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Everything posted by RMLincoln

  1. Great to have another day of progress yesterday. The financial guy has been amazing. Then we each made our read of the trust final draft, still several little correction but we’re down to typos, middle initials, email addresses etc. It’ll be ready soon and in time for our financial review at the new retirement community. @kazu condolences on your loss! Our friends are woven into our fabric. When we lose a friend a part of us is lost too. And we relive our own losses. I know you’ll be helping your friend but please be gentle with yourself too. I’m sorry your elbow is still problematic. I know you’ll keep at it and not let it stop you. Forgiveness is huge. Not forgiving is like take poison and expecting the other person to feel the impact. My book group read Desmond Tutu’s Book of Forgiveness. It was a very tough read. My take-away in the end was that we can try to agree together to move on, but if one party can’t agree to that then it’s best to relinquish the relationship. Either is tough work. Thanks for the Fleet map. Having fun tracking friends on Eurodam! @grapau27 Graham, hoping the storm doesn’t creat lasting problems. You and yours: Take no risks, Stay safe! @rafinmd So happy for you Roy! It’s all gonna happen! @Nickelpenny and @ottahand7safe travels! Welcome home @St Louis Cruiser and @Heartgrove. Happy Anniversary @Cruising-along Carolyn and Henry 🎉. Anniversaries are an accomplishment. Thanks @JazzyV for our lists. Hoping you can find relief very soon. Pain is exhausting. Blessings to all in need of healing, comfort or hope. Gentle hugs to @smitty34877 Terry, and miracles finding the right aide for Tana. Grieving is exhausting too. Remember to breathe! Cheers to all celebrating, Life is Good 🌈. And to all our cruisers! Safe travels all!
  2. Prayers for Amazing results Lenda! Safe travels. Hugs Terry! Hope Lorraine! Made great progress with trust attorney yesterday! Should have been 3 months ago but here we are…. we’ll have something we think the new community will approve. Off to the investments office for figuring out how we’ll pay the entrance fee for our new place! That’s why we saved it I guess…. Have been to Freeport several times. I think the first time we visited a fort. The rest is a blur. I’m not good with languages but have successfully used a bit of my high school French in several parts of the world. DH is absolutely terrible with languages but he proudly mastered ordering 2 scoops of chocolate gelato anywhere in Italy! 🤣 Blessing to all! Safe travels Nancy, Sandi, all who are away! So excited for all our cruisers. Counting the days down for those fast approaching sailaway! Wishing peace in our country and yours and around the globe! m—
  3. @Cruzin Terri It’s Pietra Duro. Look it up on google Wikipedia. You’ll see all about it. Mind boggling, all flat rock inlay work, looks like paintings and sculpture. Here’s two examples, not so easy to see but in person it’s so impressive. Small museum, an hour is plenty. It wasn’t far to find it. Just sharing a happy memory… so much to see in Florence but this place won’t be crowded! 🌹
  4. Monday. Made it! DH worked 3 days on gathering, printing, redacting acct numbers, scanning and making PDF files of all our financial statements plus more history that the retirement community needs. He emailed 18 files last night! And miracles do happen…. the trust lawyer sent us her draft yesterday. She’s coming this afternoon. It’s not perfect but now we are confident we’ll have a new much simplified trust in place soon and can send the draft to the retirement community for approval. They need all this because once we’re approved they commit to caring for us for life even if we exhaust our funds. DH has run many modeling analyses to give us confidence that we can afford this decision so we are moving ahead! It’s expensive but not as bad as many places we looked at. And much more active, vibrant. I shied away from the place much closer to the grandkids that I called Shady Rest! I am trusting it’ll all be good! “When we pray for guidance and seek out the experts, then we can trust that the path that unfolds will be good!” That’s where I’m at! @StLouisCruisers Sandi, love the Dunedin pix. Loved being there. We did similar tour but included out to the Albatross rookery. That was from the ship that got us to NZ from Sydney. Then we drove almost everywhere in NZ for 25 days. Went back to Dunedin and the rookery on Christmas Day 2013! NZ is magnificent and has the most compassionate people in the world IMHO. @Cruzin TerriTerri, I’m so excited for your Italy trip! In Venice we do music! There are Vivaldi concerts nightly in small venues, ticket hawkers on the streets. Of course there’s everything else there too. In Florence my favorite place is the Hard Rock Museum of magnificent inlaid rock artwork of tables, plaques, floors you name it. They are so 3D looking its mind boggling. Some name like Dura Petra. I’ll look it up! Lorenzo Di Medici sponsored the art of inlay. I too was a food service worker in college. 🫡. Couldn’t do it now, it’s hard work! Blessings to @Cruzin TerriTerri and DH for their appts. And all in need of healing, comfort (Terry and family), hope or guidance. All the Care list. Cheers to all celebrating, reminding us how Good Life Is. Safe and fun travels to all away! So many lucky cruisers! Now and coming fast! Wonderful lists @JazzyVVanessa, many thanks. So happy for you Roy that you’ll be able to keep you plan. I’ve loved following so many of your adventures! @ottahand7 sorry the game ended the way it did Nancy and the weather was yucky but good for you to make it happen. @Vict0riannGood luck to your friends planning an NCL cruise. I’m sure it’ll be grand. Glad my comments help a bit. I have to say we were very impressed with their service! Later, gotta go look stuff up! m—
  5. I finally had a decent sleep! I think my brain is trying to process too much. I did next to nothing yesterday while DH worked all day on pulling together financial records files to email for new community’s review. Thank you all for the your good wishes. This is a decision we’ve been working towards since mid-2020. Early COVID time when we got home from 4 months in Houston for cancer treatment. That hurdle led us into more “handwriting on the wall” and our internal shift for a new chapter. The move to Maryland was interim until we could really figure out a long term plan. It was our choice to come here, scared as I was, we knew it would be great! I’ll miss it here. As hard as it was to leave our NM community, this has been a great place! We’ve enjoyed only some of what we wanted to do here, so much to experience but COVID has kept us away from the more crowded places like some of the very popular Smithsonian museums. But there’s so much here it would take a lifetime. We’ve really enjoyed everything we’ve done here! I’m sure we’ll enjoy our next chapter too. @cruzn single Mary Kay, I’m so sorry for your friend’s tragic loss. She’ll remember your support forever. My suggestion for laying out your packing without a spare bed is to line up some chairs. I’m glad you’ll be on vacation soon! It’s been a lot of change for you. BTW I lived in GJ for 6 yrs, first job right out of grad school. Also taught a couple of night classes at Mesa College too. Lots of “firsts” for me there: first apartment, first house (on 30 Rd!) first marriage! First times fishing and hunting! Can’t beat the CO mountains! Lots of Grand memories! @kazu So sorry about your and José’s hydrangea. It’s another layer of loss which is the life pattern we are in now. So much to be grateful for doesn’t mean we don’t feel the losses. Get a good snuggle from Ivan! Terry, @smitty34877 gentle hugs. Prayers for you and the family. @ottahand7 hoping you can be comfortable for the game today. We’ll wave! @marshhawk congrats on the bonus Annie! I’m sure we’ll discover lots in NJ. I’ve never lived there but I did grad school at Rutgers Newark branch and there was every kind of food! Amazing fish n chips in Kearney, the Irish pub near the college fed us regularly with their 2-item menu: corned beef platter or the alternative for the night. The deli up the street was the place for take-out during the long lab nights. Ironbound had authentic Cubanos. I’d forgotten until you mentioned it! Thoughts about WiFi on NCL Joy: we didn’t have a package which would have come with about 150 mins…. not as good as it sounds. We could have bought Wi-Fi for $30/da pre-cruise or $40/day onboard if you bought for the whole cruise. Too expensive to us. And apparently it was awful. We used a cellphone Global Travel plan at $5/day only the days we used it. Only useful in ports but each day was 24 hrs so we spread from one afternoon to the next afternoon. (DH got his eye pressures uploaded from his device often enough and because he stayed on all the meds the pressures stayed good so we weren’t worried to track daily). He set up hot spots a few times but it seemed too slow to get to the CC boards. NCL has CC as a free internet site all the time but it’s not useful, the boards just don’t load. I’m impressed that people here manage to get photos uploaded. I think smaller ships have a better shot at that. Joy has 3800 pax +1700 crew. Too many people! Here’s a photo of our disembark morning arriving in NY. Was it only last Wednesday? Blessings to all, each any every one of you and all the cares and needs of our hearts and the world! Maureen
  6. @smitty34877 I’ve just caught up to the news of Lou’s passing. I am so sorry! I felt close to you both times our Metro North train went through Yonkers on our way to Manhattan and back up to Poughkeepsie. Both times I felt like I wanted to get off, go find you and hug you. Of course on our way down on the 5th I think Lou was in the hospital, and on our way north on the 20th your world was gone. I can’t imagine the emptiness juxtaposed with seeing him everywhere. 💔 💐 Maureen
  7. Greetings Dailyites from stormy Maryland! We got back home from after our cruise on Thursday but life is in upheaval. All good! And we are well! The cruise on NCL Joy was good but had hiccups. We kept it low key and didn’t do a lot. It’s a beautiful ship, very nice standard balcony room was lovely for me with a long couch, glassed shower, full double glass sliding door to balcony and interesting appointments. We had an in-room, hotel-style coffee maker which I enjoyed. Room steward kept me in supplies plus I got tea from the Observation Lounge buffet which was forward on our deck, very handy. The lounge served light foods morning and afternoons, great alternative. Quick summary of the trip: Hurricane Idalia kept ship in Bermuda so ship was delayed 1day to NY so we started out 25 hrs late and missed ports of Boston and Portland on our way to Halifax, disappointing but so it goes. DH and I enjoyed an extra day with granddaughter! And that helped us recover from the drive north after a busy weekend with my niece and late birthday celebration at a dinner theater the night before we drove to Poughkeepsie. The cruise weather was stormy, overcast, rainy much if the way to Quebec City and our 2 days there. We enjoyed some nearby historic sites in Sydney, took a shuttle into Corner Brook fir the museum there, and went to the Museum of Civilization in Quebec City, in out of the rain! On board we were very impressed by the excellent stage show entertainment - Footloose was like a Broadway musical, 90 mins long. Elements was a dazzling display of dance, graceful trapeze and silks acrobatics, and impressive illusionist acts blended into Air, Fire, Water and Earth themes. All quite impressive. Reservations were made pre-cruise, early on-board or try for a seat via the stand-by line. No charge but reservations made it all easier and more comfortable. The enjoyed comedy club one night; there was music (no classical music unfortunately) but small crowded venues which we avoided. But lots of options. Tons of day-time entertainment too but again, we avoided crowds. We ate dinners in the MDR. We had some non-refundable OBC that they do not apply to tips so we bought the upcharge filets a few times plus wine, on the house! Nice. Otherwise MDR menu has no prime rib, filets or lobster nights. But plenty of good food with excellent service. I think service, availability and comfort in the MDR, thus was our best cruise experience yet. All open dining, all very easy to be seated at 2-top anytime we went. MDR hrs were generous; there are 3 MDRs, one large aft plus two midship. NCL has a large array of specialty restaurants. Great if you have a package (which you can buy pre-cruise for 2-6 dinners per package) and have a big appetite but it’s not for us. The buffet also has generous hours, lunch selections were broader than supper which I thought was poor the one night we tried it. Plus the light fare in the Observation Lounge which I thought was more than adequate. The ship never felt crowded in public spaces, just the music venues. I loved the idea of the al fresco dining on the promenade deck but weather was poor. We did sit out there in there cozy conversational couch grouping for some sailaways, different than deck loungers. On the Quebec-NY leg we dealt with Hurricane Lee and missed Sydney while we circled in its nearby sheltered bay region. The ship was amazingly stable compared to our previous experiences in storms. Winds were up to 45 knots, waves 12 feet, not horrible but barely felt the ship move even in our deck 15 room. Impressive. Our biggest issue with the cruise was long lines getting on or off the ship. One port was so utterly horrible to get back on that it makes us reluctant to cruise her again even though we had a very good onboard experience. A 60-90 min line is unacceptable. We chose instead to sit it out for 2 hrs on a park bench we found until the line reduced to something we could manage like 15 mins. Our return to Manhattan meant we needed a cab to Grand Central Station for a train north to Poughkeepsie where we left our car with our granddaughter. Cabs were near impossible to get unless you were a more expensive airport fare. Very frustrating. We did get a gypsy cab to combine us with another fare to make it worth his while. The UN was in session and that made the city more congested than usual, or so they said. The best part is we that we stayed healthy! We wore masks in public areas except when eating. Maybe it helped, I’m just so grateful we didn’t get sick! Now for our big news: We had an email on embarkation day that the retirement community in northern New Jersey that we were interested in had an apartment available that met our criteria. They held it for us to see after the cruise. We drove there on our way home Thursday morning along with granddaughter and her DH who took the day off work to participate and support us. Plus they had good insights! We liked the unit so we agreed to accept it. A 60 day clock started Thursday to take possession Nov 21st! Yikes! So we are moving! Soon! Very soon! Maybe before ours other granddaughter’s wedding. Dec 16th. In Texas. And we were going to drive there. leisurely…. Oiy! So this all happened 2 days ago and I am overwhelmed, brain exploding with questions! Haven’t unpacked. I doubt we can move before the wedding but maybe in late Dec? It’ll all work but I will be hit and miss here. I missed you all so much during our cruise trip. I will try to keep you updated. I will check Vanessa’s Cares and Celebrations lists, I’m happy to see baby Murphy still with us! And Roy recovering. 🙏. I’m anxious to check in on each of you but please know that whether I post or not the blessings go out daily. And I feel your support with me, which I am go grateful for and will need through this current upheaval. I’m heading into my own storm but confident it will all be good. Blessings to all in need of healing, comfort or hope. Safety for all in the storm. Guidance for those seeking a path forward! Cheers to all celebrating, Life is Good 🌈. Safe travels to all away, joys to our cruisers! Maureen
  8. Good Wednesday afternoon from Quebec City. We are on turnaround day of our B2B on NCL Joy. I’ve had difficulty getting on the CC boards.. I can get to CC but the boards don’t come in before I time out. We’re enjoying our cruise, not a lot of adventuring. Weather has been not great. May get much worse as we are in the path of Hurricane Lee. We are scheduled to be in Sydney NS Sunday, Halifax NS Monday. We might have an altered itinerary. At this point that I think is preferred but it’s too early for announcements. DH has been able to get his eye pressure measurements uploaded most days and is doing ok on the additional meds. No more trialing off some meds until we return home. Blessings every day to all the Dailyites for healing, comfort or hope. I’ve scanned Vanessa’s lists, thank you! Hoping to see improvements soon. Cheers to those celebrating, Life is Good! Safe travels for all who are away and thinking of all in the path of Lee! We missed 2 ports due to delayed departure caused by Idalia. I’m confident we’ll be kept safe from Lee. Photo of Chateau Frontenac last evening taken from the ship.
  9. On board! NCL Joy. Waiting for room, might be 3 hrs! But we’re here, pool deck, quite warm even in the shade. Thanks all for the fun Bon Voyage send-off “unching” us along! Whew! Vanessa will keep track. I won’t have ship internet but hoping in ports I’ll be able to check in. Blessings go out whether I post or not. m—
  10. 🌹praying for Amazing for Scott! Fog is lifting. We’ll be in Manhattan in a hour or so. Clicking clack along the Hudson. Picture won’t load, maybe later. Thanks Annie! m—
  11. I guess we’re a day late for our original cruise departure date, but all is well! We’re on the train heading into Manhattan. Very foggy! DH got carryon and totes onto the overhead rack. DGD drove us in our car to the train, keeping it for us till our return. Tough sleeping last night, thinking of the blessing of my friend who died. A wrote a card but when someone has been woven into my life, my heart, my soul and my history it’s hard to not be there. But we are all on our paths, walking along side each other in joys and sorrows. It all clicks along, Life is Good 🌈 Thanks for all the good wishes! Blessing to you all… through struggles, doubts and celebrations! Smooth travels…. Maureen
  12. @grapau27 I’m sorry for the sadness in Sarah’s circle of friends. They are probably young, reminding us that not everyone who dies is old. Loss is always difficult. @catmando Thanks for the fun photos. One day at a time! 👍
  13. Finally have a few minutes…. Thank you Jacqui, Gerry, Vanessa, Carolyn and all (because all here keep an open heart for each other) for your caring condolences on my loss of a dear old friend. I’m at our granddaughter’s and realized I was my granddaughter’s age, 29, when my friend and her DH came into my life. The longer we live the more we experience loss. I’ve had So many blessings of special people coming into my life! While out today a got a sympathy card to mail tomorrow, gosh it just doesn’t seem like much. Their kids overlapped with the boys I raised…. a lot of shared history and growth but life moves on… it’s like sticking my hands in a stream a trying to hold onto the water! We’re getting the Royal treatment from DGD and her DH on our “extra” day here in NY. Frankly I’m glad for the the day of rest. We did a “scoping” run to the train station so tomorrow we’ll know what to do, where to go. And got our train tickets. Congratulations Katherine! And to Sharon’s mom! We’re all thinking of baby Murphy! And happy for some good news about Live4Cruises’s DH Nicholas. Terri, i hope the floor fiasco is over! Jake, I hope your next news is encouraging. Others with struggles, I send out supportive thoughts to you to get through today! Please, no more falls! Happy to say DH’s eye pressures are good and the itching is manageable on some Benadryl at night 🤞. I’ve missed some things to write specifics on but sending blessings to all in need of healing, comfort or hope! Those celebrating remind us that Life is Good! I’m grateful for today and for each of you. m—
  14. Good night friends. Good morning friends afar! I’m fried but here in NY safe and sound. Thank you for all the good wishes. Made it in 5 hours, wish we’d have had that many hrs sleep! But we rotated driving. Traffic was light. Got a call just as we were changing drivers once, a dear friend died this morning, her husband called me himself around noon. She had not been sick but not well, aging rapidly the last few years. 88. We had planned to see them in TX in .December just before our granddaughter’s wedding in San Antonio but hopefully we’ll see him. I’m sad but it’s more than sadness, it’s an emptiness and a loss of my own history. They were more than friends, also mentors. Upon arrival in NY we were whisked off to a tour of grandkids’ work environment then they made supper. So nice, I just wish I wasn’t so fried. Will see them tomorrow, should feel better. The messed up key lime pie was great, they all enjoyed it even with the whole eggs instead of just the yolks, Lenda was right! Never a doubt! 😉 Praying for Amazing for baby Murphy! Some people’s life is long, some short but we are touched by each one as I feel blessed by each of you! I’m sorry I won’t be online for my cruise! I’ll miss you all. @aliaschief I recommend Umpqua ice cream in Oregon! m—
  15. Scrolling as I eat…. niece is out the door, on the road. We are wrapping up here, heading out. Short night after a fun time last night. Home late, trying to think through travel plan changes, and DH had an eye pressure spike, so extra meds, extra measurements, extra waiting in between. Keeping flexible and moving forward. Blessings all! Bon Voyage Karen! Time to zip things up, take out trash, turn off all the water valves. We’ll change drivers more today, at least traffic should be light. Thanks all for your caring love and loving care. m—
  16. Just got word our departure and itinerary have changed. Delayed departure 1 day due to hurricane Idalia, ship held in Bermuda an extra day. First 2 ports canceled, Boston and Portland. We'll probably drive up to NY tomorrow anyway, need one more night in a hotel. We'll figure it out. m—
  17. Packing day! I ran out of energy yesterday but am ready to pack today. I think everything is ready. And looking in luggage yesterday I found a stash of cash! Mostly 5s and 1s but it’s always a fun to find! Laundry is done, lost a sock! I’m sure it will show up someday stuck to something. I like lamb, and Jim Beam occasionally but I think not with cucumbers and cinnamon? Ewww. V-J day is a somber reminder of staggering loss. We had a very meaningful visit to the Missouri on our way from ship ti airport to close out our longest trip ever- 16 weeks: 3 week cruise to Sydney (when we met @erewhon, 6 weeks in Australia; cruised to NZ, 4 weeks; flight to Tahiti for a week there; 3weeks cruising the Society Island ending in Hawaii, then flights back to NM. Amazing trip in 2013, not sure we could do it now, glad we did it then! Happy Anniversary 🎂 @Quartzsite Cruiser and DH. Anniversaries are an accomplishment and there are never enough of them. Enjoy a grand day reflecting and dreaming together! I am blessed to celebrate another birthday! And my first with my Daily family! It’s a privilege and an honor. There were years that I really didn’t think I’d live this long, and I never ever dreamed I’d get to do the traveling I’ve done. And more to come, very soon, like starting out tomorrow to NY then boarding NCL Joy on Monday to some places I’ve never been. 🌎 I’ve very grateful. My niece will be back here this afternoon on her journey home to NC and we’ll all go out tonight to a dinner theater in Columbia MD about a half hour away. So our bags must be ready! Off to a big day! Thank you Vanessa for starting me out with happy wishes, and Graham and Roy. I’ll lose track quickly but they are each such a blessing. Thank you. Last night at bedtime I received good wishes from friends in Australia, we met through cruising, on a TA on Ruby Princess in 2010. We have visited with them at our NM home and in their homes. Traveling makes the world so much friendlier! Blessings to all in need of healing, comfort or hope. May a new day bring a new path. Cheers to all celebrating 🍾🎂. Smooth travels to all away, happy visits @aliaschief and Sue. Maureen
  18. 🐇 🐇 rabbits 🐰 🎂🌹🎉 @Cruzin Terri HAPPY BIRTHDAY! And wishing you an Amazing year ahead! May it start with a good day with the floor guy! DH decided the itching was too bad to wait till after the cruise for the trial on discontinuing the extra eye drops so he’s off it starting last night. I’m hoping we can get his tonometer to connect to internet (for the pressure read-outs) via cell data or Wi-Fi in ports (of which there are a lot…. I think only one sea day of 9 northbound). Praying for Amazing! Thanks for the beautiful pictures @HAL4NOW Your reports have me excited about our cruise. @kazu Hoping the cupping brings relief! Today is crunch day! Time to ID all that we want to take, wash whatever needs it, lay it out and do a pre-pack. Tomorrow make final adjustments, everything has to be zipped up by afternoon as my niece is arriving then and we’re heading out to the dinner theater (for my birthday… 🤫). Off to make it all happen! Many thanks to all the Daily family, especially Vanessa fir keeping such excellent track if all that’s going on! Blessings to all the Care List and in need near and far! @marshhawk Annie, it’s a new month, May it bring you better fortunes! Cheers for all the celebrations and accomplishments! Smooth travels to all away! Life is Good!🌈 Stay safe, Maureen
  19. @erewhon Happy September! Good you got to see your friends. I’m sure it was a lift to them!
  20. Eye doctor report was good! Some of it Amazing! 😉. The optic nerve scan showed some improvement! To me that’s amazing and we’ll take it! She suggested doing a trial of going off the left eye double med for a couple of weeks and watching if the pressures go up. Hoping the itching goes away. But we should wait to do that until after cruise because we may not have reliable internet to get the self-monitoring readings. We’ll gladly take all the meds with us and keep doing what’s working until we get back and can start trying some changes. Next appt is early January! Yay! @Cruzin Terri glad you caught a break! Remember to breathe… @marshhawk hoping the infusion goes smoothly and when you get to do your work calls that you get some sales! It’s time! Beautiful pictures of Manaus! Many thanks! @ger_77 Sounds like a memorable wedding! @dfish Good looking salads. I think I’d like to add some light seafood - shrimp, flaked whitefish like for the fish tacos, even imitation crab. Or chicken. Great ideas, very versatile mix. My kind of yummies. Time to keep moving forward quietly, DH snoozing after itching too much last night. But an extra Benadryl did the trick! Life is Good! 🌈 Everyone stay safe! m—
  21. Off to eye doctor this morning. Itching has been getting worse for DH so hoping she will discontinue some of the meds. But we’ll have to pack them just in case. Moon last night was very fuzzy through the clouds. The storm came at a bad time for many with the King Tide. Now to start the cleanup. Those road pictures are dramatic! Blessings have gone out to all! Will check back later. Will be hard not having much internet! Smooth travels Mr Boston! Enjoy an Amazing trip! Maureen
  22. Thanks Sharon for letting us know. Prayers for you, your uncle and all her loved ones. Blessing or not, it’s still difficult. May peace follow the storm, the one inside and the one outside. m—
  23. Happy to say I’ve heard that my nephew’s trailer in Crystal River did not flood! Thank you all for your concern. @Cruzin Terri Sending blessings that no flood waters reach you. Looks like high tide might be 8pm-ish, so that is of concern too. Keep us posted. m—
  24. @Cruzin Terri glad you are staying in, things could get worse before they get better. I’m seeing live reports of where my nephew lives in Crystal River and the flooding looks broad-reaching but not too deep. High tide still to come. With him being inland it will be a day or two I think before he can get back to evaluate. No doubt it’ll be a mess but hoping it will be recoverable. @ger_77 Gerry, good decision on calling the ambulance! You can’t help DH while you’re driving! Glad he’s been evaluated and getting treated. Forgot to say that I hope you enjoyed the wedding Saturday. So nice you could officiate! When I did chaplaincy class we were taught about doing death notifications and we’re informed that about 60% of people will react violently. After initial reactions grief can take many turns. Grief is part of life for all of us, and the longer we live the more people we lose. There is no normal schedule for grieving, just be supportive of each other and kind to ourselves. Thank you Sandi and Lenda for sharing your pictures of places many of us will not get to. Means a lot! @JazzyV, seeing on your excellent lists that we’re 5 days till we cruise is fun but makes me cringe that I should be further along packing. Oiy! Lenda, thanks for the reassurance that the whole-egg version of the key lime pie will be ok! I’ll bring it to the grandkids Sunday! They’ll inhale it! Just what I don’t need before getting on a cruise is extra desserts! Blessings to all! Your collective kindness touches many hearts, including mine! Thank you all. Stay safe! m—
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