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Everything posted by RMLincoln

  1. Happy for Ren! Hopeful for Vanessa! Relieved for Brenda and Graham and Annie! Hugs to Terry! Hope Roy is on the train home! Keep it up Murphy! I’m going to bed early. Not too bad really, mostly just tired and a tiny bit coldish. I enjoyed time with my phone connection with my Maryland church group. Grandkids embarking tomorrow! I’m a little jealous but so happy for them. Maureen
  2. Rabbits said first thing Prayers lifted for those in need. We were in Fortaleza but briefly. We disembarked a medical patient but couldn’t stay due to high waves. The ship tied up briefly but pulled up a pier tie-off. I was pretty much done with Brazil by then after 4 ports there. DH and I have mild colds, mostly just tired. A little congestion. Ready now to connect by phone with my Spiritual Companioning ladies in Maryland. Hoping that will be uplifting. hugs for Terry, @smitty34877! Just breathe! In and out. @rafinmd Enjoy the train ride, Roy, rest ! Sorry for the mess Graham! Focus on what’s good right now. Blessings Vanessa, Dena, all seeking healing, in need of comfort, direction or hope! m—
  3. Best wishes to Sharon! Safe travels for Roy! Glad Debbie’s scan was finally read. Horrors on Annie still without oxygen. Sorry about the washer Lenda. Nuisance! @JazzyV Oiy! Just OIY! Keep breathing! @ottahand7 Nancy, our visit to Nuka Hiva had DH do the excursion and I went to the market area. His excursion experience was uninspiring. They did what they could for vehicles but most people couldn’t hear any explanations. I, on the other hand, found the market amazing with so many carved wood items, many on display, too huge to take home. But excellent craftsmanship, so stunning I felt like I was in a museum. Very different from the ports on our Tales of the South Pacific. DH definitely has a bug but got through the night on antihistamines, feels better but tired. Well me too! Not sure if I have a bug but resting sounds good to me! His eye doctor appt was moved to Saturday! Yay! We’ll find out then what we can set up for local (NJ) followup after his January eye surgery in Maryland. I’m staying hopeful. I can’t believe we’ll have to travel in less than two weeks! Sure hope we’re feeling better by then, but even if not we’ll make it to granddaughter’s wedding in San Antonio. Moving is hard on so many levels, even when it’s a good choice at a good time. One day at a time is enough! Other granddaughter and all her husband’s family are going on an MSC cruise this Saturday for her in-law’s 45th anniversary. I’m so happy they can all do this! And we’ll learn more about MSC for future considerations. Blessings for all in need, near and far, especially the innocents caught in wars. Cheers to those celebrating! Life is Good! Smooth travels to all away! Thanks all for being here! Maureen
  4. Everything seems off for me here, I think moving is disorienting. DH seems off too, maybe has a bug. Hard to tell with all the antihistamines he’s taking for the glaucoma med allergies. One day at a time is enough. I have to focus on What’s good right now! I spent part of the night worried about how we’ll get to granddaughter’s wedding if we’re sick, but I had to put that aside, that’s 2 weeks away! And maybe we won’t get there, and they’ll still get married! @JazzyV I’m so sorry you have a mess on your hands, physically and now the house! Hoping the plumber can sort it out. @marshhawk Annie, I hope you get your oxygen today! That is just a horrible failure to have to wait for basic life support! @rafinmd Roy, you are doing the balancing between not having fluid’s building up where they cause difficulties, but enough needed for normalcy - homeostasis, or “even keel” is a challenge! I hope a cause for the fluid buildup can be identified and addressed so it doesn’t reoccur. May today be a breakthrough! Blessings to all in need, near and far. For our country, your country and especially all the war zones! Cheers to all celebrating, Life is Good! 💐 🛳️ Smooth travels to all away! Thank you all for being here! Love the upbeat pulse of sharing, and the beauty from near and far! Maureen
  5. Thanks for the updates Roy. Keep resting although hospitals are terrible places to get much rest! We’re all pulling for you! Hoping you hear some encouraging news soon. Maureen
  6. It’s sunny, 32 in New Jersey, going up to only 35…. only a few degrees warmer where we came from in Maryland. Seems cold. Yesterday we filled out forms for at our on-campus medical office for new doctors and records transfers. Hopeful we can get established here without much difficulty or delay. I had cancelled 2 screening appts before we left Maryland so would like to get those scheduled in the next few months. DH’s got a call just now that his eye surgery is postponed a week due to his doctor’s schedule. Not happy about that but nothing to be done but roll with it. We have a resident Greeter coming this morning. I was thinking of going to exercise class then but maybe that will happen next week. Last night we enjoyed a wonderful musical event here, the North NJ Concert Band of about 40 woodwinds and brass played holiday favorites and medleys, excellent and great fun! So glad we didn’t miss that. Nice start to our new world. Prayers for Roy lifted first thing. Hope we hear some encouraging results and a path forward for him. Sending blessings to all in need. Thank you Vanessa for your dedication, and Jacqui for forwarding updates. Cheers to all celebrating! And what fun to hear from those cruising! Thank you @Nickelpenny! Smooth travels to all away. Glad Bruce is healing and @seagarsmoker could get their cruise moved up! Nice hearing from @luvteaching, love you Karen! And @smitty34877, Terry you’re cooking up good things! Bon Appetit! Thanks @StLouisCruisers Sandi for the Capri photos. We tried for the ferry last time we were in Naples but the times were too tight, it was a short day in port. We loved the archeology museum. Onward! Maureen
  7. Rested nearly all day yesterday. After dinner I unpacked 2 boxes of desk stuff looking for something. I did find it but not in the boxes, it was in the bag of minimal desk stuff we brought in the car. Today I have to put away the stuff I unpacked. Woke up at 3:15 but only for an hour. Went to the guest room and got back to sleep. Today we need to get to medical, fill out forms and get started with the process of establishing new PCPs. I called old friends last night. One lost his wife in September, the other’s wife is back in the hospital, now extremely ill, interventions being discontinued. They have been mentors and friends since the early 80s when I moved to NM from Colorado at age 29. It’s hard to lose them. I’ll see the widower in TX in a few weeks when we go to granddaughter’s wedding. The other is in Albuquerque, no plan on the radar for a trip there. It all helps me feel like we made a good decision to move here where there is more of everything- family, attention, oversight and extended care when needed. But 💔. We’re happiest when our needs are being met, and our needs are changing more quickly in our aging phase of life. I’m grateful we can do this together but it’s not easy or fun. I’m uplifted by seeing so many on the cruising list! Yay for each of them! And thank you for all the happy birthday wishes for DH! Celebrating Life is Good! 🌈 I’m worried about Roy with unknown causes for him progressing into this condition, and far from his support base. Thank you @kazuJacqui for posting his update. 🙏 Bruce, @aliaschief thinking of you as you work through your options. Jack @Heartgrove hoping the injections help and DW improves quickly. Nancy @ottahand7 it was later here watching the Ravens game. Big win! And a shout out to U of WA (aka U-Dub) at 11-0 where much of DH’s family went to school including both parents. Blessings to all who are sick, in pain, in need of healing, comfort or hope, near and far, young and old! Thanks all of you for being here! Maureen
  8. Hello from New Jersey. We’re slow. Beginning a little recovery after the push for the move. I’m not caught up on posts but I did read Roy’s blog. We had grandkids here several days, they get a lot done. We’re grateful but need time in between to recover, although on our days off we did other chores- got first groceries, gas for car for Thanksgiving Day trip to my cousins, a security sticker for our car, new cell phone service and one cell phone replaced - a new phone is so frustrating! Granddaughter helped with that. The holiday with my cousins was fun but tiring. The drive up, hour and a half, was gentle and I shared it with DH when his eyes were too itchy going up, and he was too tired coming back. We had a meaningful Remembrance for the cousin who died in October; with 2 of his 3 sons and their families with us. We were about 45 people! Borrowed the fire station meeting hall! It was perfect. I’m so glad I could be part of it all, closer to family. DH’s eyes have been pretty bad with the itching, very inflamed and sore. He did manage to get an appointment with a glaucoma specialist about half hour from us for this coming Thursday. Getting started. Surgery in Maryland is January 16. The granddaughter’s wedding trip to San Antonio is coming fast, we leave Dec 13. Lots coming up, we’re trying to pace ourselves. Yesterday was DH’s birthday, a quiet but special day together! 81. I made a favorite cake for him, a flourless chocolate cake! [RECIPE: 1 15 oz can drained chickpeas blenderized with 4 eggs, 1 cup of sugar, half tsp baking powder, tsp each vanilla and almond extract; combine with 1 1/2 cups chocolate chips melted;, pour all into pie plate sprayed with Pam, lined with waxed paper and sprayed again. Bake 350 40 mins. Turn out onto plate, gently peel off paper, coat with jam -raspberry, strawberry or orange work we’ll ; frost with 6oz chocolate chips melted and combined with half cup Greek yogurt or sour cream, 1/2 tsp each vanilla and almond extract.] It’s been a favorite recipe for 20 years. DH does not like any beans but blenderized with chocolate works! We’re trying to take it one day at a time but there is planning to do too. We’re tired, disoriented and I’ll admit I miss my connections I made in Maryland. But we’re here and it’ll work. Dinner on campus has been a godsend. Energy and sanity saving. Food is good, choices are plentiful. More about that another time. Will I settle in here and like it? I sure hope so but I’m not thinking much ahead. Wont see the grandkids till after the wedding trip. The married couple is working this week, then on a cruise with his family for his parents’ 45th! MSC out of Brooklyn. We’ll learn more! We’ll be going slow. Thanks for your continued support. Thank you Vanessa! Blessings go out every day whether I post or not. Healing, Joy and Peace! Life is Good! So many suffering near and far need our support! I feel for Roy! I hope you find a cause with a solution! I have to walk more here to get to dining, mail, front desk, etc and sometimes use the many chairs around for a rest. Hip has been difficult at times, other times better. We tried the hot tub once, I need to do the pool for hip exercises. Maybe today while DH watches football. I haven’t gotten up yet…. no hurries! Maureen
  9. Good morning from NE New Jersey. It’ll take some getting used to! It’s 31F, sunny and perfectly clear. A beautiful day. Granddaughter and her husband were with us yesterday. They are a huge help. They’ll be back tomorrow, giving us today to recover! Today I’ll venture out to get a few groceries. First drive out, need to find the grocery store! Perhaps try to figure our the new washer/dryer to get some laundry done. Another pleasant supper in the dining room last night with grandkids, but we have to learn the reservation system and reserve more in advance, last night when we tried to reserve for tonight there we’re no time slots were available for tonight or for tomorrow with our grandkids. I think one can get on a waitlist, or a walk-in queue…. I’m sure they’ll feed us in one of the several venues. Gotta learn the ropes. @seagarsmoker praying for Amazing results from your job search! Blessings all! It’ll be a busy week for folks in the US getting ready for Thanksgiving. We have so much to be thankful for. Every day! Thank you all for being here and for all you support and encouragement though our move. Now our transition phase begins, a new chapter of life. It’s exciting! @smitty34877 Thinking of you Terry, and those at home have got your back! Enjoy your time away. Smooth travels to all away. Peace in our hearts, families and countries! Maureen
  10. @Cruzin Terri Bon Voyage! @aliaschief Prayers for a path forward! @smitty34877 Safe travels, restful change of scenery, no worries! @Quartzsite Cruiser smooth day in the new RV! Blessings to all in need of healing, comfort, direction, hope. And especially all suffering through war! Prayers for peace in our hearts, our families, our countries and the world! Smooth travels to all away! Cheers for those celebrating, Life is Good! Grandkids coming to help today! Glad we had a day to recover yesterday! Onward! Maureen
  11. Had a good but exhausting day yesterday, but the movers got it all in! Granddaughter and her fiancé were here all day working hard, literally doing the heavy lifting, so so so glad they could! No way I could keep up with them so I’d take a break and point at things. They were so cheerful to help. Kitchen, beds and some bath basics are set up but nearly everything done yesterday will need rearranging… in due time. Had a lovely supper in the dining room with the kids, then collapsed into my own bed! Slept till 5:30! Today the cable guy is expected. The only other thing on the agenda is a soak in the hot tub! Maybe some groceries today but haven’t thought that far ahead. Everything aches but we’re ok, resting up today for the next push with other granddaughter and her husband tomorrow. One day at a time. @smitty34877 Smooth travels as you absorb changes. Happy for you that you are heading to your son’s. @Quartzsite Cruiser Smooth travels west! @cat shepard Thank you Ann! Blessings to all in need to healing, relief, path forward, strength, comfort or hope! Especially those suffering in war zones. Yay for all celebrating, Life is Good! Smooth travels to all away! Enjoy it all! Maureen
  12. We’re at our new home! All papers are signed. They have a guest suite for us tonight! Yay, we can leave the air bed and sleeping bags in the car tonight. The apartment looks lovely but there are a couple of things that will need tweaking. We have reservations for dinner at 5:30! I’m ready. Unloaded most of the car into new apartment, overnight bag in the guest suite. Tomorrow the moving van will be here early. And grandkids! It’s all happening! 🌈. Thanks for following along with us. Later, m—
  13. Wilmington Delaware, had a good breakfast, good beds, wonderful hot shower, poor sleep with incredibly noisy neighbors or people above us until 2am. DH called front desk, something we never do but it was obnoxious, sounded like they were bouncing a basketball. But onward! In fresh clothes! Yay! It’s a beautiful day! Should be at NJ place in plenty of time for 2 pm signing party, enough time to review the contacts and the many approvals. 📚 Then unpack the car! Can’t believe how much we got into it! Good luck Lenda! Sometimes I really miss our 5th wheel trailer! The good old days! But these are more good old days happening now! Thank you all. I try to click the Thank You icons as I read through, and send blessings! I tell you it was a miracle in my book that granddaughter was able to get DH’s phone restarted as we were struggling through the traffic in the dark last night! Being carried by a whole lotta Love! Sending out Peace to the world and each of you. Healing and relief to those suffering, near and far. Strength to those facing trials. Safe passage to all traveling. 🙏 Maureen
  14. Safe travels @Cruzin Terri and Jim. We made it out of the condo. What a day. I thought today would be easy. The movers took everything yesterday. Well not everything…. We camped out in the condo last night. The air bed was too hard for us. It was a poor night, not our first do we survived, rested. The. Today was cleanup day. Yup. More than expected. I’ll spare you the details. Finally mid afternoon we everything left sorted into recycle, trash or car. Never had such a car full! Off to Xfinity to turn in tv box and WiFi router. Took an hour! Finally over to I/95. Trying to navigate north to watch fir traffic incidents. DH’s phone won’t connect to anything! Xfinity turned off service! Ugh. Lucky mine still worked. Granddaughter took over remotely and got through to a live person, got it straightened out! Needed some data for verification which I was able to text her and a miracle occurred! I’m so grateful for all the good thoughts! I’m fried tonight. We got up to Wilmington by 6:30. Nice hotel, real supper, real bed! Hot shower and now to hopefully sleep. Tomorrow we have 2.5-3 hrs drive. Have a ton of papers to review, signing party is at 2. They already have the money wired Monday. We’ll camp out in the new unit tomorrow night, ready for an early delivery Friday morning! 🤞. Y’all’s prayers and good vibes are really carrying me! I’ve been very emotional today! Big changes!
  15. Well I will be honoring Clean out the Fridge Day! Most of the condiments will get trashed. There’s just a couple of freezer items I’ll give at a friend. Two frozen blocks of Costco sliced ham and Turkey will go in the soft-side cooler, and the cheese sticks will be with us for snacking plus a few yogurts. Not much else. The realtor is sending professional cleaners tomorrow and it’ll be ready to show. Someone should like it, we did! We had great views from 3 sides as an end unit. The building has 10 floors, 25 units each floor, so 29 end units but only 10, our end, are surrounded by the golf course and trees. It was a good transition for us coming from our NM mountains house in the forest. Where we’ll be looks over trees, no parking lots and only one roof off to the side. I think we’ll like it! The air bed was too hard with both of us on it. My back and hip were not comfortable. Thursday night at the new place I’ll have to deflate it some from its current Soft setting. I hope we’ll be in a hotel tonight in Delaware or southern NJ, anywhere north of Baltimore! We have some work to do today cleaning up trash, patching or covering holes from tv cables, and some other light fixes. Hope to get rolling before we hit rush hour traffic. Welcome back to those arriving, safe home! Strengthening to Annie! Gerry, your gifts to those in need will return joy and good to you! Prayers for you all, and for the world. Thanks for your continued support, Sandi got it right, moving is hard, even with help. I guess better now than later. Maureen
  16. Late checkin from our makeshift bed! Today went well, movers began at 9 and finished about1:30. I slept 9 hrs last night! Felt human today. Just caught up on the Daily. Nice to get some news if improvements. And cheers for you Lenda on your new motorhome. We almost went full-time RV instead of coming to Maryland while figuring out our next chapter. Maryland worked great. A little sad to be leaving tomorrow but excited to be closer to the family especially the younger ones who will help us unpack! I’ll let you know how this air bed works for us! Glad I slept last night, not too sure about tonight! m—
  17. Packers came, packed and left. Crew if 4 fir 5 hrs. I was not as ready or as well as I would have liked but it all happened. They did pack a few thing I had set in Do Not Pack zones but we’re fine and all will be ok. DH just went down to car to retrieve a food snacks bag and a food support bag of 2plates, utensils and small bag of dish soap sample-size and dish towel. We’ll micro food I cooked yesterday, last of a “bag” salad and some beets. It’ll satisfy, food helps. There’s egg whites with chicken sausage and cheese cooked today to have with fruit cups for breakfast. We get to sleep in our real beds tonight! Tomorrow night will be air bed! Annie, your ordeal sounds traumatic. DH had pneumonia in the Med in 2017, but their antibiotics helped. If they hadn’t he’d have been put off in Sardinia, Gibraltar or Casablanca for IV meds. We rested, “laid low” not wanting to get worse! Made it home. It was a long recovery, months. I hope your treatment at home gets you well sooner if possible. But sometimes slower is necessary. We did 3 Carnival cruises last year and shunned the buffet. We found the MDR food quite good but nothing superlative. It’s sad that the clientele was part of the problem. So glad you enjoyed Rome! Again, many thanks to you all for your support through our difficult transition. Life is Good, even when we have to do hard things! It’s so encouraging to read about improvements in so many lives! Safe travels to all away! Smooth seas for our cruisers. Healing blessings to all who are unwell. Maureen
  18. Thanks for the Daily, helps keep my sanity. Dublin looks fun. I feel lousy this morning, not much sleep, too much pain. Thank you Lenda for the Aspercreme suggestion. My hip/thigh muscle was too painful, nearly spasms. But the aspercreme calmed it down enough. Finishing breakfast, cooked all the eggs in the fridge, will baggie what’s left so we can heat them tomorrow, no pans. Onward. Say a prayer for my niece… she’s 6 weeks out from a high risk pregnancy at age 48! Baby’s breech, hoping it’ll turn! I know little about having babies, never had one! m—
  19. Oh Annie! Glad you’re back home and hope you get some good sleep. Thanks for checking in. We made through today! I am totally done in! Hoping to recover overnight. Not sure I’m ready for the packers but ready or not…. they’ll do the rest. I made food for tonight and tomorrow… very basic. I won’t have pan’s tomorrow. I do have 2 plastic plates coming with us, 2 cereal bowls, 2 sets of camping utensils. My friend took a bunch of pantry food. Tuesday she’ll take whatever she wants from the fridge and freezer but there’s not much left! I washed sheets today so they’ll be almost fresh when they get packed. Kept finding more stuff! And I’m sure we’ll find more tomorrow! Have 2 or 3 boxes still open to toss last minute stuff into. Unmarried granddaughter asked if her fiancé might be useful Friday if he can change work schedule! Heck yes! I’ll take all the help we can get! I can’t believe how much harder this seems than just 3 years ago! Maybe I just don’t remember how really bad that was! But now is now and it’ll all work! Thank you all so much for your encouragement! Good night all! Maureen
  20. Bon Voyage Roy! Enjoy Rotterdam! Thanks for your blog, a daily refreshment in my breaks. Today is our last “regular” day here in our Maryland condo. It’s been a good home for our transition from New Mexico. We’ll pack the car today to make sure stuff will fit and keep that stuff away from the packers who come tomorrow; loaders come on Tuesday; cleaning folks Wednesday which is when we’ll drive north. Grateful for today! One day at a time is Everything. Blessings for all in need of healing, hugs or hope. Better days for all our Daily family in pain or sickness. It’s uplifting to hear of improvements, reminds us that good days follow tough times.🌈 Cheers for all those celebrating! Thank you all for being here and for your cheerful support! These days are surreal for me, going through the motions, but I’m being carried along by a lot of love! Smooth travels to all away, and welcome back to those returning. I hope you made lasting memories! Peace to all suffering in the many war zones! And peace to all of you and yours! A shout out of congratulations and a big thank you to three (much younger) friends in NM who graduated yesterday with Interior Structure Firefighter certification; 2 were already EMTs, the other is an EMS first responder. Firefighter certification is a physically and mentally tough certification, I couldn’t do it at 48 when I started. (I certified for exterior fire grounds work which was enough to make me useful, and used it well 19 years.) Very grateful for their volunteer service…. 75% of firefighters in the US are volunteers serving the rural areas. May they all stay safe. 🙏 Onward into the tasks of the day! Maureen
  21. Made it to Saturday! Remembering Veterans Day. My day served in WWII, my generation family had several in Viet Nam, my stepsons served in Navy and Army, my godson Marines. 🫡 My poppy pin will get packed today with me wrapping up my jewelry. We were in Crete, didn’t get to enjoy it, we were sick. DH was diagnosed that day with pneumonia. I had a bad cold. I doubt we’ll get back there. Thanks for the pictures Sandi @StLouisCruisers Today will be last laundry then pack suitcase for transition. Tomorrow we’ll pack the car to make sure everything fits and is out of the way for the packers Monday morning. I’m really just going through the monitors now, a bit if a zombie, it’s all a surreal blur. Yesterday I was a bit better getting over the shock of the news about DH needing these more extensive eye surgeries to hopefully save his sight. He did admin work of arranging insurance for our new abode, arranging the funds wire transfer, trying to connect with the NJ eye doctor but to no avail, and straightening out a mess created in a property tax payment that didn’t get paid when we had that whole “we thought it was fraud” mess back in May. I worked on pantry and kitchen mostly, culling out stuff it’s not worth packing. Onward! Glad Roy @rafinmd made it to Ft Lauderdale. (I will miss how easy it was to get to Baltimore cruise port! Ft Lauderdale is not a favorite of mine.) Sad to hear Jane @Lazy1 is too unwell to travel but hoping this improves very soon. Hoping Terri’s Jim @Cruzin Terri improves very soon too, I’m concerned about his knee swelling on their drive to their cruise. Prayers too for Ann and Pat, @Vict0rianneverything is so much harder and not much fun when walking us difficult. Welcome back to Annie and Chuck! @marshhawk Want to hear all about it but will be swamped the next several days. Blessings to all here and afar! Share caring, we all need it, the world needs it! Maureen
  22. Time to sit for a break… Thank you @ottahand7 Nancy and @JazzyV for your vote of confidence in Wilmer Eye institute. I do feel a little better today about it all, have to! There’s too many other things going on! Sorry @Nickelpenny that you are struggling but glad you have options. A prayer that you find just the right path. And same for you Vanessa @JazzyV Pain is so exhausting. Good luck to @Cruzin Terri and DH Jim! So nice to read of all the fun stuff! I was hoping we could soon look at some little cruise but that’s not in the radar screen yet! When the timing is right…. DH got a bunch of admin done this morning …. Keeping going!
  23. The first give from my DH, before we got married was a pair of earrings that have tiny Forget-Me-Nots in resin…. so I wouldn’t forget me! Was in Cagliari once but didn’t see much, was ill. Thanks for the beautiful pictures Sandi @StLouisCruisers DGD brought cupcakes Sunday leftover from the bridal shower she had for her sister the day before. They were vanilla based but stunning - strawberry shortcake and margarita! There’s a lot you can do with a vanilla base. It was a tough eye doctor visit yesterday. DH needs eye surgery. We’re scheduled for first eye Jan 16, here in Maryland at John’s-Hopkins. The many followups will be done near our new home in NJ by a doctor she trained. It wasn’t what we were ready for but we’ll figure it out. Like the decision in 2019 to go to MD Anderson for cancer treatment instead of Albuquerque, DH chose to be treated by the teacher instead of the student. We’ll figure out how to do it all. And be grateful it can be done. Seems the 2 drain implant surgeries of this year are not enough. We’ll keep moving forward! Thank you for your continued support. I’m sure you’re tired of seeing me post about these issues, I’d rather be posting about a cruise, but when the timing is right! These will each take 3 months of followup, it’ll be much more complicated than anything he’s had before. Seems it’ll take a big chunk of 2024 to get through this set. We’ll do what needs to be done. Blessings to you all, hoping Denise @Denise T feels better soon, @JazzyV too. Everyone in need of healing, hugs or hope! Good appointment for Jacqui @kazu. Smooth travels for @rafinmd Roy and all our cruisers! Peace for those caught in war! Maureen. Thank You to all the Marines, including my godson who served multiple times in Iraq including the initial push, and then later on disarming IEDs.
  24. So many people in the world can’t celebrate Freedom Day, prayers for them all. Suffering and death may be part of life but so are Joy and Living! The Daily Family shares it all, every day! Thanks for being here. Another beautiful day in Maryland, it’s not quite as nice where we’re headed to in northern NJ today but I’m sure we’ll get used to the new environment. I woke up at 5am with too many thoughts! But in a week we’ll be there! Yikes! This morning I have an eye doctor appointment with DH’s glaucoma specialist (she sees me because of so many of my family members with glaucoma) and she wrote via portal message that she’d see DH too one last time before we move next week. 🤞 Yesterday went well with the prep walkthrough before packers come Monday. Now getting a plan for the tasks of our last few days. We decided to pre-pack the car this weekend to see if everything we plan to take ourselves will fit! Of course we’ll have to unpack it because much of it will be needed to camp out here the night after the movers, and then camp out in the new place before the movers unload. It’ll all happen! Onward! Blessings to all the Dailyites, and all in need of healing, hugs or hope! Smooth travels to all away! Maureen
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