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cruising sister

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Everything posted by cruising sister

  1. I love all the pictures. You guys have been everywhere. To my friends I seem well traveled but compared to you guys I have been sitting home for the past 20 years. Maureen, my mom and DMIL would have loved that bread. Looks like a lot of work goes into that with a pinch of love.
  2. Good morning, It is an early start to the morning for me today. I had to have the exterminator out yesterday for an ant problem in my master bath. This seems a strange time of year for ants. He searched and could not find where they are coming from. He put some bait down along the baseboards and something at the back of the house. There are a few on the bait this morning so hopefully they will take it back to the mother ship and they will be taken care of. All I need is a house full of ants when I come back in April. My niece who went with me to the spa is definitely having FOMO about my upcoming cruise and wants to find time to come see me before I leave. There is no sense in my trying to talk her out of it as she can be very determined. It will push me to put finishing touches on my packing this week. I hope the price of airfare discourages her. I love her but she is intense. Vanessa I don’t know how you get so much done with the pain you have. Prayers the neurosurgeon can help with the pain. The list of upcoming cruisers is growing. Welcome to the new daily friends. I was a long time lurker before joining. Prayers for the care list. Everyone have a great day.
  3. Maureen, I had to look up Panettone and it looks very interesting. Is it hard to make?
  4. Good morning, I have my last appointment before my cruise. It is back for more laser on my face. Third time is a charm so they say. I am canceling a lunch date with a friend. She is still symptomatic with Covid and still testing positive. I don’t need that. I will run some errands instead. Being alone is hard if you’re used to someone else picking up the slack. @smitty34877you have a lot on your plate and have done a wonderful job taking care of others. It is ok to feel blue and sorry for yourself. I don’t know how you do it. Lots of medical appointments and a major surgery today. Prayers going your way. Condolences @Mr. Boston. I better run. Have a great day.
  5. Good morning, It is a little chilly and will only get into the 40’s. I am enjoying some quiet time until DGS gets up. Today we are passing out little Christmas gifts to the neighbors who are watching the house for me while I am gone. I am bringing one over to the assisted living to thank them for caring for Molly. I am at a standstill until I get my luggage scale today. Hopefully the bags fall within the weight range. Time is flying by and before you know it Christmas and then the cruise. I know we thank the core group that keeps this going, but we can’t thank you enough. I am happy to see all our crew sailing away soon. It’s good to get away from the winter blues. Prayers and well wishes. Have a great day!
  6. I am in for a meet up. I hope I don’t forget the time and place! My mind is a jumble!
  7. Good morning, I had a wild evening yesterday. I was putting the trash can at the curb and Molly disappeared. I mean vanished. My neighbors and son helped me look for her and she was gone. As a last resort I called the assisted living home behind my house and behind a grove of trees. When I called there they asked if I was looking for Lucy. They had renamed her! All I can think is she heard someone in the parking lot and went through the trees to find them. This morning I ordered her a new tag and updated her chipped. In my panic last night I realized I had not done that after moving. Needless to say falling asleep was difficult. I expect my luggage forward tags today. The list for special events came out and I am not worrying about it. It is to stressful just packing. I will have to make do with what I have. I will finish my luggage forward today! Murphy is doing better after her Rhino virus infection. They are trying something new and she is tolerating well. My DSIL had a hard time describing but what I gather it works with stimulating the diaphragm. Prayers and well wishes. Have a great day.
  8. Woo hoo! I made it through the dental appointment. I hate to go. I have a crown on the lower front which has been there for 52 years. I am always nervous he will want to replace it. They don’t make them like they used to. It probably has some banned substance making it last so long. @smitty34877 I feel your pain. Settling my DH estate was a piece of cake, life insurance included. For my DS you would have thought I was asking each individual to fork over money. One of his 401k is still giving me problems over a year later.
  9. Good morning, I am off to the Dentist this morning. My least favorite appointment. Hopefully they don’t find anything as I only have 3 weeks to complete any work. I need to clean my Halo to keep it working for the next few weeks through the hectic holiday and packing. Happy start of Hanukkah tonight. We were a big Catholic family in a Jewish neighborhood and always begged our parents to celebrate Hanukkah to get more presents. We were clueless as kids to the meaning of the celebration. It will get into the 60’s today. Molly will enjoy a walk this afternoon. Prayers for our care list and have a great day.
  10. Good early morning for me, I was able to get the vacation override for my meds yesterday from Walmart. I am still working on my new prescription to be resent to the Mark Cuban pharmacy for the additional amount. I will message my doc again today. I have a podiatrist appointment today to inject my neuroma and the dentist tomorrow. That should complete pre vacay appointments. I am on a mission this week to organize and get ready as much as possible. Todays quote is so true, I am interested in the soup recipes Debbie comes up with. Happy Birthday @Cat in my lap. Prayers for those in need and have a great day.
  11. Good morning, I missed posting yesterday but did read the daily. I am in hyper/panic mode getting organized for this big cruise. The days are flying by. Small update on Murphy. She caught an upper respiratory infection and had to up her CPAP. She is doing better and they hope to wean her back down soon. Feedings are progressing and she is on 75% breast milk. There will be many more ups and downs. I seem to be tolerating the new medicine. The side effects are scary but I have had none. There is no bad taste and I can take it with food. I just hope I can get enough for the whole trip. I am working on vacation overrides for my other meds. I hope Vanessa gets MRI results and there is a plane to help her pain. Prayers for those in need and have a great day.
  12. Good morning, DGS is still sleeping and I am enjoying some quiet time. DS is coming over later this morning and getting the big screen TV from the downstairs family room. It was bought just before DH died and is never used. I have a new one on the main floor and hate to see it get old downstairs with no one watching. By the time the DGK’s want to be downstairs I will worry about a new one. DB is healing up well. He is released to walk on it. He is like a bull in a china closet so I hope he takes it easy. My hand is coming along nicely. I am surprised how the tendon is stiff and I need to keep exercising it. I am glad I got the earlier date. This week I hope to finish final packing on the LF bags. It is getting real now. I am glad Roy got home and is feeling better. Graham I hope the snow doesn’t last long and they can get back to work. Prayers for those in need and Bon Voyage RNB. Have a great day.
  13. Good morning, It is a frosty morning with freezing fog. Tomorrow looks to be a better day. DGS holiday program was so cute last night. He was really in to it. One little boy just stood there and cried. He was not ready for all the attention. I am shocked how much they are cleaning up the mess from the flood Graham. I am glad your gardens are safe. I hope Roy is still feeling better. Travel wears people out. Lots of pain and suffering on our thread and around the world. This will be the first Holiday season for some of our dailyites without their loved ones. My suggestion is do what you want. It will get better. Last year people kept trying to tell me what to do and how to feel. It was really about how they were feeling not me. The worst was when they said it would be what my DH and DS would want me to do. What they would want me to do is what I felt like doing. The meal sounds yummy but way too much food for one. I will try it when I have the family over. Prayers and well wishes. Have a great day.
  14. I knew it was coming as I was diabetic during pregnancy but I hoped it wouldn’t. Brenzavvy is similar to Jardiance . I know Denise T was starting on Jardiance. I hope she is doing better. Debbie you many need to switch to the pill form if you can’t get Ozempic. My insurance would have covered Jardiance if my A1C was one point higher. I don’t want it to get any higher so I am trying Brenzavvy which I can get for a fraction of what Jardiance would cost.
  15. Good morning, I let Murphy’s mom that you all thanked her for sharing the photos. There is still a long road ahead but definitely light at the end of the tunnel. I am starting a new medicine for pre diabetes today. I am not happy about it. It doesn’t matter how much I exercise keep my weight down and eat right and the numbers still rise. I know it is in the DNA and I am at increased risk but still frustrating. Unfortunately I did not tolerate metformin so I am trying Brenzavvy which insurance will not pay for. I did get a great price on Mark Cubans online pharmacy. We will see how this goes. Tonight is DGS Christmas program. I can’t wait to go. He really likes kindergarten which is a breath of fresh air after preschool was a mess with all the deaths. I am sad to read about everyone’s troubles. Hopefully it will get better soon. Prayers and well wishes. Have a great day
  16. I got permission from my niece to share pictures of Murphy. Her hair is red and those cheeks chubby from steroids. She is truly a miracle.
  17. Good morning, it will in the 50’s with occasional rain shower. I did some semi homemade cookies for DGS bake sale. My DDIL is not a baker so I had to cheat a bit due to my hand. DGS could do all of it but had help from his mom and sister. premade refrigerator peanut butter cookie dough (works better than homemade) mini peanut butter cups roll dough into balls and place in lined mini cupcake tin bake as directed remove from oven and immediately place unwrapped peanut butter cup in center For the peanut allergic kid we tried sugar cookie dough and Hershey kisses but the kisses melted into dare I say x-rated shapes! Those will be eaten by the family. Prayers and well wishes. Have a great day.
  18. Good morning, It was a busy day yesterday and looks like it will be again today. The temp will get into the 50’s today so any snow still on the ground will be gone. Prayers for our dailyites who are ill or in pain. That list has grown a bit. It looks like an explosion of dailyites will be cruising soon which is exciting. Flu and Covid are on the rise here so I will be limiting my exposure best I can before I cruise. I don’t want a repeat of my last 6 week cough for the start of my cruise. Everyone have a great day.
  19. Good morning, The snow is about half melted and will probably melt the rest away today. The roads are clear which is good as I get my sutures out this morning. Roy, I hope your tests are negative and you bounce back quickly. It sounds like they are looking for a blood clot. @Heartgrove good luck on injections and I hope DW illness is short. Prayers for all in our prayer list. Prayers for those suffering around the world. Take care and have a great day!
  20. Good morning, We had snow overnight. The prediction was 5 to 8 inches and we got about 2 inches. DGS stayed the night and will be out in it when he gets up. He tried to slide down the driveway when it started and failed. I warned him it would not work but he is one of those that has to see for himself ( just like his father). The only update I have on Murphy is that she was on 25% breast milk and 75% elemental formula. They felt they were weaning her too fast on the CPAP so they slowed it down. She continues with therapy and working on her using her vocal cords. They predict at least a couple more months. Thanks for all the prayers. Have a great day!
  21. Good morning, We had a nice dinner at DS and I have some yummy leftovers to enjoy today. Yuck for Sandi, I only know to well the misery. I hope you feel better soon. Annie I am sorry to hear you are still suffering with eating. Not sure what is on the agenda today. I think I need to make a list. I am beginning to panic a bit not being able to do much with my right hand. That should get better after the sutures are removed on Monday. Everyone have a great day.
  22. Brrrr this morning, Molly finished her business in record time. I will be going over to DS for dinner today. He is cooking a ham since they had turkey yesterday. I am ok with anything and what the DGK’s will eat is always mystery. Lots of celebrations today along with Bon Voyages. Hugs Jacqui, it will be a sentimental day. Prayers for those on care list and around the world. Have a great day!
  23. @Cruising-alongThis morning I changed our San Diego hotel back to what I'd originally booked -- Wyndham Bayside. I see several of our Dailyites will be at that hotel too. I changed to the Wyndham too. I read bad reviews about noise etc, at Best Western. Getting excited too.
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