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Everything posted by sloopsailor

  1. To clarify, the Princess Plus package includes the 18% service charge. A separate tip is not necessary.
  2. While not Princess, we stayed in Bangkok when we stopped overnight on a Celebrity ship before the pandemic. It was my wife's 60th B-day and we stayed at the Shangri-La Bangkok for the event. We also had a private guide who took us around the area for the two days. We didn't have to notify the staff about our absence and were told it wasn't necessary. Bangkok is about 3 hours away, so that may have been the reason why it was allowed.
  3. The OP wrote: "She is elderly and he would get his own room across from us." I understand this as the husband will be by himself in the second room.
  4. Being that it's electric powered, they do that to save battery power. It takes a lot of power to push something that big under water. Here is a webpage that describes a bit about these machines: http://www.altfuels.org/misc/atlantis.shtml
  5. These submarines are self powered and actually move along the bottom like you would expect a submarine to do. It is not tied to anything, just floating like a boat would. It then begins to move forward while diving up to 150 deep. Watch this for a good idea what it actually is. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fjAPbTak_AM&t=42s
  6. We'll be in Hawaii on Royal Princess in a few months, visiting Maui, Kona, and overnighting in Honolulu. Each port has an Atlantis Submarine Adventure excursion. Does anyone have an opinion of which of the three is the best experience? Thank you for your advice.
  7. Sorry, I have been away. The change showed up immediately after the Medallion App rep confirmed that the update had been made. It took her two days to do what she had to on her end.
  8. In case readers are not aware, as I was not when first I started making reservations, the only time that ever came up for me was 7:00pm. I soon figured out that this was just a suggestion and the times could be scrolled through at 20 minute intervals for a time more satisfactory. Just click on a time earlier or later and that time should scroll into the window. Keep doing that until your preferred time is selected. Then reserve it.
  9. It's there in my copy of the statement. There was no editing done. It was posted in full. Regarding your photo - I think you are quite underdressed. The ensemble you are wearing requires white shoelaces, per the imaginary "rules" that some are insisting on. I wouldn't allow you in until those shoelaces were regulation. LOL!
  10. I guess that "Don't YOU Know Who I Am???" message I sent to every Princess email address imaginable worked well for me after all. LOL! This all perfectly matches the inconsistencies that Princess seems to be known for. I will enjoy my lucky break and will savor every minute of my "priority booking" dining times. Thanks for the friendly chat on this topic.
  11. Where does the policy say only Platinum or Elite are allowed to reserve before final payment? The only reference I have found is in the Captain's Circle loyalty benefits chart where it says, and I quote: "early access to Dine My Way reservations". No where does it say that ONLY Platinum or Elite are allowed to book reservations early. And I am in the cheapest mini-suite category, so no, not in a suite or even Club Class. And I don't think I am lucky. I think that the app works fine for most people.
  12. Your comment "....find it sad the people don't dress up anymore" is indeed passing judgment. You are accusing people of ruining what you feel is the appropriate atmosphere, which is making you "sad". They aren't doing things the way you like them to be done, and you are not pleased with them. That's exactly what passing judgment is!! If I am wrong about this, then I apologize. But that is the way it came across on your initial comment.
  13. It must be hit or miss. I made all of our dinner reservations over two weeks ago for our March 2023 cruise and all the reservations are still intact on the Dine My Way page of the app. However, for variety they aren't all for the same time and place, but rotating through the different restaurants and at different times depending on expected activities.
  14. The dress code a suggestion and not an edict. It's a vacation, not a job interview, wedding or funeral.
  15. Not true. Our next cruise is 8 months out and I have had all my dining times and table types entered for all fifteen nights. We've only made a deposit on this cruise. This is only our second Princess cruise so we certainly are not Platinum or Elite status. Also, we're changing times and restaurants each night and hoping to get a table in different locations in the rooms for variety. I was able to very easily make reservations for every venue and time we wanted.
  16. I won't comment other than pasting this from the CDC. Source: https://www.cdc.gov/alcohol/onlinemedia/infographics/excessive-alcohol-use.html
  17. And in the background of your photo can be seen several two-tops that are by themselves, so to imply that all are packed in together is not accurate.
  18. And that would be an accurate connotation.
  19. The port side would provide more privacy since the SeaView Bar covers the open space between the SeaWalk and the ship.
  20. And if the ship is facing a 20 mph head wind, the wind would feel more like a 40 mph blast. However, if the 20 mph wind is a tail wind, it could be quite comfortable out there.
  21. Nope, don't work for Princess. I am not the outraged "don't you know who I am" type that needs to be coddled every moment of my life. I don't get my knickers all in a bunch and feel insulted if they have to change the entertainment and have the nerve of not telling me why not. They have every right to do so without telling you all the details of that decision.
  22. And they should. Passengers don't need to know what is going on behind the scenes unless the safety of the passengers is at risk.
  23. Our ship has been swapped for our upcoming cruise. The Medallion app information is now all screwed up. After almost a month the old ship is what comes up on the app, but with the original ports PLUS all the rescheduled ports it will now visit. The original booking number still shows, not the new number. I thought this was supposed to update automatically. I can't figure out a way to delete that cruise and start over with the app. I've been on hold for almost 45 minutes last week and gave up waiting because I actually have a life to live other than listening to canned music and repeated announcements about things I am not calling about. Right now, Princess is not making a good impression. Any suggestions other than wasting more of my life waiting on hold??? Thanks!
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