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Posts posted by NIATPAC29

  1. Why do so many have to exhibit ocd when it comes to being connected to the net/social media. When you are on a cruise we do not care who ate what,who cut in line,hear your complaints,read you ask 'why is my dinner cold?". Oh gosh the buffet isnt good. Oh the ship has too many people,taking pics of others private moments, and on and on and on! Disconnect, take that internet iv out of your veins. Let it go people--stop the social media addiction now---step one is having the nerve to admit you have a problem !!

  2. to directly answer the question as the op actually intended to word it: Barring any flight delays you will absolutely have enough time to board.


    But to address the hyperbole of all the other responses: Cruise lines and travel agents regularly book flights arriving up until 1:00-1:30 for their clients leaving florida ports. Is it risky? No more so than a flight scheduled to arrive the same day at 9:00--as delays tend to cascade and are made up only after subsequent flights are cancelled. So in my book you are no more likely to have a problem reaching the ship than anyone else flying in the same day.


    And everyone barking the response that the only responsible thing to do is to fly in a day or more early needs to take into consideration how that is not always possible for those of us with job or family responsibilities that cannot be abandoned as early as one wants. In my case i flew from florida to embark a cruise in montreal the same day; the flight was delayed and did not arrive until almost 1:30--but the cruise line reps were still in the baggage claim waiting for the roughly two dozen cruisers on that flight. As long as you have entered your flight information into online check-in, and fully completed online check-in, you name is on the manifest and contrary to the urban legend repeated ad nauseum on these boards you will not be removed from the manifest by a certain deadline--as long as you show up before the gangway is pulled you will be on your cruise.

    sounds----uummm---fishy !!

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