 2-3 hours from where I live. I envy you for living in Orlando. I love DISNEY. I have been at least 20 times. I am really craving a roller coaster LOL I haven't been on one since 2007:(


    I think it would be neat to be pregnant while your sister is. I was pregnant 2 times when my friend was and that was neat. Wow 1 grandchild is so long gone in our family. My oldest nephew is in his 3rd year of college and then my JC is the youngest (3). There are 6 girls and 6 boys.


    Have a great night everyone. Btw if anyone knows of a completely sugarfree cake please let me know Natalie's birthday is Sat and she can't have any sugar. It is honestly like a drug to her. She hasn't had but like one cake in the last 3 years. I am thinking maybe just a sugarfree angel food cake , found some sugarfree strawberry pie filling that I can put on it after its sliced and then sugarfree cool whip on top. Does that sound like it would taste good to a 6 year old?

  15. Brooke-.8 is def a lb in my book. I would probably count anything less as a lb. LOL Is your next goal for this week or for this month? Richard is always saying that he wants to go on Biggest Loser but I told him no way because He is 90% cut up and 10% crazy but he does have a short fuse and I could see him leaving all his religion right there in that gym on one of the trainers. :eek: Told him we wasn't going to let the whole world be talking about that really crazy guy on tv. LOL He likes to send photos of his "angry face" to any boy my daughter is talking to. In all honest he gets mad fast and over it fast. I'm just the opposite it takes a lot for a person to push me over the edge but once I'm over most likely I won't be getting back up on it. Good luck with the car and have a fab vacation.


    Jess- I don't think there is a right or wrong answer on your plans for tonight. On one hand I know they say that you have to make time for your health. But on the other hand with having to see my mom 2 times in a 6 month period not sure if she was going to live or die then I would say spend all the quality time you can with your Mom. If I was just concerned with your weight lose I would def say to go with the gym but I think all of us on here know that there are some more important things then weight loss. I hate being torn in what I want to do myself. Just make sure you have a great time no matter what you do.


    Thanks everybody for the answers to my questions. It drives me nuts to see people do that to there kids (ps brooke I have a daughter that is hyperactive and I never thought to take her out of the room for discipline unless we are with people other then family did your Mom do the same thing like in front of your family that you saw on an almost daily basis?)

    A member of my husbands family has said many times in front of their kids that they are worried about all the weight they were gaining and has said to my husband a lot about how much they were gaining. Now I don't think they meant it in a ugly or hurtful way but still it leaves a scar. I have already told my husband if someone says something to my kids I would say something. I just think it is wrong. I never tell my oldest daughter she was a mistake thats another one that bothers me. Kids are not a mistake the parent may have made a mistake but it wasn't the kid. Even when I talk to my daughter about "boys" I think before I speak because I don't ever want her to feel like she ruined my life or is i hadn't had her then my whole life would have turned out better. I hate it when someone asks me if you could go back and do it over would you. HELLO NO what kind of question is that. I haven't spoken to her father in years but I still will not say I would take it back. Something like that is not something you take back. We as humans do stupid stuff but the way I see it I got a beautiful blessing out of a mistake that I made. Sorry you can tell that is something I feel very strongly about. I will come off my soapbox now.


    Yeah I am just glad that it is still dark outside when I am attempting Yoga because the neighbors would probably be standing outside laughing and pointing at me. I really miss Denise Austin's Fit and Lite show it had just a little bit that helped me with balance and I really am having issues with that now.


    BTW how many siblings does everyone have? I am the youngest of 4. They were all born 3 years apart and then I was like 6 years later. 1 brother and 2 sisters I tell them that my purpose in life was to be here to help them lol


    Wow this one is another long one. The odd thing is that in person I am very quiet and introverted.

  16. Ok first since everybody could always you a good laugh. I will tell you how I figured out how I can post to everyone at the same time and still remember what they had said. I had to open another tab. I have one open to the thread and now this one open writing my reply. LOL At times I wonder if there could be something wrong with my mind but everyone tells me its just because I have so much on my plate (no pun intended).


    Brooke-really hoping you reach that goal at weigh in. I know how exciting it is to see any less on the scale. My hubby bought him some frosted mini wheats the other night but I just can't do it. He also brought some fiber one yogurt but all Key lime flavor which I am not a fan of do you know if they have other flavors? The good news for me and deer meat is that when I cook with it I can't eat it. So that really helps with temptation. Not sure why I think the first time I cooked with ground deer meat it just looked so diffrent and now I can't get past it. Of course my Dad was not a hunter and even though Richard use to be he has only done it one year out of the (almost 10) we have been married. I am so proud that you can dump the sweets out of your Healthy Choice that is one of my favorite parts.


    Kim (at least I think I am remembering that right lol) Yeah I did colorguard 2 years in high school then got pregnant with my oldest. So having her start high school and doing color guard feels very odd and like I have come full circle so to speak. Almost like a movie you are watching something then your mind flashes to a memory of your past. I am breathing a little more now then I was when she first started the year so just having to remember this is her future not my past. It doesn't help when boys call or people keeping telling her how she is really looking older and prettier everyday. :eek: I really wish Richard could get some weight off. Not because I am ashamed or angry with him but I know he wants it plus I know he will feel better and be able to do more with the kids plus it would have to help with his leg and back pain But mainly I know that if something major health wise every happened to him I would not be able to take care of him at home. He started back to school last year and is going for something that has to do with computers. I can't drink any green tea. I even tried it in pill form and dropper form it all gives me a bad stomachache instantly and makes me feel bad all over. PS what is diet coke cake?


    Jess- I think it is great that they have those meetings now. I wish they would have had them when Mom did hers. Plus how cool that you get to see the nutritionist and psychologist for a lot of one on one time. Do you go on a monthly basis or is it weekly? That makes sense about not worrying about whats going to happen after "somthing" but focusing on how to get to the "something". I have always wanted to do water aerobics but I never have. Did you enjoy it? I have been struggling a lot myself this last week. More tempted to taste the kids food or eating more snacks then I should. More then I few times I have came close to eating something that I know I shouldn't. Not that I want eventually get to where I will add stuff in in moderation but not till I leave for my cruise. Only 52 days left so hopefully by then I will have worked more on knowing when to allow myself and when to then stop. My whole family is a family of eaters we just love food.



    So far so good today. Had to take Mom to therapy. A few opinion ?'s for everybody


    1) Do you think it is right for a mother to make comments to, about, or if front of their child about them gaining weight or getting "fat"?


    2) I have thought a couple times that maybe if I just give in and have a big meal or dessert then I will kickstart my body into losing again. Is this just my cravings trying to fool my body or my body telling me something? I have a hard time if I start eating more getting myself to stop so I am really afraid to try it.


    3) Anyone do any yoga? I have been trying that Nomesta Yoga show that comes on the FIT channel and I spend a lot of time laughing at myself. I really like the warm up and cool down but that middle part sure loses me. :rolleyes:


    My facebook name is under Annette Rushton. I have long brown hear leaning over my husband who is wearing green and navy stripped shirt. Feel free to add me if you would like.

  17. Going to try and remember some of the things I wanted to post last night


    Brooke-Great job! I also love Biggest Loser and Ruby. Although I haven't seen Ruby lately. I have a bike thingy as I call it and it really kicks my behind. LOL So doing 3- 10min sessions a day is impressive to me. I really hope that your pain issues are getting better. My husband (Richard) fell off a semi-truck in 2002 and had major back surgury in 2004 and he still has problems and has pain everyday. I think it is great that your Mom is trying to help you and think about the things you need from the store. Do you have a lot of hunters in your family? I noticed you had deer meat well into the summer if not still. My husband did weight watchers a couple years ago and it really seems to be working for you.


    Jess-My mom had a gastric bypass in the early 90's. She lost down to around 145. She had no problems up until last year. That is part of the reason she starting going down in health and very fast. From like Jan-July 17th she lost about 35lbs but it wasn't in a good way. She just got to where she couldn't eat. I mean literally she could not get food to go down because it would burn her throat. She really went a couple of months from the last time she ate a full meal not a big meal but just a full meal until we got someone to finally admit her in the hospital. We saw about 8-9 drs and and it finally took my grandmothers oncologist to really look at her as a person and not just another appt. He pushed through and set her up with the Emory clinic in Atlanta as well as a wonderful Dr in Augusta that he said would think outside the box. They found that her body was completely depleted of copper. Very very rare and they don't know exactly why. She had depleted of her irons, vitamin d's her protein was like 1.9 and the oncologist looked at us 2 diffrent times and told us she was days from dying. It was so hard by that time it was honestly starting to mess with her mind. She couldn't drive, she couldn't hardly talk because she didn't have the energy to get her mouth open. Anyway she has had to be hooked up on a picc line TPN that gives her massive amounts of fats and vitamins with copper right into her blood stream. She is doing better now and her last 2 blood works were great. I am not trying to talk you out of the surgury I am just telling you this so 1) you remember to take every vitamin they tell you every single day my mom stopped after 10 years thought she didn't need them anymore 2) So that you can have them keep a check on your copper levels every couple years after the surgury. My Mom having the surgury was a life saver because they found a precancerous tumor on her liver that her fat was covering on all the scans and x-rays. I really hope you can get to that goal so you can move on to the next phase of your life. Also Great job with the workouts. I could see a diffrence in you with your words between the begining and the end of the thread.


    Nicole-wondering where you are and how school is going?


    Kim-Congrats on your 5 year anniversary and your plans for a baby next year. :D I totally understand about once you lose the motivation to workout its hard to get it back. Good luck to you.


    Kimmers- Its great that you can work night shifts and still manage to watch what you eat because I really couldn't do that.


    Sardis-You remind me a lot of me. We jump in with both feet and focus on an event and just manage to do it and then after the events comes and goes it is a lot harder to keep it off. Hoping that you and I can both keep it off after our events.


    These are just the names I remember off the top of my head.


    I will be praying for everyone on here because I try to remember all my online friends every morning.

    'Have a great night and good luck tomorrow.;)

  18. OK now rocking the little man to sleep and trying to stay awake myself. :p


    A usual day for me is as follows.


    Cup of purple grapes that I eat while on the treadmill walking

    for Breakfast always fat free turkey breast that Walmart sales with Romaine lettuce, tomato, mustard, and lite honey wheat toast

    usually a snack around 10am- some of the options are dried apple chips (45 calories)that come in a single serving bag with Disney on them (again a walmart item), some kind of 100 calorie snacks. I really like the mister salty chocolate covered pretzels yum, some Good Health Energy nut mix (yes a walmart item again) it has soy nuts, cranberries, almond, and pumkin seeds, or mini 94% fat free popcorn. Those are the main things I usually have around.

    for lunch either a can of healthy options soup or Lean cuisine or healthy choice (If I am out with Mom for her therapy or something we will do Chick-fil-a she likes the coke zero and I like their chargrilled sandwich.

    Some more snack in the afternoon same choices as above or maybe a weight watchers Fudge Pop

    Supper- always a bowl of cereal with skim milk. I would like to say that its frosted miniwheats or something but its not. Something like Cocoa pebbles, Lucky Charms, Trix or some other sugar filled cereal. I have a very sweet tooth and this really help me to stay away from donouts and stuff like that. I always have a big bowl and make sure to drink all the milk.


    For drinks I try to get 7 cups of water in daily then tea made with splenda (I am from South Carolina so we cook the tea then add the splenda right away and drink it cold) Every morning with my grapes I drink a sugar free Red Bull and with my vitamins I drink about 2 ozs of the Mocha Frappachino that Starbucks sells in the grocery stores. I like the smell more then the drink I think. lol


    My workout routine was to walk the amount of miles that it is from my house to the Miami port because that is where we are leaving for our cruise. That is 625.79 miles. Yesterday morning I hit 626.5 miles :D:D SO I made it to the port of course all miles were on the treadmill while I watched tv:p I was walking 3.5 miles a day and then doing some weight training/yoga/dance video for 20-40 mins. Since I have made it to the port now I am only walking 30 mins a day (2 miles) and doing strenght training activites for 40-60 min.


    I get up at 4am every morning which is hard sometimes but I just think about how much that I love the alone time I have during that time. I do try to go to sleep at 10pm and most nights I make it on time. On Sat.'s is not as easy because my oldest daughter is in the marching band color guard and they have contest during Oct.


    I think that is all of it. I have a bad memory as you will probably notice from time to time.

  19. Sorry to leave such a short message last night but I had been reading soooo long. LOL


    I saw so much on that I wanted to talk about yesterday but I am sure I will forget most of it.


    I will start by telling you about myself. I am 30 years old, married, mother of 4 kids ages 13, 8, one that will be 6 on Sat, all girls then a 3 year old little boy. At present my weight is 118. I am down 30 lbs since mid April. 148 was the highest nonpregnancy weight that I have ever been. The smallest weight was 101. Now some may wonder why I am on here. Well I didn't mention that I am only 5 foot no more. I am very little up top so can't even blame some pounds there lol.


    I was on here looking around yesterday when I came to this page and just couldn't finish until I had read it all. There was so much encouragment and some of the same feelings of disappointment that I deal with myself. It just felt like a sisterhood. (I know some guys posted but not a lot). To me weight isn't about how you look to others but how you feel about yourself. I just feel better when I weigh less. I still want to lose 10 lbs before I go on my cruise in Dec 2009. I find that I am one of those people who are all or nothing which isn't always a good thing. When I workout I watch what I eat, I get more energy, then I am up earlier and stay on a good schedule doing my Bible study/Prayer journal. In my prayer journal I always pray about, amoung other things, to go to bed early, wake up early, get in and stay in shape, eat healthy. If I start to get off track in working out I don't have the energy to get up early, if I don't walk that day I am more likely to eat more which leads to me feeling sluggish which leads to drinking soda or eating lots of sugar. If I sleep late I don't usually get my Prayer journal in because I have to get 4 kids ready for school and if I don't do it while they are sleeping I can't concentrate because someone is always into something, fighting, or need something. lol


    I have lost weight but it was not easy. I still have to think before I put stuff in my mouth. My lastest problem is tasting the kids food or eating a couple fries from their plate etc. At this point am I overweight no but I am not happy with where I am. I am happier then where I was and if I didn't lose anymore but got more toned in a few areas that would be fine. When I was at 148 I was in this depression cycle. I would feel misrable and bloated and clothes would feel to tight and I would hate looking at how my image in the mirror had changed in just 1 and 1/2 years. Yes I knew it was due to stress, my mom got very sick for months and was close to death and we couldn't get Dr's to get aggressive in finding out why, my father-in-law passed away, my Mom was getting better then had a horrible accident on Jan 30th 2009 and was in the hospital for 4 weeks then couldn't even try to walk for another 2 months after she came home (had to have hip recontructed). She owns a tax business so I was having to run her tax office because she didn't have any employees other then me. So I just turned to a lot of junk food, "comfort" food, Cherry drinks I love them but I swear they really pack on the pounds for me:( Anyway I would then eat because I was depressed about what I HAD ate. That never makes since but it happens. BTW I am glad to see that mother nature isn't just ugly to me but everyone. lol


    It does make me a little angry that people just assume that I have high metabolism or when they say you have such will power you can just eat one on the inside I am screaming NO I DON'T If I eat one I may eat 10. I want to have healthy habits for my kids, I don't want them to feel like I do about food. Its like from the time you start your first "diet" you either stay on it and think about food or either you go off of it and feel guilty about food. My husband weighs over 360 lbs and is 6 foot 2 ozs but almost everyone in his family is on the heavy side. Some of his family is close to 700 lbs. I really don't want my kids ecspecially my son to grow up that way. There is diabetes and heart disease every on our family tree and I just fear what could happen to them. My brother was around 220 and at age 36 had a heart attack. He had surgury and had 100 persent blockage on one side and 99 on the other.


    I will end this post since it is so long but will come back later and kind of tell you what my routine is. Just wanted to tell everyone thanks so much for all the help I have already gotten and look forward to even more. I hope my point came accross that weight issue is a major factor is the majority of people today no matter what their size is.:)

  20. HI everyone. I found this thread today and spent all day except for the hours I was at church reading all 501 posts. Yes I read everyone of them. Just wanted to say Hi and I will get on and post about myself in the morning but right now it is past my bedtime. lol I feel like I know you already.


    My name is Annette btw;)

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