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Posts posted by BosoxI

  1. Thanks so much for your help. I checked and our first night is at 6:00 p.m [emoji33]. Also was told for rest of cruise only specialty is available at 6:00 p.m. My husband is going to kill me but I’m confident I can change once on board. We booked this cruise 40 days out so just happy to be on a ship. I’ll let the small details work themselves out. He’s usually in the hot tub at 6:00 [emoji4]



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    I sure hope you've been misinformed.

  2. I typically go on line and do a trial booking, although its not 100% reliable, you can get an idea of what cabins are available. This one seems to have a huge number of cabins especially balcony cabins. Wish we could predict when the prices drop to the lowest, as even if there are a lot of cabins, sooner or later they will raise the price and start upgrading the insides and oceanviews to balconies.


    I think too often people assume that a large number of cabins available 2 months in advance of embarkation will automatically lead to price reductions. Ain't necessarily so. DW and I wanted a low-cost Cruise to celebrate my birthday. It just so happened that the 11 night September 3rd Equinox had many balcony cabins available back in May. We booked a veranda guarantee for $999 each and two days later we were assigned an excellent 2A cabin. Since that time the cost dropped only $50 each but the number of cabins disappeared quickly. Suddenly the price was back to $999 and now a guarantee on that cruise is $1549.


    So by taking a chance that the price would drop, we would have benefited only by $100 and possibly we would have been assigned a lesser cabin.


    As noted, these things are impossible to predict. We have found that if it is an absolute "gotta do" cruise, it's best to book at a cost we feel comfortable with. But if it is a "who cares?"kind of cruise, then waiting for Price drops probably makes sense

  3. This promises to be interesting for our Equinox Cruise in September. We have made a reservation for the first night. Then we purchased a dining package separate from the first night. This might throw them into a tizzy. Dealing with Celebrity can be so unnecessarily exciting and painful

  4. Using the library doesn’t really have much to do with the physical books. It’s quiet. It’s a comfy place to sit and read the paper, do a puzzle, solve a Sudoku, whatever. And for many of us who like the feel of real books, not having a real library will be a huge downer.


    And surprisingly, although I always bring my Kindle, I always find a couple of very interesting books in the library and I prefer a book to a Kindle. One of the joys of the Queen Mary 2 was the most fantastic Library I had ever seen on a ship

  5. Thanks for posting the link to the IV cabin, Kearney. DW, who is usually the picky one, correctly says "Wait and see" but it sure looks cramped to me. I wonder if the bifold doors require the veranda chairs to be moved out of the way. I'm having second thoughts about all this, but we surely will keep our April 2019 cabin. That experience will govern our November TA. I really hope we're not disappointed, as we love the TAs. I can't wait for the first real passenger reviews to appear in December.

  6. Great idea! We alway pack magnets anyway, so I’m thinking a couple super lightweight survival blankets would do the trick.

    Great. We pay top dollar for a cabin on a brand new high-tech ship and have to cart along blankets to block out the Sun. Just what I wanted to hear.

  7. Finding good cruise deals is a full time hobby....

    I don't know if it's a hobby, but would you please explain this to my wife who thinks I spend too much time on the computer but then wants to know what Great Deals I've discovered:D:D:confused: .


    BTW Some of these posts are beyond my comprehension. Run-on sentences, no punctuation, I can't make heads or tails out of what is being said.

  8. Kathy North you actually do your homework before you board? Doesn't that take all the excitement out of making the booking?

    I wish I was so well directed. Whether it's booking a cruise onboard or buying a watch in the Caribbean, I always seem to wind up with a spur-of-the-moment purchase. Our last on board booking was in May and I asked the agent for the price of the least expensive Infinity Veranda on the Edge in April. We had no intention of going on the Edge when we boarded. I'm glad we did it, I guess, but we are paying quite a bit more than what other posters have paid. Transferring to a big box did make a very big difference.

  9. This type situation is why we booked a week's Cruise in April 2019 and a TA in November. We'll have ample time to cancel the longer cruise on the slight chance we don't like the Edge after all. And we won't have to depend on the opinions of others to make that decision.

  10. Yes, it's free market economics, and I'm not playing in their market -- taking my dollars elsewhere. I'm going back to using the term "gouging." The title of this thread is AQ getting out of sight. Yes it is. My only, and maybe my last Celebrity cruise is a 7-night Alaska next summer. They are asking $8782 for an S2, $5882 for an A2. We just booked a Cat 06 for $3072. This is just a stinking 7-nighter. They can pack sand as far as I'm concerned. Maybe someone else will pay those ridiculous prices.


    Just yesterday I received an offer for a seven day Alaska cruise next month on Regent Mariner in an F category suite which is what we always get on Regent. I am not interested so I am not pursuing it but it probably includes airfare round trip. Of course, Regent includes everything in it's price which is $6,999. The TA will throw in one exclusive perk and I suspect more would be available as an enticement.


    It's a lot of money but compared to Celebrity, there really is no comparison.

  11. Wondering how much cover the overhang from the veranda above provides? We’re on deck 8. Looks like we’re in for some wet weather on our ride down to Bermuda next week. Hoping we’ll be able to stay somewhat dry on the veranda.



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    You'll stay dry and in good weather you'll have a choice of shade or sun. It is simply a wonderful cabin. I'm positive you'll love it.

  12. I just checked Exciting Deals for our upcoming cruise on the Equinox. The guarantee veranda has risen $50 to the level we paid several weeks ago. The A2 Aqua has jumped from $1899 to $2549. Now, I fully understand X is in business to make a profit, but should this cruise be appearing as an Exciting Deal? If it ever was, that day has come and gone.

  13. It seems like every shared shuttle service I've heard about has its share of horror stories, no matter the location. I was trying to arrange some transportation to Bayonne Cape Liberty and every company's reviews seemed to include a mountain of disasters. I hope you have better luck in the future.


    Bayonne is one port where Uber always would get my business

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