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Posts posted by RARcruise

  1. Brooke- You have me stumped on your bully ?. I really can not remember a time when I was actually bullied but I feel everyone has been bullied at some time in their life. Even the "popular" crowd because their own closet friends will turn on them if they do something they don't agree with. But I just can't think of nothing?????? My older siblings messed with me at times but thats not really bullying I don't think. I was a 16 year old pregnant teenager in high school I mean surely that could lead to being bullied but again I am blank on a time. I might just have to go look up the definition of being bullied maybe that will help me. Maybe I am just thinking about it all wrong. I will get back to you on it though. lol


    By the way Have a great day everyone.


    Thanks Jess for the encouraging words.

  2. Brooke- I am so glad that you feel good about being back on track. I understand what you mean.


    Jess- Hope you feel better soon. It is never fun being sick. By the way I agree take you a vacation!!!


    I have been working out almost everyday! I can tell a difference in my clothes although I am not getting on the scale just yet. Right now I am trying to focus on getting healthy so that I feel better and have more energy. I have had temptations but so far I have been able to refrain and skip them. Haven't had a coke since the last time I mentioned it.

    There is still a chance that Mom might have to go back to the hospital and I am already convincing myself of the healthy options I can pick for food at the hospital.

  3. Just wanted to do a quick stop. I miss you all. Headache right now so this will be short. Has exercised 5 out of the last 6 days:D I didn't have Coke yesterday or today!! I have even done really well on my food today as well so prayerfully this is a turn around for me. I am really sick of feeling queasy not sure why I have been so much lately and it is not that I am pregnant so please don't even think that. I love my kids but still feel certain that 4 was enough. All I can guess is stupid allergies.


    Still haven't gotten to see "Biggest Loser" from last night but hope to watch it while I am on the treadmill in the morning.


    Please say a prayer for my Mom as her levels are very low again and we have an extra appt to see the Dr. We are still blessed to have him though because when the nurse called with the results (which we knew that they had to be low because she is feeling so weak and sick) she said the dr wanted to see her Thursday 2:20pm then goes he doesn't have patients that day let me go see if this is really what he meant and she comes back and says yep thats what he wants. Love to have a dr that will come in when he doesn't have to for the well being of his patients. I am pretty sure she will have to go back on the TPN for a while but as much as a pain as it can be she is feeling really bad.

  4. OK I hope I don't leave anybody out but the only think that I seem to lose around here is my memory. lol


    Hobbie- (Is that right and is that a name ?) I see that you are almost to your cruise. So I am adding you to the list of people that I don't like but it will only be while you are on the cruise so for now I am going to say welcome and if you don't mind fill me in on what you think the biggest tips to weight lose are.


    Brooke- Sorry you had a bad week. I am really really thinking about Weight Watchers this time. If you wouldn't mind would you tell me the points to a can coke and a 16 oz bottle of coke?? Maybe seeing this will get me off this awful kick I am on.


    Jess- I am so sorry you work hard and then don't get those results you are wanting. Let us know how the blodd results turn out. I really hope the new meds work and it lets you see the results you are after. A man spoke in the church the other day and he had been told by drs that he had the slowest metabolisim they had ever seen and he would have to stay under 1000 calories a day to even see results. He said he had always struggled with weight and he weighed 76 lbs in 1st grade and was up to 90 something by 2nd grade. He has lost down to 340 now because he had surgury about 18 months ago but he almost lost his ability to walk. He couldn't even move his toes for a long time but now can walk with crutches.


    Kimmers- You probably won't check in now that vcay is so close but WE WILL MISS YOU and your little list too (said in her wicked witch from Oz voice.) lol


    Rach-I only watched part of the Biggest Loser. I was not very happy with how they did the first show. I mean I know they are making tons of money making the show so I think they should have took all of those they picked to the ranch. I can only remember that man that kept falling on his face and then lost really that was just mean if you ask me. I hope this show is not going to be making a lot of changes like American Idol because I really lost all desire to watch it the last few years. But I admit Biggest Loser is usually a big motivater for me. Something about watching it while you are on the treadmill makes you want to swing your arms a little faster.


    Kim #2- I am glad you got those lbs back off. Good job jumping back on board after being off just a couple weeks. Sweets and holidays is something I am dreading to.


    As far as me I have walked 5 miles in the last 3 days. Glad that my shows have started back up since I have an excuse to do some work while watching my shows.

  5. Jess- Sorry about the bad luck with the scale. It can be very depressing. Good job with the soda thing. I am still doing awful with that. I don't think I have ever struggled this much with sodas. I have been doing some kick boxing at my house. I like it and it doesn't take a lot to make you feel it either.


    Brooke- Just make the most out of your birthday. I remember the last party I had for me was when I was 16. Now its all about JC since we have the same birthday. I love for my husband to rememeber me but other then that its just another day. Of course next year will be a sad one because my Nana always called on my Bday. As a matter of fact, she went into the hospital just 3 days after my bday and I was still real sick the week before that so I didn't see her on my bday and after she passed away and we were at her house we found a bday card with my name on it. It was a great card to it talked about the past, the present, and the future. I have it put up. I can't believe that you are actually going to get to go on another cruise before I go on mine. You might actually get another in there after that too. :p It's a lot harder to budget for a cruise for 6 people. I know you do Carnival cruises so I was wondering if you have noticed them going up in prices? I had priced a cruise on the Dream and then decided to go with Royal even though it was more $. Then yesterday I was doing some pricing things for my Dad and noticed that the cruise on the dream is now more $ then the one on Royal.


    Rachel- Sounds like you are having a blast getting ready for your trip. I have never been to France although I am not one who really wants to travel overseas that much. I would like to go to Austalia one day though.

  6. Brooke- So glad that you did well with the blood work. I have heard of people using metformin before for weight lose. Well only one the other peoeple I know on it it's for actual blood sugar control. The other girl is 18 and has down syndrome and her drs are always monitering her weight because of the increased chance of heart issues I believe is what she says. She lost a big amount but her Mom also helps moniter what she eats so I am not sure if maybe she cut out the other stuff as well. My Mom in law had her dose increased to help with her diabeties and she lost like 30-40 lbs but has also been under a lot of stress so again don't want to make any promises but it does sound like something worth trying.


    I hope all your test come back with good results. By the way I hate hate hate nasal sprays it makes me so nausea's I could not imagine using one and then the dr saying oh all that was the wrong way try again:eek:



    Hope everyone else is having a great time.


    Kimmers- I am going to send you a message on facebook about some cruise info. I think I just realized that you and one of my great friends will be on a cruise at the same time.

  7. Ok girls I have missed you all soooo... My laptop charger was not working so I was using my hubbys laptop but could not remember the sign in info to get on here. lol


    Ok So I jumped on here to catch up and take a break and while doing it my oldest daughter comes in to tell me that she had to get off facebook because the neighbor kept iming her and asking if her son can come over for an hour to play. Then her son just starts knocking on the door and I sent him back home I thinking come on really I have never did that to anyone (not sure how I just changed the font but it looks neat lol) I think my house phone is in the other room ringing and I have no idea where my cell phone is MIA right now but I am not going to look for it. I know that I could just go find it pick up the door and just say NO but I am just not good at holding my ground with someone who is pushy unless I am really mad or really think the person has done something wrong to someone. I read all the posts but now my mind is just in disbelief in the whole thing. I know it doesn't sound like a big deal but have u ever met someone that just really wants more and more and more??? This is not the first not to mention she has walked in my house one time while I was giving the kids a bath and went into my fridge:eek::eek: She then comes down the hall and ask if she can have one and I am like OK then I ask my daughter how she knew that I had those drinks and she said oh she went and looked. Now this is not a close friend and I even watch what I say to my friends on my phone because she has told me that her baby moniters picks up my house. I am not making this up. I didn't even use baby moniters with my son as a baby because I knew she could hear everything that went on in my house. AND SHE WOULD LISTEN I PROMISE! She has called my house and asked my kids to run a drink over to her. Now I love people I really do and I really want to help others who need it but I am not talking about something like a coke no she always wants the more $$ things like my CHERRY AMP which is a splurge for me or my Starbucks Coffee which was another splurge and I would only drink like a 3rd of one. I have a family of 6 and a husband that has been unemployed since June 2008 and going back to school. Again I really do want to "help" people but if you can afford to buy smokes and stand out in the yard gossiping with anyone you can then leave me and my splurges alone. LOL Ok enough ranting and for those of you wondering I always gave her the drink she wanted and after the 1st Cherry Amp she told me yuck she didn't like it and dumped it down the drain.:eek:


    Ok later I will come back and be over my moment and get back to the point at hand. I might would have went to facebook and ranted in a "game" but she is probably waiting to see if I get online.

  8. Hello everyone. I have managed to workout today and yesterday so thats a plus. Trying to make some better choices but haven't done as good at that.


    Well the visitation was Tuesday night and there was over 1000 people that came.:eek: Just goes to show how you can be touching people lives and never know it. There was at least 500 at the funeral and I know this may sound very strange but it sure makes me ready to get up to heaven. This was a funeral like no other. It lasted 2 hours and touched so many people. Did make me take a look at my life and what I am doing to witness to others or increase the Kingdom of God. I am filled with the Spirit and even these pounds I need to lose can't bring me down.



    Hope you all have such a great afternoon.

  9. Hi girls another day where I am just not carig about foods diet etc... We were at the beach yesterday for a family vacation when we got word that my Mom's best friend since school daughter passed away. I mean I know death happens I have dealt with it a lot in the last few years it seems but this young girl was 30 years old. She was married and had a 2 and 3 year old daughter. It just seems unreal. She had surgury on Thursday for her tonsils and then dies in her sleep early Sat morning. So as if thats not enough to make you think about the value of life and how fast it is I see on facebook where someone who is a few years younger then me had her 1 month old daughter die in her sleep. :(:( How do you deal with all that. I praise the Lord for my childrens health and just have to remember that I will never understand why things like this happen. There is a song (you know I am a song girl) that's called "Broken Hallajuah" (spelling all wrong lol) and that's really how I feel. The girl that passed away was in my wedding but time has took us in different directions and I didn't even know this young mother who lost her child but my heart truly breaks for these families. We took some food over but I was not one who was blessed with words to say for comfort but that I am praying for you.


    On a side note the 30 year old that passed away had her last facebook post on Wednesday the day before her surgury and it was "Falling in love with my Savior" Those are powerful last words to be left on your facebook if you ask me.


    Hope everyone has a good labor day and remember be SAFE and let those you love know it. Don't wait till they are no longer hear to let others know how you felt.

  10. Brooke so sorry things have took such a turn to Stressville lately. Of course your next cruise will be here before you know it. lol


    Still not feeling great. I have a nasty taste in my mouth that is lingering from my stomach virus. On a happy note I am 2 lbs lighter.

  11. No exercise or good choices today. Stomach virus going around my house so its simply whatever I think I can eat I will try. Although besides coke (which mostly get watered down and thrown out) haven't really felt like much today. We are suppose to go to the beach this weekend but right now my house is a mess and nothing is packed so praying I feel 100% better tomorrow.


    We can all do this girls! We just have to remember why it is we wanted it in the first place.

  12. Morning! It so nice to see your food lists again Kimmers. I had an ok weekend outside of a lady at my husbands family reunion (whom I didn't even know her name) tell me how little I was THE LAST TIME SHE SAW ME:eek: What do you say to that????


    Anyway weekend eating was not good but today will be better. I am going to do better today. I walked 2 miles already this morning.


    Hope everyone has a great week.

  13. Afternoon everyone! I just got done with a workout 4th day in a row. I did have a cherry Amp this morning then ran (drove) around town taking care of some things but when I contemplated skipping my workout I thought about the extra 200 calories I had with my Amp and made myself do it. I didn't actually have the "extra" calories this morning because I realized I skipped breakfast. It wasn't till 10:30 that I realized it and boy my tummy was letting me know. lol


    So for today I have had a can of soup which was 140 calories total and my cherry amp. Tonight I am planning to stay strong we are having a little suprise bday party for my uncle with fried chicken and cake. I am going to allow myself a small piece of cake or either pick a kind that I don't like and skip the chicken. Had my cereal the last 2 nights for bedtime so that is my plan for tonight. I know that some are against cereal for supper but it really helps me sleep better because sometimes I will overeat or eat something that is harder to digest and my sleep is not as good. Plus I wake up feeling thinner even if I am not. That mind is a funny thing. I will wait about a week before I get on the scale and hope to see at least 2 lbs gone. My husband and I have a goal this month for him to lose 15lbs and me to lose 5. I am still trying to add some different things to our foods of choice and the seasoned black beans were ok. Most everyone ate their share.


    Brooke- Man I hope they give you a bonus for all this extra moving stuff you do.


    Rach- I will ask you about the bellpeppers recipe again one day when I want to cook it. My husband said he would try it. No to just convince the kids. They like most veggies but not sure that they will welcome that change.


    Kimmers- I really would have starved if I tried that one chopstick thing. Esp with soup for lunch. Maybe thats how I should eat my cake tonight.


    Kim#2- I understand the gain and lose gain and lose routine all to well.


    Kim#1- Hope you are getting plenty of baby time. I got to keep my neighbors 2 months old Sat while they were grilling outside and it was so nice getting to rock her.


    Jess- Hope you are feeling better.

  14. Since I left my kids story about what they say that makes you want to crawl in a hole I thought I would post a funny story about what JC said yesterday.


    I was doing an exersice dvd and JC was "trying" to do it with me and they lady says think about that bikini bottom that is the area we are working on with this move. JC says "I'm not going to think about bikini bottoms I am going to think about swim trunks." I say "OK". Then about 10 seconds later he goes "I am going to think about my Thomas ones." It was all I could do not to fall over from laughing. He was so serious.


    I worked out for the 3rd day in a row so I am proud of myself for that. I also got on the scale and I have gained back all the weight that I had lost to the exact amount but was very happy that it wasn't worse. I was praying a lot before I got on there and was so thankful when I stepped off.


    I do have an opinion ? though.


    I don't like coffee and I really need a little something to help me in the mornings. I usually do good with sugar free redbull no calories and gets me going but for whatever reason it just doesn't taste good anymore. I really really really love Cherry Amp but it is 200 calories but just the thought of it makes me jump out of bed so I can have some. Do you think I should just keep forcing down the Redbull or give into the Cherry Amp and know that it is adding on 200 calories to my day? I am kinda torn about it. I made some good and some bad choices yesterday but I am going to focus on the good ones that I made and try to make even more good ones today.

  15. Ok Rach what is an Orangina? I have no clue. I tell you soda and anything CHERRY like cherry limeade, shirley temple is a big downfall for me. If your friend has any ideas on how to make a shirley temple with less calories let me know. I am sure using diet sprite would help but most resturants don't have that. Congrats on the weight loss.


    Someone on my FB went to a trainer yesterday and he posted that he wasn't to eat redmeat because it takes longer to digest and the longer it takes the more fat you are absorbing. I am going to think about that when making my choices.


    Jess finding a dr you like is a wonderful feeling. Hope you get to feeling better fast.


    Brooke Have you always had to run around town for work or is this something new or like a one time favor thing? They sure are keeping you busy lately.


    All you KIMS have a great day! LOL

  16. openhouse at the school tonight and leave it to dear Natalie to embarass the snot out of me. First, I have to admit that I like to look at photos even if I don't really know the people or if I want to know more about them. Well I was looking for my sons teacher on there because her 2 year old has cancer and I was wanting to see how she was doing while on hers I saw Natalies teacher. I made the mistake of showing Natalie her teachers dog and she goes to school and tells the teacher. :oThen we go to Ellens room and see the lady who takes the kids photos and our family photos and Natalie asks her if she's having a baby.:o:mad: Let the little faces say it all. SHE is NOT having a baby and just tells Natalie she is bloated so now Natalie keeps saying that she is loaded.:eek: I am always worried when we are out in public because you never know what she is going to say.:eek:


    All last week the Lord was dealing with me because he has been telling me something to do and I was not doing it. Well early last week it got to the point I was just crying and praying and telling the Lord to help me and you know what He said. "WHY YOU ARE NOT LISTENING TO ME ANYWAY!" It got to the point that I was driving down the road all by myself and had to say out loud. "OK GOD I AM GOING TO DO IT!" Well I did what He said and realized that I was hardening my heart to him for not being in His will the last few months so hopefully everything else will now get back on track and I fell a lot lighter already.;)


    I am just ready for bed. Goodnight all!

  17. Morning everyone. Congrats to all those who lost weight and made better choices for themselves. I have made some big desicions of some things I need to change and plan to do them but they are more spiritual and emotional changes so hopefully the peace I receive from them will lead to better food/workout choices.


    Have a great weekend!

  18. Morning everyone. Taking the easy way out and saying ditto to everything Brooke said. She's so smart.



    Brittany's arm is fine but has been diagnoised with a TMJ disorder and we are having trouble with getting a dr because the insurance no longer covers anything for a TMJ disorder. Who decided that a child in pain has to deal with it because they don't want to cover it. It's not plastic surgury or anything. Seems stupid to me but I have a feeling its going to get a lot worse. I think soda and sugar are bad for you but I think it is against our freedom to have an pay a special tax for them. They have not started that in my state but I am sure it will get around to everyone. One day you will probably have to pay a special tax on going to the bathroom. Sorry just a little rant because I am frustrated about the stupidity of them not covering something that is painful for a child but we have tax money going to a study about monkeys on crack???? Who cares it's an illegal drug if you break the law and use it find out on your on dime what will happen to you.


    Richard and I have talked about maybe getting some chickens and raising them for eggs but that will be a while before we make that move.


    Have a great day everyone.

  19. Morning ladies!!:) Today is the kids first day of school. They got up way to early and Natalie is already getting hyped up.:mad: I hope the excitement wears off a little bit and she can settle down.


    I am going to start doing some workouts today. My goal right now is just 30 mins everyday. I am going to start walking later on in the year but not right now. Hopefully the routine with school will help me get on a schedule myself. Lord knows I need it something awful:(.


    Have a good day and be safe.

  20. Yippie to new people!!!!!


    I am hoping that my husband and I can get motivated together. We had a contest last year before our cruise and I stomped him!!!!! I really need to get it together. I have been TERRIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I AM going to do better. JC will have afternoon session for 4k but I am praying that I will still get in a good workout routine without the other kids home. I want to lose 20-40 lbs by next Dec 2011. I know its managable but I just have to get to it.


    Brooke maybe we could try you slapping me again??? Or Mrs C I think you may be the one that lives the closest to me so would you mind taking a really long jog and come here and slap me back to reality.:p

  21. kimmers- A spa day sounds wonderful. I am off to Charlotte again on Friday and my body feels ROUGH! Isn't your cruise comig up as well?


    Kim #1- I will try and remember that so Mrs C for now!!! I am jealous of a Sept cruise :( Have a great time.

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