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Everything posted by SilvertoGold

  1. On the Noordam 7 day Alaska last autumn the Pinnacle Manager told us she was having a lot of problems, each night, every cruise, fitting in regular guests after all the HIA reservations. Encouraging families who might not otherwise bother with the specialty restaurants won't help.
  2. If you have internet on your cruise and have the inclination, a report on how the App works onboard would be highly appreciated! I can envision long lines a the Front Desk....... Have a really great cruise! Best wishes.
  3. Any ideas why you frequently have delays? You would be using the Domestic Terminal and not the International one. Do they share the same runways?
  4. JULIE: Thanks for your info. Have HAL FlightEase booked. This non-stop flight has a relatively good arrival times history. Scheduled for 10:30 am and usually arrives within 45 minutes. Wondering if anyone has flown into the International Terminal in Auckland - I am looking a this website and getting the idea of where our gate should be, as well as theluggage areas and the HAL reps.
  5. Thanks for the heads-up! Where were you flying from?
  6. Not for me either on 4.23.1 Been a long time now since I've seen a menu or wine list.
  7. Everyone: thanks so much for all the info! We're set, will take a some extras as DH sometimes wants more than one a day of each. It is really helpful to know HAL is still providing paper copies!
  8. This makes me feel better as we have 1 pm check-in. All this info is great: at least we will be prepared and possibly less frustrated :)
  9. I really hope you are correct. I have never experienced that bad a boarding! We have 1 pm and hope the crowds may have calmed down a bit by then. Amazing that they go through this ever two weeks or so for the main season, just with HAL, plus all the other lines. It does remind me of thinking that the staff changes weekly and they are starting from scratch each time without much training and plans! Thanks for your help. Very helpful!
  10. Are HAL ships still supplying paper copies of puzzles and crosswords on board? Thanks for any recent info.
  11. Thanks very much for this info. Very helpful! I had the feeling that NZ might be very strict:)
  12. Been there and done that. Not the solution. This appears to be a continuing problem, with a new glitch every time you try something new. I expect HAL will get this usable in time. Can't waste more time on this.
  13. Can anyone remember if the shoreside people are being very strict about check-in times. Ours assigned time is very late and we do not relish the idea of sitting in the cruises terminal for 2 hours right after a 14 hour flight. Any other info about how Auckland works the boarding would be appreciated, too.
  14. Not Guest Services, but tell them you want to see the IT person onboard. On the WC this person was helping pax fix their app problems, among other things.
  15. Never done the photos and would never bother. Last year at Canada Place there were problems with HAL taking the photos and they used old photos from our past cruises which were still in their computer system.
  16. No. Not something I have ever bothered with, but I tried jsut now. Another problem with this version!
  17. As you asked: my android phone just updated itself to 4,.23.1 No corrected itinerary, no menus for MDR, Pinnacle or Canaletto. Before, once I got 4.17 back by myself, I had the menus and the old itinerary, virtually everything. HAL is getting closer. I hope I get it all soon, or I will have to go back to 4.17 Thanks for your help :)
  18. So, should I bother to try the new 4.23.1? Will it do the same as 4.23 and not let me sign in?
  19. This is how we have been charged always. Price $200 x 18% = $236 - 50% of price (50% of $200 = $100) = $136 to charge. If all ship do it the"new" way it should be $200 - 50% = $100 + 18% = $118 We will be happy if our ship does it this new way :) About time, too.
  20. I did download 4.23 but it would not let me sign in, which rendered it totally unusable. So I went back to 4.17
  21. I had the same problem, the menus plus wine list were not showing for a day and a half. Then, it was all back, including our next cruise's events list (daily program)
  22. Insides are designated "I" down to "N" alphabetically. It is about price (more expensive down to less expensive) and of course location goes with that. Take a look at the deck plans on the HAL website for a good overview of it all.
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