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Everything posted by ajtraveler66

  1. We will be at port in Motril, Spain, on April 27, 2023. We realize that seeing Alhambra and Granada are high on the excursion list. But we were wondering about the Nazari Garden/Winery excursion that is offered by our ship, NCL Star. It sounds very relaxing...even without the wine. 🙂 Thanks for your input. Feel free to offer suggestions other than input on this particular excursion.
  2. While at port in Motril, it looks like some of the interesting excursions are to the Granada/Alhambra area. This will be day 13 of our 15-day cruise. We are likely to be very tired because we will have taken in quite a bit of activity up to this point. So my question is: "Would last-minute excursions to the "Granada/Alhambra" area be easy to obtain? We'd prefer ship offerings, but we would be willing to do reliable private excursions should we feel up to it. We would prefer to wait on committing to a reservation until we see how we are feeling as Day 13 approaches.
  3. We will be at port in Motril, Spain on April 27. Overnight into the next day...at some point we will be passing through the Strait of Gibraltar enroute to Cadiz, Spain. For those of you who have been on cruises that pass through the Strait, will the ship give you an idea as to the 'precise' time when that 'passing through' will occur? We are figuring that it may very well be in the middle of the night...and some in our party will be willing to set alarms if such is the case just so we can experience it. Passing through the "Strait' was one of the reasons we picked this cruise. Cadiz has lots to offer...and knowing the answer to my Gibraltar question will help us to determine what excursions we might take in Cadiz. (There is a whale/dolphin watching excursion that goes out into the Strait ... but if we get to see the lights of Africa from the ship as we pass through the Strait....we'll probably opt to select another excursion).
  4. The "Scenic Barcelona" excursion looks very good. The last 'to-see' item of that excursion is to go to the Gothic area. Here's my question: "Can it be arranged for us to end the excursion there...and not return to the ship with the group?" We might want to linger around in that area a while longer and then make our own way back to the cruise ship via taxi, walking, or whatever. (We're thinking tapa time, etc. 😀 ) I know some will suggest that we do the entire day all 'on our own', but some members of our party do have knee problems...so we try to limit extensive walking as much as possible. This "Scenic Barcelona" allows us to see quite a bit.
  5. Thanks for the info. Good to know about the shuttle in case we ARE a good distance away from the main area of Zadar.
  6. The current itinerary that I copied and pasted off the reservation ... lists it as a tender. I do hope that you are right ... but if that's the case, we still will need to know if we need some form of transportation into Old Zadar. Our full set of available excursions has yet to be posted. They've only given us 37 options for 15 days up to this point ... most of them not really the ones that a person would be looking for. I'm sure there's a valid reason for the delay. (A whole host of excursions is listed through the main NCL website, but we can ony purchase from these 37 listed ones at this time). I've called NCL ... only to be told that more will come. We don't have special plans for Zadar, but we do want to see the highlights that they have.
  7. The subject is my question. And the reason I'm asking is because if the distance is consderable, we will probably arrange one of the tuk-tuk tours through the ship. If we are tendered off into Old Town, we will probably just see the city on our own. Thanks.
  8. We will be on a Mediterranean cruise in April and will be at port one day in Catania, Sicily. I see that the ship has two excursions to Toarmina (a resort town in that area). One of the excursions is guided. The other excursion is "On Your Own". Taormina looks like a great place. We are inclined to go with the "On Your Own" tour, but my question is this: "Do you think we would have a good chance of being able to book the "On Your Own" tour if we don't book it until say, perhaps a day ahead...waiting to make sure that the weather is going to be decent?" Maybe some of you have had experience with last minut "On Your Own" excursions thru the ship. Any other options? (possible last minute private excursion, etc .. if NCL would be able to accommodate us at the last minute.)
  9. No problem. I'm doing my research elsewhere for now. I'll be back to check things out after the first of the year--when it is nearer to our cruise's departure time. Please remove all of my posts. I'd do it on my own if I knew how. Sorry to have been such a nuisance. It was not my intent. I would suggest that you make it easier for people to delete their posts. Perhaps there is a way to do it easily. I'm just not aware of how to do it.
  10. We will be on a cruise in April 2023 and will be at port for a day both in Zadar and Split. I have heard that Croatia is beautiful. Do you know of any excursions out of either Zadar or Split that would give us a chance to see some of this beauty? Especially along the coast. Thanks
  11. Thank you for the suggested tour. I'm checking it out. And thanks for the other suggestions from all of you. I really want to see these three things .... and I am hopeful and optimistic that I will see and enjoy much, much more. I've also emailed some other tour companies asking if they can customize a tour for us that would include the three things I've mentioned. I'm sure that if they can do so that they will know how to fill our remaining time with things that will be of value and interest to us. And by all means a nice leisurely lunch will be a part of that plan. Thanks again for all of the input.
  12. Ir makes ME sad, when people don't understand that I want to be sure to see three things. I have enough sense to KNOW that I'll be seeing much, much more than those three things. To me the saddest thing would be to go to Tuscany and come home realizing that I missed seeing DAVID, THE LEANING TOWER OF PISA, AND SOME CELEBRATED MASTERPIECES OF ART. I'm sure that there is a tour out there that will allow me to ENJOY the THREE SIMPLE THINGS. I'd just like to find it.
  13. Checking to see if anyone has used this tour company "Avventure Bellissime" Tours (www.tour-italy.com). I am looking for a VERY SPECIFIC excursion, and I have finally found it with this company. I'd like your opinion on their services, in general. The specific tour is an excursion out of Livorno which includes Pisa, advance tickets at the Accademia to view 'David', and advance tickets to the Uffizi Museum. Perhaps some of you have taken this specific tour. Of course, there is more time to see other things in Florence. But the above three are at the 'top of our list' to see, and this is the only excursion I've found that includes all three.
  14. Is there a shore excursion for people who only want to see the "Leaning Tower" of Pisa, the statue of "David" in the Accademia and a few of the MAJOR masterpieces in the Uffizi? I've googled and searched, but it seems you have to do either the Accademia OR Uffiza on these shore excursions. I've seen "David" before, along with the "Leaning Tower" ... and I don't mind seeing them again--in fact I want to. And I feel that these two items are necessities for those in our group who have yet to see them. But it would be nice to see something that I"ve yet to see....and it would be good for the others too. Frankly, we just want to see the main pieces or art. We don't want to spend a lot of time in the galleries. We'd just like to see the main stuff and move on outside and look at some buildings. Of course, it would be different if we were going to be in the area for a longer period of time. But we are at the mercy of the clock. Maybe it's possible to hire a reputable private tour guide who could set a day like this up for us--tickets at all. Thank you so much. I apologize because I think I've posed a similar question to this one before, but I'm including Uffizi this time around.
  15. I really don't think I'm going to get a response here, but I'm going to try. 😀 Among our party of four who will be cruising the Mediterranean in April, one loves to cook and has quite successfully made a few paella dishes. So.... it would be fun to share a paella in one of the above three mentioned port cities -- Ibiza, Motril, or Cadiz. The closer to the port, of course, the better ... but we'll venture out a little bit if we have to. Dona Paella In Ibiza has a 5* review rating ... but there have only been 12 reviews. Hopefully some of you can share some meaty info with us on where we might want to try. By the way....I'm the research guy for our party of 4. No one knows I'm doing this. But I think it would be a fun thing to add to one of our days. (I'm not including Barcelona because I know we are going to be VERY busy when we are in port that day).
  16. I'm almost certain that we will be staying in Cadiz from all of the things that I've been reading about it. Also it is toward the end of our cruise, and I'm sure we'll be wearing down. We have plenty of time to debate on whether or not to do Alhambra, but it does look interesting. Thanks, everyone, for the valuable input.
  17. I guess the title says it all. And while I've got you...on the day prior to our port day in Cadiz, we will be in Motril, Spain. Any suggestions on how to best give justice to these two days would be welcome. And I know there will be different opinions...and that is just fine.
  18. We will be at port in Ibiza in April of 2023. One of the ship's excursions would take us to the Sant Antoni area on the other side of the island--where we would have time on our own. Evidently there are good cafe`s, etc. in the area. I have read in some posts that the island can be very noisy, but since this excursion is mid-day, perhaps that would not be the case. (We are 'young' senior citizens, and we can definitely do without loud and obnoxious behavior). Your input on the matter is appreciated. Recommendations encouraged if you think it's worth the time. Feel free to offer suggestions on things to do NEAR the port as well.
  19. Thanks for the info. Rather than start a new thread, I'll try to get an answer to my next question thru this thread: If the only things we care to do for the day are to walk Los Ramblas, go to the Sagrada Familia, and then enjoy tapas and drinks in El Born .... can we easily do that day "on our own" as long as we buy tickets to S.F. in advance. Also....we will be at port from 8:00 a.m to 7:00 pm. So 9:30-5:00 is probably the window of time we have to work with ... What itinerary would you recommend .... and for what time of day would you suggest we purchase our tickets for S.F. (I'm reading online that they need to be purchased 2 months in advance.... April 25, 2023 is our scheduled date on the ships itinerary. Thanks.
  20. I was in Barcelona back in 2010 for the beginning of a cruise. We walked Las Ramblas, and I remember seeing the statue of Christopher Columbus. So I know that all of that part can easily be done "on our own". In April, I'll be on a cruise with three others (2 have never been to Barcelona before). It was such a nice day in 2010, that I'm fine with repeating that portion of Barcelona that I mentioned above. What I do want to see this time, for sure, is the Sagrada Familia. I've seen online that there are 1.5 hour tours that are available. Would such a tour be worth it? Is it feasible to do that tour ONLY and then do the rest of our time at port "on our own"? Also.... there is a "Hop-On-Hop-Off" excursion that is available through the ship, and we are thinking of doing that if we think it will work with our plans. So, is there any way that we can pre-arrange a private tour of Sagrada Familia and then work it in with a "Hop-On-Hop-Off" day? If so, how do we safely go about doing that so that we would be sure not to miss that pre-arranged tour. Any other part of Barcelona that we should try to include? As far as art/architecture is concerned, seeing Sagrada Familia is probably about all we would have time for...because we want to spend the rest of our time just getting a 'feel for the city'....and especially enjoying some tapas & beverages, etc., etc.
  21. We will be on a cruise in April, and while in Catania we are seriously considering Taormina. I understand that the best view of Etna (while in Taormina) is from the Greek theater. But I saw something today online that suggested that tickets are needed to get into the theater. If so, is the line long? We are only going to be in Taormin for about two hours, and I hate to think of wasting precious time standing in a long line. Maybe it's possible that one is able to appreciate the theater without going into it ... and also that one can get a good view of Mt. Etna without being inside the theater. I need your guidance on this. The ship offers two excursions to Toarmina -- one is an 'on your own'. The other is a guided tour that says you will look at the theater...it doesn't necessarily say you will go into it. Both tours are 4 1/2 hours long ... this including the transportation from and to Catania. We currently are planning to take the NCL "On Your Own" excursion. ... because we want to be sure to get that cannoli that everyone raves about.
  22. Our ship has an excursion that enables us to see both the Leaning Tower of Pisa and the Statue of David. However, it is quite costly. And as a splurge we can probably afford it. HOWEVER ... it's a guided tour and we are 'at their mercy' for the entire day. (Even though I know that that has its advantages as well). There is a ship excursion that is basically "Pisa and Florence: On Your Own". I like the freedom of that idea. HOWEVER, we definitely want to see the "Statue of David" and I know that ticket-purchasing and lines can be quite an issue. Can tickets be purchased online in advance for "David", and if so do you have to specify a time? If so, do they honor your ticket if your tour runs late? I look forward to your thoughts. Again...we are willing to do the ship excursion that includes both Pisa and David if that appears to be our best guarantee of making sure we see both. Appreciate your input for those who have been there.
  23. We are really looking forward to a 15-Day Mediterranean cruise on the NCL Star in April of 2023. Make no doubt about it, we plan to do it up right while in Venice, Naples, Rome, and Florence. We'll probably also want to spend a lot of onshore time while in Barcelona, Spain; Cannes, France; and Split, Croatia. The following ports remain: Zadar, Croatia; Sarande, Albania; Catania (Sicily), Italy; Ibiza, Spain; Motril, Spain; Cadiz (Seville), Spain; and Portimao, Portugal. Our group of four senior citizens will probably need about 2-3 rest days--days in which we spend most of the time 'taking it easy' on the ship. Some of you know the places in the above paragraph better than I do. Which ones should we consider as 'stay-on-the-ship' days .... and which ones should we be sure to get out and see things, if only for a half day or so. When it comes to travel, we like scenery, art, architecture, lay-back restaurants. We're not too keen on the shopping. So we are open to your suggestions on Zadar, Sarande, Catania, Ibiza, Motril, Cadiz, and Portimao. {And I realize that some decisions will be made based on the 'weather of the day'}.
  24. I cruised the Mediterranean with an alumni group in 2012. The university had arranged all of our shore excursions through some travel agent. There were probably about 25 of us and we traveled that day in a bus. I remember our excursion out of Naples included Pompeii, quality time in wonderful Sorrento, and a tremendous lunch in Positano. It was -- without question -- the very best day of our cruise (which included Rome and Florence, and a few other ports). I plan to be on the NCL Star in April of 2023. And would love to relive that experience, if at all possible. Oh, I know it cannot ever be precisely the same--but the plan of the day can be. I have looked at the NCL offerings...and I cannot find anything that includes the itinerary mentioned in the title. Quality time in Sorrento seems to be missing if you want to include the Amalfi Coast and Pompeii. I, personally, could do without another dose of Pompeii, but two in the group have not seen it...and they need to. And we definitely want to spend this day together. Any suggestions would be welcome. We will be a party of four -- all of us in our 60's to early 70's. As always, having the assurance of knowing we will get back to the boat in time is of extreme importance to us...so we would want to go with a reputable tour company.
  25. We were on a Mediterranean cruise back in 2010, and it started in Barcelona. We stayed at some hotel the night before, and I remember walking down the Las Ramblas and enjoying it very much. In April, we will be starting a cruise in Venice, and Barcelona will be one of the ports we actually visit while on the cruise. So my question is this: Do the 'hop-on-hop-off' tours include drop-off points that would include Las Ramblas? Any other thoughts that you might have to help us enjoy Barcelona--particularly Las Ramblas--would be appreciated. We are seniors now ... and we like good food, as does everyone. Any tapa place to recommend should we do the Las Ramblas again? Thank you so much!
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