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Posts posted by RARcruise

  1. I have looked around for a couple hours and can't find an exact answer in one place. I have two different rooms on hold right now and trying to decide between which one to go with. We are a family of 5 and I am trying to decide between the Royal Family suite and the family oceanview stateroom. The suite is more than double the price so I would need the benefits to be worth it. My kids ages are 13, 11, and 8.


    Thanks for any advise.

  2. Jess- Wonderful about the weight loss. I know that this has to really help kick the motivation up a notch. Hope things at work get busy.


    Brooke- I know what you mean about cruise dreaming. I keep thinking of all the things that I would be researching right now if things had gone as planned. Esp since I just found out that Richard could have went on the cruise because he gets 1 week off every 6 months. Its a use it or lose it thing.


    Rach- I am not a party host type of person. It seems like so much work to me but my Aunt loves it.


    I haven't been on this week but I lost another lb. I would have like to see more but it is a loss. Hopefully Monday will bring good numbers.


    After Mon I am really planning to kick up the workouts. Thanksfully I have soooo much cleaning to be done around my house I will have to see lots of calories burned.:p

  3. I am down 3 lbs!! I will admit that I am feeling a little hungrier today but other then that doing well. I didn't use but a 5th of my weekly bonus points last week. Some nights I have to make myself eat more to get my points in. I have been doing a little bit of exercise everyday.


    Hope everyone is doing well.

  4. Hi girls,


    Kim- Just wanted to say sory again about your Dad. I imagine that it is harder dealing with all the emotions of not being in each others life. I am glad that you got the chance to learn about your family medical history and know things to look forward to in life. You can't help but feel sorry for someone who ended his life with no family. March 31st was the year date of my Nana's passing and she was surrounded by family on all 3 sides of her bed when she passed not to mention the family that couldn't handle staying at the hospital and wanted to wait at home. Your Dad missed out on you and your kids and that can never come back. Life really is a hugh part of what we make it.


    Jess- You really must have got a wonderful deal on your new car. Glad that you finally got something new and I think it was a great idea to get the extended warrenty.


    Brooke-I know you want to be a good example for your aunt but just remember some may not want to follow your lead but you can do with or without them. I am sorry for all your aunt's health trouble. I imagine that she sees lots and lots of dr's for all that.


    Rach-Sounds like things are going well. Good job on almost being at your goal.


    I have done well all week on my points. I am eating fruit for all my snacks since they are 0 points. Needless to say I am getting all my fruits and veggies in. 2 days I fell asleep and didn't get my points in. I was just to tired to get anything else. I have only used 4 points of my weekly points. I can honestly say that my back was feeling much better after just 2 days. I think the fact that I am not bloated and going to sleep with a stuffed stomach helps with that. I have even walked 3 times for 30 minutes and I am planning to do another 30 in a little bit. I will weigh again Monday and praying that I see a difference because it will truly help but even if I don't I know I feel better. I haven't had coke in a week. I am very proud about that. I did drink some Cherry 7up to help me reach my points. I will keep you updated. By the way, I am not doing the meetings just using my hubby's stuff. He is enjoying his new job and I am counting down till tax season is over. April is getting so busy already.


    Have a great weekend ladies!

  5. Hello all,

    I hate catching up on so many posts at one time because then I forget everything I wanted to reply. lol


    First, I hope all of you start feeling better from your soreness and sickness. I know how hard it is to be feeling so sore and still want to get past it. I have felt like someone has kicked me over and over in my sleep for weeks now and I know its all because of added weight and not enough exercise.


    Second, I think all of you are doing great with your accompishments.


    Jess- Can't wait till you are able to get your own car. I know that you will be so excited. I think it is good that you are trying different ones out and making sure that you feel comfortable in them.


    Brooke- Allergies are a problem for me too. My kids pediatrition makes his own honey but my main problem is getting myself to eat it everyday.


    Rachel- Wow a trip to Turkey sounds fun. Hope the work will not be too much stress and you enjoy all your time over there.


    I am playing around with this new WW points plus thing for the next few weeks then after tax season ends (only 16 more working days!!!!!!!!!!!) I will get real strict with it. I think it will be easier for me because my husbands stepmom and 3 stepsisters are doing it, as well as, my bestfriend for the last 15 years is doing it as well. I am not going to any meetings but just doing the points thing. It is taking me a while to get use to the fact that you do not count calories just fat, carb, sugar, and fiber. I think I am really going to enjoy the free points with the fruits and veggies that they give you. I really want one of the calculators because it is easier for me but they are on backorder because of all the people who have signed on with the new system. I did find out that my Cherry Amp is 6 points but I am going to use my weekly bonus points which is now 49 instead of 35. My goal is not to weigh until after tax season. I hope that work is not to hard. I hate the fact that we have no freezer because I would love to be able to drink my tea with splenda but I can't handle it without the ice. I have turned down so foods in the last few days so thats a start. The greatest part is that I have been craving salad this last week but the bad news is that because of all this pollen I feel like I have morning sickness at least a few days a week that lasts all day. YUCK!


    Richard starts his new job tomorrow. Thank you Jesus. 2011 seems to be going better then how it started. I am still pretty sure that I am going to have to cancel my cruise but haven't actually done it yet. I am feeling a little better about it though.

  6. Hi girls. Just a quick check in. Seems like you girls are sticking with it! I am NOT doing good at all. Richard is starting the new weight watchers system so I think I am going to do it with him. Hopefully by Mid May I will feel better even if I haven't lost a lot of weight yet.


    Richard got a call from a company that he interviewed with last week. They asked him if he was still interested and that he should hear something by the end of the week. My sister worked in human resources so I called her and told her what they said and she said it sounds very good esp since they called him. SO we are just praying about it.


    Hope everyone is having a great evening/

  7. Jess- I would totally be upset if my family members did that. My sister weighs at least 100 pounds more then me when I am at my biggest size and I would never do something like that. If she ask me questions or something I would tell her different things I have tried or whatever. I do tell my brother stuff about what he eats. He is not overweight but being 40 and already has 4 stints he has to be very careful about what he eats and you better believe I fuss if he smokes even one. He is not married and is raising his 2 daughters so he has to be healthy but even then I am never mean about it. If he had a wife to nag him I might not but every man needs some woman to nag them lol


    Brooke- Great advice you sounded do professional and right to the point. My husdand loves getting new phones. I hate it because then I lose my ringtones.


    All you girls are doing good at making steps forward I think we all are,


    If you could pray that Richard finds a job at home where he is not working out of town I would really appreciate it. It has been hard on me, him, the kids, our marriage, relationships in his family because that is who he is working for now. I know that God has something in store for us but this waiting game is hard but I guess because I am relying on the Lord more and more that is what I am suppose to be learning in this trial of our life.


    Men are crazy and its hard sometime to find that one that was created just for you but when you do just love them and never let them go. I am in Charleston this weekend to spend some time with Richard. He is working both nights I am here and will sleep most of the day but just being able to see and hug him and get to lay with him in the same bed is worth spending most of the time shutup in a hotel by myself most of the time. My sister lives here in but I haven't called her to tell her that I am in town because this weekend is really all about my marriage.;)

  8. sorry ladies to be quick. I had a very very very rough day today. I am not going to put it all on hear because its the internet but I really was in a situation where my whole world could have been turned upside down. I prayed and had a few family members praying and things turned out much better then they could have. I am still going to have some rough days ahead but praying things continue getting better.


    My mind is not able to think straight so I will read about everyone's posts tomorrow.

  9. Hope all of you guys in the snow are nice and warm and SAFE. It has been in the 60's here this week.


    Jess- Call every week and ask them if they have had anyone cancel. Thats what my hubby did when he needed to see a specialist and he was able to see him about 2 months earlier then he was suppose to.


    Rach-I understand about things not going like you planned. It's a bummer.


    Brooke- I have a knot on my neck since last year and when I finally saw the dr about it he said I had gotten some infection at some point and the gland just didn't go back down but that it was no problem. It doesn't hurt unless I am messing with it. lol Now that I am not so scared about it I hardly even remember it is there. I was terrified that I was going to have cancer or something. I am pretty sure that when I got so sick last Feb that it happened then but with Nana being in the hospital all of March then passing away, then Brittany's surgury I just didn't notice it until May. Let me know what you chiro says about yours. Praying that it is the same thing or something equally nonimportant.


    I am up t0 664 minutes of working out. Doing so so with diet and darn my Mom for bringing me a biscuit every morning at work. i keep telling her that I don't need it but she's a mom so she can do it anyway. lol

  10. Morning ladies. Sounds like we are all happy for the weekend except Brooke I imagine that she is not happy and wanted last week to last forever.lol I don't blame her.



    Haven't exercised this morning but did well the rest of the week.


    Have a great day!

  11. Brooke-If you see this have a great time and if you get to meet up with Kim#1 tell her hello and good job with all that working out. I will be praying that everything works out wonderful for you.


    Jess- Sorry your week was so bad. I know that you normally help with your sister a lot so I imagine that it must have been something really big that happened. I am sorry that people think you are not doing your part. I hope it gets better and you stay safe in that weather.


    Rach- Good job. I will be honest you have a lot of foods on your healthly list that I will probably never try:o but I envy you for being able to do it. I had a stare down with my friend today when she was trying to get me to taste rutabegas. Good job on the weight loss. Glad that it turned out to be water weight.


    Kim- Glad you got to jump in here for a second. Come back soon.


    I am down another 1. Yay I am pretty sure that means 7 lbs since I last weighed which I can't remember when that was but I know it wasn't more then a month ago. I think it was about 3 weeks ago. This bad memory stinks.:confused: I am at 400 minutes. Some of my random number posts on facebook are starting to make people ask questions.

  12. Good morning:)


    I am down at least 1 lb maybe 6. lol I can't remember what my starting weight was. lol I think I am down 6 lbs so that is what I am going to go with. If I find that I am wrong I will let you all know. I know that it is a loss though! I want to lose 34 more pounds by the cruise and if I stick with it I know that it will happen. One thing is I don't want to have to spend money on new dresses etc. I am using the ones I have as a guide. 330 as far as minutes go and I think I am going to like the results versus the treadmill because I am getting a lot more toning in. I am trying to switch it up as much as I can because I don't want to burn out to soon.

    My neck and shoulder have been giving me a fit but I am rubbing them down and trying to push through it. I have to be very careful about how much I work my arms because for whatever reason they are so weak/sore. Brushing my hair at times really sends pain down my arms.



    Brooke- I know you must be excited because I have been looking around on the boards and I am excited and I have until Dec.:eek: You will probably go on another cruise after this one before I get to mine. lol



    Have a wonderful week ladies.

  13. Hi ladies! It's a little hard for me to jump on as much during tax season but I came and read up on everybody.


    Rach sounds like you are doing pretty good. Keep it up. I think your goal of when Biggest Loser ends is great. You can do a weigh in while they are! Maybe I will have to give myself a goal for then as well.


    Jess-Hope your week got better. It sounds like you have had some crazy mishaps although I imagine I would have laughed at you if I saw the hot chocolate thing. I am sure it was not funny to you but in my mind it was. Sorry.:o I totally understand about the meal mishaps. It is very annoying when that happens. We had snow hear as well. 3rd time in less then a year!!!! Hear in the south that is so not normal. We had snow days Mon and Tuesday which worked out well for us since my brother had a heart cath Tuesday. Poor guy now has 4 stents. He had a heart attack at 36 in 2007 and they put in 3 stints and now had to put in another. They actually had to use the paddles and shock him while they were in there so that has scared the mess out of him. I imagine it would anyone to be awake and hearing the Dr screaming at you to cough then blacking out and waking up 15 sec later to be told they had to use the paddles on you. The strangest part is that he is not really over weight. If he is its only a few pounds. He only smoke 2 cigs a day and just started eating junk again in the last few months. So basically he can not have any junk, NO smoking at all, and exersice often. Dr said we were passed some bad seeds in our genetics. It does seem to hit the men worse then the women in our family though. He is home and doing ok but sore now


    Brooke- Hope you are feeling better. Stomach virus is no fun for anyone. Glad that it was one of those quick ones that didn't make you feel like death like some do. I hope you are all ready for your cruise. The warm weather is going to feel so nice compared to everything going on around hear. TAKE LOTS AND LOTS OF PHOTOS PLEASE. And post them ASAP. We need to live through your photos for a while.


    I am up to 280 minutes of exercise so all on track there and the last couple days I have done well as far as eating goes.


    Have a great weekend ladies and stay safe

  14. SNOW DAY!!! This is the first time I can ever remember snow this many times in a year hear in the south. I am thinking that I am going to put the kids in Christmas sweaters and take them outside for our Christmas card photos for our cards in Dec. I forgot I was even typing we are back in side and no plans to leave again today. Walked about a mile or so to my brothers house and woke him up throwing snowballs at his window.:D

  15. Brooke- Hope everyone is doing ok with the loss of your brother's dog. I know that had to be very hard for them. We had to give away a couple dogs before and I cried so I can only imagine their pain.


    Jess- Hope you got your cake. Everyone deserves birthday cake. I did some kickboxing off a video yesterday and it does give you a little power feeling. :) Praying that everything gets better for you.


    Rach- I haven't been tracking any foods :eek: I should.


    As for me tax season has begone and it is soooooo hard to stay on track. I am working all day driving 100 miles everyday between going to work and schools and work, and schools etc. There is no freezer at work so no frozen meals or it would be so much easier.


    First let me say I did not reach my goal of 600 miles last year but I can't go back to that. So moving on to 2011


    I have 434 miles to Port Canaveral from my house. My treadmill is not working good anymore so I can't walk those miles. So hear is my insane (as my friend said) plan. I walked at a rate of 3.5 miles per hour. So that would have been 124 hours of walking. 124 hours=7440 minutes. So if I work out avg 22 minutes a day it will be like walking to the Port. So that is my plan right now I am at 140 minutes. Started Monday so I am on track. I am using videos so they range from 20, 24, or 30 minutes a day. I have to keep track on facebook because my memory will not be able to keep up. :p So you girls that are on there will be able to know what in the world the random numbers are. I decided not to do a count down to my cruise on there since we are all going this time. I wouldn't want to get robbed while I am on the seas. I still have over 340 days but I am still excited.


    Oh Brooke- I decided how I handle people on cruises I will just take out my jealousy by not talking to them the whole time they are on the cruise. LOL Get it I couldn't talk to them anyway!!!!;)

  16. Kim- I went to Ocho Rios and personally will NOT go back. It was a little scary to me and I do not like people hounding me about taxi's, shopping, etc. Even in stores around hear if a sales person is to pushy I leave. We did not do any excursions because we are laid back people most of the time. I am pretty sure we will not be doing any this time as well because a)my mom can't get around that easy and 2) excursions for 6 will be very $$$$. I did enjoy looking around the Georgetown. This time we are going to Georgetown and Cozumel (which is my favorite) I even went back to the port marketplace by myself to pick up a few more necklaces for my neices while Richard took a nap. That says a lot.lol The funny part is that after I bought the necklaces and was walking back to the ship I noticed a tag on it that says Made in China. LOL


    Jess-Good job over the holidays! Much better then me.


    Brooke-Trying to decide if I am going to talk to you because I am so jealous. Have fun planning and packing.


    Rach-Glad to see you back.


    Gotta run fill you in on myself later.

  17. Happy New Years everyone. The kids have had a stomach virus since Christmas night but praying everyone is well now. It was a very different Christmas and New Years will be the same way. Ellen went to NC with my Mom and Dad to see my mom's siblings and Richard is out of town helping his brother.


    This week has been BAD BAD BAD food wise. I did so good until Chrismas Eve and then the stress got to bad and bam I am in the same circle as before. Please pray that I will get backo on track next week when school starts.


    I never got around to telling everyone that Richard finished school. He is putting in for jobs and I am just believing that God will lead him to the right one at the right time. He is going to work with his brother out of town until then. I am thankful he is willing to do that for us even though I know he does not enjoy it.


    Hope everyone has great memories of Christmas and a very safe New Years! Please do not drink and drive and try to stay off the roads as much a possible this weekend. Our area has already lost 3 young lives since Dec 20th.

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