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Posts posted by RARcruise

  1. Merry Christmas Jess! Sorry I missed you before you left. Have a great vacation form work.



    Merry Christmas as well to everyone else. I had a great date night with my honey but ate to much. I am just praying to God that he will help me get right back on track on Sunday!!



    I can't wait to have Christmas at my Mom's today. Praying that it is not nearly as stressful as last week.

  2. Jess- It sounds like you are really getting into the kickboxing. I enjoy what I do at home but thats is probably different because I don't have others around me to make me kick it up a notch. Good luck with the Christmas party today (at least I think it is today)


    Brooke- I still have not faced the scale so you are doing better then me on that part. I am going to wait a little while still before I get on. I am feeling better still so that must mean something is going right. lol When is/was your last day of work for the holidays?>

  3. Morning ladies! I am under the one year mark till my cruise. I am looking forward to it. I did fairly well yesterday. I had some rum cake but I only have the chance to get it every few years. So for lunch I had a small piece and some raw veggies then I had a small piece during the day while we were opening presents then for supper I had a little bit of dressing and a bite of honey ham. So I think considering all the desserts and foods we had I still did well. I could have really overdone it since the stress factor was about an 8 out of 10. Plus I was running around helping my Mom get the rest of her stuff done. That included at least 12 times going up and down the stairs.


    Christmas #1 went well yesterday. A lot of work leading up to it but it was nice. We also went Christmas caroling Friday and Saturday night as a family. One house was at a 28 year old on a breathing machine because of Lou Gerrets (not spelled right) it was very sad. She is not even able to wipe the tears off her face but when her Mom started crying as well it was hard not to join them. Another house was a dear friend of my Nana's who passed away this year and I will admit the tears did come then. You don't think about all the things you will miss when somebody passes like the way my Nana would say my name when she was suprised about something. I would just love to hear that again.


    Christmas party today for the kids and then tonight for our youth group and our couples class but I think I will be able to handle it. It is easier there because I usually don't eat their anyway. Christmas again at my sister-in-laws on Tuesday with my Richards mom. She is having chili so that will be another easy one to pass on. Shopping on Monday to finish getting a few gifts for the kids since my Mom gave us money for Christmas:D Helping Mom all day Wednesday getting ready for Christmas eve at her house. Thursday is my 11th wedding anniversary so I will have some red lobster that night thanks to a gift card. We will have take out because the area is to crowded for eating out the night before Christmas Eve. Christmas eve should be easy again having the turkey, dressing, etc dinner so I will probably go for a little dessert and call it done. Christmas day Richard is cooking steak so I will have some of that. Yummy!! Over all I think I can get through the holidays with out getting to out of control.


    Hope everyone has a great week.

  4. Brooke- I hope mother nature leaves you soon altough she will be finding me:mad: I can't wait to hear ifyou went on the blind day.


    Jess- I am sure that your parents understand. I would love to get my parents something nice one day but this is not the year. lol


    I am still doing pretty good. Sneaking bites of stuff that I am cooking but at least not over eating it like I was last month.


    We have a little bit of snow coming down and the kids think that it is a blizzrd. LOL


    Have a great week and everyone try to stay warm

  5. Jess- I think you are getting the REAL Christmas spirit now! That is what is really important. Your friends and family that love YOU will understand what you can and can't do. I understand that it is stressful thinking about money at Christmas. They just cut off Richards unemployment so now I am thinking ok I have not finished the kids Christmas. I do not think that I usually go overboard on them but with 4 kids it is still spendy. My sister and her ex husband have spent $600 on their one child:D:D:D That to me is just crazy. If they were both super rich it would be one thing but just 2 months ago she was going to be evicted. Thats my rant. I just keep reminding myself that time and values is the most important thing to pass on. This will not be the first time that Christmas "looked" very small at our house but I am very thrilled that my children didn't really even seem to notice. That makes me just as happy as spending $$$$ on them, maybe even moreso. Christmas to me is about Joy in the Lord and Love (not gifts) for others. I think it is so wonderful about the makeup and stuff. I bet that family will remember this Christmas forever.


    Have a great day everyone!

  6. Good morning all! It is a very cold one around hear. Yesterday I had Jury duty then got picked for all 3 trials????? Thanks the Lord they kind of giggled and excused me for the last one so I didn't have to do all 3 trials. I spent 4 hours at the court house yesterday and get to report back at 8:45am on Thursday. :rolleyes:


    This time of year gets so busy. I keep thinking ahead of what all I have to do and then just stop because it makes me get a little nutty.


    I hope all is well with everyone and that you are all getting in the Christmas spirit. :D

  7. Hi girls,

    Sorry its been a few days my computer got hit by a virus again:mad: I have a good security package on it but the dumb thing still got it. When we ran all the scans it said everything was fine but stuff kept popping up and then the last time I was on it a horrible naughty site popped up. I was down with it after that. Thank God one of the kids was not on there when that happened. My husband was making fun of me and asking me what I have been looking at on the internet but I know that I haven't been looking at anything close to that and my kids are too young to be searching for stuff like that. They don't even know about the birds and the bees. LOL


    Brooke- I can not wait to hear about the blind date. It sounds so interesting. I have never been on a blind date. I pray to the good Lord that I never have to go on a first date again. My husband is a little crazy but I love him:)


    Jess- When Richard and I first dated he worked out of town so we only saw each other about 8 times before we got married. Of course it was 11 months of dating so that means many phone calls. I think you can get to know someone better when you have to talk more then see each other on person on a date.


    Well on the weight issue I have not weighed but I feel a lot better. I am getting up earlier in the morning I have a lot more energy and keeping the house clean day and night. Not an easy task with 6 people living hear. I have not missed one day of working out in the mornings. Its only 12-15 mins but I am putting my all in it. I am burning more calories during the day as well because I am keeping busy. I am not sure when I will actually get on the scale because I don't want it to depress me and get me off track. I am going to try and do good Christmas but I do plan to eat out with my husband for our anniversary Dec 23rd. It will be 11 years!!


    Hope everyone has a great week!

  8. Brooke did you see where weight watchers is changing up some of their points esp on things like fruits and veggies? Sounds interesting! Your cruise is coming up soon!


    Jess- I hope things have settled down for you and your family. I know what you mean about stress with family. This is a strange year to say the least.


    Kimmers- Where you at girl???


    Ashley- Are you feeling better? I know some around hear are keeping this junk for a while.


    Kim- Are you back in the swing of reality or does your mind still seem to dream of the ship?

  9. Hope you all had a great Thanksgiving. We have been cleaning like crazy to get the kids room and the clothes out of the attic. :eek: Not fun at all but it is almost complete. I just wanted to check in real quick and say hey.


    I didn't do as good as I wanted but overall I still did pretty good with the foods around me. I also did my workout every morning!:D

  10. Good Morning everyone. Today we start the chore of cleaning out the kids rooms:eek: I pray to have a very very productive day so that we will have all this behind us. I keep telling Brittany we have to start with a good attitude or it will just make it worse.


    Hope everyone has a WONDERFUL Thanksgiving! Please no one get attacked in the black Friday shopping trips. I do not plan to be apart of it:cool:

  11. Kim- Glad that you had a great time! Welcome back.


    Brooke-It's always fun to hang out with the Grandparents. I know I miss mine. I have 1 grandparent left and don't really get to hang out with her much because my uncles or either on drugs or alcholics and whenever we go over their are tons of people that we don't know, enough smoke to kill us all, it's almost like a fog in there. I hate that things aren't different but there is not much we can do. We did take a box of food and a turkey over there for them to cook for Thanksgiving.


    Jess- How are things going this week? I hope you are feeling better.


    What is everone's plans for Thanksgiving? We are going to go down to the firestation and serve meals to the needy for a couple hours then we are having dinner at my Mom's. There is some family drama this year so if you would pray that everything goes peacefully it would be great.


    I have not had a coke in over a week. I worked out for the 3rd morning in a row and have been making good choices this last week. It feels nice just saying that. I am still planning to be strong on Thanksgiving and on Friday its right back to my normal routine.


    Have a great day!:D

  12. Ashley- Sorry I forgot your name and hopefully it won't happen again. lol


    Brooke- Drive carefully and enjoy your grandparents,. I am really missing mine right now. I was in such a mood yesterday that I just drove to the cemetary and had a good cry. The holidays will be rough but I know they are hard for my Mom and her sibings too.


    Jess- Good luck with the manfriend. LOL I can not imagine trying to watch all the movies at the same time. My husband took Brittany and a couple friends to meet a boy at the movies with his friends and since she can't really date he stayed at the movies. It was onbe of the HP (by the way it took me a while to figure out what you were talking about and realize it was not a computer:o) It was one of the HP movies that came out in the summer of 2009 and he was miserable. He kept going out the theater and playing games or calling me to tell me how much he hated the movie. He is not into those kind of movies but I can get him to watch "chick flicks" with me so I am going to keep him.


    Today was another rough one. I could sit and list all my gripes but I won't but I will say how much having the children on medicaid aggrevates me. I am thankful that they have coverage because I haven't in like 4 years. BUt they make me so mad. First I find out that Brittany has a TMJ disorder this was the very same day that she was realeasd from the doctor after her shoulder surgury. Well I start calling around to find a dr that a)takes medicaid and b)handles TMJ I finally reach someone who tells me that medicaid will no longer cover anything dealing with TMJ so not I have to watch my child be in pain because we can not afford the large fee for a dr to help her. That is not fun and now she has developed migraines and I can't help but think they are related. 2) Natalie's dr changed her medicines and she had a 2 week sample kit that built up to the milligram that she needed. I called the dr we talked about what to keep her on and then they were going to call in the meds. This was on Tuesday. Yesterday afternoon I call the pharmacy and they tell me they don't have anything for Natalie. Fine she would just not get her meds this morning I would call the dr today and all will be well. I call talk to a young lady who said she would check into it. Calls me back to tell me that Medicaid is denying the med until the dr shows them that it is needed. That really makes me mad. They said it could take weeks before they decide so now Natalie is off all meds and she is very hyped up. It just makes me mad that someone in an office that most likely doesn't have medical training can decide what my child needs without see her. I am trying to remember to be grateful but today has really put me in a mood.


    My honey had to make a trip tp MD and will get home late tonight and I am really looking forward to his hug when he gets home.

  13. Hey ladies. Sorry I haven't been on today. I'm sick with a sore throat and fever... :( Yuck. The only good thing I can see about this is that I have no appetite..... but, this isn't exactly the way I wanted to lose weight. :P


    Hope you all are doing well! I'll post more when I start feeling better.



    Hope you feel better soon! I also can not remember your name. LOL



    Yesterday was yuck and today it seems the hits keep coming but I haven't went to any of my comfort foods:) I am going to just keep saying Jesus Jesus Jesus because I know that at the mention of His name the enemies will have to leave.


    Hope everyone has a great day!

  14. Hi Ladies! (and any secret guys checking in)lol


    Isn't it so neat to see that we can all be having the same feelings when we all have such different lifes? I think that is neat.


    Well so far so good the last few days with the dieting. I have not managed to get real exercise in but I have been doing a lot of running around, cleaning, moving furniture so I think I probably burned some calories. I do not feel as bloated and miserable so that is a plus and I have managed to turn down many foods that I normally would love to have. I know that the holidays are going to be hard but I am going to try and stick to making good choices (thanks Brooke). I already know that I am going to be the one to make the pumpkin pies and I do plan on doing that with some of the fat free choices. I am not going to tell the others and they will never know. LOL Throwing a shower this weekend but its with a bunch of people I don't know and I am going to be helping Brittany "host" clean etc co I think it will not be that hard to skip the party food.


    Brittany is turning 15 Sat.:eek: No cake though because she is going to be going to a lock in on Friday night and then we will have some cake at the shower.


    Gotta run ladies the laundry needs to be folded and I am going to do that before I go pick up JC.

  15. Brooke- I understand completely and hate that you are feeling that way. I hope it gets easier for you fast rather then slow. I am sure that with each other we will get over this. I know that I think about it a lot these days. It really stinks but I admit I am glad that I am not the only one. I could fuss and say you are setting yourself up for disaster blah, blah, blah. It's nice though that we can be honest about our feelings and just say today I feel like a loser (not in the good way) and I am mad at myself for getting this way again.


    I say we set a small goal to make one good choice and stick with it. Mine is still go to be drinking no coke. I haven't had one in 2 days but it is still very hard. I challange you to set aside 15 min thinking about all your good qualites. You are strong, obviously a hard worker, smart, dedicated young lady, a great friend, a good sister, a good daughter, care about others and get to go on a cruise in Jan! (and you have great makeup skills)

  16. If I ever start losing again instead of gaining I will post it but right now the scale is not my friend. I am trying so hard right now because my weight gain has me very depressed. It is possible to be blessed and depressed at the same time. I don't want to focus on the negative because it really gets me down and I don't see the point in it.

    I want to lose this weight that I have gained so bad. It is starting to be on my mind more and more. I hate to even sleep in the bed with my husband because I feel so YUCK. I know that is not healthy to feel but it is true. I AM GOING TO WIN THIS! Well with a lot of prayer I will. LOL


    Treadmill is not working right for some reason and getting a new one is not an option for now but I feel that I have proven that I use one because I know I walked over 1500 miles on mine so I will put a little more money the next time I buy one but that will probably be 6 months to a year since I am not sure when my husband will get a job and I have a cruise for 6 people to pay for before next Oct. Richard does graduate in DEC! I am looking forward to the next phase. I pray he finds a job that makes him happy and makes us comfortable. We have our house and cars paid for and I am not looking for getting "rich" just to be able to pay bills and do a few extras with the kids, a vacation every year or so. I guess I should be putting money into saving for the kids as well. ;)

  17. Hi Ladies!! My name is Ashley and I just stumbled across cruise critic the other day.... I've actually never been on a cruise, but am considering going on my first one next fall :) I also wanted to join in on this discussion! I really want to lose weight.... and losing weight before my first cruise would be GREAT:) I could definitely use the accountability, etc. offered here. Hope you don't mind if I join in! :D



  18. I just got Brittany tickets to a special benefit concert by Lady Antebelum (spelling?) They are going to be in concert Nov 17th and I tried to get tickets but they sold out in like 2 min. Well both of the guys are from Augusta so they are going to be having a special concert to raise money for MCG and I scored three great seats. So she will get to see them 5 days before her birthday, we have great seats, she will miss half a day of school because its a 12:30 in the afternoon, I got all three tickets for $39.00, and it benefits a local hospital. My butt may still be big asa cow but I am going to win mommy of the year at my house;)

  19. Jess- Hope your day was better today.


    Brooke- Hope your feeling well and you have some "STATUS changes" u need to feel us in on.


    Mom is getting better and life is going ok. I am trying to focus on the fact that I have 4 healthy kids and a husband that I know loves me and would never physically harm me.


    Please pray for a close family member of mine she is in an abusive situation and still seems drawn to him. If she takes him back she will lose her kids and I am scared that this could turn into one of those lifetime movies where the girl ends up dead or missing.

  20. Brooke and Jess, I hope you both feel better soon.


    Mom has been admitted into the hospial so that is where I have been since yesterday morning.


    Haven't done much execise but I have done pretty good eating wise and haven't given into any coke since I have been hear. I did have some pink lemonade because I didn't want any caffeine.

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