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Posts posted by WAHMto5

  1. I would advise to go on off times and it is normally busier in the beginning of the week and slowly dies down towards the end of the cruise;) I have never had a time limit put on the machines, but as the PP mentioned if it is a busy time they might. I have only taken Yoga and it was very good, geared towards all levels.

  2. I have had a few calls in the past and recently a couple of emails regarding different upgrades. Some have been crazy while others have been very reasonable. I would for sure make sure you know the prices and then call and find out what they are offering;)

  3. We had the new menus in May on the Glory and thought they were just ok. I actually prefer many of the old menus to most of the new ones. Though I was glad to see some of the old favorites on the new menus;)


    She also seemed to have some confusion over whether or not you needed to put down a credit card/cash for deposit when using GC - I don't think you do if you're funding an amount that meets Carnival's reocmmendation for your sailing length, but there may be some question on that.



    No, you do not need to put down a credit card/cash for deposit. I have used only the gift cards for the past three cruises with no problems at all.

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