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Posts posted by BosoxI

  1. Thanks everyone for the info.


    One last question. We have always paid for and taken the celebrity bus/shuttle so my experience with taxis is zero. I assume once we exit the terminal there will be a taxi queue we can get in to get a cab to the airport? Or is it a free-for-all?


    Just want to prepare myself for what I should expect.


    Thanks again.


    Yes, taxis are readily available and you should have no problem finding the queue. Sometimes, however, taxis might be a bit late in arriving but still no problem getting to the airport.


    We used to disembark ourselves quite frequently. As others have noted, the lines to leave the ship can be lengthy and on at least one occasion we had to disembark from a higher deck than we were first told. That was really terrible, as many passengers were physically incapable of easily carrying their bags up a flight of stairs. Had one tripped, it could have been tragic for all below. So, in the unlikely even such a deck switch does occur, be sure you can handle your luggage, if necessary

  2. Is it my misperception but it appears that the undercarriage is jammed against the ship's support and couldn't move further to the right. That's an Aqua cabin, is it not? I hope you at least got a very good price for it. Was it a guarantee? If not, it should have been. Or you should have been advised of the situation. I've read reviews of cabins near by that one and always had the idea that the equipment was not in the direct line of 1551. Apparently, not so. I would think the cabins on either side wouldn't have the best view, either.

    I never think about this equipment. Is it always returned to the same place when the work is done? Or does it remain at the far end after it makes it's run?

  3. I haven't worn a tux since chic night began, not because I don't want to, but because of the extra baggage, especially my dress shoes. We'll be on a B2B in December, and my wife has already addressed the issue. Twenty two days on board. This will be interesting. I'd love to wear it, if I could just have it appear magically in my stateroom.

  4. [quote name=stillhott;51497803


    if you don't eat it at home' date=' don't eat it on the cruise

    a cruise is not a free for all designed to have you at the trough stuffing your face because there is food available

    control yourself


    that is all[/quote]

    That is all? You've just ruined my cruise :eek:


    I WANT to eat the things I can't obtain at home. While I agree gluttony is never appropriate, a cruise is an escape from the ordinary and it should be enjoyed to the greatest extent possible. Health concerns aside, I say go for it and diet back at home

  5. Yes, it was an Aqua guarantee, available very briefly. No perks but the price was so low that perks are not a consideration. Plus, we get benefits from Elite+ status, so the perks are less important. I would gladly mention price but feel awkward doing so.


    Sounds like you got a great deal. Hope you can match it next year.

  6. I am not going to read through three pages of advice and I suspect someone has already offered what I'm about to say.


    Eating seems to take the blame for weight gain, but I swear in my case at least, it's the drinking that puts 8 pounds on me on a ten day cruise. I drink so much more on a ship than I do at home, not out of gluttony but because it's so readily available at all times and places. I rarely have any alcohol at lunch when at home and never at breakfast. But the Elite breakfast makes a nip very accessible and a beer at lunch isn't a big deal, is it? And then there are the liquor packages. But OTH it's a few days out of the year and you've paid handsomely, so why not let 'er rip? Weight quickly gained comes off quickly, too. Right?

  7. Which cruise are you on and what type of cabin? I am looking for a good deal for next year.


    An S1 on the 12/10/17 Eclipse sailing, but I believe the prices have dropped on every category.


    How badly do you want to go and how much of a gambler are you? Waiting until after final payment can yield the best prices IF cabins are available and IF you'll accept a guarantee. Last week we got an Aqua A1 on the Eclipse's 2016 Christmas sailing for a pittance, but it was a guarantee.

  8. This is quite amazing. DW and I have a cabin reserved on a December 2017 cruise. That's so far out that it's hardly worth thinking about, but thanks to you good folks here, I checked the prices and just now got an $800 reduction. I'd buy each of you a drink, if I only knew how :) That's more than $1000 in savings since we booked in April.

  9. Sometimes significantly lower prices appear for only a half hour at a time. QUOTE]


    How true. Several years ago around 11PM I saw a wonderful price on a cruise we had been somewhat interested in. I immediately told my wife and we decided to go for it. But when I returned to the Celebrity site, the wonderful price was gone. I figured someone beat us to the last available cabin. Such is life, but before retiring I checked one last time. And there it was again. This time there was no hesitation. A happy ending.

  10. To the OP. If this thread goes the way of previous ones, get ready for a lecture and possibly name calling. I see you have already received advice about not removing the auto-gratuity, and you only asked when was the last date you could remove them.:)


    No lecture from me, but perhaps someone could restate the ins and outs of removing the tips, as many people are unaware of how the system really works.

  11. We had the pleasure (!) of doing three in a row in three different cabins. It wasn't all that bad, except for the need to gather/pack all the things that can't be hung and moved n a trolley. We were told to gather in one of the lounges and after a fairly consiferable wait we were led on shore and processed through customs. That was quick and easy and we were then led back on board. Very simple. Between the first and second cruises, we dined in a restaurant set aside for B2Bers and I had one of the great filet mignons I have ever had. I was really looking forward to a repeat performance between the second and third trips, but friends persuaded us to eat elsewhere. Drat.


    We were in Florida and well acquainted with things, so we saw no need for sightseeing. Maybe a more exotic port would have lured us off the ship, but I doubt it.

  12. Hi - Thanks for your tips. I am going on my 1st cruise with Celebrity on Dec 11 on the Eclipse. I plan on booking a couple of cruises on board. It sounds like they give good perks to do it on board. I will try your ideas too. Thanks again.



    DW and I are on that same cruise, as we have been since 2011. In the past we've booked B2Bs and last year we did three in a row, combining Aqua and suites. This year is going to be different, apparently. The prices on the Christmas cruise are outrageous, so unless something really changes, we'll do just one cruise in a suite and then disembark on December 21. We'll spend Christmas on land in Florida and be just as happy doing it. Then we'll return to Virginia for the New Year, much wealthier for the experience. I certainly don't fault X for getting as much as it can, but I don't care to participate anymore. The Eclipse 12/11 and 12/21 cruises are very similar which makes our decision even easier.

  13. Generous has little to do with it! Just good business. We once had a long cruise (about 4 weeks) under booking and noticed a large price drop/promotion a few weeks before final payment. When we asked about repricing our booking we were told it was for "new bookings only." I said fine...and canceled the cruise (it was more then a $20,000 booking). The following day our cruise agent called and said that the particular cruise line (not Celebrity) had called her and was now willing to give us the better price and promotion. We said, "No thank you" and a few days later booked a longer cruise with a different line. Vote with your money...folks.




    I like that. striking a blow for the passenger. I suspect you brought that line to its knees. :) Good for you.

  14. Sometimes they will, sometimes they will not. I called once to transfer my reservation to a travel agent and the guy down at Celebrity asked what he could do for me to keep me from transferring it. He matched everything and was so glad to keep the reservation down at Celebrity.


    That's what happened with me. I was interested in listing directly with Celebrity but asked if I could transfer the booking to an agent who would give me OBCs. He asked how much and could I send him the agent's offer. I did and he came within $25 of matching it. Good enough for me.

  15. "Sailing Beyond Borders" promises nothing, so if you think the food or service is not up to snuff, too bad, Celebrity promised nothing. Modern Luxury at least intimated there was something special to be found on board, no matter how undefined that something might be.


    As far as unisex bathrooms are concerned, five bathrooms in our house and not one of them is open to a stranger, especially strangers who stand on toilets and peek over walls, as already has occurred in several Targets in Texas. BTW how many cubicle doors meet the surrounding walls perfectly, leaving no open space between? And finally, for those who proclaim gender neutral bathrooms work in their homes: yes, but one toilet, one sink, and friends and family, right?

  16. But in fact I would never eat in Blu if I were a suite holder unless I was dining with friends in Aquaclass. The difference between the two restaurants is substantial. Or what am I missing ?

  17. Signing a receipt is small fish for me but I do like to get a receipt so I can track my expenses. Celebrity is much better at providing one without my asking than Princess. A small but annoying thing.


    I do like the Princess dining rooms which are more restaurant like compared to the barn known as the MDR on Celebrity. Also, Princess has head waiters galore should there be a need. I have never seen one on X

  18. We did that for the first time on this cruise. Probably won't think anything is important while imbibing :).


    By the way I was told once "it never hurts to ask"


    That's funny but true.


    Elite is worth while but not at any expense. Back in the old days when achieving Elite was very easy, DW and I took a two day cruise to the Bahamas just to get the credit. The ship was full of people doing the same thing. But if I had to pay for a hotel room the night before sailing or a flight to Florida, I would not pay the price. It's not worth the expense.

  19. I think the Princess mini suite is most similar to the sky suite on Celebrity, it has a full couch and a bathroom with tub/shower combo and full vanity. Princess is just starting a new program where they have a reserved section of the MDR for suite passengers, and some of the mini suites get access to this perk (for an additional charge over the other mini suites of course.) We sailed in a Princess suite in May and were disappointed that their suite perks were miles behind Celebrity, but the new suite dining area will likely close some of that gap. As far as ships, the Royal and Regal are the newest Princess ships and probably the closest to the S class. M class is closer to the older Princess ships (Emerald, Crown, Ruby and so on.)




    For me there's no comparison with a Sky Suite and a mini suite. Celebrity wins hands down as far as the physical attributes go. Plus Luminae.


    Some have been complaining about the cost of an X cruise. Amen. Last year we took three back to backs over Christmas and New Years. This year we'll settle for just one and that will be prior to Christmas. No way we're spending what X is asking for a holiday cruise. We'll hole up in SW Florida and save a bundle while enjoying ourselves just as much.

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